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Fri, 7-Feb-25 3:38 PM (6 days ago)
I like to try and thank people for their likes and comments,doesn't take up much time but when it states I can't view a profile well you don't get a thank you do you 🤣🥀🍺
Hi, Ms. Adele 💋
(6 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Someone has been here for 15 years and sent me a friend request and I’m like nope nothing is filled in still
(6 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine and k12agy1 like this
Well im off to bed....night Chelseasmile
(6 days ago)
Chelseagal80 likes this
Why be in NN if you can't interact with people?
(5 days ago)
Moving quietly in the shadows, Slowly following Adele down the hall to her bedroom.🛌 So what board game you want to play 😂😂
(5 days ago)
Chelseagal80 likes this
Tue, 11-Feb-25 8:17 PM (2 days ago)
OH MY! how can it be confused i got my 5 year badge! WOO HOO yahoo in celebration, NN says pizza & beer is on him LOL
Five years of hard on looking at your sexy body
(2 days ago)
A hard five years because of you.
(2 days ago)
Five Years of jerk, looking at you...
(2 days ago)
(2 days ago)
Wodja likes this
congrats !!! never gets old checking you out
(1 day ago)
seductivestacia likes this
Tue, 4-Feb-25 8:53 PM (9 days ago)
Her: “I really don’t like pizza .” Me: “Okay, this date is over. What kind of Monster are you?
She’s nearly Welsh then 😜
(7 days ago)
ksaint and nosanity like this
^^sounds like there could be a Saturday night pizza party at Smitten'splace!!
(6 days ago)
smittenforyou and ksaint like this
Never met a pizza I didn't like, except the fishy ones
(5 days ago)
Nosanity, let's do it!
(5 days ago)
nosanity likes this
How about taking her to a far away tropical island were they cover their pizza with native pinapples....smile
(5 days ago)
Tue, 4-Feb-25 12:47 AM (10 days ago)
Let's be very clear - lots of us like looking at naked women. But only when it's their choice...
Participants, not victims! 😳
(10 days ago)
Cheers to that... I just saw a post from male milf and had to shake my head..I mean come on
(9 days ago)
I was also thinking of a certain "artist" at the Grammies...
(9 days ago)
smittenforyou likes this
(9 days ago)
Mr_Vein likes this
Wed, 12-Feb-25 12:01 PM (2 days ago)
My wife told me to whisper dirty things to her… So I whispered ‘kitchen, bedroom and living room.’ I’m sleeping on the couch now. LOL
Sun, 9-Feb-25 2:34 PM (4 days ago)
🙏 Always take a minute to remember boiled water. It will be mist.
Take care
(4 days ago)
MitchandDaisy likes this
If she splashes in any sea water in the UK at the moment she's become an Ice Ice Babe!
(4 days ago)
(4 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this
things are getting steamy in here
(4 days ago)
That's pretty clever Mitch. At the other extreme, it's kinda like drinking too much freezing cold water. It will be pissed. smile
(4 days ago)
Fri, 7-Feb-25 4:30 AM (7 days ago)
I got an early valentines day gift....the bear is almost as tall as me 😆 🤣
Just sayin', you get frisky with the bear, we're gonna want to see pictures. (My lovely Mrs is a little over 2 inches shorter than you. You two would make a lovely pair.)
(6 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Damn and I thought I was short 😆 🤣
(6 days ago)
bimarriedbottom and McPhallus like this
My younger sister (R.I.P) was 4' 11"
(6 days ago)
Fun size!!! 😂😂😂
(6 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Fun sized indeed!
(6 days ago)
Wed, 5-Feb-25 3:59 PM (8 days ago)
Back to work tonight had a lovely week off to recuperate over Xmas been for lots of coffee with friends spoke to people about my mental health as that was a shit week but I’m ok now
Awwee glad you are ok now lovely lady xxx
(8 days ago)
Chelseagal80 likes this
Aww thanks Adele we have a staff room so that’s where all all have to go lol
(8 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine and Mr_Vein like this
I go outside cos I'm a smoker. But unless I want to stand under a tree, there's only one option.
