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Viewing Member - Veyron_UK

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Sunday, September 9, 2007, 8:37:08 PM- Story #2...
Just thought i'd say that this is probably crap but hey if you've got nothing better to do then have a read! Just don't be too harsh...please!!!


I'd be lying down naked on the bed as you walk in, yourself naked. You'd walk over to me and with a grin on your face your mouth would go straight for my cock.

You'd kiss it softly as first starting at the base near my balls and slowly kissing your way up to the shaft. When you reach my head you'd open your mouth and suck on the tip a little before taking it all in your mouth. As you take my cock into your mouth i'd tell you to look up at me. Your lips sliding up and down my hard cock as your eyes looked into mine "mmmmm that feels so good baby, keep sucking" I reach down with my hand and brush your hair to one side so i could see you suck me.

While you're sucking me I'd tell you that i want to taste you. You'd move round on the bed so your on all fours and your pussy is hovering over me. You'd begin to suck my cock again as i wrap my arms around your legs and pull you towards my mouth where i'd begin you gently lick you.

With each stroke of my tongue i would apply a little more pressure, spreading my tongue wide with each lick. I'd start to slide my tongue into you and maybe slide a finger in there as well. You've got a fantastic pussy! I'd keep going sliding my finger(s) in and out as my tongue continues to work it's way around you.

After a while i'd ask if you want to ride me which of course you'd say yes to!

You'd get up on your knees and turn around so you're facing me. Taking a hold of my cock you'd guide it into you as you lower yourself down. i'd moan slightly as you slide all the way down my cock, your wet pussy feels so good baby. You'd lean forward and rest your hands on my chest, my hands would take a gentle hold of your hips as you start to slowly ride me.

As you ride me my hands would gently slide up and down your hips and maybe venture to your tits for a little feel before sliding back to your hips! wink

"Mmmm baby, keep riding me" i'd moan, "ride that cock". Things would get a little more heated as we got into the swing of things. You'd be riding me a little faster and harder and my hands would be gripping your hips hard.

"oh yeah baby" i'd moan as your wet pussy gripped my cock as it worked it's way up and down the shaft of my cock. With each downward thrust my whole cock would be deep in you. I'd reach round you and squeeze your butt as you continued to ride me, you gently moaning. I'd love to see the look on your face as you enjoy the ride. Love to see a woman’s face while she is cumming.

You'd start to bounce on my cock hard now as you come closing to orgasm. Your hands would now be tightly gripping my shoulders, your nails digging into the back of them. Your moans would get louder, "i want you to cum baby" i'd say as my hands now tightly gripping your hips would pull you down onto my cock as my hips thrust upwards. My balls slapping against you as my cock drives hard all the way into you nice and deep.

Your pussy would be incredible wet by now. Your juices soaking my cock and balls. Your moans would be loud as you cum hard. When you've done you'd gently lie on top me, exhausted, breathing heavily and very, very wet!

I'd wrap my arms around you and gently & slowly start to fuck you again while you're on top of me. Your wet pussy soaking my cock as I slide it in and out of you.

"When you get your breath back baby" i'd softly whisper into your ear, "do you fancy some doggy?" wink
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"It was lovely, sensual, raunchy...& best of all funny at the end!"
- Louie-43

Sunday, September 9, 2007, 8:56:26 AM- The word tomorrow was invented for indecisive people and for children ~ Ivan Turgenev
Hi all

Well i feel very indecisive today. I feel that the majority of questions that will be put to me today will be answered with a shrug of my shoulders and a reply of "whatever".

If i had decided to write this blog about an hour ago it would have been one of my many moan blogs but the more i thought about what i was going to write the more it put me off writing it.

I've always felt that i can't say what i really want to say purely because of the reaction i will get to it. In that sense i've never been able to always say what i'm thinking or feeling. At times i've been someone else who isn’t me.

And for a comment totally unrelated to anything i'm writing; isn't it really annoying when people just knock on your door then instantly walk?

The feeling of indecisiveness replaced the feeling of being down and pissed off. After all what’s the point? I come on here sit down, type, moan and nothing changes. People just get the impression i'm a whinging git. And they are probably right but that's not the person i want to put across cause it's not the person i am.

Anyway, i did manage to spend about £400/£500 quid this week on cloths (and a few other things). I my sound old but aren't things really expensive now-a-days!?! It was nice to spend my last week of freedom (i go back to work this week, booooo!) just strolling around town and whenever i saw something just picking it up and buying it.

