Well, good evening one and all. I used to post on this site many years ago, I considered myself at my prime, and the 'likes' seemed to reflect that and all was good. I made many good friends on here, the requests I received were highly interesting (!) and some were nigh on Impossible! Gradually though, life took over, reality started to kick in and I stopped posting. I contracted erectile dysfunction, but more alarmingly a definite deformity started to happen and eventually I became completely impotent. I researched this of course, and was horrified to see that many younger men than I who had contracted this had taken their lives, believing that the physical side was over. Such a waste, such an incredible shame. To be honest I was devastated, and it took me a long time to come to terms with this debilitating ailment, but as time went on I began to realise there is far more to life than the sexual side of things of course. I guess I have always been a closet extrovert, and for a long while I toyed with the idea of coming back on here although my gun no longer worked.. the ammunition though, is still very much there! I won't give my age away just yet, but I am no spring chicken. You won't see Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise or Arnie, but what you will see is someone enjoying life again - and that's something I thought I would never be able to say again not too long ago. Live life to the full. Enjoy. Have fun.