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Viewing Member - masterstoy91

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012, 8:25:01 PM- serious question
so I have a question for everyone, parents please chime in...

So say you were going on a trip and a family member went with you a child for the purpose of this blog lets say a /early teens child. Who was obsessed over a person online or maybe just a website lets say a social networking site of some sort. and while on the trip this person went on to this site only to find that the website would not allow them on as there account had been deleted. So they then create a new email account because they can not use the old one to get a new account at the site. During this time they are supposed to be with friends and family but are online creating this account, and have to wait 72 hours before they can use some of the feature but in the meantime are using the other features they can use right away. They are also using other websites and forms of communication to tell others they know on the website that they are back on it. Then once they are allowed full access to the site they start obsessing again and do things that they have been informed will get them removed from the site like they were several times before. And they then get themselves again removed from the site.

now my question is what would you do if you found out that this is what they were doing? would it be a problem in your opinion? is this an issue that you would like to have them stop there behavior or is this just a kid being a kid? now before you answer because I know some of you are in your 40s 50s and even 60s, so what if this was your 20something or 30 something or even 40something child? is this behavior appropriate for any age, or is it something that as you grow older you should do far less and less if at all?
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"Basically, someone has screwed up the raising of this child. Why haven't they learned basic cosideration for others, fair play, understanding, compassion, honesty?
By the way, you mean 'their' when you've used 'there'. They're two completely different words with completely different (discrete) meanings.
The child needs to be denied access to ALL social networks (and maybe the parents too?) while they learn some basic rules of human interaction.
Best wishes and good luck!"
- sunsailer

Monday, January 9, 2012, 12:26:25 PM- The information we share...
I know that some will say that I am paranoid, others will say I am too young to know what I am talking about, some will say I am preaching and telling others what to do. However I have wanted to write this blog for a long time. And no this is not a jab or retort towards anybody just something that has been on my mind for a very long time.

Humans are not meant to live alone, we seek out others for companionship and often times we open ourselves up to people who we think are a right fit in our lives. The internet and Social Networking websites have made this even easier to do for many people. However think about the information you give to people. Your Name, the place and places where you have lived, the names of your children, their ages, all information that can be used to find you if the person or persons really wanted to. Not only that but quite often you give information that can be used against you in the all too often Flame wars that happen on sites like Facebook and others. There are things often little thing that upset us that we often tell our friends online and real life what they are, we arm these people when we give them information about ourselves. And it is done willing and with all honesty often times without being asked for.

How easily have some of your real life friendships fallen apart? How messy did things get when it happened? Have you ever been part of or seen an online Flame war? Most of the information and secrets that are being spread and used against people those people gave willingly to the ones using it against them. Often times when it comes to a friendship ending it is over something small, yes there are cases of someone cheating or someone stealing large sums of money, but when you think of all the friendships you have had that have ended in most cases they ended over something that could have been worked out. Now think about how often you have lost friends online for even less, or been Flamed for something as simple as removing someone from your friends list, how many times have you seen someone get upset with another person over not answering an email or instant message. And now think to yourself how many people you have directly or indirectly given information about yourself that they can use to make you look bad, make you cry, make you angry, make you want to run away and hide?

All I am trying to say is that we all need to remember especially when it comes to the internet the person or people you are sharing your information with may not be the person you think they are, and if you share something with someone make sure you know who you are sharing with…
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"yup great blog and a good reminder..been there.. done that learnt the hard way..as usual :/"
- Northern Star

Friday, January 6, 2012, 2:23:46 PM- Cock shots and Spread Eagles
Ok so here is my opinion on these as profile pictures... Why do it, honestly if you look at the most popular people on the site {and I do not mean the people with the most friends as that is not a true way of showing popularity when many people accept request from everyone} but those who are always getting talked to on status or getting comments on their pictures or are being bookmarked, very few have these types of pictures as a profile picture.

Seriously what makes people think that the first impression of them people want is a Dick or Pussy shot?? A shot of a bare chest on a guy will normally get more of a reaction then a close up of his dick. Or a pantie clad ass on a woman, it draws people in, they have to look at the pictures you post if they want to see the Cock and Pussy. A Cock shot or Spread Eagle profile picture leaves the viewer already knowing what it looks like so they have little to no reason to go any further.

Yes this is a Nude picture website, however it is also a community where people tend to try and get to know each other, and honestly most guys with a Cock Shot profile picture are here to get off and nothing more, looks at the status updates and see how many leave I NEED A BLOWJOB or WANNA FUCK updates. And just as many of the Spread Eagle profiles if you read the profile are either men or a couple where the male is the primary user. If you want to get to know people do not just say something interesting have a picture on your profile that makes people want to see more of what you have.
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"Excellent points Toy! I'm glad I have a mixture of those shots in my profile. I also frequent status and have great dialogue with a mix of NNers."
- VTCali

Thursday, January 5, 2012, 4:12:13 PM- Awesome Hello Kitty

and for Tux

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"LOL That is pretty awesome. At first, I thought it was going to be a Terminator type thing. Maybe next time?"
- tuxedojunction

Wednesday, January 4, 2012, 8:40:11 PM- Hehehehehe LOL
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"Love it!!!"
- johnnyc2k

Monday, January 2, 2012, 10:21:38 PM- I know I blogged this before
There have been many women on here who have said they feel ugly and lack confidence in themselves and their bodies which reminds me of this poem, so I figured I would post it again. It is so true though and am glad people like it.

