Mature, married, and a long time ago I accepted that I love kinky dirty sex with similar fav tho is piss sex with guys or gals. We are both Bisexual and are always looking to meet ppl close to us here in Wyoming. I DONT answer PM's from folks who do not post photos or have a profile here, don't trade photos cuz all ours are on here...and only cam when we feel like it so don't ask...
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Thursday, June 2, 2005, 1:23:53 PM- | ||||||
PS.....just wanted to mention this....Yesterday I got a PM from a guy into piss and he went on to explain how he travels to Wyo often and wanted to maybe get together with us....sounded nice...well he suggested I look at his NN picts which I 10-15 picts and 2 vids of his cock....wooooooo....I mean I haven't ever seen one.....I know some folks have to be discrete but cummon guys....ya gotta understand us gals are not fixated on your ass or something besides your "manhood"......if ya have to hide your face.....*in my opinion this is something besides your damn cock! Kisses Kat ps..I did answer him with a similar comment.....figure its best to be honest! | ||||||
Thursday, June 2, 2005, 1:15:55 PM- Thurs...hey it is June | ||||||
Mornin... Wow....I know its June 2nd but damn I just got to thinkin how time has just zipped by and its scary!!! Our weather here in Wyo has been pretty chilly and rainy but know the warmer air will soon reach us and soon as that happens were off to the mountain to our camp and that is sooooo appealing right now. I just love spending weekends up at camp, we set up our tents and keep adding till the place looks like a we get these screen rooms at Wally Mart and those become our cook tent and we love to just sit and read and watch sunrises from there......way relaxing....This year Im going to try my hand at dutch oven cooking too...just can't wait! Yesterday at work got were just finishing a job and all of a sudden heard this loud bang...and I mean Loud....well the noise was a car wreck right in front of our place, one of the cars got pushed right into our driveway and the other stopped about 100 ft up the road....was a rear end kind of thing...wasn't a few min till the local cops arrived and one is a womyn who I just think is wayyyy hot.....hehehe.....its not the uniform...just the way she carries herself....well she blocks the road and is interviewing the drivers and as I was there she asked if I had a broom to sweep the glass mind is like oh ya.....let me I just had this chance to get close to her and as I was sweeping I was sneakin looks......sheesh Im a goof! BTW....few minutes later I turn to see her put cuffs on one of the drivers and off he went to jail......was intoxicated and this caused the wreck....nobody was hurt but the guy in cuffs sure was headed to where he belongs! ( got me thinkin that the womyn cop could cuff me anytime just not take me to Was looking at some blogs this mornin and saw a pict by flcamfan of a beautiful sunset at the beach......reminded me of when we used to go to Sanibel Island on the Fla West coast ....remember once we had a wonderful threesome with a gal we knew ...was soooo guy had fucked her and I was just watching and touching her feling the passion they shared....when he was done she needed to pee and she and I walked off the screen porch to the beach where I just laid down on the warm sand and she squatted over my face and pissed right in my open mouth.....what was great was the taste of my guys cum mixed with her the sensation of the warm sand ....mmmmm....sounds way hot right...well it was till we were literally swarmed my mosquitos.......son of a bitch those damn things were like HUNGRY.....we ran like hell back to the porch and...well I just had to lick her all over to cure the Time to dress for work......btw....our little baby bunnies have their eyes opened and yesterday found the mom had left them some corn so added some sweet feed and wished them well.....I often wonder where they will all go off to when its time...*sigh....wonderin if they will remember us.... Time for ya all **Kisses to my special gal slutsrus.....a womyn who understands unconditional....and lives it** Kat | ||||||
Wednesday, June 1, 2005, 12:47:27 PM- The Rainbow Bridge~~for a friend | ||||||
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... | ||||||
Tuesday, May 31, 2005, 12:54:48 PM- Tuesday~ya gotta love long weekends | ||||||