Also got a new phone which i've been meaning to get for a long time. I got my last phone about 4/5 years ago. It was a Samsung A800 i think. While it may be on its last legs now at least i got my moneys worth out of it! I have now got a brand new spanking Samsung G600. The thing i found quite funny is that the camera in the phone has more pixels than my digital camera! Not by a lot, my phone is 5megapixel while my camera is 4megapixel.

The only problem with a new phone is that i have a new number to memorize....oh dear!

I was thinking about getting a new camera as well but i think i might wait until i go to South Korea on my hols and pick up something decent.

Anyway i've got a load of ironing to do today as i haven' done any since i had my knee op. Oh it'll be another 2-3 weeks before my knee if fully healed. I still can't run but i have been on the exercise bike the past 3 days burning off some calories and fat! Think i might have another session on it today, depends on how long it takes to do the ironing and how busy i am answering PMs (I wish!!!)

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"Isn't normal life better than nothing... I'm happy you're mending well. Fingers crossed though when you get back to work! xx"
- mdguy

Sunday, September 9, 2007, 8:31:22 AM- Killswitch Engage - Reject Yourself
Their cries are blown away with the wind
How passive can we be before humanity is lost?
Turning our backs on those who need love
We must not rest while healing is needed

Tear down the veil
That bars your heart from feeling this
Dedicate yourself
Give your souls to compassion

With open arms embrace this heart
With open eyes behold the truth
Embrace this life

So little time is left
We must be relentless
In our pursuit of those in torment

Tear down the veil (tear down the veil)
That bars your heart from feeling this
Dedicate yourself (dedicate yourself)
Become the voice of compassion

With open arms embrace this heart
With open eyes behold the truth
Embrace this life

Can you reject yourself?
Can you feel their agony?
In a world that feeds on disregard
Heal the broken hearted
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Monday, September 3, 2007, 8:12:44 PM- It's good to be back?

Even thought i've been "off" for a month and i returned yesterday it's nice to see some absolute wanker is rating my pics a 1 as soon as i put them up.

And i bet it's one of those people who doesn't actually have any pics on this site themselves.

Also as i'm having a bit of a moan i'm still amazed by the amount of web/fake pics people are trying to pass off as their own. This is an amateur site for "real" people.

Honestly, some people! smile
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"Tis the season... *sigh*... But, let's just say it's good to have you back. :)"
- mdguy

Monday, September 3, 2007, 6:40:03 PM- You've got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice ~ Steven D. Woodhull
Hi all

Next Saturday it’ll be 6 weeks since I‘ve have my knee op and frankly I’m very worried. My knee is in a worse state now than it was before I had the operation. If I walk for more than 15 minutes it aches for hours (which is bad as I walk about 3 miles a day just going to and from work). When I do any heavy lifting I have to bend my back because I can’t bend my knee as it buckles under any weight. I can’t kneel, as I can’t put any sort of weight onto my knee. I still can’t bend my leg all the way which still gives me a problem when going up stairs (fortunately I live in a bungalow!). My knee is still swollen.

I just hope I’m expecting too much in terms of recovery time but after 6 weeks off I go back to work next week and if I don’t improve I’ll spend most of next week in discomfort. But I’ve got a bad feeling that they’ve balls-up the operation. It’s the little things that give me that impression. The fact that the two nurses I saw before and after the op told me I’d have 3 holes in my knee but I only had two. The fact that the surgeon only mentioned one of the tears (I had two) in my knee and after I told him I had two he had to re-read the notes and said “yeah, we’ll sort that out as well” didn’t fill me with confidence. And after the op he only talked about one of tears as well.

Well I do have a follow up appointment at the hospital tomorrow so hopefully I’ll be able to get some clear-cut answers what-ever they might be.

Had some vaccinations today as well in preparations for my trip to South Korea in October. Had a Hepatitis A and Typhoid jab and I’m thinking about getting Hepatitis B as well, it’s recommended but not classed as necessary. Anyway my left are aches! So I’ve got a aching left arm and a aching right knee!!! How old am I?

Well not much else to say so I’ll leave it at that and I can add anything that comes to mind later.

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"You're still in recovery, and knee recovery takes more than six weeks. Your spirit is hoping for more than your body is ready for, but soon you will be in better shape. Keep at it.

