I'm been blessed with the sexiest wife ever that I Love Dearly, she knows that I am always super horny, and has been more than able than keep be entertained and delighted for almost 43 years. I introduced The Love of My Life (mrsUnderDog59) back in 2014 after she discovered my online pastime (NN Status) That was one of the best decisions I think I ever made. We have had a blast over the years here.
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Saturday, March 19, 2022, 1:19:13 AM- Life a BEACH and it is AMAZING! :) | ||||||
![]() As I sit here on the beach listening to the rhythmic sound of the powerful waves of the Atlantic roll up, and as I feel the splash of the ocean spray, I taste the sea salt I must confess that although its morning beings as it is vacation it’s prompting the thought it must almost be Margarita time. I close my eyes and feel the warmth on my face and couldn’t but help stop and think of how fortunate I am to be who I am and where I’m at right now. I've always had the natural ability (or curse) depending on what I need to get done, to daydream and let my mind wander without any effort and this amazing setting is proving to be like stimulant drug to my imagination, and for once I really do not have anything else I should be doing, so I'm going to let it run. My family Heritage has always been of huge interest and pride to me. Long before there were any of the DNA tracing companies, I had spent many an hour visiting with my Grandmother’s learning what I could of our family’s past. Last year I made the decision to have myself and a few other members of my family send in our DNA samples to a couple of these services hoping to learn even more. The results of our tests have certainly been beyond interesting and have sparked a renewed interest into where we came from and what brought us here. The one commonality that all parts of my ancestry is that all of them crossed this big pond called the Atlantic to arrive here in North America. There is no doubt that is what provoked my thoughts of each of their journey’s, and the hardships they faced. Even though each of their paths took them across these same cold waters, their struggles differed due to the various times in our history that they made the journey. I can't help but think of what courage it took for each and every one of those family leaders, to make the decision to uproot their families and undertake that journey across that vast seemingly never-ending body of water. Yet somehow, they did find the courage to make those moves, with the earliest arriving on North American Shores in 1629, the rest making the trip in the mid 1800’s and my last set of Great Grand Parents arriving in the late 1890’s. Yes, as I sit and relax here in the warm sunshine on the beach, I can’t help but marvel and be proud that I truly am a product of this melting pot called the United States. And I am truly thankful that when my ancestors needed to start anew, they were welcomed onto these shores, and were both encouraged and allowed to work hard to make new successful lives for themselves. They were allowed the opportunity to work to make their goals and thus their dreams reality thanks to our freedom. 😊 | ||||||
Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 1:56:49 AM- The Sun has set on our vacation ☹ We are headed home to the real world...😑 | ||||||
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Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 3:25:01 PM- A FaNNtastic time meeting a NN friend for Dinner 😊 | ||||||
MrsU and I had the rare chance to meet with a friend from here on NN.. Now before you all get wound up expecting a story of a wild tantric adventure, let me try to calm the excitement level down to a realistic level... Our meeting was just on the level of getting together for a dinner out with a Sweet Friend, when it happened to be that our paths were to cross. And what a lovely evening it was, We spent the evening sharing conversation, drinks, and much laughter over supper with none other than NN's Amazingly Sexy GottaBeMe 😊 Well, let me tell you that thanks to Gotta's amazing personality it was like having a night out with a lifelong friend. 😉 I will close this blog by saying that after last nights dinner, and meeting her first hand, I feel compelled to add that Gotta's Sexy pics do not even come close to fully displaying all of her true Amazing Beauty both inside and out. 😍 .. Thank You for making this stop on our trip truly special. 😊💕 Undi This pic is GottaBeMe and mrsU after we had our dinner out. ![]() | ||||||
Saturday, April 10, 2021, 1:31:59 PM- Part 8 "A Touch of Fantasy" | ||||||
Thanks for your understanding. I think you all by now have figured out my skills in grammar and punctuation are subpar, hopefully the story is good enough to make up for my errors.... ![]() Part 8 of a continuing Series.... "A Touch of Fantasy" The Sunlight was beginning to break through the curtains of our East bedroom window, and the early morning brightness was slowly luring my mind from its current groggy state. I looked down and noticed my soldier standing at full attention ready for morning revelry. My nose was what first began to stir my memory. The smell of raw sex was strong in the room, and the memories of yesterday were becoming clearer in my mind, and sadly I was remembering that it was not from Polly and I having wild sex in our room. I sprang up to get out of bed, and stopped as if I hit a brick wall, my head felt as if it were going to explode. I grabbed both sides of my head and fell back on the bed. I had never experienced a more throbbing headache than what I was having at this moment. It was all coming back to me now… It had to be what ever the drug was that Jonah had given me that was making my head feel like it was blowing apart. My hands slid over my beard as they fell from holding my head up. It felt really matted and crusted, then I remembered Polly sitting on my face before going back downstairs. It seemed like an awful lot of mess from that, I thought I had cleaned her fairly well… Speaking of Polly, why wasn’t she in bed? Is Jonah still here? And if so, why is there not sounds of anyone else in the house. I struggled to sit up at the edge of the bed again.. I notice now that it is not just my beard that’s a matted creamy mess, my cock and pubes show signs of excessive sexual spillage, but that didn’t make any sense to me or seem to match any of my memories of events. I weakly wobble myself to the door and pull it open. It’s eerily quiet in the house. Polly! Polly, are you here? I shout down the hall… there is no response. I stagger my way down the hallway to the living room, pleasantly surprised to see it looked pretty much the same as it did last night. I peek in the kitchen, and notice there are a quite a few empty cans and some empty liquor bottles, but I have seen many more than this after our parties before. I open the basement door and look down. All the lights are off, not a sound is coming from down there. I slowly make my way down the steps. The smell of sex, smoke and booze gets stronger as I approach the bottom step. There was no doubt I missed out on something big, that is for sure. There was a huge puddle of wetness pooled underneath the sex swing, and the couch cushions were all thrown about. I looked over at the pool table and saw ropes still tied to the legs and there was a large wet spot on the felt, I could also not help but notice there was a small rip in it. I walked over to the exercise area of the basement and saw the weights had been taken off the weight bench and handcuffs were still hanging on it. I glanced toward the Love lab and it was obvious to see the desk had also been well utilized due to the dildos being strewn about, and the desktop looked to be a wet and sticky mess. My search then moved to the Love lab and one glance in told me it too had utilized well yesterday, and my mind was calculating that there certainly must have been more than one gal involved in all this debauchery, and if not Polly was undoubtedly going to be one worn out woman. I rushed upstairs to find my phone. I got to the top of the stairs and I remembered it had to be still in my pants that I left downstairs by the couch yesterday. Another trip up and down the steps was not exactly what I was needing this morning, ugggh. My nose was clearer and was working a much better this time as I headed downstairs, and I was really getting pissed. I clearly had said we did not allow cigarette smoking in the house, but the odor said that rule was not obeyed. There was another odor I could not quite make out but something was there.. I located my pants not far from where I had remembered leaving them. They had been kicked back against the wall behind the recliner that Jonah had been sitting in yesterday while I had my limited play time with my Polly. As I picked up my pants I found a clue towards what the strange odor may be. There seemed to be a fair amount of dog fur on my jeans, almost as if a dog had laid on them like a blanket, and as now I look at the recliner and couch fabric I see traces of fur there as well. That’s odd, but I guess I do now kind of remember Jonah springing the surprise on us that he had some cousins coming, one of them must of brought their dog along with them. I breathed a sigh of relief that the phone still had a decent charge on the battery and then I hit the speed dial for “Love of My Life” ….her ringtone barely plays and the phone immediately trips to voice mail, and I hear Polly’s Sexy Voice Message say ….. “ I’m tied up right now, but let me know what you need, and I will get back to you… beep… Damn,, it went right to voice mail, she must have it turned off. I head back upstairs and get some coffee brewing trying to figure out where they may be, and try and figure out if Polly was alright or if she was in danger. I was really in between a rock and a hard place. There is no one I can call due to the nature of the goings on that precipitated Polly’s disappearance. Then it dawned on me, I can check the cam footage to see if it gives any clues as to where she may be. I go in the living room and look by my easy chair for my laptop computer and begin to panic when I can’t find it, then a piece of yesterdays memories falls into place and I remember Polly saying she brought it to the bedroom so I could watch if I woke up. I hurried down the hall and retrieved it, came back to the kitchen grabbed a piping hot cup of black