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Viewing Member - unsullied

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Monday, May 18, 2009, 7:07:35 AM- Multiple cammers
So today, in an attempt to fulfill my wish to have lots of guys watch me at once, I tried to get some guys together to watch me cam tongue Alas, it got a little crazy since it's impossible to chat to like 10 people, so in the end people went offline, got bored, or whatever else, and I was left with 4 or 5 by the end of it tongue Not bad, for msn. I am not usually in the mood for camming, but when I am, I REALLY am I guess haha.

Also, when you can't see them, it isn't as hot. I definitely want to try such a thing in real life, with guys watching me play with myself- either they would be stroking, or maybe helping out a bit, and maybe it would end up as some kind of orgy. Afraid I still can't get turned on by the idea of other girls being involved, I guess I want all those guys to myself wink

Only three more months to go before I'm back in Canada, phew! Japan is currently getting crazy about swine flu, so hopefully there won't be any trouble going home. My school hasn't been closed yet, but it might only be a matter of time! Hope you're all well, the weather here is definitely summer-like now, except with days that are cold and rainy here and there, ick!! The bugs are starting to reappear unfortunately, and soon I won't be able to leave a pile of dishes up the the top of the sink without my kitchen smelling funky instantly! Ah well, time to get vigilant, bug poison and bleach, here I come!!

Talk to you folks later wink

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"I don't think it was so much that they didn't want to show me as that the program would have died on me! It wasn't working all that well anyways, much to my chagrin."
- unsullied

Sunday, April 26, 2009, 7:24:00 AM- Pissed off!!
Okay, so in the notices section of NN someone decided to write the following:
WHY?? - steelerloop :
Friday, April 24, 2009, 7:08:00 AM

Why is it that 85% of the women on NN are fat and ugly? A joke or what???

Thanks for your not-so-thoughtful comment buddy, but you are almost 50 and not that attractive, and there are probably many if not more men who may fit into the same category who you decided not to mention. You also seem you have more than 300 friends who looks like nice hot girls to me.

The women of NN don't deserve that, and I think it's a stupid, judgmental thing to say. It is a notice board, not a trash-other-people board. There are some people here who love big women, or big men, and every physique in-between. On a website celebrating amateur people showing off their bodies, the biggest turn-off of all is people who are insensitive and close-minded.

Sigh, ok /end rant tongue Sometimes I just need to speak my mind.
Sorry there aren't pics accompanying this blog, I will do my best sad Any suggestions??

~sully xoxo
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"Oh well, the world is full of them :)

How about something indicitive of Japan, as you're (presumably) not going to be there forever!"
- Sallinque

Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 8:25:06 AM- Sex Partners : A Survey
So I seem to have a real hangup over how many people I've slept with. I was brainwashed my girl's teen magazines that nice guys don't want to date/marry girls who have slept with more than 2 or 3 guys. I know now that this is bullshit, especially after talking to people on places like NN, but a part of me can't totally let go of that mindset of "a girl who sleeps around is a naughty bad-girl slut". I consider myself quite the good girl, I don't want to have anything to do with the words slut and whore. Sex is a beautiful thing (well, isn't it?!) and I don't need degrading names tacked on to me because I happen to enjoy it. I need to get over that, or at least not beat myself up over it, so I can enjoy being more uninhibited in future tongue I know I've mentioned this a bit before, but have been thinking again lately. I have a lot of unfulfilled fantasies, and I don't want to be held back because social pressure told me to!

So... for those of you feeling candid enough to answer, what is your Sex Partner Count? Ever regret any of those? If you found out a significant other or person you had just met had slept with like 30 or 50 or 200 people would that change the way you say them for the worse?

My answer:

Sex Partner Count: 7
How many were in relationships: 2
How many were one-night-stands: 2
How many do I regret: 3

And while I am all for sexual freedom, if I found out a significant other had slept with 200 people, I would be a bit thrown, mostly because I'd worry about stds. I think I would be more concerned if I'd only known someone for a bit, since a guy that sleeps around is sometimes a player, and I wouldn't yet know the person and would make a harsher judgment as a result.

No need to report on all of those things, and if you want to PM me instead be my guest wink I'm just really curious about how important the number of sex partners is these days!!