Hiya.. Well I feel totally rested and warm inside this mornin....three glorious days of relaxing and oh ya....hehehe.....being nasty with my guy.....Oh we had a few things to do around our place here and the business but mostly it was a 3 day clear your head weekend and wow it worked.....Im ready to face the real world today and as usual approach it with that's me.....I just jump right in with both feet....rained most of the weekend and this is so wonderful for our part of the world...ya it kept us in the house cept for our little jaunt over the mountain but it will keep the drought at bay some and also by middle of June we will have a camp set up for weekends and lookin forward to that lots......moisture now =less worry about Summer fires in the mtns......and we like that! Posted a vid of me pissing yesterday and it was just a bit large so had to wait for the NN ppl to work on it but we were pretty pleased as the size of it and quality is better than the few we have done.....this video thing is an experiment for us and hope you enjoy....I know that sis liked watchin.....hehehe.....*she got the real time action directly on cam....and somehow were going to figure a way she and Master can get the real time enjoyment in person~ie a visit is bein planned and if I have my way it won't be a short one....hehehe Well its the last day of the month so I have to go do a tax report.......paperwork...yukkkkk.....times like these I always think of the early settlers out in this country and how they didn't even have any there was real freedom and self sufficent living......then again just look at the "progress" our country has made.........Im just so impressed ........*choke*.... Kisses all.... Love ya sis Kat | ||||||
Monday, May 30, 2005, 10:15:00 PM- Monday....and were Home.....woooo | ||
Hiya.. Well yesterday we took off on what we had hoped would be a fun road trip but being Memorial Day weekend has always been jinxed for us this was no went over the mountain and on the way ran into rain, sleet, snow, hail and kept hoping that on the other side it would be better....NOT.... We did ride ..yes we are about 30 miles and got ourselves all muddy and wet ( wet n and finally gave up and headed back. We did visit the grave site we had found some time ago and took a pict which I wanted to post in the blog but &&^%$#@*&^ can't figure out how to do it.....grrrrrr......anyone help on this Id appreciate it! Looks like the pict has to be posted somewhere else and its just on our puter! While I was starting this entry I got a message from my pissy sis...slutangel...of all writing here came to a halt as there are priorities! We had a great talk as usual...were just like crazy for one another and talk about all kinds of stuff and have a wonderful time. Believe me folks there is a lot to this gal besides bein a slutty thing.....hehehe.... Well while we were talkin my guy walked in and set up the web cam and guess what....hehehe......she got to watch me piss live...was way fun......just another Monday she is so wonderful...for her I will do anything! *sigh Been feeling kinda bad as I have been ignoring several of the PM's that have come in but ya know I just feel like that these 3 word requests are a bit much .....piss on me, me me me........Oh hey in person Id do it but the pict requests just get to be silly.......( I don't ever do pict requests but slutsrus is the exception...for her I will do anything) My guy made a vid when I was pissing too so may get some cuts from it and post them so my sis can watch again and of course anyone else too....hehehe.......I love watchers but Really love doer's! Was reading slutsrus's blog and she was saying how difficult a gang bang is to set up and she is soooooo right.....I always laugh at how so many men act as tho they would jump at the chance to gang fuck a gal but always funny how the day arrives and many don't show up. Just peeked over the wall up here in the loft and don't see a line of guys you can see what kinda mood Im UP GUYS...and of course Gals..hehehe..... Well if were gonna do that vid clipI better get off here and let my "producer" do his thing on the puter.... Kisses...have a safe day and get back to work .... Oh well its a short week! Kisses Kat | ||
Sunday, May 29, 2005, 2:12:38 PM- Sun Mornin.... | ||||||