And Korea sounds very cool. But keep in mind it will be chilly in October (even if you are from UK, I hear it's a distinct kind of chilly.) Keep us posted on this. :) xx"
- mdguy

Saturday, August 11, 2007, 1:37:28 PM- And he finally stopped playing their song, when he realized he was dancing alone...
I hate August. It carries a few bad memories and anniversaries. My last proper relationship broke up in august and the last time I had any sort of sex was in an August. Those two things are the most annoying and the things that are starting to piss me off the most. And I’m annoyed with people saying "you’ll find something soon" or "something will turn up" cause it won’t. I’ve been waiting for a very long time and I haven’t found anything and nothing has turned up. I’m so tired of waiting and being patient.

I’m 25 and I haven’t achieved anything with my life. I’m sick of it. I wish I had done so many things differently but there’s no point in wishing cause it won’t make it so. I’m still stuck in the same place, the same situation and with the same problems I had over a year ago and nothing I do seems to change anything.

I’m really fed-up, more fed-up than I usually get. But when I wake up in the morning I have to put on my "everything is ok" face. Partly because I want to handle my own problems by myself and secondly cause I don’t want people to think I’m weak. And that’s another thing. I always get the "there are people with worse problems than you". I don’t want to sound like I don’t care but that’s them. They aren’t living my life and I’m not living theirs. They have to deal with their problems and I have to deal with mine.

It’s sad, it really is. I cried myself to sleep a few nights ago. I haven’t done that for a very long time. I just feel so worthless. I sometimes think what’s the point? What’s the point to anything?

I can’t get any sort of real affection from anybody. I can get people writing saying "you’re a nice guy", "I think you’re fit/sexy/whatever" and while they are appreciated, they are just words. Forgetting that I haven’t had any sort of sex in a while I haven’t had anything psychical either. No hugs, no holding of hands, no kisses, nothing.

It just adds to the feeling of being alone, unwanted and unloved...what is the point?
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"The point is this: at some point something *must* change... not "will" or "might", but must. Vent, all you want. I'll listen."
- mdguy

Sunday, July 29, 2007, 7:32:59 AM- A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. ~ Irish Proverb
Hi all

Well at 9:30ish yesterday morning i had my op and now i'm at home with a very swollen knee and big bandage, a pair of crutches and a lot of drugs! smile When I came around after the op I was so high! I was laughing and joking about everything for about 3 hours. Such a great feeling. I’m going to have to see if they sell any of that stuff at Boots! smile

While my op was done on the NHS it was performed at a private hospital. So I got my own room, my own TV and an on-suite bathroom with shower and toilet! I’ve had student accommodation worse than that! So if you can afford it go private! Also all the staff there were great so I was smiling and saying thank you a lot when ever I saw them.

My knee isn't hurting or as uncomfortable as i thought. I've been told to keep off my feet as much as possible for 48 hours so i've just had my feet up watching TV/films. I've got to go to the local GP on the 10th of August to have some stitches out, which i find a bit odd as it was done via keyhole surgery (i've now got 3 holes in my knee!). I thought they would have used those bio-degradable stitches as well. Similar to the ones i had when i was circumcised. They start to fall out after 2-3 weeks.

But anyway i don't know anything about this sort of thing so i'm sure they are making the right decision and i've just got to do what they say.

Got some little exercises to do on my knee while i'm recovering. And that brings me on to something i am worried about. As i'm going to be doing very little over the next few weeks i'm fearful of gaining any weight. I'm also a little worried of losing what little muscles i have, especially my stomach. I know it's not anything special but it's something.

Anyway i've still got a few old pics i haven't posted and i might try to take some new ones if i'm feeling up to it. So i will still post the odd pic now and again.

Thanks for the PMs wishing me well. They are much appreciated smile

Have some fun...


And on a health note my resting pulse was 55 and my blood pressure was 101/58. I've been told that's good.
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"I'm very glad it went well... now onward and upward! xxx"
- mdguy

Saturday, July 28, 2007, 3:27:30 AM- The greatest wealth is health. ~ Virgil
A very early Morning!

I don't believe it. I up really early so i could have a drink before going into hospital and i'm really bunged up.

I'm hoping that it all clears by the time i get into hospital. I've been waiting for a year for this operation and i'd be absolutely gutted if it gets put back again sad

I just hope it clears before i get there but knowing my bloody luck it won't...

