First of all I am a secular modern social realist.My name means as much as "Hij die straalt van Geest" or translated free "Sparkling Spirit".I don't know wheter that is one of the names of Shiva.When I was younger I used to be afraid for Shiva.Now I believe that it should be better to start it up one more time from the beginning again.Science makes us believe that there has been a big bang.Probably there has been such a concentration of energy.With our measurements we see how the universe is expanding.I cannot believe that that is all there is.The words in the picture are a traditional hymn dedicated to Shiva.So far I think I can reproduce them here free,but I want to refer to the fact that I found this version in the textbook of a CD by Droe Nankoe/Druh Nankuh. See also Hubo10.That's me too as well as Holyhubo.