Hiya everyone... Just a short entry this mornin as we plan on a road trip to a special place called Castle Gardens...about 70 miles but its a way nice place to ride our atv's and its been way too long since we got to take them out. Plan on stopping at a little town called Tensleep ( pop 240) and gettin some espresso then hit the trails. Last time we rode there we had pulled off under this ol cottonwood tree and just a few hundred feet away we saw three unmarked had to wonder who was there.....I mean this spot is in the middle of a vast hilly area that was once a trail from Fort Casper and who knows the story of those graves....were they settlers who never made it..soldiers who died in a fight.....or a family that was searching for the freedoms we have all lost .....kinda makes ya wonder. But even tho its a bit cold and rainy were going......getting housebound well since nofun ppl have knocked on the door to get nasty with were gonna go explore and have some non sexual fun......well....hehehe.....maybe I will suck off my guy in a wash off the trail....hehehehe.......never know with me and him cuz were apt to do anything....hey maybe I will get thirsty for more than cum and get my face washed with piss.....wooooo........when Im outdoors and feelin frisky watch Had a wonderful talk with my special gal last night....were just so aligned and its always wonderful to speak with her and catch up....looked at her latest photos this am and wow......hehehe....well you look.....if you are new to my blog her screen name is slutsrus and I highly recommend her picts as she is just an awesome gal!!! we go......Oh ya...I want to mention....have had several requests to piss on peoples photos.....sorry....that pleasure is reserved for a special gal...*sigh.....and I don't ever do requests....just spontanious picts when the mood speaks to me......I mean dang Id spend a fortune in photo paper if I pissed on all the picts that have been sent.....But keep in mind.......were in NE Wyoming and if your close ....well my pussy is dying for a workout and I always can piss so keep us in mind! Love ya all Kat Special kisses to my sis.....and I will be lookin for those yellow flowers hon.......and the sparkle that will get my attention......... | ||||||
Saturday, May 28, 2005, 1:03:40 PM- Sat AM.....a morning I will not forget! | ||||||
Hiya.... You know I love every matter if its a beautiful sunrise, a red sky, soft rain, a quiet snow....all of them.....However this morning is beyond special...beyond any that nature could bring......yes this morning I was honored to see my piss sis's beach photos.....her pissing, standing there proud of being who she is....a True Slut...a womyn who understands the intimate nature of sharing herself with no barriers.....pissing right out in the open....pissing on me......knowing she understands the need I have to consume have her inside swallow her hold a mouthfull of her piss and slowly swallow.....only to open my mouth for more, and more...Yes I could put my mouth on her after she has been fucked and suck out whoevers cum has been left in her...yes I could lick her till she drains her juices in my mouth....but only a slutty piss bitch like me can Know the intimacy swallowing her piss will bring...and she does Know.....she shares my understanding of how two sluts can share ourselves in this way....some may find this need we have to be too far out...but WE day our lips will touch...lips soaked in our piss......lips that stick togethe never to part no matter where we are or what others do to matter how we are used.....that moment will hold all time at a stop forever...sis I LOVE you....all you are......all you see and feel is in my heart as well....we share respect and share a Forever....our spirits touch daily...and always have. As I said...this morning is way special to me and those of you who understand will know why....others will only have to ponder this special bond shared in a way only two womyn can...and dream.... Kisses..... Kat elk and wolf rule... | ||||||
Friday, May 27, 2005, 1:22:05 PM- ITS FRIDAY....woooo......long weekend ahead | ||||||
Hiya everyone... Sheesh....just thinkin that this blog has been read damn near 3000 times......just amazing to me and thrilling too! Sis is so sluts are popular in some places.....hehehe! Running late this mornin cuz I got to reading slutsrus's blog and it got me way hot.....( *always does sis....hehehe) but just loved it......funny...we are so alike she and I and tho we are so far apart getting a slimpse of her daily life as well as her experiences is way exciting. Normally I try to catch up on hers when I get home and then again each am but the laundry kept me late last nite and the day had been busy as hell so I was just too tired and never even turned on the machine till this am. So then I read how she and Master had this little fun time together...hehehe......and how she was thinking of me licking her ass while Master was fucking her......DAMN.....just thinking of her juice all over my face, and my tongue flicking and licking her is like a HUGE turn on...never mind the taste! And when he was finished with her I would consume every drop and suck that delicious pussy till it was what if it would take a lifetime to get to that point! Loved yesterdays comments about the tatse of piss too.......had this image of a piss tasting with all these crystal glasses on a