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NN's blog post - Donations?

Friday, June 7, 2013, 4:48:54 AM
Thinking about adding a donation page - where you can specify any amount (above $2) to donate to us to help through these tough times.

Would that be of interest?


Others Have Said: 
7-Jun-13 4:57:25
I would rather help by being premium or upgrading a friend
7-Jun-13 5:22:37
Yep that is ideal - but some may already be premium for many years and just want to help out a bit more - or some might only want to contribute a very small amount.
7-Jun-13 5:23:58
Do you mean a donation page to help NN the site out.......or a donation page, where you keep the money held, for emergencies for members of the site, or say if NZ has an earthquake, or when Boston was bombed or......... That's how I took what you wrote out, but I'm not sure now after reading msiall's response.
7-Jun-13 5:32:29
Can I contribute nudles? :-)
Research Candidate
7-Jun-13 7:40:07
Seems like a good idea, in the same way as you can donate to companies where you download free software utilities from.
7-Jun-13 8:13:44
It's to keep the site going PL.

Yes it sounds like a good idea Mr NN, go for it :)
7-Jun-13 8:28:49
And what is the money to go towards exactly ?
Northern Star
7-Jun-13 9:36:59
Sure..lol I think I suggested that a few yrs back when ya came out with the supporters program and a lot of us couldnt afford it but wanted to contribute :)
7-Jun-13 10:19:39
Just a thought .... I use my phone credit to make donations as short of making phone calls I don't need to make, it's the best way to use it up. Can you set up text donation?
7-Jun-13 10:20:56
I like the idea,, do no harm to try it
7-Jun-13 10:38:20
I really have to think about this. Once upon a time ...yes! But in light of some happenings between me and NN of late I'm not ,sure. Would dare say I have spent more money on this site than anyone here...yet he threatens to delete me without a private discussion ...yeah that bothered me... Lots of thinking needed
7-Jun-13 10:48:41
I have been prem for years and due to lack of work or funds or friend perchasing for me iam now a normal !! after so many years ! sigh
7-Jun-13 10:51:04
oh NN not sure if your aware but I have started a NN short around the world with the help of Whispermyname.... once the shirt is filled with signatures from the NN'ERS AND PICS POSTED I WANT to action the shirt off and donate the funds to breast cancer ! can u helo us with doing the auction here ?
7-Jun-13 10:51:31
shirt not short ..... one to mant drinks ! heheh cheeers
7-Jun-13 10:55:48
Yay sweet nice bitch best cause ever xxxx
Research Candidate
7-Jun-13 12:18:46
Might also be good if when someone makes a donation the nag screen that free members get is disabled for a certain amount of time.
7-Jun-13 15:08:58
that coupled with a decrease in premium pricing might work.... other sites offer the same... pics...vids... forum... chat etc for as little as free to 49.99 per year... i can provide them to you if you wish...
7-Jun-13 15:25:38
In theory - this sounds good
I belong to a number of sites - non Adults ones too, gaming site I belong to offers 1 year club membership for $39.99 for a year - just saying :)
Good Luck NN :)
8-Jun-13 12:33:26
Actually, as bizarre as it sounds a price drop as a few members above have suggested could work. Studies have proven that when a government reduces tax rates, the overall tax take increases. Similarly, if you reduce the prices, you may find more members becoming premium.
8-Jun-13 17:59:26
No harm in adding a donation page to see if it gets any responses. Many other sites have this :) xxx
9-Jun-13 1:51:42
gotta agree with whisper and big. you bitch and moan about the lack of premium members nn, but you do nothing to help anyone out when we need you. you dont expect people to help and pay yet get little to no support from you do you?
9-Jun-13 7:25:26
There have been non-paying posters who have been here for years. They post for free, with limited access, emails and limited picture posting capabilities. If someone is riding the coat tails of this site for over a year, then it is time to tell them to pay up for premium or get the hell out!

For instance: Erotica*** has been on this site since 2009. They are non-premium, not verified and have over 2,000 pictures.

I don't consider them members, I consider them free loaders. Maybe it is about time NN started asking/telling these free loaders to start paying up or lose their profiles and threaten deletion.

Seriously, NN. You have too many non-paying, non-premium members who are free loading on all of our dimes.

It is time to clean house. When you start cleaning house, I will be right behind you with donations.

Start sending out "eviction" notices.
9-Jun-13 7:27:15
NN, have you even taken a count of how many free loaders have been here for over a year......or hell......since 2006 or so? It is ridiculous!
9-Jun-13 7:33:05
This does not include the members who don't post pics. There are some members here who just come to visit the blogs, the forums and status. But if you are going to post pics for over two years.......they should start paying to post.
9-Jun-13 7:34:38
You have your work cut out for you.
9-Jun-13 10:50:50
agrees with TWL ..... but some like ME single parent who has been here for mannnnny years cant afford to pay ! if it wasn't for clitttylicker id be deleted toooo
9-Jun-13 20:53:45
NB, for the well respected members like yourself, there will always be one of us to help those sincere members. You are one of them.
10-Jun-13 0:58:53
TWL .... THANK YOU and big hugs..

