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Thursday, March 25, 2010, 4:34:20 PM- mastubating through a photo shoot
I work for myself so my daytime schedule is kind of open...I had a slow few days earlier this week, so I went trolling on Craigslist.

CL is kind of spotty, but I've been very lucky for someone my age and build (I'm a lil overweight). I've managed to hook up maybe two dozen times in the last two years, which for me is nothing short of miraculous... smile

Anyway, I was in a masturbating kind of mood, and while doing it at home is always OK, I was feeling kind of adventurous...so I posted an ad on the men-for-women section of CL saying "I want someone to take pics of me for CL", and lo and behold, this girl -- Breanna -- answered.

She was about 20, black, small breasted but GREAT legs, wearing a plain white t-shirt and totally ripped up jeans showing a little nice ass and a lot of skin.

I told her I wanted to do some pics dressed, some naked, some erect...played it somewhat nervous (which I guess I was, but it was more excitement than nerves)...

Took some pics dressed...took my clothes off...asked if it was OK if I stroked a little bit because I wanted to make it bigger for the camera..she was fine with that...sitting there naked and stroking for her got me really hot so I had to kind of concentrate so that I didn't cum right away...but it was difficult because I hadn't cum for several days...so I finally asked her if she minded taking pics of my climax. She said no, and I shot all over a tissue and her kitchen floor...

Got dressed, said thanks, left. End of story. My balls still ache.

This wasn't the first time, either...I've found that there are some women who enjoy watching a man masturbate, but I've never had any luck with an ad that says "hey, watch me masturbate...", but by setting up the "take pix" thing there's a gentler progression, and everybody comes away feeling unpressured.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009, 10:17:25 PM- My first gangbang
Unlike the couple of posts below this one, this post is NOT prettied up to make it a better read. This just happened today, and I want to get it down while it's still fresh in my mind.

I took part in my first gangbang today. Two girls and 14 guys. It was great.

The guy organizing the affair was the key to the whole thing. He advertised it (discreetly) online, and when he had his respondents, made sure they had all the info they needed, and basically did so in a way that made people comfortable with the arrangements. There was a nominal cover charge, but mein host provided lube, beverages, soap and towels for showers...everything but condoms--each guy was responsible for bringing his own. When he answered the door, he did his best to make everyone comfortable. Like I said, his efforts were key.

The girls? Both 40-ish, not bad looking at all, and really, really sweet. One was the girlfriend of the man organizing. BOTH of them were really into it.

Our host seemed to have one rule when selecting guests -- they had to be over 40. "No young bucks", he said. "They get drunk and want to prove something to the world, and that takes away from everybody else."

It worked. Everyone acted like a gentleman. Almost TOO gentlemanly, it seemed...for the first half-hour or so, it seemed like the girls were doing all the work...and they were hard workers. One, a slim blonde, was kneeling in front of the sofa sucking one guy off an jerking the guy next to him. Everybody else stood around naked, watching and pulling their puds. This is so polite it's fucking SEDATE, I'm thinking, so I lie on my back and slide under her, licking her shaved pussy. This gets the party going a little.

See, I've always been kind of afraid of girls...but I'm 57, and it's getting a little late in life to be iffy about things. So I've decided to just jump right in. Next thing you know, SHE is sitting on the sofa and I'm fucking her face as hard as I can. The guys are encouraging me, but I don't want to cum just yet, so I finally back off and motion for someone else to get in there...whereupon they go back to sedately sitting side by side on the sofa while she jerks one and sucks the other.

To each his own.

I go in the other room, and the other girl...a little bit on the big side, but enthusiastic as all get-out...I wait my turn until she starts sucking me, while some other guy is eating her ass. This girl LOVES sucking cock.

Now I'm really hard...so I wander back into the living room where the sedate twins...two different guys, I notice...are sitting side by side, one being jerked and one being sucked. So I slip on a condom and just ram it into her doggy. THIS wakes her up...but I sense the guy getting sucked is annoyed because my thrusting is throwing her rhythm (and her concentration) off.

