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Member Since: 16-Jul-20
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A (new) New World Order
So, 🇺🇲 has a new Presidential Administration coming in January with Down-Ballot results showing a sweep, outright, of Team Trump.

Europe is swinging Right or already arriving Right.

The UK did not swing Left per se as the voters telling the Conservative Party to, like, disband and rebuild without the malfeasance of late.

Argentina has swung Right with results.

Other results to follow but what are we seeing from all of these electoral results?

Globalization is with us but Free Trade is about to be axed and how will Fair Trade drive the global economy?

Peace is going to emerge as the paradigm and priority of these elections results so how will the global Military-Industrial-Complex react to Peace in our lifetimes, if you will?

Just how long do the communists in China have on their grip of China and what does their downfall mean for our world and global economy, if anything?

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A New World Order, isnt that what Hitler called it??

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Member Since: 16-Jul-20
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Artistic said: A New World Order, isnt that what Hitler called it??

Actually, the saying has been used multiple times by multiple figures but seemed apt for 2025.

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Member Since: 12-Oct-13
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I don't see the elections in various countries being as important to the world geopolitical scene as much as the other factors -- recession hitting places like Germany, war still raging on the European continent (Ukraine), the world's economy being a little dicey, inflation being an issue worldwide, the situation in the Middle East, and various countries forming blocs -- whether economic or military.

Rightist governments aren't as much a problem as governments that stifle democracy, the way that Mussolini and Hitler did when they were elected to their positions. Rightist governments, like any governments, can be voted out, usually. It's when they remove the democratic forms of government, that's when the problems happen. And historically they will do those things by taking advantage of times of crisis.

And the fact that we are in a multipartite world is problematic -- we have several large powers instead of a balance between two superpowers, like we had in the Cold War. The new multipartite paradigm could lead to a global destabilization. I.e., instead of two large blocs, the US backed NATO one against the Soviet Block, there's the US, Russia, China -- and some others that could be superpowers given the impetus -- a combined EU, India, etc. With more blocs, the situation worldwide can become unstable.

Economically, we've now got talk of more tariffs instead of trade talks, and tariffs do not always work to stabilize economies or bring about peace. Sometimes it works the opposite.

Geopolitically, it almost looks like the 1930's. Tariffs? Check. In the 30's in the US we had Smoot-Hawley. Multipartite world? Check -- in the 30's you had the US, UK & Commonwealth countries, Japan, Germany, and the USSR. Rightist governments in various parts of the world? Check -- in the 30's there was Italy, Germany, Spain, Japan, and a few in other places. Economic problems? Check -- in the 1930s we had the Great Depression, which exacerbated tensions everywhere.

History doesn't always repeat itself, but when it does, it's not always good for the world.

If Trump can negotiate a peace in Ukraine, that will take away one of the dangers to peace in the greater world. But that won't eliminate the rest of the problems. It he really wants to start a trade war, whether with the EU or China, then the bets are off. And it he pulls us out of NATO, there are 600 million people in the EU alone. If it became a military power on its own, it would be quite formidable, and it wouldn't be any other country's servant, either. It would definitely alter world politics.

So any new 'world order' would depend on a lot of different factors, and right now everything is in flux. I don't see any stabilization happening anywhere. I could be wrong though.

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Too hard and early to figure out any of it.

What is BRICS going to become? I see crypto as a speculative asset, never to become anything serious besides what the new power in DC wants it to be (although I bet most of them know it will just be a speculative asset and want to pump up their early investments). Tariffs...what a wild card that is. We saw what a little inflation did to incumbent governments the past couple of years...supercharge that again and things are likely to get really nuts

In the end, though, I don't see any "new world order." IMO there is essentially a world oligarchy at work and slightly different billionaires (ones that, in general, like oligarchy more than those they are replacing) in government this go around. I suspect the US continues to lose influence around the world except in the far right nations (Israel, Russia, Saudi Arabia). Do new alliances form if NATO is abolished? I assume so but how does it change things? US/Russia/Israel/Saudi Arabia become the new Warsaw Pact with the EU creating a continental alliance? China, India and Brazil forming a third?

Sure I can see those things but the oligarchs protect their interests on a global level. But of course part of the thing about WWI that surprised so many was they were convinced that the capitalists of the day had too much money to lose so would never accept a war like that. Nationalism is obviously still a hell of a drug

IMO the "new world order" talk these days is pretty much to hide the fact that the new boss is pretty much the same as the old boss. Neoliberalism has ruled supreme since the mid 70's and they are soooooooooooo entrenched in power

My question, I guess, is what happens when and if workers see that once again they get the shaft? How many cycles of this will people stand for before the real enemies start to be identified in a way that challenges the power of propaganda and nationalism?

The biggest guarantee of history is that we will see things we never could have predicted

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Member Since: 16-Jul-20
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Russia cannot

Win Afghanistan
Win the Cold War
Win in Ukraine
Win Syria

Why is NATO worried about keeping 🇺🇲 against such a cannot win military????

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Trudeau resigns, another Liberal going away.

Now, will Canada recover and how quickly?

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Member Since: 16-Jul-20
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The ongoing battle.
So, the ongoing battle between Imperial v. Republic is playing out again with a swing to Republic.

Imperial being top-down authortarian rule versus bottom-up We the People system of governance.

What, exactly, is the logic behind promoting a terrible economy + high-crime levels + Open Borders?

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