coffee and started to log on to my laptop and cam monitor service, now the only decision was which camera was I going to view first, as I had many to choose from. I decided to pick the one that would most likely have caught them leaving, and it was the only one Polly was unaware I had planted, so I clicked on the folder titled Garage Cam…. Sure enough I had caught people arriving on the cam, time stamp said it was about 11:30AM. Good God, what time had I crashed, it was quite obvious the timing of things was wiped from my memory by what ever I was given, although bits and pieces still were coming back to me as the morning went on. It was obvious Jonah’ s Cousin Crew was larger in number than he had let on, I had already seen 4 guys pass through the camera’s view. Shortly after the door to the house slams the garage door swings open, and in walks two more huge young men, and they are carrying 3 Pizza boxes. Seems like an excessive amount of pizza for 6 people, and then the door opens again and in walks two of the hottest women I have ever laid eyes on the first one through the door was a young redhead. Even with her coat on I could tell this little lady had a body to die for. I had no trouble identifying the beautiful Black Goddess that walked in next as Jonah’s girlfriend. She certainly had the posture of a Dominatrix as she confidently strutted through the door. She stopped and held the door and I noticed she had a leash in her hand. She whistled once, tugged on the leash and commanded “Moose, …. Come… and through the door trots one of the biggest Brindle colored Bull Mastiffs I have ever seen. As Jonah’s girlfriend opens the door she yells “Chasity Heal” and I can see the pretty redhead has halted right inside the door. I than see Jonah’s Girlfriend reach into her coat pocket and take a second leash out and attach the end to the studded collar on Chasity’s neck, and then after its hooked they all continue into the house. As much as I want to see what happened downstairs while I was out cold, my main concern was where Polly was and if she was alright. I fast forwarded through time stamps on this cam until I began to see people leaving our house. By the looks of things no one was feeling any pain, and everyone looked like they all had received a pretty good workout… The women looked down right abused, but in a good way 😉.. I continued to fast forward, and still no Polly nor Jonah had come out. Finally they did, and I could easily see there was some disagreement and a serious conversation going on as they came out, but try as I might, I could not quite make out what they were saying. Their voices started to come in clearer as the vehicles that were running outside backed out of the driveway… That’s when I heard Polly say something that shook me to the core. I could hear her very clearly tell Jonah that she felt bad about leaving me here drugged like I was, and that she was worried that something could happen and I would not wake up… Jonah then chuckled and said these words that still are branded in my memory…. “Well, You should have thought about that before YOU came up with the idea to drug him”… WHAT!!! What was that Jonah had just said??? Polly’s idea??? Wtf… how could that be.. Jonah continued… “I will have to say it was a brilliant idea you came up with, and it did leave things wide open for us today, and then when you suggested we give you just a little GHB so as to loosen you up some as well as to give you an alibi that will leave you blameless… You Polly my sexy slut, are a diabolical genius.. Polly hung her head and responded….. “Well, you may call me a genius, but I’m feeling more like a scmuck right now, I do truly love that man you know… Jonah reaches down and lifts Polly’s face with two fingers under her chin and says… “Yeah, Yeah, I know you do, but…… Jonah reaches down and pulls his huge cock from his pants ands says, but, you Really Love my Big Cock too now don’t you? “ Jonah then gently pushes Polly to her knees in front of him. Polly says nothing as her mouth automatically opens and engulfs his huge cock.. I can see Jonah smile a victorious smirk as he says… “There you go Polly… You will always love Undi, but you’ll also always be my slut…” Jonah pulls his cock from her mouth and says… “Tell your master what are and what you love Polly”… Polly looks up with her big brown eyes, and her hands behind her back and says… “I’m your slut and I Love your Big Black Cock” she never broke eye contact with Jonah as she said these words… Then Jonah waved his huge hard cock in front of her lips and said …. “Show Master how much you love this cock” It was then I witnessed something that almost made me come in an instant. It was clearly proof I had missed quite a lot of changes and experiences in Polly… For I stared at the camera and watched in awe as my lovely bride opened her mouth wide, placed her tongue on the bottom of his hard cock and then slowly moved her head forward. Inch by inch I watched her make that mammoth cock and make it disappear down her throat until her lips were pressed tight into his pubic hair. Jonah held her head there with his hands, not once did Polly gag. Her eyes kept locked on his, and they were watering as he pulled his cock out and long strands of slimy saliva followed it out. Polly took a deep breath while his cock was out of her throat, and then I watched Jonah slam his cock deep into her throat 3 or 4 times until she was actually gagging and in need of air… Jonah pulled his cock from her mouth and wiped it off on her face, the he commanded…. “ Now get up, we have many more nasty things I have planned for you to experience before your time with me is through, so hurry up for better get going to catch up with the crew…. With that Polly rose from her knees, nodded yes to Jonah and without another word they headed out the door. As they were walking out I zoomed the camera in, and I could see there were streams of semen that was running down the insides of Polly’s legs, and I also could tell her hair was matted down from numerous cum shots. I could only imagine what she must look like under her clothing… Well, Here I was, on one hand feeling relieved she was ok, yet at the same time feeling totally betrayed by the woman I love… I was also baffled as to how this plan of trickery was ever hatched on me. I now was beginning to suspect that maybe Jonah had communicated or maybe even visited Polly earlier without my knowledge, but for the life of me I could not think of when in the world could have that been. I concluded that beings as she was ok, and was out on her own planned outing, there was no need for me to have a heart attack with worry over her. I decided it was only fair that I get to take this time to watch the rest of the cam footage and see what all I missed out on yesterday and last night… Think I’m going to fill my coffee cup, grab some lotion and set back in my easy chair and watch Occupation Polly unfold… Also going to have to figure out where I can place a cam to get the real story as to how my deception came to be…. To be continued… | ||||||
Monday, March 22, 2021, 2:33:19 AM- Part 7 "A Touch of Fantasy" | ||||||
I truly do hope you don't judge to harshly on any grammar or punctuation errors I may have missed. I have a busy week ahead and rushed the finish and proofing of this chapter to get it on my blog tonight. Part 7 of a continuing series: I kissed Polly a long deep kiss giving her have a small taste of the juices that I had just enjoyed licking from her soft succulent tits and her large erect nipples.. I softly whispered into her ear,.. “Happy Valentines Day Love”,… just relax and enjoy yourself.. Polly kissed me softly and smiled and mouthed ‘thank-you”. I grabbed her sweet ass one more time as we turned the corner into the living room. We walked into the room to find Jonah sitting on the couch texting, I noticed there was a vape pen laying on the coffee table by his drink. Jonah seemed to rather quickly stop texting and lay his phone on the table. Did you get those tits cleaned up for me undi Jonah rather rudely barked… They look pretty great to me, I responded rather curtly, and if your not happy with them I think maybe we should just finish our drinks and call it a day… I was beginning to get rather pissed at this new alpha mode Jonah was trying to shift into. I was pretty certain that he could sense that too as he did start to back off a bit. Jonah picked up his glass and took a long drink. I looked at Polly and I could see she was not happy with what had just transpired. She had a nervous look and was giving me a rather clear “Please don’t screw this up” look. Jonah had just sat his glass down when his words broke the rising tension in the room… What do you two think about taking a few hits? … He asked holding up the vape pen,.. and it is some really chronic shit, and it probably wouldn’t hurt us all to mellow out a bit…. Jonah actually had an excellent suggestion… Jonah that sounds awesome, was my response, but I’d like to move the party downstairs. I’m aware a vape pen is not real smoke, but I still would rather not have it around our good furniture. We have everything we need down there. There is a fully stocked bar, rec area, and as I was about to go on selling the idea I remembered he had been down there last night.. Hell, you know what’s all down there… I said,.. So, shall we head downstairs? I inquired? …. We all picked up our drinks and started down the steps, the sound of the reggae music getting louder with each step we took lower. I led the way so as I could turn the lights on, and I was sure glad I did, it gave me a chance to see Polly’s face light up when she saw that I had already set the sex swing hung up. She always has loved when we use the swing, it’s just that it takes a lot of time to set up and take down for just a short evening of use. However, judging by the look on her face when she saw it just now it’s going to get a lot of use today ??