dirtycopperRemoved all the post with phone numbers. If I missed one someone comment and bring it to the top please. Phone numbers aren't allowed in chat. Keep that to private messages
dirtycopperSome tugs put out 10K horsepower, but they're pushing 15 to 24 barges, each hauling 15K tons...that's a lot of product. I can haul 26.5 tons in my truck. big difference
5 years ago
dirtycopperIt's been a while. How is everyone doing?
dirtycopperMy cousin in southern Illinois found some morels today. Now I'm eager to get out and find some. Be a few more weeks before they start popping up here.
dirtycopperYou're probably too early. check thegreatmorel dot com. They have a map of confirmed sightings. Have to take a pic of the find with a receipt showing location and date. good resource for us.
dirtycopperNot quite that bad. The men in my family never have had a lot of body hair. Few of us can grow a decent beard. But we'll keep a full head until the day we die. Trade off I guess.
dirtycopperThe good thing about singing karaoke at your cousin's bar, FREE DRINKS The bad thing about singing karaoke at your cousin's bar. Free drinks all night.
NaughtyKatDC sure has been beyong patient Lenny. 48hrs without working fridge over here isn't a great deal. Facts
6 years ago
lennynaturalRefrigeration is one of mankind's greatest and most important inventions. How else can you keep the number invention cold on a hot summer day?
6 years ago
dirtycopperYeah, I'm just proud to be on the right side of the dirt I've been loved and I've been lost and I've been hurt...