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Member Since: 30-Nov-21
Location: GB
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Desktop Upgrade question
Hi, I was wondering if someone here knew about Desktop PCS.
I am happy with the one I currently have & I think it has good specs. But only the graphics card is basic & just the standard original type.

I would like to maybe upgrade it if I can.. But I am not sure which kinds would be compatible with my desktop? Would it be easy to install also?

Would anyone here know about this & able to help?

Thanks so much!

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Installing it ussualy is easy. Just make sure you have your bios of your motherboard updated.
also make sure to check the power consumption of your new GPU to make sure your current power supply is ok.
And a last important part are the measurements of the card. You have to make sure it will fit in your case and won't be in the way of other parts or cables. Best way to check is using a site like https://pcpartpicker.com or check with the custumer support of the shop you are buying your new card.
Or just post the other parts of your pc here (case, ram, motherboard, etc) so you can get more specific advise heresmile

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