…. Yay Undi my Love!!, … you put up our swing, Polly spouted, as she scurried over to the couch and TV area where the swing was hanging. Jonah and I followed right behind Polly. Jonah confidently positioned himself right next to Polly on the couch after setting what was left of his drink on the end table. Would you like another drink, or maybe a cold beer? I ask Jonah… Yeah, a cold one sounds damn good, he responds, and Polly quickly piped in for me to grab her a hard lemonade from the fridge as well. I have to admit I was quite surprised Polly had drained her Bloody Mary that quickly, after all I had hardly had a chance to take even a sip of mine. I brought their drinks back to them than sat down and kicked back in the recliner next to the couch. It felt so damn good to finally get a chance to finish my drink, MMmmm, Polly sure does make one mean Bloody Mary. ?? I was sitting back savoring my delicious drink, and enjoying getting a small break from what has already seemed like a long stressful day of getting ready for Occupation Polly, when I see Jonah pull in a deep hit on his vape and hold it in while passing the pen to Polly. Polly gets up from the couch and inhales deeply just as Jonah was exhaling. What Polly does next totally takes me off guard. Polly walks over while holding her hit in and leans over and Plants her mouth on forcefully over mine, her tongue prys my lips apart and she expels her exhale into my unready and totally off-guard mouth. She then rises Kisses my forehead before smiling and handing me the pen… Your turn she says as I let out what she transferred to me… I gave her a “what the hell are you up doing” look and took in a deep hit myself and held it in before passing the pen back to Jonah. I was fairly impressed, having never done a vape pen before I found it surprisingly smooth. As Jonah placed the vape pen back down onto the table I couldn’t help but notice that Polly had snuggled up extremely close to Jonah when she sat down this last time, and he now had his big arm wrapped around her and was working on fishing one of her soft titties out of her wide open V front of her outfit. Polly can usually hold her liquor rather well, so I was surprised to see her starting to already have that glazed dreamy look in eyes. I was also beginning to feel the pressure of my rising erection against my jeans as I watched her rubbing his leg and slowly working her way closer and closer to his more than noticeable bulge that was outlined hanging down with in his pant leg. It was quite obvious Polly was having no trouble relaxing and was really starting enjoy her Valentines Day Gift. Honestly I was more than a little surprised how quickly Polly was warming up to Jonah… Polly is not normally this sexually aggressive, I was concerned as to why the sudden change in behavior, but at the same time I have to admit I was way too turned on by what was going on to spend more than a fleeting thought on the why of it. Jonah was taking another hit just as Polly’s hand had reached his pant covered cock, she was lightly gripping it and rubbing her hand up and down it… Polly was starting to slide off the couch when Jonah handed her the pen and told her to have one more hit… He really did not think she had quite enough to get the full effect of what this shit would do to increase the intensity of her orgasms…. Polly looked up into his eyes and seductively placed the pen in her mouth, sliding it in and out slowly, working her tongue around the end of it, all while staring at him with those big brown fuck me now eyes. As Polly handed the pen back to him, Jonah stood up, which positioned his crotch directly in Polly’s face. He casually raised his beer to drink as if he expecting Polly to know what to do next. Without any words being spoken Polly reached up unbuckled his belt, and then unfastened the button on his jeans. As she began to pull his zipper down it, became very obvious he was commando. She attempted to reach in and pull his cock through his unzipped fly but realized there was too much cock there to safely pull it through without fear of snagging his magnificent cock on the zipper. She altered her plans and pulled his jeans lower until his black python was free from its restraints. Polly could not contain her lust any longer and as the mammoth man meat was falling she latched onto it with both hands and pulled the tip to her open mouth. Polly has always loved the feeling my cock growing within her mouth, and it definitely appeared that Jonah was going to be Super Sizing that experience for her sometime today… This was already proving to be a totally different experience for Polly as she was having to stretch her mouth almost as far to get Jonah’s semi hard cock head in her mouth as she normally does for my fully hard cock… Polly was expertly working her tongue around the rim of his large flared cock head, then licking her way up to the tip so she could lap up all his precum as it bubbled from the slit at the head of his cock. She was enthusiastically caressing the head of his cock, licking around his huge head, probing his seeping slit with her tongue, all while slowly stroking his ever hardening cock with both soft hands. Without any warning, Jonah grabs Polly’s hair and jerks her to her feet… His deep voice stating that there have not been any opening ceremonies yet.. (In actuality, I think he had seen me yawning and was thinking the drug he gave me was kicking in) Jonah boomed out instructions… Undi, I think its time for you to prepare your lady to receive the sexual experience of a life time. Once you have her properly prepared and warmed up you will then turn over all authority what happens to her for the rest of the day to me and willingly step aside. From that point forward today, it will be up to only me what sexual activities Polly may be introduced to, or who I may share her with during any of these activities… Well, he certainly was right about one thing, I was getting a little groggy, which was kind of surprising me, I usually am one of the last guys standing when out drinking… Yet even in this somewhat groggy state I clearly heard and easily caught what he said about sharing her, and to say I was pissed would be a major understatement. ….. He must have been able to see it in my face because Jonah immediately barked, …. “Don’t get yourself in a big huff Undi, You didn’t think I wasn’t going to not let you join in on some of fun with your own sexy wife sometime today did you? After all, you essentially set this up and even agreed to sign her over for the day, I would think this would make you happy adding this sharing amendment because it will make today a lot more fun for you my friend. You see I am of the thought that if we did not have some sort of a verbal amendment that I could share her added to our earlier agreement, than I would technically be in breach of our earlier verbal contract that you and I had originally agreed on, because that was you handing her over to only me.…. Jonah made this entire bullshit statement sound very logical and legit as he presented it, but I’m sure when my mind is clearer, I will find it was an invalid argument, as well as a way to open ended of an agreement for any circumstance. The opening ceremonies continued to unfold and since Jonah was the only experienced one in these activities I was still allowing him do the directing even though it was truly testing my patience to the max, Polly on the other hand seemed to be more than willing to comply to all instruction, more so than I can ever remember her being. Jonah suggested now would be the appropriate time for his sex slave to be unwrapped and prepared for her control to being handed over to his capable hands, and he wanted me be prepared to do this for him. While he was still giving me his instructions Jonah had shed his clothing and kicked behind the couch. I blinked for just a minute and voila, there he was naked standing next to the couch holding his vape pen. Before I could move to help Polly pull her dress up over her head she stepped forward falling to her knees at Jonah’s feet, she grabbed hold of his rock hard cock with both hands…. Jonah …. My sexy Master,… May I request you let me change into my lingerie I picked out to wear just for you? It will only take me a few short minutes to change, and it will make me feel so sexy and desirable, and who knows what all I’ll be willing to do when I am feeling even more desirable than I am right now, Please Sexy Master, May I?… as she finished her last word she opened her mouth and engulfed the first 5 inches of his huge cock into her mouth, rapidly pumping her hands up and down his shaft while pulling back and focusing on tantalizing the tip of his cock with her tongue… She was looking up at him while she pulled her mouth from his cock and softly begged,, Please???? Damn it Polly, how can I say no to you when you ask me like that… although, heed this warning… you will now owe me a special request later, … Yes Master Polly responded, as she got up and started to wiggle her sexy ass up the stairs… One more thing Jonah shouted as she disappeared up the steps, just the top, no bottoms, Your Master demands full access to all your sexy entrances. It did not take Polly long at all to get changed, fore she was buzzing around like the energizer bunny. And while she seemed full of energy, I was beginning to fizzle fast. If it were not for this day being so sexually charged, and Polly being so damn sexy, I probably would have already been snoring on the couch … Polly’s first move after her return was to once again drop down in front of Jonah to resume her attack on his huge woman pleaser. Jonah immediately grabs her hair and pulls her back up just as she was about to place his cock in her mouth. Polly truly seemed as if in heat at this point, she was kissing his chest, his nipples, rubbing and massaging his chest and then Jonah pushes her away and holds her as he begins to instruct her as to her duties as his slave for the day, and that the only four words she needs to be using YES MASTER and NO MASTER and that he would advise her she would find her day much more pleasant if she focused mostly on YES.. He also informed her that he wants to have her properly prepared and warmed up for him by her hubby, and since he is concerned by the way I am acting and that maybe I have had too much to drink and may not be up to playing later that maybe Polly should give me one last goodbye fuck before he changes her pussy and forever changes the way she is able to experience orgasms. The entire time Jonah was talking, Polly had been squeezing his hard cock with one hand while fondling one of her bullet nipples with the other… So before your poor tired hubby gets sick or something why don’t you go over and make him know how much you appreciate him setting this Valentines Day Gift up for you. If you can get him fired up enough you can have him help you into the sex swing, and I want him to eat your pussy and get you nice and