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Viewing Member - drtarr

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Sunday, January 30, 2005, 3:36:13 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
Kind of a messed up weekend with weird working hours and cold stay in the warm bed weather. I am going to do my best to start the new lil' interlude tommorow just for a change my imagination has left me. Inspirattion will strike at the weirdest of times though so I am hoping for the best, the signs are good, the coffee is hot, and all the other necessary parts are in working order. I would like to thank everyone for the kind remarks and their patience again and will be back to normal soon. smile
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Friday, January 28, 2005, 3:53:03 PM- Hot Coffee an Hardons
Ok yesterday was probably TMI, but I was cold and brain not fully funtional. After all I took an IQ test online and was rated as a cunning linguist. But I'm back and meandering all over the page (I promise to clean the mess). My brain has been rolling over considering the next story to be written and I may be starting it tommorow. That is something I don't really know but have to be inspired properly before the start of it. Well back to the pics for inspiration...
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"Keep Writing Hun!"
- Happygrrl

Thursday, January 27, 2005, 4:24:03 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
Greetins, another lovely morning with hot coffee and that morning stiffy. Thinking those lovely morning wake up thoughts and the time to write them down. Having a mispent youth behind me I know pay the price in different ways but one that has a benefit is my need to wear dentures, but because of this I have an advantage in the art of eating a woman. The lack of teeth allows me to chew most gently for an added sensation for her. Now I love to eat a woman, the taste has always been most delightful and the reaction recieved so far has been most favorable. Comments recieved have ranged from,"It Tickles too much", "where did you learn to do that!!!!!"(between gasps). So my ego has definetly been fed. Use of not only my tongue,lips, gums, adding in a finger or two. I have also been most fortunate to have been blessed with ladies who produce the nectar I love so well. I love to love women and am fortunate to have loved some very special ones.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 3:49:13 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
I am a lucky man. I have lotsa people who care for me, in particular I have a special lady who lets me know how much I am loved and cared for, needed and wanted, (not always the same thing). She is equally content cuddling on a couch or engaging in passionate love making. Willing to try new things and repeat those we enjoy, the important portion of that being WE. She puts up with my bad habits as well as the good ones, understands when I am quiet and when not to probe any deeper into my mostly hidden feelings. So I am a lucky man. Time to work on another day.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2005, 4:58:51 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
Missed yesterday but it was a busy one. Unfortunately it was busy in in a non-fun sort of way. But as always with me fun wasn't far from my mind. I had to do a little driving and that is a great tie to allow the brain to drift and wander, thinking those lovely thoughts imagining those tender touches as they brush and rub lightly over your skin. The strokes and touches that send small thrills up and down your spine. How they change from fingers to soft sweet lips asthey gently kiss your skin drifting over your torso and down across your belly. Once again the fingers find your stiffness and a tongue swirls over the head of your stiffness, a moan of pleasure escapes your lips as you are being carressed in a most intimate way. lips part and engulf all of you, your back arches upward trying to fed more of yourself into the lovely prison that holds you captured. Teasing, sliding , nursing the moment causing all sensation to melt into a single point of focus. The concentration of all into one, the tension and sensation building into an eruption of both sensation and content causing inner and outer collapse.

later my friends
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Sunday, January 23, 2005, 4:20:31 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
Just a quickie today, it's cold and just want to lazy around and do nothing today. Not likely to happen but itsa nice thought. This is the kind of weather designed for lazing around and making love all day. Well come to think of it that sounds like a productive day to me. If anyone has any suggestions for a scenario for the next story let me know, all good artists need inspiration, my lady gives me plenty but a few suggestions will be nice.
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Saturday, January 22, 2005, 4:03:28 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
To continue,