Who cares? Get over it, pal...it's a gangbang.

After about ten minutes of good hard pounding I shoot, and man, it was great. This girl's got an amazing ass, and I'm just loving pounding it.

When I finish I pull out, and somebody slides right in behind me. Kinda nice for the ladies, I think...just because I'm done, she doesn't have to be. And she's really enjoying it.

I have a cigarette and a bottle of water...fucking can be hard work...and after chatting with mein host for about ten minutes wander back into the bedroom where the heavier girl is. She's on all fours sucking one guy, and another has been pounding her from behind ever since I finished in the living room. Three guys are off in the corner sucking and jerking each other....that's nice and all, but while I have no objection to sucking or being sucked by a guy, if there's a pussy in front of me, it's gonna win 10 times out of 10.

The guy who's been fucking her is done, and I slide right in behind him...thank God for Vitamin V, my cock is already hard again (not an easy feat at 57). While this girl might be chubby, she ABSOLUTELY knows how to fuck...even if she's busy with a cock in her mouth. She fucks me like crazy...so crazy, that I only last about 7 or 8 minutes before I cum again...this is the best fuck I've had in a long time...

She's really vocal the whole time, and rocks her pubic bone up an down to milk the underside of my cock...wow...

And wow again...I've just fucked two girls and cum twice in 25 minutes...which is more than I fucked in 2008...

I couldn't get over how many of the guys were content to just sit and watch and jerk off. To each his own, I guess, but if you're just gonna sit there, I'm gonna do me some fucking, so get outta my way!

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"The only part of this that disturbed me... was the part where you smoked. Otherwise, glad you enjoyed it. :)"
- mdguy

Sunday, April 26, 2009, 12:42:26 PM- driving naked, part 2
Following up on my driving nude theme. Again, the following story is absolutely true, and again, I've dressed it up to make it a better read. But it's all completely true, and I can still visualize every little bit of it. It occurred maybe five, six years ago and it’s one of those experiences I can recall like it was yesterday.


It was one of those unbelievably hot and muggy summer days. Of course, the Civic's air conditioner wasn't working. I'd been helping my brother move some furniture at his apartment, and as I drove home through town I was wearing a torn t-shirt, shorts, and the rattiest pair of sneakers ever seen.

Correction -- make that just shorts and sneakers. The t-shirt was so sweat-soaked and dirty that I'd taken it off to wipe my face and neck, tossed it on the seat next to me, and now I was enjoying what little air was coming in through the car's open windows.

I was tired -- moving furniture is hard work -- and more or less driving on autopilot, when a pair of girls standing on a corner caught my eye. And no pun intended, they were fucking HOT.

The one on the left, the blonde, had too much makeup and a white t-shirt that was cut off just slightly below a huge pair of tits. Enormous, perfectly round tits. She didn't have a bra on -- you could tell by the way them things bounced and swayed in unison, covered by only the smallest bit of her cut-off t-shirt. It was the kind of shirt that makes you hope she drops her keys, just so you could watch her bend over to pick them up.

She wore low-rise denim shorts that were cut off just short of her chubby ass cheeks, and she had just a hint of a little belly sticking out slightly over the front. Trailer trash chic all the way.

Her friend caught my eye in a different way. She had long dark hair, olive skin, beautiful eyes, and was also extraordinarily well-endowed. She wore a pale blue halter top that exposed all of her back, plenty of cleavage, and fit snugly enough that it sort of xxxxxx her tits to squeeze out the sides of the halter. The Golden Globes, I thought to myself. I could see white tan lines on the sides of her breasts where they strained out of the halter. Darker blue short-shorts, long, tanned and beautiful legs and a pair of sandals finished off her somewhat neater (but no less hot) look.

Standing on the corner talking and laughing, they HAD to know they were attracting attention -- hell, they were DRESSED to attract attention. Before I even got to the traffic light they had ME at attention, too -- that's for sure.

As I eased up to the intersection, I unconsciously pulled my dick out of the waistband of my shorts and started rubbing it -- that's how unbelievably hot these two were. They just didn't BUILD girls with tits and asses like this when I was younger, and these two got me from zero to fully erect in nothing flat.