wet, hell I’ll even be nice and say he can fuck you, and you can suck his cock too. Only stipulations I will put in place is he Can’t cum in your pussy, He can’t fuck your ass because I want to bust that open myself and the final stipulation is he must cum in your mouth, and you must swallow it all. You think you can do all that Polly?... Anything for my Master Polly, said never taking her big brown eyes off of his. Good, then I will sit back enjoy, and of course take a few pics for us to post on NN later, and once you get undi to done, I am going to have him will hold your pussy open for me so he can have a front row seat to watching his Sexy Wifes Pussy willingly and without bondage take another mans cock that is much bigger than his own . Undi will then only be allowed to stay around long enough for him to hold open your ass cheeks and get a close view as I wreak havoc with that beautiful tight asshole of yours, and then last thing I am going to allow him to watch is me training you to deep throat my cock. That training will commence immediately following your ass fucking. Polly was acting as if almost as if in a trance, she had dropped his cock and was now fingering her own pussy while she listened intently without even batting an eye. When Jonah finished speaking she once again said, Anything for my Master…. Polly again opened her mouth and placed her tongue underneath his cock and took it in inch by inch of until she started to gag.. she then closed her mouth and slowly pulled back off of his throbbing cock, then gently kissing the head of it before rising and stretching up to kiss Jonah’s lips. Polly then turned towards me. She had the most sultry wanton look I had ever seen on her beautiful face. She appeared almost like a lioness in heat as she slowly moved my way, I suddenly was unsure if she was looking at me as her desired mate or her desired meal. Polly placed her lips on mine and I felt her tongue invade my mouth, as our tongues touch, we continued our long passionate kiss. She slowly started to unbutton my shirt, her eyes were fixated on my chest as she slowly worked her way down the buttons. Once they were all undone, she ran her hands through the hair on my chest as she kissed and sucked on my nipples. Polly lowered herself to the floor and started to unbuckle my belt, followed by the button my jeans. Although I was becoming unbelievably tired, I was becoming so totally turned on by her seductive measures that I was now fully alert and fully focused on this beautiful Sex Goddess that I was so blessed to be married to. She looked me straight in the eyes as she pulled the zipper down and then grabbed the sides of my jeans and pulled them to my ankles. I was perplexed at this time as to why I was not rock hard with as turned on as I am, but for some reason my cock is acting even more tired than Rip Van Winkle. After pulling my shorts down Polly placed my cock in her soft hands and gently squeezed and pulled on it, trying ever so hard to wake my sleepy yet oh so horny cock. Now I have never spent much time being overly concerned about the size of my cock, but seeing the way Polly now was looking mine over while squeezing and stroking it, and having the vision etched in my mind from her earlier with Jonah, how her hands were so full when she handled his massive tool there was no way she would not be mentally comparing our equipment, nor could I not be somewhat intimidated by Jonah’s cocks massive size . Polly had an almost insatiable almost possessed look on her face as she opened her hungry mouth and completely made my soft cock disappear within her warm wet mouth. I loved feeling of it growing in her mouth just about as much as she loved the feel of it rising in her mouth. Polly sucked and swirled her tongue around the rim off my cock head with amazing finesse . I swear Polly would be able to make a dead man’s penis hard with her amazing oral skills, and on this particular day she was performing way above her A game. Her sucking was like that of a starving calf on a cow’s milky udder, all while she was playing tenderly with my balls. Let me tell you her magic was working and my sex soldier was rising up to the occasion, as she was delivering to me what could only be described as pure ecstasy. Once Polly had my cock fully hard she slowly brought her lips up to mine again. Our tongues once again touched, there was a strange musky taste contained within her kiss. She planted another quick kiss on my lips, then whispered in my ear that she wanted my hard cock in her pussy now… I grabbed the swing that was hanging beside us and motioned her towards it. Polly eased herself up onto the sling as I helped guide her arms through the arm loops. I moved to the front and stood facing her to further help her up, then assist placing her feet into the foot strap stirrups. As always, I was in awe at the amazing view the sex swing providing me as I spread her legs and moved forward. I reached up to pull her soft titties free from the satin leopard print lingerie that was only barely containing them. I pulled on her nipples hard and twisted them, all which were actions that would normally have prompted a verbal ouch and a certain scolding, but that was not the response she had today. Polly threw her head back with her eyes closed and begged me to pull her nipples even harder… Who was this woman in heat, that was displayed for use before me… I released her tits from my vise like grip, directing my attention to her beautiful, partially gaped slit that was at the center of her spread legs that were splayed out before me. I was suddenly startled by the sound of the footrest of the recliner being put out and then heard Jonah’s voice break the rooms silence. Undi, my friend, you better get moving on getting your lovely wife’s pussy ready for me, because I am really beginning to get impatient over here. I glanced over and Jonah was stretched out on the recliner. He was sucking in a big hit off his pen and at the same time he was slowly stroking his black pole that was pointing towards the sky…. Jonah continued,… I mean, I’m a patient man undie, but your starting to burn up a bit too much of what was suppose to be my day, and besides that, I think your looking more and more tired by the minute, and I certainly wouldn’t want you to miss any part of my big cocks initial insertions into my sexy sluts… ah, ah, I mean your lovely wife’s pretty parts…. Jonah laughed a low evil laugh. I turned back toward Polly’s beautiful pussy and dove my tongue deep within her wet warm slit. Wow, I had never felt Polly’s pussy to be so on fire with warmth and wetness, her pussy was literally opening up, and seeming to suck my tongue into its hungry lips. I pull my tongue back and flicked it up to her inflamed clit. It only took but one touch from the tip of my tongue to cause a rippling shiver that could be heard in the rattling of the sex swing chains. I did not let her a chance completely come down from that initial first jolt before I started my full assault on her hyper sensitive little man in the boat. I licked it, gently sucked it, nibbled it ever so tenderly, then went back to flicking it rapidly over and over abusing her swollen sex button. When she began to tense and stretch her stirrups out and arch her back in an attempt to escape the orgasmic onslaught I had unleashed upon her pussy for about the 5th time I was sure she was about at her peak. I quickly quit flicking and gripped her huge inflamed clit with my teath holding her just tight enough to hurt it in a good way. It felt almost like I was fishing and had a really big one on the end of the line as her orgasmic jerks were trying to dislodge her clit from my teeth. Just as she was coming down from her orgasm I rose to my feet and slammed my raging hardon to the hilt into her open and welcoming pussy, then grabbing her legs and holding her in place I jackhammered in and out of her as hard and as fast as I think I ever have. I could hear Jonah in the background say… You go Undi!... but just as I was about to unload in my sweet wife’s pussy he grabbed my shoulder and said nope, remember no creampie… that’s not for you today… I knew I was about to erupt, grabbed Polly’s feet and spun the swing around so her head was at my end. Polly had sensed what I was doing and had her mouth open and was ready as soon as she was in from of me I plunged my cock forward towards her mouth. Only one wad fired off a tad early and it hit her in the bridge of her nose and was slowly moving towards her right eye. She wrapped her lips around my pulsating cock and took burst after burst. I could see her struggling to keep up with the huge load but kept swallowing, I know to her it must have seemed like I was never going to stop cuming. I finally felt the last launch release and withdrew my cock from her mouth.. I reached down and scooped up my errant shot placing my cream covered fingers on her lips and watched as she seductively licked my fingers clean of all my white love lotion . I leaned over and gave her a big kiss, reluctantly tasting my own cum, but wanting her to truly know how much I loved and appreciated what she had just done. Then I literally fell back and collapsed on the couch behind me… I truly was losing energy like a deflating balloon. Undi, I have to give you credit, you appear to be a master at pleasing Polly with your tongue. I think you are going to find yourself very fortunate that Polly is aware you have this amazing skill. My eyes are getting heavier and heavier as I struggle to watch what Jonah was up to. He is now standing between Polly’s spread legs as the swing has turned her back around to her original starting position. Her pussy looks rather well fucked (if I may say so myself) and she is so wet it appears to be almost ready to drip her juices to the floor below. Jonah is rubbing his finger up and down her wet slit, pushing 1 and then 2 fingers into her sodden pussy getting his fingers nice and wet. He continues his teasing play while he continues his one way discussion. Undi my friend, I think we should speed up the ceremonies a bit, so you can properly hand your lovely Polly off, and get just a preview of what fun she has in store for her. You see, you are running out of time before you will be checking out for the better part of the rest of the day. You see I took the liberty to add a bit of a sedative to your drink earlier so you soon will nap through most of the rest of my time with Polly. Nothing