She led him into her bedroom where she lay upon the bed, his eyes drank in the beauty which was her slowly tracing the path his tongue and lips took earlier. She was surprised at her ow reactin to his gaze, a combination of admiration and hunger, and her hand traced lightly over her body until it reached a pace where a finger could lightly tickle her clit as he began to undress. Dropping his clothes quickly he removed his underwear last freeing his stiffness. Standing before her his playfull grin dancing over his face his hardness thrusting upwards in front of him. She reached for him and puleed him to stand at the end of the bed leaning slightly forward she licked his hardness almost tentavely wih her tongue as if trying a new flavour of popsicle. Her tongue then swirled over the mushroom head of his stiffness causing a sharp intake of breath from him, as her lovely lips finally parted and slowly started to swallow all of him. Slowly at first but as passion or hunger built, he wasn't sure which it was, her head bobbed back and forth running her lips the length of him. Her tongue constantly swirling within her mouth over him. His hands had started resting lightly upon her now tightly enmeshed in her hair as he reached heights he had never been before. Finally he pulled her from him and gently urged her upwards onto the bed sliding on beside her. Positioning himeself between her legs his stiffness seeking out the poisture ladden flower that was her. His arms positioned themselves behihind her knees so as he positioned himeself she was also positioned, open and waiting for him. slowly he entered her for the first time, starting with just small shallow insertions, building a tempo sliding a bit more of himself into each time until at last his fullness was inside of her. Gasp and moans escaped both there lips as he slowly began to stroke, pulling out almost all the way before sliding into her fully again. Passion building in both of the her hands gripping and trying to pull more of him into her, their lips kissing and licking whenever skin came close enough. His speed as well as the power of his thrust building by the minute, by the second as passion blended into pure lust. The need for release now the only thig he could possibly think of. The sound of their skin slapping togather, the odor of lust and passion filling the room. He was now pulling all the way out only to slam back into her with a resounding slap of flesh with one last driving thrust his entire body stiffened as he exploded within her, her arms and legs wrapping around him drwaing him tightly to her body as she shivered and quaked from her own internal explosion. Colapsing onto as he shrank and slipped from her he rolled to his back disentagling from her wrapping her into his arms and pulling her tightly to him. Where they drifted off held tight and close togather into a most contented snooze.

well that definetly calls for a smoke....
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"i think ill have a smoke too"
- juicy

Friday, January 21, 2005, 4:04:34 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
Now where was I....

She was now stretched nude half on, half off of th couch. He again kissed his way upward seeking her lips and fiding them, kissing deeply as his fingers traced lightly over her skin dancing lightly tickling the hard nipples of her breasts. He urged her with small pushes into a sitting position and sank to his knees in front of her. he kissed his way downward again, mixing kisses with licks and sucking gently at random as his fingers also randomly caressed her skin. Again he teased slightly kissing around her moistness and licking gently upon the inner part of her thighs. Finally his lips lightly connect with her, tongue reaching out to dance back and forth with delicate but fast flicks over her hardening clit. Mouth locking over her tongue dividing inner and outer lips and then seeking her wet interior. The sounds of her mixing with an almost obscene slurping noise emanating from him as he seemingly attempted to drink her dry. Again he adjusts his mouth upward and inserting a finger within her as he once again concrntrated his licking upon her clit. His finger dives inside of her moving back and forth, in and out her curling upward seeking the small button inside of her just above the pubic bone. Drinking her in deeply loving the taste of her sweet and spicy all at once. She pushes his head away form her and rises from the couch, taking his hand she smiles with the passion of the evening dancing in her eyes. " Come with me," in an almost commanding tone,"I want you in my bed." Pulling him to his feet she leads the way as he admires her nudity and marvels at her lovliness.

ok i need a cigarette I'll be back to finish this tommorow........
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"lovely - can't wait for tomorrow!"
- javagoddess