table and everyone trying to guess who's they were getting.....LOL...slutsrus has a photo in her gallery of her standing and this container hanging from her pussy rings and she is peeing in it.....I have always loved that photo and always had the fantasy of being under her and sipping from that container and as I finished it Master and my guy would be right there filling it up again for me to swallow.....sheesh...Im just all wet thinking of that I can assure you! Well damn.....I better get moving here......have to go in early to work so off I go......with a wet pussy and a mind filled with exciting thoughts........all NASTY.....hehehe..... Love ya all.......Good luck to ya Fat Girl.....on your taste test......I might suggest getting yourself all juicy first as that always adds a nice flavor to piss! Kat PS.......@ sis....wolf and elk RULE the Rockies.....and you rule my heart hon.........LOVE Ya! | ||||||
Thursday, May 26, 2005, 1:28:20 PM- Thurs.....ya past the hump...hehehe | ||||||
Mornin... And yes it truly is a beautiful mornin...the sun was so warm after a cool evening....damn near got to freezing last its my special time...way nice and of course I spoke that special gals name to this sunset....knowing she will know and that makes me smile. **kiss@ my sister slut** So many things that happen make you just wake up to the fact that your life and that of another are touching...little things but they are so powerful at times. This morning my dog found a small rabbit den...just a little hole with baby rabbits ...she sits there and cocks her head as I am sure she hears them, but does not dig or disturb them...I walked out to see and she is like looking down there wanting me to see too.....then....after I made my coffee and sit here at my machine I head right to slutsrus's photos and what did she put up but pictures of an Easter party with the gals wearing bunny just tell me that she and I are not on the sam Am just amazed and kinda astonished that so many people have read this blog....and am so pleased to have three comments on yesterdays....Fat Girl.....I'm way happy your moving out of the funk...ya it really does touch us all Im sure.....matter of fact I got to thinking and realized that the photos we put up Sunday were the first for some its just like that.....we all seem to go through these stages and then as Dylan said....."sometimes life gets in the way of livin" and it does.....there are always the life things we need to do....and work and house stuff..( even sluts have to do gardens and remodel...hehehe@ my special gal)....but here we all can touch with our photos and words and I just think its totally wonderful we can. Fat Girl asked me how piss tastes.....and ya know I sat here for some time trying to figure out how to describe that....hehehe......actually I guess it does depend on diet tho I never have thought much about that...Im not too into the why's of such rather the more erotic and intimate nature of piss and the excitement and deeply sexual nature of the act me its the anticipation, then the reality....and the freeing feeling....guys piss is always stronger tasting....gals pee seems I have had guys piss in my mouth and I swallow so fast you don't really notice a taste till after or hardly any at all......personally when I drink piss from a gal I tend not to gulp as much as take a mouthfull, hold it , feel the warm pee running over me, swallow and go for another I savor it.....but hon I can tell you that its not gonna gag ya.....just has a sort of acidic taste....I have read some about how if you drink this or eat certain things it will taste different but I have never gone to the trouble of planning it...I just do comment about not having the nerve to try it is understandable tho.....after all we are all "trained" that peeing is like a Very private thing and Im sure that has a lot to do with the fetish part of it........I do know that it shows us all how we are confined and defined by convention and I know that I have always been one to step outside anything conventional! But let me assure ya that it wont kill ya.....won't make ya call 911 for an all its from us...part of us.....and its soooooo erotic....for me and others..