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.

For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone.

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of each of your arms.

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.
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"very well said x"
- marko1oo

Sunday, January 1, 2012, 7:26:58 PM- much needed update
I was checking the blogs and reading all the ones mentioning the issues with status and such and realized I have not really updated my blog with an actual text based blog in a while. And in all honesty since yes I am the center or close to the center of the whole thing I fell I need to say a few things. So here goes, some people who have been around as long or longer then I have been know that I had my original account deleted. This was upsetting and made me mad I did not cry though, it is just a website after all, I was upset because I had just been gifted a year premium by someone who since then has not contacted me unless I contacted then, this person is and was a kind and respectful guy he asked not only me but Master if he could gift me premium, and said all he wanted was to know that for the next year he could see my pictures and that I could post more often. It is partly due to this that I have given away quite a lot of premium time using the nudles I have earned here, and some of the people who have benefited from them have no idea. Back to my point though after a few PMs exchanged between NN and Master NN agreed to restore my account under this name and my premium as well as my Verification, which as anyone who know me know I feel is just as important to supporting this place as being premium.

Soon after this I started being attacked by various members and several trolls, some of you may remember when we had one troll who swore he would be back with friends when he slipped up and I revealed he had created an account for the purpose of defending himself, well he came back with 6 or 7 fake accounts and tried attacking me even threatened me in PM's saying they would track me down and show up at my house and hurt me. I was again upset a little unnerved by how obsessed someone can, be but still not tears. I sent copies of these to support who not only deleted the accounts but banned the IP yep they were all from the same guy.

Still as time went on I was continually attacked and down voted yes I as everyone at the time who it was happening to got upset and was often trolled. Someone pointed out that the block feature didn't work exactly like I had though so I decided to simply start deleting comments left by those who I would have blocked a feature that by the way anyone can do from their My Status Updates page. This has worked overall with exception to a couple of guys who I have always considered trolls who have thought it funny to comment and wait for it to be deleted, which is in fact a internet troll behavior by the way. Then after awhile I got tired of seeing dick shots in the photo section with hide dick filter and tired of fakes posting from paysites so I applied to be a Photo Mod. Then when I signed in and realized I was a mod, I realized I was not only a Picture but a Chat and Status Mod. A few month later some of the people who I had been deleting comments from on my status updates started getting upset and saying I was using my Mod abilities to censor them, considering the fact that I had been deleting their comments for much longer then I have been a Mod this is out right laughable.

Then for some reason over the last week or two I have been blatantly attacked by a couple of members one of who after seeing the blogs being posted saying the behavior of people like this needs to stop, has actually acted as though they have no idea what is going on. I have been personally attacked and have had my Master attacked as well, again even with all the bullying and outrageous attacks on me no tears no hint of any either. Then a few days ago an update was made about me, I left it alone someone else called the person who made the statement out saying it was mean, the poster responded saying that yes it was and it was meant to be, I again left it alone. Another mod saw this attack and called the poster out in an update, words were exchanged between them, I asked them both to stop and when it did not I first deleted the update made by the Mod and then deleted the update made by the other person. As both were just made to cause problems the poster admitted it on her update and Mod as admitted it as well.

What happened next was the first thing that has happened here that has made me even consider getting truly emotional and crying, the Mod a friend of mine who has been very supportive not only to me but many others here and the site decided she was leaving the site, I know some people are going to say that they pulled it before but truth is so have many others including the person who has repeated attacked me for over a year. But this person meant it she was tired of the attacks the petty and childish behavior that is displayed on this site more often then those doing post pictures or participate in what the is is about and for. She has seen people leave due to the attacks and the way people behave and was sick of it, she herself had come under attack for making a comment about people spreading rumors and having no proof, that if another member had made would have been over looked but since she is a mod she was attacked and told she should be better then that. The fact that I knew she meant it made me sad made me mad made me feel like losing my cool but I did not. I signed in the following day after she she removed her pictures ready to let this place do the one thing it has never done to me, make me cry, luckily she was talked down by someone and stayed. Thanks to that person this place has never made me cry.

But yeah there you have it I have said as much as I will about everything that has been going on with exception of this... To those who have stopped coming on status I am sorry that the site has turned into something that it should not be, and to those who have over the last year and a half I have been here that have defended me, or sent me PMs saying that you hope I am not letting things get to me, and you all know who you are Thanks.
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"Well said...at least when we fell out we had the grace just to ignore each other and not make an issue of it..LOL!"
- Lil_Bunz

Saturday, December 31, 2011, 4:11:24 AM- now this one reminds me of purr
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"excellent shot.. looks deep and thoughtful.. i miss purrr.."
- LordViking

Saturday, December 31, 2011, 3:13:33 AM- in the money...
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"lovely cat"
- marko1oo

Friday, December 30, 2011, 9:31:16 PM- It cant rain all the time...
We walked the narrow path,
beneath the smoking skies.
Sometimes you can barely tell the difference
between darkness and light.
Do you have faith
in what we believe?
The truest test is when we cannot,
when we cannot see.

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