I've also just noticed my CD/DVD drive on my PC has packed in as well!!
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"*sigh* Fingers crossed."
- mdguy

Friday, July 27, 2007, 8:05:13 PM- Nothing is more fatal to Health, than an over Care of it. ~ Benjamin Franklin
Hi all

Well last weekend I went down to London to stay with my brother. It didn't start off well. Due to the rain the train was delayed by 40 minutes and on top of that I bought the train tickets on line but forgot to bring my reference code for the tickets! Which meant I had to basically pay twice for one trip sad

Saturday morning me and my brother went to the cinema (we saw Transformers, which was slightly disappointing) then we meet up with one of his ex's, who he might be getting back with, for a few drinks. I drank from about 2 until about 7ish then went back to my brothers flat (without my brother) as I got bored with being asked to "leave them alone for a few minute" while they chat about private stuff. I chatted and drank with his housemates until about 9 then we all went out for a few drinks.

Unfortunately we went to this pokey little bar first and stayed there until about 1. I was bored out of my skull despite being completely pissed. Oh well, it wasn't a complete waste of night. Managed to grab a Kebab on the way home! Haven't had one of them in ages...shows how good the night out was! sad

Trip home was uneventful and I spent most of Sunday just washing and ironing.

This week has been manic at work. Because I’m off for about 6 weeks I’ve had to tie up all the loose ends and hand over all of my jobs for other people to do.

Then on Tuesday I fell ill. I woke up with three massive insect bites on my face. My ears and nose were bunged up and my throat was sore. Worse thing was I had an operation on Saturday and I knew that if I were ill they wouldn’t touch me. So since Tuesday I’ve been necking Paracetemal and antihistamines. I’m ok now so hopefully the op will still go ahead tomorrow.

Anyway I’ve got to have an early night tonight. I was hoping of taken some pics before my op, as I doubt I’ll be posting many for a while.

Have fun...
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"Keep well... and good luck tomorrow! xxx"
- mdguy

Saturday, July 14, 2007, 8:54:58 PM- On and off, you told me to wake you up, when the hand reaches the six...
Hi all

Well I’m absolutely knackered. I've just spent 2 and half hours cooking a meal for 4 and about 35% has gone uneaten!

I did sweet and sour pork, with egg-fried rice and noodles from scratch. I learnt from the last time I did this it takes a while to do so as I was cooking the main stuff I did some spring rolls, prawn toast and some duck things in the oven to keep everybody happy.

As well as doing the sweet and sour pork (which requires frying in a wok full of oil, twice!) I was doing egg-fried rice and noodles. The noodles were a piece of piss but juggling the rice and the sweet & sour source and the pork and the vegetables were a nightmare! Needless to say I burnt myself a few times, mainly on oil from the wok I was doing the pork in but also from not looking at what I was grabbing and from eating piping hot pork (which wasn't really clever on my part!). Also spread a bits of source and pork batter all over the place and myself! Should have taken a pic and asked if anybody fancied licking it off me! wink

Anyway I dished everything out at pretty much the same time into three big bowls. The sweet and sour pork (which had peppers, carrots, onions and pineapple in as well as the pork) went pretty quickly and the egg-fried rice did as well but the noodles were hardly dented. I guess I did cook too much but when I normally do Chinese my dad says there's never enough. I went from one extreme to another. Oh well, at least everybody is full and I’m thinking about raiding the whiskey cabinet and having a glass or seven wink as I’ve finished off the Guinness I had left in the fridge.

I always feel a bit...turned on after I’ve cook as well. I don't know why, I guess it's my body telling me I need to unwind and relax. Well I’m not going to get any so that's that up the swanney!

Also (finally!) managed to get an NN verification pic put up as well. I was looking at the category and I think they're slightly behind with dishing out the gold shields so I guess I’ll just have to be patient and wait. Going to put two more up tonight, which you lot will hopefully enjoy wink

And before I get any more PMs about it, no, I don't have a woman who is willing to pose with me so you're just going to have to put up with me!

Anyway I’m off to hunt down some whiskey while I listen to music until Ong-Bak is on. I've seen it a few times before but I love martial arts.

and before I go...COME ON AMIR KAHN!!!
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"A good turn of events for the weekend... glad to hear you got into something and enjoyed it. :D"
- mdguy

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