against you my friend, it’s just I know I will have more fun with you not watching over my shoulder, and I know there are some things that are going to happening that Polly will probably not want you to see happen to her….. You got to fucking be kidding me,,, You bastard,, this was my damn fantasy… I slurred angrily…. Come on now Undi, I thought you said this was all for Polly… He said this with an almost laughing tone while inserting 3 fingers into Polly’s Pussy deeply. Polly was hearing all of this conversation yet she was not seeming to be bothered at all by the fact that I had been drugged. In fact it appeared she was getting further and further aroused by the minute. I was not aware there was another level of sexual appetite beyond insatiable, but it appeared Polly was going to invent one today if it did not already exist.. Jonah noticed that my attention was on Polly’s actions and state of mind and stated… don’t hold your lovely wife’s actions against her, she truly can’t help herself. Although I’m sure I would have had a great time with Polly even with out doing what I done, I decided that since I had some pretty big plans for today.. some of which you most likely expected us to do, but also some surprises that I thought she would enjoy more with a little chemical enhancement.. so I also slipped a little something into her drink, it was a pill that should remove her inhibition as well as increase her sexual desire…it’s just too bad your not going to be able to see what all she ends up enjoying while she is on it…. Damn there was Jonah’s evil laugh again… So Undi, Pull yourself up, and pull yourself together, it’s time for you to present your wife, so I can open my Sluts holes up for today’s festivities, and I want you to witness each one being broke open while you still have enough energy to observe and still crawl up the stairs to your room for your long afternoon nap…. I xxxxxxxxxx myself to my feet and went to Polly’s side next to the swing. Grab her pussy lips Undi, and spread her open wide, and then watch as I make this big black pole sink into her pink wet cavern… I reached in and gripped her meaty lips and pulled her open exposing her beautiful tunnel of love. Jonah pushed his huge cock head into her wide open pussy I released my grip on her lips as I watched it slowly sank deeper and deeper into her, spreading her wider with each inch further it went.. Polly gasped as the head first popped in, and then her sounds moved more towards moans. Jonah got it about half in and then pulled it back out to where the tip was resting at the entrance. He grabbed his cock and rubbed it up and down her soaked slit again and then placed it at the opening before thrusting with full force sinking the entire massive cock non stop until his large hanging balls slapped against her ass. Polly let out a small shriek and I feared the sudden thrust had hurt her until I looked at her face and I could see nothing but lustful desire, and could quite clearly hear her begging for him to fuck her harder…. My God who is this slut that is occupying Polly’s body.. Jonah slammed his cock into her 3 or 4 more times and then completely pulled out and stepped away from her. Undi, I am sure you would do anything to keep your beautiful Polly from being hurt during our play, am I right? Jonah asked… of course you are I replied…. Well then get over here and use those oral skills on her sexy asshole and get it ready to receive her black masters cock… I was so tired, and so groggy, but I knew I needed to do something to help lube her up in preparation or her ass would be destroyed for sure by his mammoth cock. I knelt between her legs, taking my fingers and playing in her gaped open pussy, pulling as much of her creamy goodness down and onto her rosebud and I than I begin to massage and probe her ass gently with my fingers. As her sphincter started to relax some I leaned in and tickled her taint with my tongue and then gently rim her ass before beginning my probing with my tongue into her tight hole and then swirling back around the rim before, moving my way back up to her pussy and plunging my tongue back into its warm wetness. I did this over and over again until her beautiful brown eye was fully relaxed and would accept my tongue without resistance. My cock was getting ever harder as I was devouring her pussy and ass, and as I rose to my feet, I could not resist ramming my hard cock into her ass one last time before she gets stretched by that telephone pole of a cock. Polly moaned and there was little resistance as I sank cock in to my balls. The guttural sounds of ecstasy that Polly was making and the tight squeezes her asshole giving my cock while I was deep within her was well worth any ire that I was sure this was going to create with Jonah for (excuse the pun in advance) “butting” in in front of him on this. I was satisfied just leaving my cock stuck deep within her enjoying her special ass hugs when I felt Jonah’s huge hand on my shoulder again and I felt myself being pulled back and pushed to the couch.. Undi,, I’m warning you, You don’t want to piss me off, and what you’ve just done is one sure way of pissing me off. I laid back in the couch and my eyes started to close, my eyelids were so heavy I could not keep them open any longer … all of a sudden I felt myself being jerked to my feet… Nope, not time for you to nap yet my friend.. It’s going to be a bit less comfortable for your Polly now since your falling asleep, and I’m going to be xxxxxxxxxx to hurry even more, so you best keep your eyes open and come hold your lovely brides hand why I make her ass all mine… I reached up and Polly grabbed my hand she still had that fuck me semi smile on her face that was pleading for more… Jonah slid his cock in and out of her wet pussy a few times and then with great presentation he lined his pussy juice slickened tool up at her puckered rosebud and pushed forward. It truly appeared there was no way that huge cock was going to fit in her tight asshole. He continued to push with a little more force, and the very tip started to break through her closed back door.. I moved around towards Polly’s head. She had it tilted back and her mouth was open and I could not resist plunging my tongue deep within and kissing her.. Her responding kisses were filled with lustful passion.. Jonah grabbed the straps for the feet stirrups and planted his feet firmly in place holding his dick firmly at its position of being barely inserted in her tight asshole.. Ok Undi, You get the honors of giving me her ass… I want you to take her shoulders, and I am going to count to 3 and at the count of three you will push and impale her on my throbbing cock… How’s that sound to you Miss Polly? Jonah asked in an insincere tone. Fuck Me Master, was all Polly replied…. One, Two, Three, Polly was looking up at me as I pushed her further onto Jonah’s meaty pole. I watched her grimace as the head breached her tight sphincter, I continued to push forward while watching her face for signs to stop, Jonah piped in, “don’t worry about Polly”, she’s fine and she really has no say on this since she agreed last night to give me this treat to in order to allow you to be here at all today…. I looked at Polly and she nodded her head and smiled… Jonah had about half of his cock into her at this point and Polly was visually showing signs of discomfort. I was so glad I had got her ass somewhat ready with my tongue and cock, mine was not near the length of Jonah’s but it’s not totally unimpressive in girth… . I glanced at Jonah, and could tell he was getting more and more impatient to push it in the rest of the way, I suddenly felt her body tug back a little than I saw him thrust forward. I looked down at Polly’s asshole being stretched wider and wider by the invading black pole, he was buried to his balls before she could let out her first scream… She was tightly squeezing my hand, her mouth agape as if gasping for air yet her lungs were not sucking any in. I grabbed her head just as she took in a deep breath….. then another, she looked up at me and then at Jonah, “Yellow” Master Please…. OMG, I thought she was in excruciating pain, and the whole day may be off, at the very least the anal part would be… I would not have been surprised if she stayed in the slave role and said “Red” but “Yellow” that surely meant she planned on continuing. Jonah had the biggest Cat that had just caught the mouse smile.. as he looked at Polly and said… That’s a good girl, How does my Slut like her masters big cock in her ass? It is ok Master,, Polly responded, If you can just leave it there just a bit longer without moving it I believe it may become better….. Jonah roughly pulled his cock out about an inch and slammed it back in causing Polly to wince… You better listen Polly, for you see as my Slave you are not allowed to make requests like that, but in all fairness I had not informed you of that, so I have decided to be a compassionate Master and only move my cock a little, at this point. And I will try and help a little by taking it slower. I will wait a few minutes while your asshole adjusts to the huge cock its wrapped around. And then when it is, you and I are going to have to hurry and have some pretty hard fast fucking so you can get your tired hubby tucked away in his bed before our company arrives… Company, …. Polly looked at Jonah with a shocked and puzzled look. What are you talking about?