Love and kisses xoxo

sully heart
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"7? your pussy isn't even broken in until at least 30. go out and get some experience."
- duckboy_duckboy_duck

Sunday, April 19, 2009, 12:10:23 PM-
So I am sitting here naked eating a cold chocolate chip pancake, and it is delicious.
Just thought you might like to know tongue

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"you have inspired me to go to the kitchen and make chocolate chip waffles for Milk and I!
Honey aka the bf"
- Honey&Milk

Thursday, April 16, 2009, 9:27:02 AM- Nap!!! Oh, and couchsurfers, right...
So today I am super-tired, even though it's only the second day at a school since going back to classes! In part that's because I was lazy and forgot about making a bento for lunch, so I got home from drum practice and had to stay up late making a lunch I wouldn't be ashamed if people at school saw me eating (and may I say it was very colourful!).

So yeah, I drifted through the day and had students stare at me while I yawned, but now I am home! Thinking dirty thoughts that are all in a tangle and aren't going anywhere, so I think I will nap in a minute (in red panties and a sweater in case you are wondering). This weekend I am hosting some couchsurfers, is anyone else part of the Couchsurfing project? Hopefully they won't mind mentioning their name on here, but ya know. Anyways, a couple of cracks have gone around with me and my friends about it being a good way to hook up with random foreigners traipsing across Japan, though I have found most to not be the single type I would be interested in. I really enjoy showing people around if I can, so far of the people I've hosted none have been from the same country. It's awesome! If only I could get up off my ass to clean my house, it's got discarded clothes (pantyhose, socks, and shirts mostly, which I can't be bothered to put anywhere or wash), dirty dishes filling the sink and dust bunnies swirling around in the corners when I walk by.... ugh. Time to get on that! That is part of the reason I don't take as many pictures, because my place is so much of a mess, I have to worry about shoving kleenexes and dishes and clothing off of every surface. I must say, a nude photo would be quite distracting with mess all over the place. I really don't enjoy living in my own filth (and in truth, it's not THAT bad), so back to the nap idea tongue I will nap... and THEN clean. Splendid, glad that's decided on.

Talk to you sexy folks later,

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"I'm sure no one would mind a couple of dust bunnies if we saw you in your red panties ans sweater. :o)"
- jphiggins

Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 1:22:23 PM- Yo!
Okay, so in lieu of a bunch of pics for the 30 000 thinger, I posted a 2minute+ video, yay! I hope you like it, all you premium folks (and sorry to the rest, I got all busy and then went on vacation, how thoughtless of me!! I shaved and everything, but ran outta time to take any pics!)
So yes, thanks to everyone who looks at my pics, my profile, my blog and sends me lovely messages and all that!! I really love NN, and despite having some problems with rude/annoying people in the past, I guess that's just part of life.

Anyways, as for what I've been up to, I recently went to the Philippines to do snorkeling and beach-y things, and managed to come out of it un-burnt!! I have a bit of a tan, which I like, even the freckles that have appeared on my nose! I'm pretty paranoid about sun damage, which isn't helped by the fact that the Japanese are OBSESSED with wearing sunscreen/hats/gloves/sunglasses and arm covers and parasols et cetera to keep themselves as pale as possible! Sun damage is a big no-no here, and there are all kinds of bleaching products to keep women un-tanned. I do like that much better than North America, I have to say, with the unhealthy tanning salons and stuff that basically promote you getting wrinkly and skin cancer-y, ick!

Now I'm back in Japan and it's just the start of the sakura season. Cherry blossom viewing is a serious thing in Japan, and I've been looking forward to being in Japan for sakura for probably 10 years! I've seen some beautiful trees so far but think I will see a lot this weekend as I'm going to several festivals! Despite the fact that this is way colder than the Philippines (what a rude shock, coming back!), spring is in the air! It will probably be a month or so before it gets disgustingly hot and humid until October, so I am enjoying the weather while it's bearable!

Anyways, I hope you are all having a fantastic week, or at least not a bad one wink I've been INSANELY horny lately, made worse by all the hot guys in bathing suits in the Philippines. Only a little more than 3 months and I will be visiting home. I feel like I'm getting desperate enough to count the days! I've never felt so sex-deprived in my life! Ugh tongue I hope your sex lives are all awesome and spiffy and stuff, cause no sex sucks! (I'm feeling eloquent today, har har).

Until next time!
sully xoxo
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"I think freckles can be really cute and sexy! xxxxxx"
- mammary

Saturday, February 28, 2009, 4:14:11 PM- Almost at 30 000 :P
Okay, so I know this is the second post in a day, but forgot to mention that my profile is almost at 30 000 views, amazing O__O I know I've been around here for like 5 years (wow, how does that happen), and have made friends and had a lot of fun on this website!