(8 days ago)
I also smoke as well so it’s ok lol
(8 days ago)
Mr_Vein and kennybee like this
(8 days ago)
Tue, 4-Feb-25 5:00 PM (9 days ago)
I'm going to make more cookie croissants tonight,best thing I ever put in my mouth...well except of course ,you know bj
With some good hot strong coffee…Breakfast of Champions!
(9 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Love to cum over and test that theory!
(9 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Is cookie croissant code word for anything? Because I'm eating that sweet buttery goodness
(8 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Nope just what it is...very sweet and indulgent Bryan 💋..hey bimarried yes needs strong coffee I can't abide weak coffee and sure spunky 💋💟
(8 days ago)
BryanP47 likes this
AGR, you really know how to tease us boys...pics in your gallery AND cookies in status !!
(8 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Sun, 2-Feb-25 6:46 PM (11 days ago)
Going to bake some banana bread soon,how's that for a FB status grin
That is one thing other than carrot cake that I have never made,only other vegetable cake/bread I ever made was avocado bread which was delicious
(10 days ago)
smittenforyou likes this
Now you have something new to try then!
(10 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
One of these days. ...I remember when I was very young my Mom use to buy sweet bread in a can...loved the stuff
(10 days ago)
smittenforyou likes this
Hey sexy Adele! 😉😘
(10 days ago)
Hello sexy jimbo 💋 😘
(10 days ago)
Straightjimbo93 likes this
Fri, 31-Jan-25 4:30 PM (13 days ago)
Goodmorning,afternoon and good evening.....there I think that covers it 😆 🤣
28 days till march.
(13 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Today was 36 F tomorrow will be 15 F 😆....hello Phineas 💋
(13 days ago)
We have 39f/4c with 53f/12c by Monday.
(13 days ago)
Just walk away Phineas 😆 🤣 you're making me green 💚 with envy and I'm going to have towhip you
(13 days ago)
Phineas_J_Whoopee likes this
Don't threaten me with a good time. grin
(13 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Mon, 10-Feb-25 2:20 PM (3 days ago)
Thank you to all your comments and likes on my BJ picture. Lots have asked if I’m with a man now. The answer is nope. I’m still single and still looking. That’s another Valentine’s Day on my own 😆 x
Thank you for sharing your beauty !!!! 🙌💓💓💓💋💋💋💋😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝
(3 days ago)
All of your pictures are sexy and beautiful. How are you not with someone, M or F is beyond me .
(3 days ago)
If I could swim, I be their next to you!
(3 days ago)
(3 days ago)
Hope you find all that you are looking for. Happy Valentine’s Day.
(2 days ago)
Mon, 3-Feb-25 11:53 PM (10 days ago)
I went to the bar last night. They played The Twist, so I did the the twist. They played Jump, so I jumped. They played Come On Eileen.....that's when I got kicked out...
You should have stuck around, right after that they played Juicy J's ''Slob on my Knob'' tongue.
(10 days ago)
MidnightWriter and McPhallus like this
You just can't please some people!
(10 days ago)
I always miss the best part 🤷‍♂️😭
(10 days ago)
MitchandDaisy likes this
I know a woman named Eileen. One year for halloween she wore a blue dress with a white stain on it. Everyone asked what she was, "Monica"? No, the song, Cum on Eileen.
(10 days ago)
(10 days ago)
Fri, 7-Feb-25 12:06 AM (7 days ago)
dance When it's 2005 and the movie you've been downloading for 3 days on Limewire is ready.
I brought warehouse 13 on dvd on trade me hehe the pick up was a second hand shop and the coolest shop I've ever seen they had every thing from LPS to cassettes to 1960 car magazines 👍
(7 days ago)
at least it only takes me 4 h these days lol
(6 days ago)
MitchandDaisy likes this
Raven2005 is mysified....confused
(6 days ago)
MitchandDaisy likes this
Porn was so long on that lime wire
(3 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
When it's the early 90's and the nudie picture you started downloading last night from the BBS is finally ready and it's someone with a horse
(3 days ago)
McPhallus and mrmunchy like this
Sun, 2-Feb-25 11:45 AM (12 days ago)
I just applied for life insurance, they asked me 'do you participate in any dangerous activities?' I replied, 'Yes sometimes I disagree with my wife!' blink
I was renewing my car insurance and they asked if I had a dog. "Yes". Well, maybe you could insure your dog too. "Don't be stupid - he can't drive!"
