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T 4 Texas
If you could never have sex again
Ok I just wanna pose a theoretical question here. Lets say you were engaged to be married to someone and you found out He/She had a horrible STD such as AIDS. You COULD have sex with that person but, if you did you would be taking your health into risk everytime you had sex.

Would you still marry that person knowing that you could never have a normal sex life? or sex at all?

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my health is more important!

STD's and AIDS is a killer! i dont want to live a painful and miserable life.

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Member Since: 25-Apr-06
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of course i would. if anyone honestly says 'no' to this question, then clearly they are shallow people! being in love is much more than sex.

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If I was truely in love with him then I would be contented with cuddles. Of course I would probably gain quite a collection of vibrators and spend even more time on here though! grin

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I agree, if I truly were IN LOVE with the person, then yes, I could live without sex, but no, I would not have sex with someone with AIDS or HIV or any other contractable disease. 2c

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as it wud risk my health and future childs, it wudnt be fair

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My sex life would be reduced, but not completely out of the question. Plenty of couples live like that, .. if it's love, what can you do?!

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Member Since: 28-Dec-06
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Never. I think that if I could not have sex I would die. However, if another thing happened while married (a disease in my partner) it is another thing.

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well if you found out right before you were to be married I would say no way and its not shallow it would be a lie on their part and wopuld be reason to leave. They should have told you long before that. At that rate you probably have aids yourself because not many people date and never have sex before they are married anyway.

Now if they contacted the virus through a blood tranfusion{sp}
that may be a whole new ballgame and would have to deal with it then couldn't really answer that ... maybe your partner if they truly love you would let you have sex elsewhere tought question in that situation.

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ment to say tough question

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love, love, love
well, as beb said, we couldn't have any kids, so she'd have to be happy about that. if she wanted offspring, then it would probably damage my love for her because I'd consider her selfish and heartless. Funny thing love, isn't it. There are many things that could turn the tables for me: the kids thing, whether ot not she knew about this before engagement and hadn't told me, etc. There are many ways I could weigh up whether I felt obliged to support this person or not, depending on her honesty and loyalty.

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Kids aren't a factor for me as I will never be able to have kids of my own.

I believe the person should be upfront from the beginning if they have something like that. If they don't tell me and wait until right before the marriage then I say I would break it off because it's obvious that the realtionship didnt mean much to them anyways with the dishonesty and all. Now if they contracted it some othert way like blood or so then I really do not know. I think I would be fine with staying with them. Some people might not agree but sex is NOT everything.

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Member Since: 12-Nov-06
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If I truly loved the person, I would live without sex. Yes it would SUCK but love is more important to me then getting off

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My answer is yes because I have never had sex anyway, so what am I missing, right? Theoretically, if I had had sex before, I think I would still answer yes, because love for one another really is more important than just sex. Besides, there are alternatives, use your imagination wink

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T 4 Texas
I guess I better weigh in on my own thread huh? As for me if I REALLY loved the person I would marry her without the benifit of having sex although I know that would be really hard! ( no pun intended) but like others have said before me it would hurt that she didnt say until we were about to get married. in which case I would prolly have it too... but the general point I was trying to get across was would you give up sex for love?

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Member Since: 20-Mar-04
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Um, that's why god invented latex, yanno?

There are in fact couples out there with exactly this dilemma. And you know what they do? They use condoms. And they work.

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It would depend on if I truly loved this person. If I did, then yes, I would risk it. But if I truly loved the person, I would probably be willing to give up sex with that person.

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T 4 Texas
Condoms do work but even they arent 100% safe and with a bad std or some such thing even with a condom would you risk it?

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T 4 Texas
im just gonna bump it once smile

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•Did I fall in love with this person before they contracted this STD???

If so then yes, I would still love them but the relationship could never be the same without sex.

•If I met someone person who had a STD that would effect our sex life???

Then, no...I could never fall in love with someone romanticly without sex.


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If the person was in the stages of full-blown AIDS then I suppose, I'd just wait it out rather than bail on them in their time of need. How shallow it would be to put myself first.

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.....what kind of trouble are you into *now* T 4.....?smile

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T 4 Texas
I may be stupid but im not a dumbass! I wouldnt go having sex with someone I knew had AIDS and my motto is wrap it before you tap it smile

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Member Since: 10-Apr-23
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Last breath
Gun in my mouth and bang fk that no sex ever again as long as my body can at least somewhat thrust or leach I’ll himp the fucking ground idgaf

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