… Well, I had not let Undi know that I had cousins in Des Moines, and when I got in on Friday I stopped by and saw them, and let them know why I was in town. They thought it sounded like a lot of fun too, so they actually they all in are at the hotel with my girlfriend, waiting for my signal that the time is right to come out here. … Your Girl Friend! Polly shouted… Yes, and she knows fully well what’s going on here, as a matter of fact she plans on being involved later… You will like her she is somewhat of a dominatrix herself, we often play as partners in these types of affairs. Polly flopped her head back, and sighed… I swear I saw her smile… but of course I might have been mistaken, things were getting pretty foggy and as I was not laying on the couch my legs were so tired they were almost numb. I watched as Jonah started to move his cock in and out of her ass slowly. Polly’s face gradually turned from grimaces to ahhhs of pleasure as he continued to pick up his pace. Polly is softly telling Jonah that it feels so fucking good… Jonah smiles and squeezes Polly’s ass cheeks telling her that her ass was was made for his cock, and how amazed he was with how she was creaming on his big black cock… and then he paused, and slowly pulled his cock from her ass. He then spun the swing around and I could see Polly’s ass was gaped open as she swung past me on the couch. Jonah stopped the swing by slapping his hard cock against Polly’s face and then sliding the tip down her cheek towards her lips. Polly’s lips opened without command as Jonah shoved his cock deeper and deeper into her throat… I could hear her gagging and struggling, but he kept pushing.. She was coughing and gagging and I truly thought she was going to puke, he backed off and a long string of slime followed attached to his cock, Such a good little slut I heard him say, Did you enjoy cleaning your ass juices off my cock? Yes Master she struggles to get out as she is still gagging and trying to keep herself from heaving.. It really surprised me she had not lost it, as she has always has had a very sensitive gag reflex and it is not been too uncommon to see her actually get sick if she is orgasming while deep throating. I laid back on the couch starting to doze off again when I heard Jonah say… Time for the for the conclusion to the opening ceremonies, and I’m not even sure Undi is going to make it to the end of it…. I looked up to see Him spin the swing around again and then slam his cock into her open and ready pussy… As I slipped off into a state of sleep I could vaguely remember hearing their bodies slapping together, the sloppy squishy sounds of her super soaked pussy and the moaning of her voice as she kept pleading for him to fuck her harder and deeper… In my dream it was a lion roaring as it charged me that awakened me, in reality it was Jonah thrusting his gigantic cock deeply in my wife’s pussy and groaning out a loud beastly growl out as he launched his huge load directly into her receptive womb. I still was unsure if what I was seeing was a dream or real, but I swear that I saw Jonah pulling his glistening cock out of Polly’s sloppy gash and it was followed by a thick river of white cum that spilling like a waterfall to the floor below. Polly’s body was shaking as if she was having seizures, and her gaped pussy was contracting and almost gave the appearance of a fish out of water clinging to its life. Polly’s eyes were rolled back in her eye sockets and she was still pleading for more… Jonah removed her feet from the stirrups, and pulled her up from the swings seat… As she pulls her arms from the slings Jonah informs her she should get her hubby tucked in his bed before he can’t get up the steps on his own…. Yes Master is her only response…. Polly moves to the couch and I feel her hands touch my balls, and then feel a soft kiss on my cheek.. Polly whispers in my ear words that normally I love to hear, “I’m thinking I should take you to bed Undi” only this time, I knew we were not headed to our room for my pleasure… Polly pulls me up from the couch and pushes me towards the stairs. I slowly start my way up the stairs and I feel Polly’s hand grab my balls from behind, she is gently squeezing them as she pushed my bare bum from behind with her other hand helping me up the stairs. As we reached the top of the stairs I felt her teath on the cheek of my ass and she gave me a sharp nip.. Ok zombie man keep those feet moving towards the room, I will be there in a few to tuck you in… I need to grab something first. Polly says this as she slaps my bum and pushes me down towards the hall… Honestly that was the longest trip down that haul in my life.. I made the turn into our room and stumbled the last few steps to our bed, then I turned around and collapsed back upon it. Everything went dark. It could not have been more than a couple minutes but as far as I would have known it could have been hours, I was that far out that fast. I was having a great dream of Polly sucking my cock when I opened my eyes to realize she actually did have my cock in her mouth.. Oh undi, I do feel so bad your not going to be there for all of this, but I promise to make it up to you… I am so fucking horny I can’t wait to see what all Jonah and his cousins have planned me. Polly was crawling up on the bed as she continues, I did grab your computer so if you wake up you can log onto the cams you spent so much time setting up, and I also did put something of yours in the safe on the nightstand incase things were to turn sinister, although I really do not fear that is anywhere in Jonah’s plan. Polly was now on top of me with her swollen red pussy right above my face, there was still cum slowly dripping from her partially open slit, and you could see where the sperm had been running down the insides of her legs. Polly lowered her sloppy snatch down upon my face and ground her sticky mess up and down … Undi baby, I need you to give me some of your oral magic, your tongue can do things that no one else can do. I need you to do that for me right now before I go back downstairs to my Masters Cock… Please Undi, eat me really, really, good, give me an extra special reason to want to escape my Master after my days contract is fulfilled. Well, I think Polly was role playing there, but it did raise some concerns, and certainly added a high level of incentive to make this my best oral performance ever… She was damn near smothering me grinding her cum filled vagina on my face while my tongue probed and lapped up the juices that were flooding from her abused cum receptacle. Polly then raised herself up off my face, leaned down and kissed my cock and then slid off of me and the bed. She pulled the sheet over my naked body, kissed my cream covered face and then whispered,,, I think we are going to have lots of video to watch later, and just to make sure, I’m going downstairs to start filming some of it right now. With that said she turned walked out and shut the door…. I heard her footsteps heading down the hall and then my mind quickly fell into dreamland… To be continued………. | ||||||
Monday, March 8, 2021, 9:25:13 PM- Part6 of "A Touch of Fantasy" | ||||||
Once again... Please forgive any spelling or grammar errors. Part 6 of a continuing series: I could not help myself from spying a little as Polly opened the door for Jonah. As she was opening the door, I heard him clearly say “I’ll call you soon, before quickly slipping his cell phone into his back pocket.. Hey babe he booms out with his deep voice, as he grabs Polly with his huge hands… Don’t you look like a feast made to be devoured. he lustfully exclaims as his eyes leer at her luscious tits that are almost hanging out of her dress. I could tell by the way Polly melted at his touch, that he would have little trouble getting his slave to serve him well. I watched her look up at him lustfully with her big brown eyes. The chemistry between them was causing me to suffer from sharp pangs of jealousy deep in within my gut, while at the same time just a little lower in my body my balls were starting to tingle and ache at the same time, as my cock was beginning to rise in my pants. In weather when two conflicting fronts collide you spawn the worst kind of storms… I was hoping that was not what was going to be occurring within my mind as arousal and jealous meet in a classic one on one confrontation. I’m mixed up enough with emotion right now as it is, last thing I need is some kind of twister in my brain…. ☹ Polly and Jonahs greeting climaxes with a sensuous kiss, but thankfully it wasn’t anywhere close to comparing to the sizzling kiss Polly and I had shared before his arrival. 😊 Polly broke the ice by asking Jonah how his night was, and he responded that he slept well at first, but once he woke he started thinking about her and today and honestly could not go back to sleep at all. He said normally he would have stroked one off, but he wanted to save every drop for personal delivery to her today.. Polly glanced at the crotch of his pants and giggled before she licked her lips and replied,… well, I’m glad you did, because I have not even had time for breakfast this morning so I’m famished… Jonah looked at her with a big smile and seductively placed his big finger on her lips, and Polly opened up and swallowed his entire finger to the knuckle and then slowly pulling her head back letting it come out with a loud pop…. Jonah then turned his focus my way and asked, and how are you this morning undi? … I swallow deeply and said, I’m doing pretty good, not great, but you know its kind of a big day around here… Jonah chuckles and says that’s what I’ve heard, and he reaches down and grabs Polly’s ass with his big paw. I observe there is little or know flinch response from Polly as his middle fingers obviously found their way into her valley of pleasure…. Jonah, I asked, have you ever done this kind of hook up with any other couple before? trying to break through the awkwardness that was creeping into the living room. Jonah smiles that same big smile he greeted me with last night. Yes Undi, I have done this a quite a few times, as matter of fact the first time was when I was only 15 with our Nextdoor Neighbors…After that I kind of kept getting invites from their friends, and have been pretty much hooked on this kind of relationships ever since…. So, if you’ve been busy entertaining all these other couples, what made you want to contact Polly? I asked.. Oh, that’s easy Jonah responded, I had been watching her videos for a long time on NN, and always got so turned on by the way she seemed to enjoy taking her big dildos. Lets not even mention the fact that she can physically engulf such huge dildos. I had hopes she could possibly take all of my cock. You see it is not really that common that I actually get to use all the cock God gave me. It seems most women either can’t take the girth or can’t handle the length, I have only found a few that can do both. So when I have a chance to be with a woman that can take this much meat, I want to be use her over and over again, and I always fill them full of load after load of my thick hot cum. Jonah smiled and winked and said, “I bet you didn’t suspect that at all did you? To which I shook my head and replied,…. Nope, no, Jonah I had no fucking clue. I honestly thought I was giving an young man a first shot playing the dom over a previously faithful wife who was going to have her first sexual encounter with someone other than her husband, and I guess I sort of thought it would be more comforting to Polly that they were kind of be learning the ropes together..