By the time I'd crept almost all the way up to the traffic light, I'd pulled my cock and balls BOTH above the waistband, rubbing and pulling and cupping the head of my dick in my hand, pulling up and down with my fingertips, and rubbing drops of pre-cum up and down the underside of my dick with my fingertips. Meanwhile, the elastic waistband was pressing up against the underside of my nuts.

I pulled up to the traffic light still rubbing my cock. I wound up being the second car in line at the light, about six feet short of these two honeys. I remember thinking as I stared at them and stroked that it doesn't get much better than this -- an otherwise uneventful drive had turned into a chance encounter with two hot as hell babes, and me sitting just a few feet away pulling my pud. Not a bad afternoon.

Unfortunately the light changed, and the traffic behind me meant that I had to move. Covering my stiff prick with one hand, I made a quick right turn and started around the block for another look. As I came around again, I could see that Blondie and her friend were still on that same corner, when it suddenly dawned on me that they were waiting for a bus.

Can't get much by me.

Meanwhile, I was getting so hot that I'd pushed my shorts down around my ankles and was driving pretty much completely nude -- in broad daylight -- toward these incredibly erotic ladies.

As I eased the car up to them for a second time, I pulled my t-shirt across my lap -- I really didn't need them calling the cops. But by this time I was really aroused, and grabbing furiously at my dick through the t-shirt. The light changed again and I made one more right, shirt still across my lap, starting around the block for a third and final pass.

By this time, I was determined to shoot the whole wad right there in the car, into my t-shirt. I love jerking off while surreptitiously watching beautiful girls, and with any luck, I'd wind up in the same place I was before -- about six feet short of them -- and shoot my load of spooge while they were right in front of me, with only the dashboard of the car and the t-shirt in my lap between us.

But as I finished my loop around the block, I was disappointed to see them getting on a bus. Well, OK -- not THAT disappointed, because I'd already passed the point of no return. I already knew that I was going to shoot a load right there in the car. Hell, just THINKING of the sight of them had me hot enough to blow a load.

I pulled my shorts most of the way up again to where they met the t-shirt in my lap -- no sense getting locked up this close to a climax -- and followed the bus for a couple more blocks. I was toying with my cock now, enjoying the feeling as it got even harder, hoping I'd get just one more sight of them before I shot my load.

I saw them again soon enough -- after three or four blocks the bus made a right and there they were, sitting on the right-hand side of the bus, about halfway back. They seemed to be just about the only people on the bus; Blondie was closest to the window, and I could see both of them laughing and talking from about their boobs on up.

I was close to a climax, but the sensation was so delicious I wanted to hang onto it as long as I possibly could before I shot (which was probably going to be soon). I continued to follow the bus, gently caressing my dick. I didn't want to cum right this second, but the pressure was building and I knew a load was going to cum very soon and very hard.

The bus kept going, with me in tow, my nakedness covered by only a t-shirt thrown in my lap. I could visualize Blondie's tits swaying, see the gentle folds of her girlfriend's tanned skin where the side of her breasts escaped her halter top, see their long, sexy legs disappear into the briefest of shorts. Oh yeah, a major load was most definitely coming.

Suddenly, another traffic light, a big intersection, and -- oh, Jesus, how lucky can one guy get? -- there was a right-hand turn lane. A fucking right-hand turn lane, right next to the bus! It was stopped for the light, there was absolutely no one in the right-turn lane and no one standing on the corner. If I was lucky, I'd be able to sneak up and get one last look at them from up close before I came.

I pulled quickly into the right turn lane while frantically pulling my shorts down to my ankles, throwing the t-shirt aside and yanking my cock and balls like a man possessed. I was so fired up I knew that just that one last look at them would make me cum like a freight train.

Incredibly, I managed to put the Civic's driver's seat almost directly below them. There they were, all hot and sitting just a bit above me in the middle window of the bus. There I was, nude and stroking furiously to the big finish. I glanced up for that one last look...

