I enjoy thinking about and discussing the big questions about life. What motivates behavior? What causes us to be attracted to certain people and not others? How do we know what we think we know? In the old days I read a lot of books on Philosophy and Psychology. Now I tend to read mostly on cognitive neuroscience. I am an avid reader, learned and enjoy discovering and experiencing new things. I enjoy golf in season. I am a very slow typist and I spell at a 4th grade level, so I don’t do well with extended chat.
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The meaning of life is...
What we are looking for is always an interesting question. That is always the question we want to know from the other person is it not? The true challenge is that in many cases the other person doesn't always know themselves what they really want. For me it is somewhat complex as with most people. On an intellectual level, I want the feeling that you get when endorphins flood the brain (Like a runner's high). Or the feeling you get with the release of dopamine in the brain (the brain chemical responsible for most addictive behavior), or the release of oxytocin that is released when you reach organism. For some women it is just having her nipple rubbed in the right way with the right kind of pressure and rhythm. We are all social animals and we get those feelings from sex, but we also sometimes get those feeling in the brain when someone is simply kind to us or shows they care. What I know about myself is this, that I really enjoy meeting new people, trying to understand them, what turns them on, motivates them. If the connection/chemistry is present, I enjoy helping my partner receive enjoyable physical pleasure and the closeness that comes with a more intimate and deeper relationship. shybigone