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Member Since: 8-Sep-04
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Windows 10 recording into a wav or mp3 file?
How do I do it? - I want to make a new voice recording on here but I have this new windows 10 laptop and the recording thing I have does not do this file ext. I have tried various download programs to do it but none seem to work with Windows 10 ....... Help please curse I may just throw everything out the blasted widow, I am so pissed off ...

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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Sadly, I can't help you.
I have recently up graded a notebook from windows 7 starter to full windows 10 (for free) and am still reserching the results.

Don't tip your laptop away !


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Member Since: 17-May-05
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Use the sound recorder. The output will be a .wma file and then there are free online converters and freeware progams to convert it to .wav or mp3

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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I am trying to sit through and unberstand the Windows 10 vid lessons but as just a mere Raven,I find it rather huge to swollow all at once.
I wonder how my hard disk is digesting this highly involved mid 21st Century tech.

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Member Since: 8-Sep-04
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Still no luck

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Member Since: 20-Jul-07
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10 ? I has a blind antelopes, and there dont seem to be no answers on dr. googel?

I could take a pure stab in the dark and say,
one possible solution? try a sound recorder that would do it? AKA not fakin windows recorder thingy, instead of trying to convert the output of fakin windows recorder thingy!!!

2 ways to skin a cat. w00t

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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seems to be clashing with firefox

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Member Since: 20-Jul-07
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Tip, Eye have A Blind Rutting Antelopes .... what firepox is meaning to do with this? confused

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