...and to my shock, horror and delight saw that BOTH of their faces were pressed against the glass, staring down at me with their mouths open!

That did it. Seeing them staring at me just absofuckinglutely did it. There are two gorgeous women two feet to my left and two feet above me, staring at me through the glass. Me, I'm stark naked and jerking off like a wild man. I'm pumping a cock that's about to shoot an all-time load and staring right up at the two of them. I have absolutely no choice. I couldn't do much of anything but cum, even if I wanted to.

I just fucking ERUPTED, blasting out the biggest, juiciest, wettest, most intense load I've ever blown. No time to cover up, no time for t-shirt, for paper towels, for ANYTHING to catch the cum. Just wave after shuddering wave of this massive spooge eruption. Jizz flew everywhere as I continued to hammer.

I locked eyeballs with both of them as I continued to jerk off. Delirious doesn't begin to describe it. Watching them watching me made me cum even harder. Each spurt was starting somewhere back near my asshole and getting a running start, and these two were watching it all from four feet away!

Their eyes didn't seem to know where to go next. They went from staring into my eyes to gaping at my dick and balls heaving their liquid load all over the place to my right fist pumping my cock as hard as it could. It probably lasted only a few seconds, but it felt like an hour as I came and came and came in full view of them.

They didn't seem to blink as my cock continued to spew semen -- they stared transfixed at every bit of it. I didn't take my eyes off them once -- watching them watch me just made my climax more intense. I thought my balls were going to implode. I'm cumming so hard, my balls actually HURT.

When I finally finished cumming, I was dazed. I was seeing stars. I was incredibly messy, with the last squirts of pearly white jizz dribbling down over my fist. I was doing a little involuntary convulsion sort of thing. Never, never had I had such an intense climax, and my entire body was lit up and shuddering as my goddesses continued to stare.

Finally, after what seemed like an orgasmic eternity, the light changed and the bus started pulling away. I paused for a moment -- partly because I didn't want to pull out first and have them see my license plate, and partly because I was still kind of stupefied -- and as they rolled off, I could see both of them looking back, faces plastered against the window, mouths still open but starting to point and laugh.

I quickly made the right turn and somehow got the hell out of there -- the interstate was only a couple of blocks away, and I got out of Dodge right quick, trying to balance the needs of driving a car with the absolutely mind-numbing orgasm I'd just experienced.

I never saw them in person again. But I've never forgotten them, either, nor that once-in-a-lifetime load. Or, for that matter, all the loads I've shot just THINKING about that day...

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Saturday, April 25, 2009, 3:40:18 PM- driving naked, part 1
I’ve mentioned that from time to time I enjoy driving naked, or at least semi-naked. The following story is absolutely true. Yeah, I've dressed the wording up to make it a better read, but it's all completely true. Seriously.


It was a hot and humid late-summer's Friday evening, and I was bored to death. It had been a really slow night at work, and it had been I could do to keep my eyes open for all of my 6PM to 2AM shift. I was so bored I decided to take the 'scenic' route home -- it avoided the Interstate, and had the additional benefit of passing a handful of bars and clubs as they emptied following last call.

Girls DO tend to dress to kill when they go clubbing on a Friday night, and tonight was no different. Short short skirts, halter tops, boots -- a virtual cornucopia of tits and ass and legs. I love it. I was thoroughly enjoying the scenery as I made my way across town.

I'd already pulled my shirt off because of the heat. Before long, watching all these hot babes laughing and talking outside the bars I pulled my shorts off, too, and started yanking on my pud. Hey -- it's dark out and I'm in a car. Who's going to see me driving naked? It might have been a boring night, but at least I'd get my rocks off on the way home while I checked out the girls. Life is good.

As I pulled up to a stop sign in a not-so-great neighborhood, though, I was taken totally by surprise by a girl who appeared literally out of nowhere. She just popped up next to the driver's window, asking if I had an extra cigarette. Needless to say, she startled the crap out of me.

Thin, not unattractive. Skin the color of dark chocolate, long legs in cutoffs, short curly hair, missing one tooth on the bottom. Late 20's, maybe? White t-shirt, medium-sized tits, no bra. Pretty brown eyes.