(11 days ago)
I guess they refused to insure spunky, his memorial will be advised after his wife gets through with him LOL
(11 days ago)
Mr_Vein likes this
Sat, 1-Feb-25 9:02 PM (12 days ago)
Cookies fresh out of the oven,chocolate chip I also made the viral cookie croissants.. the croissant takes away some of the sweetness...what is my status too FB 😆
Hi bimarried,yes do tell us about your bread...hi sweetaspie lenny 💋..hello Breastman4life either or loo and hey
(12 days ago)
lennynatural likes this
Hey k12.. cookies are good no matter the time xxx
(12 days ago)
k12agy1 likes this
(12 days ago)
I'd like to taste Adele's cookies. grin
(12 days ago)
The recipe calls it bread but it’s not really. It’s all seeds and nuts, psyllium husk, flax, a bit of flour I added as binder. Nutritious, filling, fiber rich.
(12 days ago)
Wed, 12-Feb-25 1:23 PM (1 day ago)
We've moved up north, settling in, and ready for more fun!!
Welcome Back Emily!
(1 day ago)
So will visitors now get a real northern welcome if they mention NN?
(1 day ago)
How far north? Enquiring minds in NE Scotland wish to know...
(1 day ago)
Missed you so much sweetheart Ron
(1 day ago)
Who's Sweetheart Ron? 🤔
(1 day ago)
captain__82 and Pete_from_Aus like this
Sat, 8-Feb-25 2:41 PM (5 days ago)
I have roughly 6 hours of Jimmy Buffet queued up. Having sausage & eggs for breakfast, then Mrs S for lunch! Hope all you fuckers have a great day, time to get busy! ✌🏼
Only really like one song by him but it’s one of my favorite songs in general, A Pirate Looks At 40.
(5 days ago)
smittenforyou likes this
He Went to Paris & met a Son of a Sailor Man
(5 days ago)
Don't forget the Margaritas & Landshark!
(4 days ago)
smittenforyou likes this
Landshark...now Im thirsty for beer
(4 days ago)
smittenforyou likes this
Not a huge fan of that Landshark beer. I mean if there's a cooler full on ice and nothing else, I'll drink and be merry, lol! 🍻
(4 days ago)
Thu, 13-Feb-25 6:24 PM (18 hours ago)
A big busty woman stepped into the elevator. Evidently, I was staring at her BOOBS when she said “Would you press one?” So, I did. I don’t remember much after that.blushing
Sounds like you pressed the wrong one.
(15 hours ago)
(15 hours ago)
McPhallus likes this
Spunky, you pressed the “floor” button by mistake LOL
(8 hours ago)
''floored'' ??
(8 hours ago)
Pete_from_Aus likes this
Floored would make more sense Arty, I stand humbled and corrected LOL
(7 hours ago)
Artistic likes this
Wed, 12-Feb-25 11:45 AM (2 days ago)
I never thought laundry detergent could go bad. But it seems the Tide has turned.
I think it’s alll washed out……
(2 days ago)
Rick12111, EmuLater and McPhallus like this
That's a Bold statement
(1 day ago)
This is a good one
(1 day ago)
Tue, 11-Feb-25 11:43 AM (3 days ago)
School call today, they say my daughter needs to be in special classes… I’ve been doing her homework.crying:
A friend of mine told me the best 10 years of his life was grade 6 LOL
(3 days ago)
Biggest kid on the playground
(3 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus likes this
(3 days ago)
spunky4u likes this
i actually stopped doing homework with my friends daughter, realizing i was correcting her dialect LOL
(2 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus likes this
Mon, 10-Feb-25 5:08 PM (3 days ago)
Is it 1 word Blowjob or 2 words Blow Job ?? I’m writing a valentines card and it’s important to be grammatically correct …..
Roses are red, I wanna lick your butthole. Oh wait that doesn’t rhyme at all…😆
(3 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus likes this
Roses are red, grammar got run over by a reindeer while in bed w00t
(3 days ago)
happyhumper69 likes this
Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you. But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar is lumpy and so is your head.
