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Grilled Quail
This is a simple recipe that I fixed last night on the grill.
Simple ingredients as the flavor of the quail is the main attraction.

4 quail
1/4 cup butter
1 tablespoon light vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon coarse
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

Prepare the grill for medium high heat direct grilling. Lightly coat the quail with vegetable oil and lemon juice, then season with salt, pepper and garlic. Place the quail on the grill over direct heat, and cook 6-8 minutes per side. Move the birds to the cool side of the grill for 5 minutes to rest. As the quail are cooling, melt the butter. Split the quail along the breastbone, then brush with butter before serving.

Voila - And damn was it good drool

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Josie Dirt
Did you hit that with your truck SD? grin

Seriously though it sounds lovely, i have never tasted quail before.. drool

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glare You better hope I dont find my belt JD!! The bruising you would get right now would last days tongue

hit it with my truck, just wotever!! angry

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Member Since: 3-Jan-08
Location: US
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Mmmm, haven't had quail since we used to catch them when I was a kid. That sounds good, though I wouldn't have thought to put garlic on quail. It's so much better than any other fowl IMHO. And no, it doesn't taste just like chikin! grin

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Catch them confused This I would like to see smile

Garlic is most definitely not needed, but I like it grin

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Member Since: 24-Oct-07
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Can this work for dove too??? confused

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