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Help & FAQ

Please see the Question and Answers below to see if your question has already been answered.

If you can't see the issue addressed, then please

Make a support request

I didn't get my Activation Email, what can I do?

You can re-request an activation email, simply go to this page and do so. If after that you still haven't received it there is normally one quick answer to this - AOL, Yahoo or Hotmail (or similar). AOL, Hotmail & some other providers treat email from us as spam - so just disable your spam blocker or check your spam folder for our activation email.

Dont forget, If you want to re-send your activation email, then all you need to do is fill in this form, using the same account name. Here is a link to the form

Why do I not see all the pics I have uploaded?

Photo uploads are moderated and thus there are a few reasons why you may not see the pics you have uploaded. These reasons are:

  • They may contain inappropriate materials
  • There may be too many with the same subject (too much repetition)
  • They may be of poor quality

Can I delete my pictures?

Yes, you can do this using the Photo Manager

What are Verified Posters?

Verified posters are members of this site that submit photos & videos that we believe are genuine.

Posters are verified by inspection of their verification submission photos for authenticity and that they are representative of their posts. Verified posters have a next to their name on the photos page.

How do I become a Verified Poster?

We review all posters that submit genuine "NN Stamped" pics. If you submit pictures according to the a href="/rules/#verification">photo verification rules here then once your photos are reviewed, we will verify you.

Why can't I see the videos?

There may be a few reasons why you can't see videos..

Firstly, you must be a premium member. If you are not, there are a few sample videos on this page.

If you are already a premium member, and are logged on, then you should be able to view videos by clicking on the large image that represents the video.

If you are definitely logged in, then please make sure you try with any internet security programs such as Norton Internet Security or Zone alarm turned off.

I want to contact you, how do I do this?

Please make a support request .


What is membership for, do I need it?

Membership of nn.sfwsite.com allows you to see photos & protect your user name, so people you correspond with will know that it is you they are dealing with. Membership is required to do most things on the site. Standard membership is totally free and will always be so Join Here.

How does a payment to NN appear on my credit card statement?

Your credit card will have - PH: +1 (310) 928 1612" on the statement which are all very discreet.

Premium Membership

What is NN Premium Membership?

NN Premium Membership has been introduced for many reasons. The first is to offer another way for you to support this site, so we can continue to provide this site for free to the vast majority of users. The second is to let you see high resolution photos, that are sent to us in all their glory, with digital cameras improving at a rapid pace, the quality of many of the pics on NN needs to be seen to be believed. Thirdly , you can view ALL the great videos that our users have uploaded. Fourth, you can manage your uploaded photos with our photo manager.

How Much is it and is it discreet?

We have deliberately made the cost for premium membership extremely affordable, starting at only US$16.66 per month! (6 month membership).

Read all about the options for Premium Membership here

How do I get Premium Membership?

The first step is to register as a member of NN from the members page. When you activate your standard membership, you will see a section that talks about upgrading your membership. Click the link (which goes here). You will then be able to choose the length of your premium membership and the payment method. If you are already a standard member, you may upgrade to Premium Membership after you login, on the Your Account page.

Is this site just becoming another Pay Site?

No. As we have continually stated we will not be removing any existing functionality for non paying users. We will simply be adding extra functionality to reward those that support us either by donations that were prior to the introduction of Premium Membership, or by upgrading to premium membership.

How do I use my Premium Membership?

To see the Big Pictures (BigPix) or videos on the site, you will first need to login to the site. You may do this from the top right hand corner of any page. Once you have logged in and you visit the Photos section you will note that there are no banner ads and you will see some text under the photos that have a "BigPix" version. To view it simply click on the photo. Photos that don't have a big version will not be "clickable". You will also be able to view the videos in the same way you view the big pix. You will need to log in each time you visit the site to enable the "Bigger Picture" ;-)

How Big are Premium Membership "BigPix"?

BigPix will vary in size, but they are all over 800 pixels wide. Some BigPix are as large as 2048 pixels wide. BigPix typically now come from 3,4,5 and even 6 Mega Pixel Digital cameras, these pictures are better than film quality.

How do I ensure that Pictures I upload are classed as "BigPix"?

Any picture larger than 800 pixels wide will be classed as a "BigPix". When taking your photos - make sure that your digital camera settings are set to the best possible quality. This is normally called "fine" or "superfine" and the size should be the largest size your camera supports. Your camera will need to be at least 2 MegaPixels to take pictures large enough to be classed as a Big Pic..

I have a Re-Billing Plan, where do I cancel it?

If you chose the super cheap re-billing plan, we email you 3 days before we renew it each month, offering you a reminder to cancel if you want. If you want to cancel it now, you can cancel it here


Why can I only see the sample videos and not the ones in the thumbnail area?

Because of the cost of delivering videos, we have had to make the videos available only to Premium Members. Premium Membership also allows you to see much larger and better quality photos, so at less than $16.66 per month (based on 6 month membership) it is good value. Become a premium member (after you have become a standard free member) simply by upgrading from the upgrade page.

How do I make Videos to send??

Most digital still cameras now capture movie files as well! Once you have filmed your movie - download it to your PC as you would your still images. You will find the movie has a file suffix such as AVI (Earlier Canons) or MPG (Sonys) or maybe even .MOV (later Canons). It doesn't matter what the suffix is - just upload it here and we will convert it to something that everyone can view easily.

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