Thursday, January 20, 2005, 4:15:46 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
Dinner had gone well between them, good food, good wine the conversation had run everywhere from authors to movies and many places in between. It had over all been a very relaxing and stimulating evening for the both of them while never voicing it neither wanting it to end. After a beautiful stroll enjoying an evening with clear skies and stars that was the perfect temprature. The akward moment hit them at the door a hnadshake, a hug, a brotherly kiss? This was always hard for him as he had problems reading the signs and never really knew what to do. This problem was solved for him when grasping his hand and kissing his cheek she asked him in for coffee. The room was warm and cozy and he settled in on her couch. She arrived with the coffee and sat down beside him. "My arms a bit sore tonight, to much stretching for the top shelf I guess" she said with a small shy smile. He had been admiring her lovely face and imaging her lips on all parts of him throughout the evening as well as just what she would taste like to him so immeadiatly asked "Would you like me to massage that a little for you, I have been told my fingers do have the power to make you feel better ?". With a slight nod she turned her back toward him and he started rubbing first at her neck then down over her shoulders and upper back. His fingers gently kneaded her skin beneath her blouse and as he moved her hair aside he leaned forward and gently kissed the back of her neck. As his lips touched her she shivered slightly and reached back to try to touch what she could reach of him. " I hope I don't seem out of line but this would work much easier without you blouse". Without saying a word she just smiled and removed it. His fingers went back to work once again kneading her flesh lightly but firmly under his fingers, up and down her back and neck, over her shoulders her skin warm and smooth to his touch. With each movemen across her shoulders his fingers moved slightly lower onto her front, following the outlines of her bra. Finally in one bold move he undid and removed it, continuing to rub and massaging her skin, his fingers tracing forward following the curve of her breast tracing it lightly with just the tips of his fingers. He never allowed himself to do more than caress that curve although he desire to pinch and tweak what had shown to be beautiful hardening nipples were great. Instead he slowly truned her as his fingers continued to caress her back he ositioned himself so he could kiss her. The kiss started slowly lips brushing lightly then as the passion that had been built started to unleash itself they smashed togather tightly hunger for the taste of the other, lips parting tongues driving to each other, wrestling with each other, probing, tasting. His fingers continuing to run over the skin of her back as he triled his lips downward over her chin and to the neck. Kissin, licking, tasting, over the jawline across the hollow of her shoulders, downward he moved following the pattern his hand had set kissing and licking alone the outside curve of her breast avoiding contact with the nipple for the moment,building passion still higher, ennjoying the feel of her hands as she stroked his arms and gathered his hair into her fingers trying vainly to move his lips onto her stiffening nips. Once again he returned to her lips for another deep and passionate kiss, repeating the pattern of kisses and licks across her torso, this time he does indeed first take one the the other nipple between his lips sucking it inward playing over it with his tongue at the same time. He enjoyed hearing the the sharp intake of breath he recieved as he finally started to nurse and taste her nipples, his hand moved downward and worked to remove first her pants then her panties, fingers dancing over newly exposed skin caressing and touching as he also tugged and pulled stripping her nude, lips and tongue following fingers he tasting the newly exposed softness.

well like the tease i am i think i'll stop her and wait for tommorow for more...

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"I've had many encounters that have started off this way. Massage is an excellent excuse to "cop a feel". I fully recommend this to anyone who wants to get laid."
- dj_cf0204

Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 3:16:32 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living or pictured is purely an act of fantasy.

He had always, at least since his teenage years had a fantasy about librarians. It had started in part because of the cute high school aids that had worked in his hometown library and seeing them replacing books on top shelf in short skirts. The other part also became of his shyness at the time and they being the "keepers" of his safe world. Now as an older more self assured man he didn't rely as heavily on fantasy for his releases but still enjoyed being able to relese himself into fantasy stress free worlds where the hero won the day and the girl. He had spotted her on his first visit to the library and was immeadiatly enthralled. The beauty she was, downplayed by her own self conciousness and tucked safely behind the glasses. He smiled when he saw them thinking of the Kilgalen line of men not making passes and remembering the additional line he had either heard or added himself he couldn't remember which. Muttering it quietly to himself "Men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses , unless the lasses with glasses have nice looking asses, and that one looks pretty good to me." smiling at the thought, he paused to consider just how to approach her.Her lush full lips and the smile which caused her eyes to dance when it played over her lips were well worth the pursuit and he was sure there was a fount of passion within her that a lucky man would be able to unleash. he could imagine their lips coming togather, his hands caressing the curves of her body lightly stroking over her skin. Her reaction to lips gently tugging and sucking on her nipples and his tongue dancing over her skin and the taste of her when he finally placed his head between her silken thighs. He shook his head to snap out of his daydream as he felt himself stiffening at the thought. Well he considered nothing like trying a straight approach. "Hi," he said as he stepped in front of her,"my name is Dan and i would love to have dinner with you". She blushed slightly and without hesitation, much to his suprise accepted.

more tommorow.............
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"im a fan cant wait til tomorrow"
- juicy

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