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Member Since: 30-Jul-08
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Indian tech centers
I keep getting phone calls from some tech heads from India... God I hate that shit, I cannot understand the horrible accents.

According to them, my computers are screaming out for help to Microsnot. However, when I asked the last one which OS I was using, he was not correct.

Personally, I think it is a scam and after messing with the tech for a few moments, I hang up.

Anyone else seeing this?


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Member Since: 23-Oct-04
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It's a scam.

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Member Since: 3-Jan-12
Location: AU
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I was getting heaps of those phone calls as well. I was put onto a trick and now I do not get any more. I am using Windows 7. When they give me their spiel about how my Windows is playing up I just used to say, "Well gee, that is strange since I have an Apple Mac". CLICK, they just hang up. Did it about 2 times now no more calls.

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Never heard of this before, then again I would probably just figure out what organization they are representing and report them. Just ask questions like "who do you represent?" and don't accept "microsoft" as an answer, as they wouldn't actually go out of their way to help the consumers

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Member Since: 5-Apr-07
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lve gotten heaps
l let them prattle on for a while and then tell them lm from the federal police and the call has been traced, doesn't stop them ringing, but it gets rid of them quick *lix*

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Member Since: 7-Jan-09
Location: US
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It is a scam.

Whenever you are told, either by a stranger who makes an unsolicited telephone call, or by a website pop up that your computer is having problems, and that they will fix it for you, it is almost certainly a scam. Do not give them any information about you. Do not download anything.

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funny you should mention
Recently i exchanged email addresses with someone on here. shortly after exchanging messages on yahoo i got mail saying i had won 10 thousand pounds but i need to forward my sort code and account number. hmm this person is always up for taking lots of pics i do wonder if he receives payment for forwarding them to certain sites to use? he always chats and makes friends with women under 40 and slim and attractive (im 36 and a size 12 and busty) plus getting scamming on the side too. he does seem to have rather a lot of material things given his profession which if he does indeed work in pays more than the minimum wage but not a champagne lifestyle huh.

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Member Since: 8-Aug-11
Location: GB
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Anyone who gets a call is best stay well clear of them and hang-up straight away !

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Hallo dare, my name is Joe or is it John today unsure......... eat doesn`t madder...........vow can I help you???

my reply..........can`t you speak english? i can`t understand you. angry

i twi to help you. i speak vedy goot inglish!

my reply............fuck you

vot do you mean bi dat????

my reply...........i mean that you don`t speak english worth a shit angry i want someone that i can understand

i twain to speak vedy clerly

i hang up the phone shaking my head. blink

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