(3 days ago)
happyhumper69 and captain__82 like this
Roses are red, violets are glorious, never surprise Oscar Pistorious. w00t
(3 days ago)
captain__82 likes this
Roses are red, violets are blue, do you use anti-dandruff shampoo? w00t
(3 days ago)
happyhumper69 likes this
Wed, 5-Feb-25 12:05 PM (9 days ago)
If you are having a bad day it could be worse. Imagine running into a wall with a boner and breaking your nose first.blushing
Army lesson: Things are never so bad they can’t be worse. 🤣 Lucky for me I won’t break my nose first!
(8 days ago)
Rick12111 and McPhallus like this
You should be happy, your nose was protecting your cock!
(8 days ago)
So now your nose is swollen too!!!
(8 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Tue, 4-Feb-25 12:25 PM (10 days ago)
Due to the extreme cold, all Walmart customers are being urged to wear two pair of pajamas while shopping brickwall
Would be funny if it wasn’t true …
(9 days ago)
When your store has its own website making fun of your customers…maybe they look at it as free advertising!
(9 days ago)
Rick12111 and Mr_Vein like this
I see. Trousers are not allowed in Walmart...ohmy
(9 days ago)
Mon, 3-Feb-25 3:20 PM (10 days ago)
A cab driver that uses sat nav and still manages to get lost LOL Oh my god..
(10 days ago)
Unfamiliar environs?
(10 days ago)
Not even that.. I'm afraid he really needs to be checked out 🤐
(10 days ago)
Sun, 9-Feb-25 11:47 PM (4 days ago)
When confronted, real people will stand their ground. Fakes will block everyone that doesn't believe them. 🤷🏽 Meanwhile we'll just keep groovin! ✌🏼
Sun, 9-Feb-25 11:50 AM (5 days ago)
I went out for a few drinks last night and woke up in the middle of the night next to some chick who was snoring and farting, I knew at that moment I made it home safely. LOL
Living life on the edge there Spunky. LOL
(5 days ago)
Sat, 8-Feb-25 1:15 PM (5 days ago)
I decided in recognition of my latest pic I'll give out safe words.
wildwayz commented next. our safe word is 'excellent.'. since your favorite actor is Keanu Reeves, saying excellent should make you go into a bill and ted air guitar. that will stop the activity.
(5 days ago)
smittenforyou likes this
shatzi, I see you are German, so our safe word will be my favorite number: funfhundertfunfundfungzeig
(5 days ago)
whipman (who next commented on the picture of the girl with a whip - name checks out), our safe word shall be plasma. one, it's a cool word, and two, you said giving blood makes you happy
(5 days ago)
I’m soooooo very vanilla…I want nothing to do with activities that require a safe word. 😂
(5 days ago)
My safe word is “olly olly oxen free”.
(4 days ago)
Fri, 7-Feb-25 5:41 PM (6 days ago)
Just been attacked on my way home by 3 fellas. I managed knock one out - which I know - it’s no time to be having a wank , but I was worried it might be my last …..
see i was watching A&E after dark, uk hospitals, and drunks and dero's tying up po lease so thats why there no fekin coppers on patrol, dribble draws bein drunk, needin horsepetal treatmint !!
(6 days ago)
😆 🤣
(6 days ago)
I got all confused reading this, 3 guys on one, wanking, very distracting! 🤣 Well whatever, glad you pulled through.
(6 days ago)
Nice work Damian. Made me laugh out loud. I wonder if Ravers perhaps doesn't understand the meaning in this case of knock one out...?
(6 days ago)
Hears ot before, but still had a laugh at some of the comments
(6 days ago)
Fri, 7-Feb-25 11:42 AM (7 days ago)
She just text me and said I can still smell your colon on my pillow, and that is why spelling matters.bounce
Fri, 7-Feb-25 11:07 AM (7 days ago)
Thank you and I am so glad you are all enjoying my pics so much xxx
They are hot 🔥 and sexy 🥵
(7 days ago)
Thank you for sharing! 🔥🔥🔥
(6 days ago)
And thank you for being an active part of the NN community.... xxx
(6 days ago)
Tue, 11-Feb-25 1:30 AM (3 days ago)
I've lost 8 lbs, 20% of my goal. Not as far as I would like to be but it's somewhere.