NN still hasn't replied as to weather they can help with doing the auction of the NN shirt Around the world yet tho?
coin going to a good cause...... BREAST CANCER and maybe a bit to NN also ??
10-Jun-13 1:58:16
I am not in a position to be able to renew my premium --- not as a single mom with a child getting ready to enter college. I would be willing to make a small donation here and there, but would appreciate if there was some type of benefit for doing so. Or, as stated already, you might find you have more folks renew if the cost was more doable.
Research Candidate
10-Jun-13 20:12:07
I have to agree with bigm2 and unfortunately, because of the things he mentions, which incidentally, others have mentioned too, I cannot see myself putting more money in to premium once mine runs out.
11-Jun-13 1:17:59
I agree twl that members who do not post should not be allowed to stay unless they pay. and by pay I mean pay cash not nudels. nudels earned from nudeling is one thing that is from bringing in other members. but twl members posting pictures is how the site thrives. if members are posting their own pictures, and are verified then to tell them if they don't pay they will be deleted, would mean losing what the site is built on, other peoples pictures...
11-Jun-13 5:12:49
But Toy, after a few years, you don't think that they can come up with some funds to pay? Saving to pay for a membership is easy. To let someone keep posting and posting for years is ridiculous. 4 years and you can't come up with some money in that long of time? Really? I know NN survives on it's pictures, but I find these posters to be taking advantage of NNs kindness and it taking it for granted.
11-Jun-13 5:15:38
I can guarantee you that even a person earning minimum wage can save a Hundred dollars in 4 yrs. The couple I used as an example surely can pay in 4 yrs. Give some a poster a good length of time and they can do it. I can assure you that if someone is given a warning of 5 months to pay, I can damn well promise you that they would. Especially they ones who have been posting pics for years and years.
11-Jun-13 6:23:26
darn typos. What was I thinking?
11-Jun-13 14:01:14
I understand TWL and people keep mentioning discounts, well why not a discount for verified posters, with a new requirement to verification, that it must be re done every 6 months or year...
11-Jun-13 14:02:04
or you lose shield and any discount
11-Jun-13 14:31:32
TWL, am I right in thinking the poster you mention is actually promoting a sex toy with every photo they post and if you google the name it takes you to their professional website? Damn right they should be paying for premium and the rest!
11-Jun-13 14:33:06
And regarding re-verifying ... surely if you're real when verified the first time, why on earth would you need to prove you're real on a regular basis. Stupid idea.
11-Jun-13 18:31:43
betty then you would lose the gold and a discount, not that it matters as you have on several occasions shit all over the whole verification process... which is why it surprised me when I saw you had posted verification pictures...
11-Jun-13 18:44:29
Care to explain that comment please MT?
11-Jun-13 19:17:38
what comment?
11-Jun-13 19:26:53
"you have on several occasions shit all over the whole verification process... which is why it surprised me when I saw you had posted verification pictures..."

For absolute clarity that ^^^ one.
11-Jun-13 19:30:38
are you going to deny having said that verification is a joke? having said that fakes can and do get verified all the time? and as for surprising me to see you posted verification yeah it surprised me when I went in and saw that you had posted verification shots, that clarify the issue for you?
11-Jun-13 19:45:05
Yes I will deny that I have ever said that fakes can and do get verified all the time. I happen to know that at least one fake has been verified (and since deleted) and I believe that Bigm2 has blogged a couple too.

I have also said in status that being verified does not prove that anyone is who they say they are or who they pretend to be. It just means they have posted photos that meet the verification rules.

Oh and thanks for looking :)
11-Jun-13 20:01:21
wish I could say you are welcome but it is part of the job of being a mod... I had to look and make sure that they passed the rules of verification before I could say that you should be verified. They did meet the rules as did your account and gallery so I cleared you for verification... ooh and this is a comment for betty...
11-Jun-13 20:14:47
So does more than one mod have to verify the pictures then? I only ask because I do actually know which mod verified me.
11-Jun-13 20:33:32
well unless you are NN you cant know, betty... but I know what happened when I looked, and so does the site
11-Jun-13 20:43:43
Yes I do actually. Hey ho.
11-Jun-13 21:35:18
So being here is fun most I the time... I don't really post pics.... So for me I just like to have a little banter.... i do tend to blog music I like and recently dedicated some music for people I care for...... If nudles are not to be used for premium I think was mentioned certain individuals will have a large amount of nudles with nothing to do with them.... I no for certain some people have donated these to fellow members for a years premium, nice gesture indeed.......shame to stop this....you always get disagreements of what is correct or incorrect.... Have a open list of the agenda and have people pass the views and record and count for or against. No vote can't complain I think ...... Sorry to interrupt this as none member it's up to members In my opinion.... Looking at mods I've made my feelings known on that score..... Still like clarity on who controls the mute and how ?
13-Jun-13 13:57:03
<<<freeloader :)
10-Jul-13 10:11:30
Betty has changed her mind.