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Member Since: 13-Oct-13
Location: GB
Posts: 51
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Slow computer
Do any of these software packages like PC Help etc actually work? The claim to cure all the problems. My computer is running slow & takes ages to load web pages. I have deleted everything that isn't essential but still the same. I am trying to save £50 a time for the expert to come out & sort it in 10 minutes.

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Member Since: 20-Jul-07
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ferst an foremost .... Virus scan
[yeah yeah we all know you not got a virus, be cooz i use X antiV and its good, an i neva had a virus since i used it][so is it gunna hert you to make sure?]
the choice in my opinion is ''malwarebytes'' [none of them are infallible]

secund ......
>all programs
>system tools

>disk clean up <<< [run that and clean up the disk][temporary files especially]

therd .......
clik ya way down to >system tools< again
this time choose
>disc defragmenter <<<
this option will take ages,
[ its like doing 10 loads of washing, if you get them out the wardrobe one day at a time, and then when you dried 10 loads, just chukin them in the corner in a pile ..... defrag hangs ya clothes back in the wardrobe in order. the grubier the pile the longer it takes to sort ... and the grubier the pile the longer it takes to find two matching sox]

''Ccleaner'' is a fee program, as its original name 'CrapCleaner'' suggests, it cleans up a mirriad of ''crap'' across all browsers, system, temporary files, cookies, flash cookies, caches, logs, history ...... it won't wipe you bum, but thats about all?

it will also clean your registry ..... a good move [next option under ''clean'']

under the ''tools'' menu is a ''startup items'' button, where you can disable things from always starting when you boot, they do nothing till you clik the program you want, but are always set to start on boot up .... sometimes running in the background tying up resources that just waste resources?

DUST!!!! number one killer of a CPU is dust leading to overheating, and if not failure, the least is poor performance ... [yeah yeah you a clean freek, there no dust in my house] ... if it a PC tower, pop the screws, and clean it oot, the vacuum on blow mode? or other method if you have a decent way of not blowing the components oot the case, you only want the dust oot. if it a lappy, pop all the covers on the bottom, and squirt it oot, but lappy's tend to show with the fan intake vents being grubby.

if this is of no help? it will do no harm. grin

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Member Since: 13-Oct-13
Location: GB
Posts: 51
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Just getting started
Thanks for your help. I will try those. Keith

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Member Since: 13-Oct-13
Location: GB
Posts: 51
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Slow Computer
Thanks Woderwick for your advice. I have done all this including defrag. My computer is running faster & finding programmes faster than before. But.....All this has come at a cost! It has lost one of my socks. Any programmes to resolve this??

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Member Since: 20-Jul-07
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Yes ''freesoxfinder.com'' a subsidiary of WombatsRus incorporated run only for profit, not because we care, we only want your $ thumbup can certainly help you.

It's a ''FREE'' download, and guaranteed to find lost sox, but will only give you their location if you send us $19.95 .... so download now, it's ''free'' to download, find those missing sox, and for another 19.95 ''freeSoxPairer'' will even make sure the color matches. w00t and stay tuned ''freeCarKeyFinder'' is in beta trial ... never wonder where you left those keys ever again, freeCarKeyFinder is guaranteed to find those keys, even if the dog ate them, but you will of course have to wait the nominal 2 day period, as denoted in the disclaimer for a digestive tract reclaim.

CALL NOW, our freindly, but money hungry operators are standing by, idly biding time for the first call your call, you will never be put on hold, our one operator is never busy ummm that efficient !

seriously now ..... glad that helped, a little hard drive housekeeping never hurts : thumbup

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Member Since: 13-Oct-13
Location: GB
Posts: 51
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Just getting started
Thanks it helped a lot but I won't be taking you up on your sox finder software.

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