Good job!
(3 days ago)
Phineas_J_Whoopee likes this
Great going, keep up the hard work and you’ll reach your goal! 👍
(3 days ago)
Phineas_J_Whoopee likes this
Ive lost 10 lbs in about 6 weeks. I put on 12 lb cost I got hooked on crinkle cut crisps nd biscuits. Lost the weight just cutting out those two things. smile
(2 days ago)
That's a great start!
(2 days ago)
Mon, 10-Feb-25 11:49 AM (4 days ago)
How much do you normally spend on a bottle of wine? Me: about 30 minutes, Max.blink
thats why i found a few good boxvines,,,safer carrying home too wink
(3 days ago)
smittenforyou and McPhallus like this
Haha! Enjoying a glass of red right now after a short night & a long day.
(3 days ago)
Sat, 8-Feb-25 4:07 PM (5 days ago)
Great 🍟 weekend to all.
Mmm fries..
(5 days ago)
Mr_Vein likes this
Could be McYuckieish, however I told that they could be worst...
(5 days ago)
Right back to ya!!!
(5 days ago)
Alexeis, a nice smile like yours helps a lot...smile...
(5 days ago)
Same to you!
(5 days ago)
Fri, 7-Feb-25 12:15 AM (7 days ago)
Rated by the NY Times as the best vibrator, the Hit_a_chi Magic Wand is on sale, just in case you need one. You're welcome. grin
Hi JG smile...smile
(6 days ago)
I wonder? blink has anyone stuk one up they poodot, yet? w00t
(6 days ago)
The handle allows you to reach parts of your back!!
(6 days ago)
They're a regular feature in some of my other internet interests...
(6 days ago)
J's least favorite toy. I use it more than her
(6 days ago)
Wed, 5-Feb-25 8:03 AM (9 days ago)
What music do more sophisticated frogs listen to? Hopera.
Why not, might shake things up in here a bit LOL
(9 days ago)
mojo75nz likes this
I listen to [link removed] a Austin music station, you can stream it
(8 days ago)
K U T X . O R G
(8 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
What's that got to do with frogs, am I missing something?
(8 days ago)
Emu, I think bugguy has missed the punchline of the joke……. Just sayin….. LOL
(8 days ago)
Wed, 5-Feb-25 7:38 AM (9 days ago)
Damn, I wanted to sleep a bit longer. But nooooo, someone else thinks it's a good time to snore loudly!
mojo... There`s no such think as cute snoring smile
(8 days ago)
ive def heard cute snoring
(8 days ago)
mojo75nz likes this
^Almost knows! 😉
(8 days ago)
almostanything likes this
I agree with almost, there is no cute snoring
(8 days ago)
Awwwww believe me Pete there is hehe
(8 days ago)
smittenforyou and McPhallus like this
Tue, 4-Feb-25 1:41 PM (9 days ago)
Shouldn’t of had 3 coffees and trying to have a nap it’s just not working out for me
I have to have a decaf this morning as I need a nap for work tonight first shift of 4
(9 days ago)
Aww..I hope that they go well....
(9 days ago)
Chelseagal80 likes this
They will my team love me I think they was lost last week I enjoyed my break and ready to go back to work now
(9 days ago)
I don't drink and havent for 22yrs, but do have 0% beer on nights out etc, but thats generally because its nicer than drinking coke/lemonade all night..., plus some 0% are decent now smile
(8 days ago)
Chelseagal80 and lennynatural like this
When I go out with the girls I have Long Island tea lol and get so bladdered on 2 cause I’m so small
(8 days ago)
Mr_Vein, k12agy1 and kennybee like this
Mon, 3-Feb-25 1:04 PM (10 days ago)
A joke is considered a dad joke once it becomes apparent...MorniNN Statuslanders! 🌞☕️👋
Mon, 3-Feb-25 9:32 AM (11 days ago)
The quickest way to get back on your feet is to miss two car payments.
