Eccentric,practical,motivated,fit,and Sexy or so they say.easy going helpful,friendly and flirtatious. I require no meds and I'm happy mostly.
The best day of my life was...
I have been putting this off for far too long. My dancing shoes are going to run away from home if I don't take them out for a little footplay.I'm not sure if my mate will want to play so I shall speak as though I'm on my own .I know this sounds foolish but I have no one to dance with .So I'm interested in people who use their form to reflect their passion and joy.I am no longer young but if I shaved my white beard I'd easily pass for 37.But it is like the lady once said on Groucho's "You bet your life",A woman is as old as she looks a man is old when he quits looking..I consider myself a patron of the finer points of living;not taking the beaten path but straying off to pick wild flowers when chance and time allows. What I am looking for in a woman? Please surprise me! That's what this is all about . I'm hoping that some nubile nymph will want to exchange tit for tat or one massage for another.You know touch is the infallible cure for the illusion that we are all separate beings so it only follows that this is the point at which we begin. Come Come Ladies it seems you won't do what is necessary unless I lean over and rub all over your butt .But I can't scratch that itch for you unless you do some thing for me.So who among you will be first and foremost?PM me and ask that question or make a comment . heartthrobb