Me, I'm sitting in the car under a street light completely naked with the seat all the way back and half a hard-on, and she's asking for a cigarette.

"Umm, yeah", I stammer. "Sure." Real cool one, I am.

She looks at me sitting there stuttering. She looks into the car and it dawns on her.

"Hey, y'all are naked!" No wild reaction, no further discussion, just a simple statement.

"Umm, yeah", I stammer.

She starts to reach in the window, pauses, looks at me and says "Can I touch it?"

"Umm, yeah". A real conversationalist, I am.

At which point she reaches in and starts ever so gently caressing my cock. At first, just her fingertips, stroking gently over the head. This goes on for a few minutes, but soon enough she grabs the whole thing in her hand. It's not a soft hand -- these hands work for a living.

My cock is responding to her attention by coming to attention itself. "This is pleasant", I think to myself. Yes sir, I am a genius.

After about sixty seconds of gently but firmly jerking my dick, she straightens up, smiles, and asks about a cigarette again. I produce one, and she strolls off.

I drive away, still shocked and surprised at what has just transpired. Naturally enough, I start flailing wildly at my meat and bring myself to a spooge-shooting conclusion within about two blocks.

A couple of weeks pass, and I'm leaving work. I figure what the hell, and I strip down and take the same route home. There she is, sitting on a step at the same corner. Ambles over to the car, asks for a cigarette. I give her one. She reaches into the car and asks, "Can I?".

She grabs my dick firmly this time -- pretty good grip -- and starts stroking slowly up and down the length of my unit.

While she's pulling up and down on my cock, I ask her name.

"Tanya", she says.

Trying to think of something witty, I mumble "You're a nice girl, Tanya". (You idiot -- she's a total stranger who's jerking you off in the middle of the street. Of COURSE she's a nice girl...).

She smiles and says "Thanks", and continues to pull on my unit, a little harder and only a little tiny bit faster. She says nothing, just keeps stroking. Long, hard, firm pulls that make it obvious to me she's not just playing. She's in no hurry, but she definitely intends to make me cum.

I say -- half-heartedly -- "You better cut that out, or I'll be making a mess pretty soon". She says nothing, just concentrates on her work. "No, really -- if you keep doing that I'm gonna cum".

Tanya stares right at me, one arm in the car masturbating me with intensity now. Not fast, but long, firm, deliberate strokes. There's no hurry on her part. Every stroke is focused, like this means something to her. She's into this. She means to make me cum.

Before too much longer I can't hold it any longer, and I shoot my load all over the place. Tanya continues to stroke, more gently now as I shoot cum over her hand and on my stomach and chest, until my balls have fully and completely emptied themselves. She continues, gently, until I stop shuddering.

She gives me a really sweet smile, stands up, and asks if I have an extra cigarette. I hand her one and try to give her a few bucks that are lying in the dashboard tray.

"You don't need to do that", she says. "A cigarette will do fine." I give her a cigarette and a light, and she turns and slowly strollls away.

I say good night -- mostly to myself -- and drive off, wiping up spooge as I go.

I drive through Tanya's neighborhood about once every couple of weeks now. Sometimes she's there, sometimes she isn't. She's never gotten in the car or made any attempt to, and has never taken (or asked for) any money -- a single cigarette is all she's ever accepted. Neither of us says very much -- it's almost like talking would somehow ruin whatever's going on here.

If she's there, sometimes she just reaches in and touches me gently. Sometimes she slowly and deliberately masturbates me to climax, in a very firm but relaxed sort of way. Either way, I always offer her a cigarette, which she always accepts before she walks off into the night.

To this day, I don't know who she is, where she lives, or what she does at that corner at 2:00 in the morning. I don't want to. I don't want to ruin a good thing.

Like I said, life is good.

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"How fucking awesome is that, kudos to you bro"
- picfanco

Sunday, April 19, 2009, 4:53:22 PM- exhibitionism
For me, nudity and exhibitionism go hand in hand. I mean, we all get naked all the time...changing clothes, getting a shower, that sort of thing. Nudity becomes fun when I'm naked in front of someone else...and invariably that leads to arousal, and THAT leads to orgasm. Hopefully, anyway.

