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Viewing Member - thebody2nv

Blog Viewed: 11,351 times.

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Thursday, October 4, 2007, 8:56:59 PM- PLAYOFFS
I love playoff baseball.............. of course it helps when your team is winning.

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"We love playoffs at the end of the basketball season, we do get baseball live on TV over here and last weekend we had 3 live NFL games, but my son plays basketball and we are really looking forward to the new NBA season."
- verbatim1uk

Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 2:04:16 AM- What to do? What to do?
You know how you really know you're in love with your wife? When she leaves you for the week on a business trip, and by Monday night you have this empty pit in the bottom of your stomach. Mrs.Body is in Cleveland for most of the week and while every guy I talked to today said the same thing. "Dude when"s the party?? Like my parents are out of town. The other one I heard was "so when are we going to the titty bars?" and the worst, "How can I get my wife to go with her?" I just think if you're so unhappy in marriage that you can't wait for your spouse to leave, maybe you should. We only get one life on this rock and I intend to take full advantage of it. It's only Monday night and while I should be out "getting drunk and chasing pussy" all I can think about is, what am I gonna do for three more days?

I'll be in the kitchen cooking dinner for myself and my kids if anyone's lookin for me,
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"Wonderful - do you have any brothers that are single with the same attitude you do? ;)"
- SquishyGirl

Friday, September 14, 2007, 1:40:37 PM- part 3
HA!! fooled you didn't I? I made my point guys I'm done. If I opened any eyes along the way, I'm glad. If I hurt some feelings? Wasn't really my intent, and I'm not going to apologize for something that needed to be said. I've never had sooooooo many comments or readings in any two day period in my blogging days. So it got read which was my intent. Anyway, IT'S FRIDAY PEOPLE, SHOW ME YOUR TITTIES FRIDAY!!!!!!! Anyone wanna see anything just ask, I'm in that kind of mood, BUT I will want something in return. Thank God VEEBS is in Las Vegas, I'm afraid of what he might want????

Have a wonderful Friday people, thats what they're for!!!!!!

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"TWL pointed me to your Blog cuz she knew I would like the read. I have not been here long and already been duped into thinking I was exchanging with people interested in another point of view. DL talks a good talk, but is just interested in finding a new place to state the same old thing. I won’t be fouled again. It caused me to say a few things to DL that in turn offended some one else that I did care about. It did change that relationship. It goes to prove the body’s point that it does take away from the sex part of the site. I can’t say I won’t enter the political threads. I’ve not paid my dues to shut up now. I won’t get lured into a tit for tat with the DL’s of NN again. I will state my point of view and take it or leave it."
- Half Cocked

Thursday, September 13, 2007, 3:13:03 PM- Thanks for proving my point guys
Political debates do not need to be emotional. What matters is not who can yell cuss words the loudest. What matters is who knows the most, who is most rational, and who is most articulate.


So typical, and Thank You for proving my point. "What matters most is who knows the most" according to who? Your media source? That goes right back to what I said. The only thing you really know is whatever spin was put on by the media you like to read because they say what you want to hear. You're not here to listen to two sides of a discussion and make an educated choice, I've read your posts D.L. You're here to push a Democratic agenda. You like any Dem or Rep. only know what you're allowed to know. Do you honestly think you know what goes on in the White House? Please, you know what they want you to know and THATS IT.

Who is most rational?? Please, there you go proving my point for me again. I asked for anyone to find me just one political thread that didn't turn into a screaming match, and you know what? That little statement was completely ignored, and you know why? Because it doesn't exist.

Who's next? Someone that wants to cry freedom of speech? Got news for you guys too. I never said you couldn't discuss politics, I said it doesn't belong on a nude web site. Why wouldn't you take this to a political website? Do you go to a tax attorney do discuss criminal justice? Why not they're both lawyers? Do you go to a Mexican Restaurant and order Chinese? Why not it's all food?

The funniest part of my whole last blog was, well there was a couple. "someone has their whiney pants on again" This from someone that won't even show a profile and doesn't even post in the forums??? So why would you even make a ridiculous statement like that, Oh I know to stir up more shit. This is my blog, I'll say whatever I feel at the moment, I don't go into your blog and take a dump in it. If I don't like what I read in someones blog I shake my head and walk out, Thats my perogative. Then there's the argument that ensued over me telling you that they all turn into screaming matches. Can anyone say Irony????

You all that disagreed with me, and you're allowed that, did what you all do in political threads. You didn't disect what I said and proved me wrong, you came in with irrelavent points of your own and tried to push those. I made alot of statements and points, yet those that disagreed with me just came to, guess what, argue. I will give Ms.A some credit, simply because, when she enters a discussion she makes her points, and leaves until she has more to say. I have never heard her scream at anyone, cept in extasysmile

As for RC's point of contribution? I've got over 7500 posts in the forum and 90% of it is playtime, which is why I'm here. To continue your line of thinking, however, If there's kids on the playground that do nothing but fight and argue with each other, rather than try to stop it, I should just go over to the other side of the playground and start a game that I like and ignore the problem?????????? Sorry RC you and I have always got along and hopefully still will, but that analogy is ridiculous. These arguments and heated discussion don't stay in the political threads, they leak over into every other thread that they enter.

