Outgoing or nosy in some cases; love to explore, generally get into trouble by going where Kat shouldn't. In need of mental stimulation and active playing with. If pet wrongly, can resort to destructive behaviour, such as scratching or biting. 🐾 I like artistic & creative photographs and the humouristic ones. 🐾 PLEASE DON'T REPOST my photos in chatroom or elsewhere and DO KEEP to yourself your dick pix; crude & otherwise dirty words. 🐾 Have a Blessed Day! 🐾 😼 🐾
I had a status when he deleted. I now make one that he has returned. Jusslurkin is back to the delight of many I'm sure, and I bet lurkin isn't all he'll be doing. 😁 WB Mr! 🐾 😽
The meaning of life is...
Eat, play & sleep. NaughtyKat
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