Mr Bacon renewed his passport, acquired top level security clearance and turned into a sardine for his flight to another planet, wondering yet again how Canadia managed to cover 95% of the earth’s surface.
After resting up, and other stuff, he headed west to experience some more Texas …. and other stuff. Naturally there was food involved, this was Merica after all.
Not wanting to go native (aka rotund), Mr Bacon found time to take some gentle exercise, above and below ground.
A museum tour included taking a nap on a conveniently located bed and having a bit of chinwag with Ole Sparky. And a light snack, of course.
He did encounter one or two natives on his travels, proving once again that everything really is bigger …...
A return to his favourite eateries ensued and intrepid exploration of new venues was most satisfactory and will bear repetition.
All good things come to an end, including this American Adventure. Mr Bacon girded his loins with Starbucks and Jelly Bellies for his cattle class flight home, only to be upgraded for a much more pleasurable experience.
His luggage was not so fortunate ….