…. Jonah laughs a rather sinister laugh and says, if you want we can make believe that’s what’s going on, it truly makes no difference to me…. I shake my head, Nope, no biggie, … I guess. So Jonah, since evidently your somewhat of an expert in these situations and we have never done anything like this, what do we suppose to do next? I mean, whats the next move? Maybe its just the situation, or maybe its me, but it’s beginning to feel uncomfortable in here.. What normally do you do with the other couples at this point? Jonah reached around and hugged his arm tighter around Polly while placing that huge hand over her breast and squeezing it as he answered….Well usually at this point we would be pretty damn relaxed and not stressed like you are right now. I guess most times we just sit around having a few drinks and maybe have a little smoke, while everyone learns a little about each other. He looks up at me with a slight grin and asks, …. are you two 420 friendly?...I kind of laughed and said. we did our fair share when we were much younger, and only just recently had dabbled in some edible forms when traveling in a couple of the states that had legalized its recreational usage…. Jonah chuckled a deep chuckle… I chimed in and said, We may not have any pot, but we sure can mix a few drinks. I can attest that Polly makes one mean Bloody Mary if that would interest you?... Jonah stepped back and relaxed a bit, that sounds great was his reply. Jonah had already released his grip on Polly’s tit so she was free to excuse herself to the kitchen to mix the drinks. WHACK came the sound of Jonah’s big hand slapping Polly’s voluptuous ass cheek… Damn girl, I am going to tear that ass up and you are going to love every minute of it… God that slap had to be hard to make that noise through the fabric of her dress…I thought, as I subconsciously shook my head, as my stomach felt another pang of jealousy pain and I sadly witness another point scored for jealousy over arousal, as I saw Polly stop, turn and stare straight in his eyes while slowly and seductively licking her lips.. Jonah kind of cleared his throat,….. So, Mr. Undi, we probably should discuss your plans for today…. I immediately caught the singular aspect of “my plans”…in his comment….. Jonah continues, I know our lovely miss Polly says it was important for you to be here to see her shared, something about fulfilling a longtime fantasy of yours… Well, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to remember you watching quite a bit last night, am I not right? ,,,so I am thinking maybe you really don’t need to be here for all that much of today’s activities…. However, in the spirit of kindness, and to show what a nice guy I am, oh yes, and lets not forget Polly made such a sweet promise, Jonah turns to shout to Polly, you do remember don’t you Polly? Jonah did not realize Polly was standing behind him. She had been giving me the I’m sorry look while he had been explaining his plan. Right Polly, Jonah repeated, and he reached out and grabbed one of her nipples that were sticking so prominently out through the thin leopard print fabric of her dress…. Ouch Polly screamed and Jonah responded right Polly, Yes, Jonah, I did promise. Jonah smiled, Polly tried to smile and I was just fucking confused. So my decision is you will be there for the beginning portion of our play.. or shall we call it the Opening Ceremonies, and I think it will be only fitting that you, how shall we say, get to “pass the torch” or maybe it would be better said “Pass the Tush”… as you will be ceremoniously passing your lovely wife’s pussy and ass over to me… I look up from my drink to see Jonah’s evil smile. Would one of you horny men like to come help me for a sec? Polly shouted as she headed back to the Kitchen.. I started to get up and Jonah said, no I got this, and he jumped up and headed into the kitchen… What do ya need sexy lady? Oh, I know, I bet you can’t wait until after our drinks for me to put this big cock in your tight pussy, am I right ? Jonah said in a cocky tone.... Oh come on now you horny one, and the answer to that is no, what I do need is help carrying our drinks into the living room, and besides last night you said you were going to give me a demonstration of the magic your serpent like tongue possesses first anyway, so you can just hold your horses… Polly was giggling as she walked in. I asked her what’s so funny?....Oh, its just that I just told Jonah to Hold his horses, and then I looked at the bulge in his pants and thought, damn he probably does something close to that every time he takes a piss.…. I looked at the lump in his pant leg as he was walking in, and actually had to agree. Polly sat my drink down. Then she took her drink around the corner of the coffee table next to where Jonah had been seated. Jonah arrived with his drink and sat it down and then he went back to the kitchen, I thought maybe I heard some glassware or bottles clinking around from the kitchen. Polly was just sitting down when I heard Jonah called for her to come help him for a second. She sat her drink down and got up returning to the kitchen. I heard her make slight scream and a gasp, and there is a slight thud followed by her startled voice saying what,,, what ,, no,,not now,,.. and then a soft moan.. I rushed to the kitchen to find Jonah evidently had cleared the counter so he could put Polly up onto the counter top. He had already pulled her dress up and had her positioned towards the edge of the counter. He was pushing her legs up to her shoulders and spreading her wide. It was then I caught site of his snake like tongue sliding deep into Polly’s hungry pussy to begin its probe and mine mission. He swirled it in and out of her wet and creamy vagina. I never thought a tongue could scoop so deep within a pussy. Polly seemed as if almost transported to another world from the intense pleasure he was lavishly providing with his freakishly large tongue. Then suddenly Jonah stopped and turned towards me and said… you know Undi, you really suck at clean up. I have half a mind to not let you watch or participate at all for not cleaning her up any better than this last night. Then he rotated his head back towards Polly and buried his tongue back deep in her pussy to resume his extreme vagina mining. I looked at Polly and she was looking my way. We winked at each other, and I know she could not help but see the smirk on my face. Polly by now was leaking huge amounts of our combined juices out of her pussy it was running down across her asshole and through her crack and all over the kitchen counter. I could tell by Polly’s quickened breathing that she was getting close, and then I saw Jonah stick his long tongue in as deep as he could go, at the same time he reached up and grabbed her nipples pinching and twisting them hard. Polly started bucking and screaming she was being driven insane by the swirling of his long tongue deep within her.. Suddenly she tensed all over and let out a small Scream before she sent a warm gusher squirting out onto the counter. Jonah stood up wiping the warm stickiness from his face with his arm as he walked around to pick Polly up off the counter. He gently placed her feet on the floor then walked her around to the end of the counter where the wet mess was. He then proceeded to place her tits up on the counter and he then took the mixture of cum and squirt from the countertop and lathered it over her Areolas and nipples. Jonah acting rather proud of his work, then stood back and announced, … Undi, in order for you to redeem yourself from your shitty job of cleanup last night, you are going to need to lick Polly’s tits spotless now before the opening ceremonies. If you do then you can come downstairs with us….. for awhile at least. … Meanwhile, I’m going to go in the other room and enjoy my bloody mary. Polly turned her cream covered nipples towards my face and I leaned down and started to suckle on her huge extended nipples. Polly began to softly run her fingers through my hair, while softly moaning as I suckled and licked away her juices. I peeked up out of the corner of my eye and saw she had her eyes closed and almost appeared to be in a dream like state as I continued to lick and suck her beautiful tits clean. …. Unbeknownst to either of us, while Polly and I were in the kitchen on clean up duty, Jonah was busy lacing Polly’s drink with a modified form of GHB that was suppose to give her more energy as well as to cause her to be less inhibited and more conducive to suggestion, and lucky me, I guess I was drugged with some sort of a delayed sedative. Looks like the truth was he did not want me to be there much at all… To be continued…… | ||||||
Wednesday, March 3, 2021, 4:25:09 AM- Part 5 "A Touch of Fantasy" | ||||||
Please forgive any errors I missed, I did not proof as well as I would have liked. Continuation of earlier blogs... Part 5 of a continuing series, The Story Continues… The Morning of the Main Event. Sunday Morning is one of the two days of the week that the alarm clock does not go off at 4:45AM like it does during the weekdays, but that was not the case on this Sunday. Sunrise was still over 2.5 hours away as I reach to silence the blaring alarm. I then turned and lifted my arm over Polly so we could do our normal morning spooning and cuddling. However, this morning I found her lying on her back with her arms stretched down between her legs where she was slowly massaging her red swollen clit. I leaned in and whispered good morning into her ear as I kissed her neck and bite her earlobe lightly. At the same time my left hand squeezed her right breast as she continued to play with her soaking wet pussy. I was shocked my little lady was still this horny after what she had experienced last night… Suddenly I noticed her hands had stopped their caressing of her clit. She reaches up and turns on the headboard light and turned to me with a very serious look on her face. About last night…. Oh, Oh,.. I knew this might be the beginning of the end of the weekend. Polly took a deep breath and then looked back into my eyes I could sense maybe her anger had softened a tad from when she first turned towards me. She cleared her throat a little and then said…You know I shouldn’t even be speaking to you right now, let alone have slept in the same bed. What in the world ever made you think that arranging