To those of my friends who are hoping to see a new post soon, I will do my best to have a nice new set of photos in honour of this momentous occurrence (har har). I always meant to do such a thing before but would always miss landmarks but a long shot because apparently I can't pay attention tongue So I will try to jump the gun a bit on this one so I actually make it in time!! Thanks a lot to everyone who looks at my pictures, and especially those of you who read my blog, it's nice to have people out there who care :

Thanks again, and loads of hugs and kisses heart
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"Please allow me to learn Japanese, in order to praise your beauty!"
- ka ha'i

Saturday, February 28, 2009, 3:38:11 AM- Uuuugh
So, just found out to my horror that I've gained 6 pounds while in Japan >_<
I'd been avoiding scales (and they were in kilograms anyways), but finally faced one at a hot springs the other day. I suppose it's eating all this rice. Not just my imagination I was getting a bigger double-chin O__O

I think I'm mostly terrified of being 25 next year, that's when one's body goes downhill unless you exercise a lot, and I have no such exercise routine despite trying lots of things to force myself out of being so damn lazy! I think I will attempt to eat shitload more veggies, at least then I will be getting nutrients as well as getting pudgy... shudder!

Anyways, sorry about the downer post, just nowhere else I can really talk about it wink My friends here would scoff at me, probably tongue How about all you folks on NN? I'm sure that keeping one's body in shape is always an issue, especially when it's a naked body. There are the other side that don't care of course, but apparently I am not one of them smile

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"As the song goes "24 & there's so much more"..I always thought my 30s were my best decade...all the energy of youth but also the wisdom of experience...optimised. But now I think my 50's are the best (which is where I am now) ...its the decade on which all your previous life is reflected. xxxxxx"
- mammary

Thursday, February 5, 2009, 10:56:54 AM- Dildos
So I have been thinking lately that I have been suffering without sex for way too long (ugh, who ever thought 6 months would be so horrible?? I managed 8 just fine). Instead of just blindly fucking the first willing foreigner who walks by me, I've been thinking about getting a nice thick realistic dildo to play with when I'm feeling like I need a good fuck. It'll have to do the trick until I get back for my quick visit home in August!!

Not only would I have something to ride if I was feeling bored or horny lolling around my apartment, but I'm sure it would make for some nice videos, and I'm kinda feeling ready to get my thoughts together on more pics. As soon as the weather warms up I'm sure I'll be in high spirits again. God, it's so hot here in the summer that I can barely keep my clothes on in my apartment wink Any ideas on that front?

I've been looking at the really nice realistic ones with bases- it seems like the ones based on porn stars are the nicest, but I don't know anything about porn (besides NN) and most of the guys I find hairy in a bad way haha. My guilty pleasure lately has been reading romance novels (for the sex scenes and the flirting/human interaction), but anytime they mention any kind of hairy pelt... ick!! Spare me haha.

So, with any luck I will have a nice approximation of a hard, willing cock around to keep me satisfied, cause right now I am craving a load of cum down my throat, and a Hard & Fast pounding until I can't move anymore!!
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"I think you can get ones that do the cum bit too. hehe ;o)"
- jphiggins

Monday, January 19, 2009, 9:12:33 AM- Tentatively Back... :P
Hey everyone, been a while, hasn't it?
Or as they say in Japan, hisashiburi! I've been insanely busy the past couple of months, and it looks like now that school is picking up after the holidays that I will be ever busier... eek!

The sex and boys situation is regrettably exactly the same, so please don't ask if I've met new people or acquired a boy-toy, this is a remote spot and the possibility is about .001% of me finding someone I would shack up with, and even then it would be a desperate act. I've read about what guys expect of girls when it comes to sex here, and it sounds like "maguro" is the word to describe it (think tuna sushi, or me lying there like a dead fish, how exciting for me... >_> ) So yeah, not too keen to hook up with Japanese guys, who I can't talk with anyways, and there sure as HELL aren't any non-Japanese boys around here. Ah well.

On the other hand, I'm really loving it here and have decided to stay a second year. I know I will go crazy sex-wise, but I have plans to visit home over the summer, where I will just have to get my fill by being a fuck-bunny for a few weeks straight tongue And then go back to xxxxxx celibacy. Sigh!!

Hope you've all been well, and I apologize to those friends I have made for my lengthy absence. The pictures I've posted now are just a couple to get things started, and I apologize that they're poor cam quality. Usually I pride myself in having nice and clear large photos. I will have to get my little heating unit turned on full blast if I plan to take photos in the near future though, I can currently see my breath inside my own apartment!!

Anyways, that's enough talking for now,

sully heart

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"Sounds like you're having an amazing time, congratulations!"
- briareos

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