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Member Since: 8-Sep-04
Location: US
Posts: 1550
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A Thinker
Does anyone have a clue how I can get this shredded suet (Atora in the uk) I can get it at a British shop or speciality shop if I'm gonna pay mega bucks for it.
Or even an equivalent would be handy to know about?
I just love a nice suet crust pastry when I am making a nice meat piesmile
I'm running out of my suet I have that I stashed away wink


Elle x

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Member Since: 23-Oct-04
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Atora is available on Amazon . com

Suet is basically the fat from a certain part of the cattle, isn't it? Have you asked around your local meat markets?

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Member Since: 8-Sep-04
Location: US
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Thanks lenny - will now to find some butchers markets around here and have a look for it - I will also see what quantities amazon ships in (never been on amazon before).

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Member Since: 28-Oct-07
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If you cannot get it e mail m I would be happy to help you out bt sending you some. I make something we call mealie, it's one part suet to to marts oatmeal with a chopped onion, salt and pepper. Bind ingredients with a little water nd wrap in tin foil and pop into the pan along with the mince for about 30 min. Assuming you have mince in your country lol

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Member Since: 27-Oct-10
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This might not be much help as I am here and you are there,

Amazon is fine, just go in, set up your account and buy the world.

Suet is a hard fat that occurs around animal organs, I can remember that when you bought kidneys they had a thick layer of suet around them. If you can find an old fashioned butcher he just might be able to help you.

Try a pet shop, suet is a main ingredeant for many bird feeders and lots of people over here like to make their own combinations.

Somewhere out there somewhere is a WW1 British information film about making suet from potato peelings, but I cannot find it, but then I'm not trying very hard.

Gosh how I remember my mothers clouty dumplings with figs in.

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