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My actual, real, legal name is 18; not Eighteen or anything like that. It is 18. Yes that is how I sign checks and it is on my driver's licence. Yes it is unusual. I am not a virgin. My name here is from song lyrics. I changed the number from 16 to 18 because of my name. I do not cam, give my email address, specific location. I do not give my phone number to anyone. No MSN, No YM, No Skype. That means I stay on NN period, no exceptions My taste runs toward the natural. For example I don't shave my body or drink alcohol or smoke. I believe being kind is very important in life. However, I also believe that being direct is necessary sometimes.

  • This member has been with us 10 years or more! (Joined 14.6 years ago)
  • 40 years old
  • Female
  • Joined 14 years ago

18thVestalVirgin's Friends