Just a thought

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"Sorry saw beer, had to stop in :o)"
- NoSecrets

Wednesday, September 12, 2007, 4:50:46 PM- I promised myself I wouldn't do this but...........................
I am so sick of all this bullshit. Every single one of them has the same fuckin idiots arguing in them. POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS DO NOT BELONG IN A NUDE WEB SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "We should be able to discuss anything we want as adults!!!"(in my fuckin whiniest voice) shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!! Someone, anyone, find me just one, I'll repeat that, just fuckin one, political discussion that didn't sometime before it was shut down, locked or forgotten, there wasn't name calling, hurt feelings, hatred, along with all the other shit that goes with it. Same names, same people, same arguments, same old SHIT!!!!! You discuss politics here because you want to be a big fish(smarter than thou) in a little pond. You're not impressing anybody here. If you're that fucking brilliant go to a political site and talk to other people that want to talk politics, see how smart you are there!! You're just terrified that in there you'll be nothing more than a little fish in a big pond. This is my blog, don't for a minute think you can come in here and try to defend yourselves, YOU CAN'T, the evidence is out there in the forums, it's easy to find, just follow the smell. When I speak in here about "you" "you" is a generic term, I AM SPEAKING ABOUT NO ONE PERSON IN PARTICULAR. If, however, this blog offends you then,yes, I am probably talking about you. The biggest problem here is this, The democrats think they are the smartest people in the hemisphere and can do no wrong. Now just replace democrats with Republicans in that last sentence and repeat. Nobody is here to have their mind changed, so if I'm right you must be wrong, is the thinking on both sides. Guess where that leads??? No shit, arguments. NO YOU CAN'T BEHAVE LIKE ADULTS, YOU'VE SHOWN THAT TIME AND TIME AGAIN. No one ever learns, there will always be assinine political discussions, and there will always be children arguing about them, why? Because homosapiens don't want to learn, they already know it all, and you're just the idiot that they need to straighten out.

I do feel better now that I've said it, and like all you wannabe politicians, I don't give a vermin's hind side what you think about it. There how do you like it when some one gives you the same retoric??

This could have been done in a much more civil manner and tone, however anybody that takes the foolish time to read my rantings, knows that I've said this before, in a much more civil tone, no one ever listens. Guess maybe I must be wrong then???


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"Yes, I don’t participate in those threads. They just wind up pissing me off. If you want a political debate go to the CNN or FOX news web site, not NewbieNudes. I just come to NN to have some laughs in the forum and chat with some folks. I think thats the way it should be."
- Mickxxx

Tuesday, August 28, 2007, 1:12:58 AM- what to do........what to do
Football season is once again upon us. EVERYBODY READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!!!!! I love football season, 'cept for one thing? THAT MEANS IT'S GONNA BE COLD SOON!!!!!!!!!!sad Ladies start covering up those beautiful titties, legs get hidden in pants, no more short skirts???? Almost makes me wanna hate football........................................................NAWWWWW nothing could make me hate that. O.K. maybe another 2-14 season by the Raiders and I'll seriously consider it. This really is a great time of year. It's still hot out, girls are still running around nekkid, and they're still playing baseball. I get the best of all worlds............... ahhhhhhhhh, life can be wonderful sometimes

still staring at a blue sky, beer in hand gettin ready for baseball
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"Football season sucks...but I do like the Raider cheerleaders...I wonder why baseball has only stupid folks in costumes...when we all want to see them ladies....I vote for the Naked sports channel...take a blue pill and we are all in...smile
The Braves still won...here...smile"
- By-the-Sea

Wednesday, August 22, 2007, 12:49:43 AM- must stay inconito
I went to the Rockies baseball game last night, damn I love that game, My beautiful wife got the season tickets from where she works. We sat front row right behind the Rockies dugout. I guess I spent more time on T.V. than the Rockies did. I've had numerous phone calls today from customers saying I saw you on T.V. last night. They kept showing you and talking about how "colorful" you were. Kind of cool really. Sitting that close changes the game completely, now I don'rt ever want to sit anywhere elsewink Beautiful night last night too, and got to spend an evening together with the whole family. Priceless

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"Aw man! FSN alternates between the Rockies and the Royals where I am. Last night they had the Royals on. Bummer I missed ya dude!

By the way, I've sat in those seats... for the Bears (yep, not the Zephyrs) at the old Mile High. Them's good seats!"
- Biff McFly

Monday, August 20, 2007, 1:52:23 AM- Thank GOD
School starts next week!!!!!! I swear I have noctunals for children! they stay up all damn night, and don't get up until 1 or 2:00 in the afternoon. They're gonna shit when I tell'em bed before 10:00. They'll both give me that "you're an asshole" look while heading to their room. Thats O.K. though, because I just give 'em the "because I'm the DAD,thats why" look, and they both move.

What a beautiful Sunday evening, think I'll go bar-b-cue something for dinner. Beef it's what's for dinner!!!

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"I start kicking out of bed by 09:00 every day during the summer so eventually they get worn out & won't stay up so late."
- L085

Saturday, August 18, 2007, 6:46:40 PM- un....fuckin....believable
Mrs.Body decided to have a garage sale this weekend. I CAN'T BELIEVE THE SHIT PEOPLE WILL BUY!!!!!!! For the last couple of weeks she's been tellin me "don't throw that away I'll sell it at the garage sale" i'm thinkin about having one of these every weekend, I wouldn't have to have my trash collected every week. People pay for this shit..........

off to go collect more money

P.S. and I can drink beer while I'm doin this!!!!
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"this round's on the body!"
- jphiggins

Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 11:55:44 PM- saw this while working
I was doing my usual running around today working and I saw this

so now I've been busy thinking about that 'Rikan chick and her tits all daywink~

All and all a good. any day spent thinkin about titties is a good day

Hi Princess!!

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"oh hell jusst saying hi am back as the real me !!!!"
- suedevil

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