***smilin at sis here....hehehe.....bottom line is that drinking piss or pissing on someone is like saying FUCK YOU at all the conventional shit us womyn are filled with from day one....and I LOVE that.....hehehe.... Sittin here thinkin about how the other day sis mentioned the smell of a gangbang....the odor in a room.....sheesh Im a that smell sometimes just sneaks into my head and wow......makes me want to go to the door and find a line of people all ready to play!!!! Swinging can really be funny tho at times......and ya I often think of the experiences.....I remember a small party once when we all sort of just paired off and my guy was with a gal and they headed off to another room.......several of the folks there got to giggling and I was like whats that about...well they said hey he is with the "screamer"....I'm like what???? Well short time later I heard why she had that gal was waaaaay vocal......LOL.....on the way home he was laughing cuz he had no idea she was like that and said he damn near lost his hard on thinking he hurt Damn I have to go....its LAUNDRY night...yuuuukkkkkkkkk....we don't have a washer or dryer so I let clothes pile up badly and tonight is the night to get it done...always sort of smile tho cuz in the laundry is a bag where we have a few of the towels we someimes use when we get all wild and crazy and I call them the juice towels......hehehe.... I I mentioned earlier......sometimes life has a way of getting in the way of livin! Love ya all Kisses kat | ||||||
Wednesday, May 25, 2005, 1:27:56 PM- Wed.....yawn........always slow mid week | ||||||
Good mornin... Im thinking that mid week is just not my best time...seems I just have this brain lock on Wed. for some reason... Was looking through the forum a bit this morning.....that is after I read my fav gals blog...and viewing the latest posts she has up......and anyway I was trying to figure out how to ajust the time thinggy......woooooo...way over my guess you will just have to know I post this blog about 6-7am MST......oh well details confound me at does doing much of anything on this machine....Iv'e never been accused of being sexually blocked but damn these things sure do block my blonde brain! Was so relieved yesterday on the way home from work....had worried all day about our old horse being alone cuz his goat bud had wandered off with a few other horses.....I mean you could just see the upset expression on his face being in his pasture all alone....Well on the way home we stopped to feed and they were together...little things like this mean so much to me....guess its my "mom" instinct but damn I was happy.....then after a quick dinner we rushed off to teach a class and they were still together.......* on the way back home there they was raining and the horse was standing under a tree and goat laying under him.......woooooo.....makes Kat smile....hehehe! Been watching the weather forecast cuz its a long wekend coming up and we want so to go camping....just not real pleased with the outlook as its like 70 but up in the mtns at 8000+ feet who knows......maybe tonight we will take a run up there after work and check it out......besides it will be a great excuse to visit my meadow........*sis you know the one I mean.....hehehe..... Back to my fav blog.....slutsrus's of course......I just love the way she described how gangbangs are.....and what really got me was her mentioning the smell of sex in a room......ONLY those who have had this pleasure would remember that....woooo.......cuz there is a smell.......and its more than the odor of cum on your face or taste of cum and oh yes......mmmm.....pussy with a "hint" of piss.....its just in the stirring myself thinking about a comment she made in my blog here about our "book" ...the comment started like this "ahhh yesssss! a joint book!"......LOL.......mmmm....Oh ya I could write a book about THAT.....LOL...I remember one gangbang we had set up and as people arrived I would greet them and sort of explain the guy walked in and was so intimidated by all the nakedness he actually left ...can you imagine! But that just shows the sad mind set many people have......I mean you gotta know that some ppl are just soooo hung up........Sometimes at parties its way weird how ppl will just sit around and sorta wait for the others to start......I have to admit to being the one to get things remember one time where it was just way sad.....nothing happening and so a GF of mne and I looked at one another and nodded...she went in the kitchen and got this huge stainless steel salad bowl and set it on the floor in the living room and I walk right up and squat over it and pee.....woooo......everyone loved it when my GF took the bowl and started drinking from it.....then she did the same.....squatted over it and pee' of course being a nasty damn thing I had to taste too....hehehe.....sooo fun and what a party starter!!!! Must dress for work......crossing my fingers the goat will be with our horse and be the company he needs.......wish me luck! Kisses......and as I do every day.....sending love to a Very Special and Oh so slutty gal from Dreamy piss GF... Love u Kat | ||||||
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