I've done this all sorts of ways. A few times, masturbating on a nude beach (though I'm always careful about my audience, since I value nude beaches). Several times while driving--one time I was driving with my shorts down, playing with myself, when I pulled up beside a bus and two girls on the bus (looking VERY amused and entertained) watched me cum. Hard.

Craigslist has been cool...I started out with a guy who was willing to take pix of me naked...it ended up with me jerking off. I was surprised that I got so hot, since I'm essentially straight (or thought so until then).

Since then I've met up with a young lady who was originally willing to take pix of me, and wound up with a masturbation buddy...we each take pix of the other getting off. Very cool.

I'd like to have someone jerk me off next, maybe in a public park or something...

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Friday, April 17, 2009, 11:21:25 PM- being naked
I love it. I simply love it. I *especially* love it when someone is watching me. Just the simple fact that I'm naked in front of someone else makes me hard, and I usually wind up cumming in VERY short order.

If there's anyone in the Philadelphia area who feels the same way, drop me a note. I'm more partial to females than males, but hey...
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"Found the Blog Update button I see :)"
- Sandman

Thursday, September 27, 2007, 5:31:39 PM- exhibitionism, part 1
I'm an exhibitionist. I like to be naked, particularly in front of women. I wouldn't be posting pics on this site -- none of us would -- if I wasn't. Exhibitionism is a tricky thing, though -- in the proper outlet, it can be a lot of harmless fun. In the wrong outlet, well, it's just wrong.

By proper outlet, I guess it's with a partner, or at a nude beach, or in a situation where you're relatively certain the viewer will take it for what it is, a non-threatening bit of harmless fun with no intent to inflict sexual or physical harm.

Wrong outlet? Whenever there's a possibility that the viewer is going to be upset or frightened or threatened. Certainly, any time there are kids even remotely in the area is absolutely the wrong outlet.

I have to admit that my choices of time and place have sometimes been marginal, but I'll also admit that sometimes, it's paid off handsomely. More to come...
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Saturday, September 22, 2007, 5:17:51 AM- more on exhibitionism...
I can't believe how much I've been thinking about yesterday's photo/exhibitionist session. I mean, I've been walking around waving a woody for the past day and a half!

I think I'm going to have to use this blog to explore my fascination with exhibitionism...
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Friday, September 21, 2007, 2:23:46 PM- Sept 2007--my first nude photos
It was DEFINITELY a unique experience. Here's how it came about -- through circumstances not worth repeating here, I had lost a bet, and had to have someone who was not my wife take a picture of me naked and with a hard on.

I posted a request on CL for someone to take these pictures. I posted in the M4M section, not because that's my orientation (it isn't), but because 1.) I could probably be totally anonymous, and 2.) I knew I probably didn't have a great chance of having a woman answer an ad like that.

So off I went. Walked in the guy's house and undressed while he got a bottle of water. I was worried that I'd have a hard time getting it up in an odd situation like this -- stranger, not my orientation, etc. -- when all of a sudden it seemed totally hot.

So much so that by the time he got back I was hard, and in short order stroking myself to get a hard on actually wound up making me cum. Hard. Really hard. So hard I overshot the napkin I had grabbed, and I sprayed all over his floor. So hard that for a second I thought my balls were going to collapse.

Even though got the pix I needed, I'd like to do it again. Not necessarily with a guy -- basically, I'd like to do it with ANYBODY who'd have me walk in the front door, strip down naked and jerk myself to a climax. Plus, even though I now have a few pix of me nude -- my first ever -- I'd like to get some more.

I probably was fortunate to have posted in M4M -- if I'd been in front of a woman, I'd have probably cum so hard I'd have injured myself... smile

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"see, this is exactly why this blog section was created. I laughed not because it was funny, well a little, but mostly because I was there once and then I went blogcrazy...have fun"
- manlycornhusk

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