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Member Since: 23-Oct-04
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Oat Raisin Bread
Delicious! The recipe is in my blog.

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my wife makes it with cinnamon and honey for the holidays!!!!

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Northern Star
thumbup mmm sounds delish and so easy! Im gunna give it a go drool

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Member Since: 23-Oct-04
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Northern Star, keep in mind that Canadian flour is a little different from what we have in the US, so you might need to make minor adjustments to the flour or milk amounts. The dough should be soft and supple, tacky but not actually sticky.

Sloppy joe, you bet your butt there is cinnamon in it (raisin bread without cinnamon is a crime against Nature). And of course, honey can be sub for the brown sugar without making any other adjustments.

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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I'm hopeless with bread, but so wish I could do that.
It looks great, and I'm sure it tastes great.
I don't have the skill.

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Lenny that looks awesome !!! I am imagining it warm with some butter !

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Member Since: 23-Oct-04
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WuzRunt said: Lenny that looks awesome !!! I am imagining it warm with some butter !

That's a good way to imagine it. I made a loaf a couple of days ago.

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Member Since: 2-Dec-08
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Once again, Raven, you have to get standarized measuring cups and spoons. You can't just use whatever is handy and guess if you've measured correctly. Also, try kneading it by hand instead of relying on your bread machine. You might be pleasantly suprised by the results.

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Oh ya Raven , I didnt realize you were trying to "wing " it.
You cant do that with baking, exact measurements are a must. Baking is much more scientific than cooking.

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WuzRunt said: Oh ya Raven , I didnt realize you were trying to "wing " it.
You cant do that with baking, exact measurements are a must. Baking is much more scientific than cooking.

Runt...you watch waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many of the cooking shows on the television pal.

Baking is much more scientific than cooking.
Are you fkn kidding me????

Have you ever...in your entire life....baked something that didn't require instructions?????? confused

Exactly where does the "science" portion come into effect? confused

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Member Since: 2-Dec-08
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Actually, he's right, Veebs. When it comes to breads, the ratios of levening agents, fats, flour, moisture, etc. are pretty specific for a certain result. Weighing the ingredients renders the best results. Absent doing that, precise measuring is necessary.

Cakes, cookies, and other baked goods are somewhat more forgiving when the recipes are tweaked, but customization usally falls in the add-in category (flavorings, nuts, fruits, chocolate, etc.), rather than the fat/flour/levening ratios.

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Member Since: 20-Jul-07
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okaaaaaay ..... while probably not strictly a mainstream bread bread, what we refer to as 'damper' here cooked directly in the coals of a fire, if you dont have a camp oven which is just a cast iron pot, is WINGED and believe me winged with very heavy wings.... you eyes is all the measuring device you take with in some camps.....

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Member Since: 2-Dec-08
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That's a completely different scenario than with yeast breads, Wods.

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Member Since: 23-Oct-04
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Why do I need to explain this to you ? Are you that stupid or quite simply that much of a loser ?
Clearly by this post, you are just chasing my name around , should I be flatterted ?
The science of baking ? Anyone that has baked knows ratios and measurements must be much more precise than in normal cooking. The results of baked goods are much more dependant on the chemical reaction and ratio of mixed ingrediants.

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Member Since: 2-Dec-08
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Breathe, hun. Breathe. In through the nose. Out through the mouth. smile

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Yummmmm Yummmm give me some warm oat raisin bread !!!

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WuzRunt said: Lenny that looks awesome !!! I am imagining it warm with some butter !

I'm sure you are!!!!!

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opps I thought that was an extra raisin, its scared its scared scared

Little Jules scared What will I ever do ?

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