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Member Since: 15-Mar-05
Location: TH
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Upgrading Mini Notebook
Hi, Hoping I can find an IT whizkid who might be able to advise on upgrading my mini notebook.

I have an old Acer Aspire ONE which is still in pristine condition and works well. Unfortunately it has only 1Gb of Ram and is loaded with Windows XP. I'd like to upgrade the RAM to 2Gb and install Windows 10, as it is slow and XP doesn't work with a lot of the more recent software.

Acer have said they no longer support the Acer Aspire and therefore I can't get hold of any 2Gb RAM that is suitable. Is it possible to add RAM via USB and, if it is, would that 1. Improve performance and 2. Support Windows 10?

Thanks for any help. smile

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Member Since: 15-Jul-05
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That's a very old computer now, I would strongly suggest you just buy a whole new laptop or at least a much newer second hand one. Even though a RAM upgrade wouldn't be very expensive, trying to get such an old notebook to run anything nicely in Windows 10 in 2022 would be a waste of money.

The laptop I'm using now is roughly a decade old and needed to be upgraded to run things in Windows 10 smoothly, and it already had 6 GB of RAM and a much more capable processor than what's in the Aspire One to begin with.

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Member Since: 15-Mar-05
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smiffydude said: That's a very old computer now, I would strongly suggest you just buy a whole new laptop or at least a much newer second hand one. Even though a RAM upgrade wouldn't be very expensive, trying to get such an old notebook to run anything nicely in Windows 10 in 2022 would be a waste of money.

The laptop I'm using now is roughly a decade old and needed to be upgraded to run things in Windows 10 smoothly, and it already had 6 GB of RAM and a much more capable processor than what's in the Aspire One to begin with.

I already have a much newer laptop running Windows 11. I just found my old forgotten Aspire (which was always only a spare anyway) in the back of a cupboard, ran it up and it is still working fine. I just hoped I might be able to upgrade it and make it useful again.

Thanks for your input anyway. I guess I was really wanting to explore the possibilities of external/plug-in RAM that might be versatile enough to swap & change between computers easily.

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Member Since: 17-May-05
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If you want to put it to use, look into instlling Linux on it. You can also run Linux from a USB drive without installing it.

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