It took me an hour and 2 cups of coffee to get this joke 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️...howdy Rene 👋
(10 days ago)
RenePogel_2point0 likes this
Sun, 2-Feb-25 1:33 PM (11 days ago)
Friendly neighbourhood pirate here to remind you that taboo status subjects will not be tolerated, whether it be a badger fantasy ot bovine related, you're on a second strike, once more
Meer Cats .... eek
(11 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus likes this
How about Wolverines?
(11 days ago)
Not sure Hugh Jackman counts in this Spunky 😜
(10 days ago)
If you've got a thing for Wolverine that's fine, be careful if he pulls yer puddin'
(10 days ago)
smittenforyou likes this
Bats in The Belfy Capt...
(10 days ago)
Fri, 14-Feb-25 11:25 AM (1 hour ago)
Happy Valentines Day to all you gorgeous people 💖
And to you Aurora x
(1 hour ago)
Petiteaurora likes this
mush mush love love an kissass baby . may true love love be with you now and nevermore love
(56 minutes ago)
Petiteaurora likes this
That beautiful ass certainly helps!
(55 minutes ago)
Petiteaurora likes this
*pinches petite's butt and runs off*
(44 minutes ago)
Petiteaurora likes this
Happy VDay Sexy Ms Petite😍❤️
(33 minutes ago)
Petiteaurora likes this
Wed, 12-Feb-25 10:51 PM (1 day ago)
Did USA have a president of color? Yes 2, Obama and Trump 🤭
We’re all going to hell I tell ya…. LOL
(8 hours ago)
Artistic likes this
i guess Panama canal is next....
(8 hours ago)
McPhallus likes this
Depends on the rage du jour.
(5 hours ago)
The "intellectual head" of the movement wants a monarchy headed by white, male billionaires. Sadly we've been headed this way for a long time
(51 minutes ago)
Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch!
(12 minutes ago)
Sun, 9-Feb-25 11:46 PM (4 days ago)
Smitten... Has a fantastic body check her out
That she does one of the best on here
(4 days ago)
Bbaggins4321 likes this
Fri, 7-Feb-25 8:23 AM (7 days ago)
I’m an expert at picking leaves and heating them in water. It’s my special tea.
“special” tea hey Emu 🤔
(7 days ago)
EmuLater and Rick12111 like this
I miss those PG Tips chimps doing the tea 😅
(6 days ago)
EmuLater likes this
May I have a SpecialBrew 🍺
(6 days ago)
EmuLater and Rick12111 like this
Thu, 6-Feb-25 3:28 PM (7 days ago)
I only seem to get sick on weekdays. I must have a weekend immune system.
Thu, 6-Feb-25 11:34 AM (8 days ago)
Turns out that when you ask who your favorite child is, you’re expected to pick one of your own. I know that now. blink
so the son of satan is not an option? devil
(8 days ago)
Tue, 4-Feb-25 8:17 AM (10 days ago)
The tea and coffee are married, but the tea leaves. Does that give the coffee grounds for divorce?
Probably because the coffee got burnt….
(10 days ago)
EmuLater likes this
Or possibly the tea was ground down by the coffee…..
(10 days ago)
EmuLater likes this
So she is hot and not an old bag?
(10 days ago)
Who gets the crumbs from the over dunked biscuit …?
(9 days ago)
Tue, 4-Feb-25 3:06 AM (10 days ago)
I find myself biting my tongue more and more lately. I fear I am going to explode at some point
Biting your lip is way more sexy. Just sayin'.
(10 days ago)
Rick12111 likes this
Lol I'm trying to find a funny status on here to comment on 🤣🤣
(10 days ago)
I save my tongue by blocking repeat offenders.
(10 days ago)
This is the reason I yell so much in traffic... it's a great release lol .
(9 days ago)
Great thing about social media - I can scream into the void and block any morons who are wrong.
(9 days ago)
MidnightWriter and gpflem like this
Mon, 3-Feb-25 9:09 PM (10 days ago)
took January off my large wall calendar, folded into a paper airplane, tossed it over my spouses head and remarked oh look January just flew by
You, my good sir, are Legendary 💯🤘😆
(10 days ago)
bulwinkle69 likes this
January, sick and tired you been flying by me……
(10 days ago)