Smart, Sweet, & Sassy! Emily... student, entrepreneur, a fur mama, a nympho, a sweetheart with a little crazy.... Just your not so average person, lol, with big goals and dreams trying to make it in this big old world and make a few earthquakes along the way! More than meets the eye, I have many sides, the more I reveal to you the better it gets. I'm not your typical girly girl... I love to dress up, dress down, turn around & bend down. Get dirty, get clean, be classy yet nasty. Take me to a movie, a family BBQ, a black tie affair, just be prepared for the unleash of the inner freak at different moments through out the day and the Grand Finale at the end of it! That's a tad about me I guess..... I feel like these "About me" or "Bio" Sections are way to time consuming, some exaggerate, some underplay... Overall I would have to say that you won't be disappointed in getting to know I have a nice butt and smile lol! If I didn't cover anything that you are curious to knowing don't hesitate to ask, I don't bite....well unless you're okay with it ;)
When doing a body scan gets difficult cause your pussy throbbing overrides all other sensations in your body 😆
If I could change one thing about humanity...