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pasta anyone????........
how many ways do you make pasta? or maybe the better question is what do you cook your pasta with???

penne, rigotoni, spaghetti, elbow, shells, fettuccine, linguine, ziti, gemelli, manicotti, farfalle,ect ect .......

lasagna, spaghetti & meatballs/sausage,with red clam sauce ,with white clam sauce , with muscles ...red and white, cheese, sauce only.... with.................. the list is endless whats your favorites?????? w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t scared scared scared scared laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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Italian Pasta.
Could be yummy...

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Member Since: 1-Jul-12
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I love making pasta carbonara(without mushrooms though).

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Member Since: 22-Jan-06
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Shrimp fettucine is my favorite, Tyler Florence has an easy recipe that takes only a few minutes.

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I love making pasta. My pasta machine was pretty much the best thing I ever bought. I like to make fresh lasagne sheets, and layer it with meat, lots of vegetables, and different kinds of cheeses! I also love making creamy salmon pasta, or pasta with butter sauvignon blanc sauce. Or, on really cold winter days like I'm waking up to everyday at the moment, I just like making macaroni cheese with caramelised onion, ham off the bone, and grilled with tomatoes on top. Im really hungry now.

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Member Since: 13-Mar-10
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I love all! Can't think of any that I don't like!

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Member Since: 5-Apr-07
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meanest bog
make the best bog and l love it with spirals, like them little parcels too. the tri coloured ones with beef in them...goes well with my tomato gravy *lix*

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Pasta with squid
First off, I agree with berrydaiquiri that owning and using a pasta machine is the best thing in the world. My home made pasta has 4 ingrdients: flour, eggs, water and a little salt.

I saute garlic in oil. Add sliced kalamata olives, some red wine and fill the pot with whatever greens I have (kale, chard, collards, etc.) Once they wild and sweat I add some squid. Once that's cooked I add my pasta and serve it with grated cheese and some hot pepper flakes and copious amounts of wine.

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I make a mean alfredo. My red sauce isn't too bad either. As far as the different pasta types go...they all work for me!

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I like to cook pasta with spinach, chicken and cheese! smile so good

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