such a selfish and dangerous game was even close to a good idea? And were you really willing to risk everything that we have built as a couple over the last 42 years to live out your perverted little wife sharing fantasy?... I silently stared back into her into her big brown eyes. I really did not have words thought ahead to answer this question, I guess honestly, I had not thought of it as being that extreme of a gamble… I had sold myself on the notion that I was doing this all for her and her pleasure when in reality it probably was a combination of that and what she was saying it was… Just as I was about to say something in response. (although I’m not really sure what) I felt her left hand touch my cock and then grip it tightly, it was then I saw as small smile start to appear on her face. Polly then leans forward on the bed and whispers in my ear.. Well, It’s a good thing for you that I really loved the feel of that big cock stretching my pussy. She was squeezing my cock harder and harder as she worked her lips lower towards my crotch. She paused, looked at me saying. That does not mean that I do not want your beautiful cock, or that I love you any less. You will always be my Soul mate, and the Love of my Life, but hear me now my love, and listen well, from this day forward your cock will be sharing my pussy with many other beautiful cocks. I stared back speechless at the woman that I’d been able to keep all to myself for over 40 years and realized she was not kidding about this at all. I was about to ask if I was going to have any say in this at all, when she suddenly slid her lips completely down over my rock hard cock. I could feel her mouths warm wetness as she engulfed me all the way to the base. My head fell back on my pillow and I moaned out a huge groan of pleasure. She continued to keep my cock deep in her throat for as long as I can ever remember her doing so. She was gently squeezing my balls while her tongue was swirling around the shaft of my throbbing cock. I had so much cum built up from spectating that I knew I was going to have one major eruption any minute. Just as I thought I was about to flood her mouth with my hot jism she pulled her lips off my cock and left it there throbbing and literally seeping a steady stream of precum…. Well, I can’t stay in bed any longer. Polly teasingly tells me, as she continues that she needs to get up and get showered. This is when she informed me “Jonah” said he was going to be here early this morning… My immediate response was… Jonah… I thought you didn’t know his name?... Oh, yes, I guess I forgot to tell you he let me know his name when we talked while you were upstairs before he had to leave last night… Oh.. I said, as Polly climbed out of bed and started towards the door to the bathroom…. She stopped and bent over making a real production of the spreading of her voluptuous ass cheeks. She looked back with a sexy sultry look and asked. How does my kitty look this morning, can you tell she is ready and waiting for a lot of new experiences? I looked over at her beautiful bum and pussy. There was no question they had been through quite a workout. by how pink and swollen her huge pussy lips were. Are you worried your going to be too sore to go through with today? I asked.. Well actually I am not… my kitty is almost tingly numb I think she’s just protecting herself getting herself ready so she can withstand the full onslaught that’s headed her way… and besides that, don’t kitty’s have 9 lives anyway and with that she winked and giggled wiggled that sexy ass off into the bathroom. I laid there in bed listening to the shower water run. I could hear her happily singing away. There was no doubt about it, she was really looking forward to what was cumming her way later today. I looked down at my throbbing cock and started to stroke it. I was still seeping precum so I knew it would not take very long at all to finish my load off, but then a thought hit me and I decided no.. I have a much better idea. Yes, there was one thing that had really bugged me about last nights introductions. It was how Jonah had tried to push the alpha role a little further than I thought appropriate. I’ve seen enough videos to know the game he was playing by telling Polly that I would have to clean things up for her to be released. Well, I have a surprise planned for him, you see I may not be the biggest dog in the park, but this is my girl and turf, and it was my generosity and love for my wife that has granted him this unique opportunity in the first place. I was still laying in bed when Polly came out of the shower with her towel wrapped around her. Come over here sexy, I said as I gave her my best “I want to rip that towel look off you look”. I can’t right now you silly shoe shine boy… (Damn I hate that UnderDog alter ego) I really have to keep getting ready, I am not sure what time Jonah really is going to get here. Oh, come on just for a few minutes. I pleaded, I have a couple questions that have been eating at me all night, and I really thing we should talk about a least a couple things as far as expectations and limits before he arrives. Polly sits down next to me on the bed, keeping her towel wrapped tightly around her. Yes love, what’s up? she asks with a rather perturbed tone in her voice, and remember as you ask, you started this fire burning, she says, …. Yes, doll, I’m fully aware who lit the match to this so called controlled burn….. I guess my first question is in regards to last night when I was told to go upstairs and you and Jonah were down in the lab alone. Would you be comfortable telling me what that was all about? I could see Polly turn a little red and fidget a bit as she looked at the door. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently.. doll, I am not afraid of this game were playing at all, that is as long as we keep the two of us, and our marriage our number one priority and promise each other total honesty. We have to look at it like this. When we have sex it is us Making Love and its for Love as well as Pleasure, and fun. Now the type of sex we are setting up with this type of relationship is more of the Xtreme version of Sex.. not so much making love as hi- intensity fucking, kind of the sexual equivalent to bungee jumping or sky diving. So please don’t let him get in your head and make it more than it is. Please tell me… what did he say? …. Well, she hesitated.. one thing, he asked if this was really a first time for us doing something like this… and what did you say?... I asked… Well of course I said it was our first time, she said rather coarsely. Then he asked if I had ever cheated on you, and he said don’t try and lie, he would be able to find out… and of course I said no, and after I answered he kind of scoffed and mumbled something about my pussy would almost tell another tale, which really, really pissed me off, and I think he knew it too because after he saw my scowl he put his big hand on my face and covered my mouth. That’s when he took his other hand and slid it into my wet and sloppy pussy and said that he was not going to allow me to be released tonight until my pussy had been all licked clean by you. He said he wanted me to make sure you do an extra good job because he was really looking forward to diving his tongue deep into my stretched cunt this morning. It was then he promised I would be very pleased because as I would see his tongue was supersized just like his cock was. As he finished saying this, I looked up to see him doing an amazing Gene Simmons imitation then slowly and talentedly snaking his tongue back into his mouth. He then took his hand off my mouth and roughly pushed two of his fingers into my mouth. He was sticking them in deep, and as I was struggling to keep from gagging, he said I would need to be working on my deep throat skills as I gagged as he pushed them deeper. He then laughed as he told me not though by tomorrow night he would be sure he had his cock deep enough in my throat that I would feel his balls on my chin… Polly’s face was ghostly pale as she was telling me about his deep throat prediction. I then asked her when it was they discussed me being asked to leave during today’s session?... She responded, I had kind of noticed his conversation was just of him and I so I finally asked how you were going to be involved in all of this…. And what did he say? I asked… He looked kind of dumbfounded and then he said he actually had all along assumed it was his day to do as HE pleased…. I pleaded with him, Polly said,… you know this has been Undi’s fantasy to watch someone do these things to me, I know deep down that’s really the main reason why you got invited to be here, so please don’t steal that from him…. I could see he was still not looking very flexible so I pleaded again, and I even promised him I would make it worth it if he would allow you to be there. It was only after that that he then got a really evil smile on his face and said, ok, but I am also going to require him leave for a couple of the things I have planned for you, and I really think that it will be for his own good that he does so…. I looked at Polly and she looked at me and said, I know, I have been really worried about what is so bad that necessitates you leaving the room….. I too silently was way more than a little concerned with this thought. Oh, yeah Polly almost shouted, There was one last thing he asked right as he was leaving. He wanted to know if I had ever had sex with another gal? and then he never even waited for my answer. I thought that was really odd too. Polly moved to get up off the bed and I gently grabbed her arm. Hun, don’t go yet. I have one more thing to ask of you. She looked over at my raging hard on and said, .. I see it sweetie, but we can’t remember, he wanted me clean so he could eat me? I smiled and pulled her down and unwrapped her towel. Yes, I do remember that, and thats exactly why I am going to pump that amazing pussy of yours full of my hot hubby cum, and it is going to be our little husband/wife secret. I figure its only fair that he has a little taste of his own medicine. Polly smiled her sexy smile and spread her legs wide as I easily slid my rock hard cock into her stretched pussy. I pounded her hard and fast as she clawed my back and whispered that I will always be her Sexy and Sneaky Number 1 lover. I hate to admit it was an embarrassingly short amount of time before I found myself launching my surplus load of hot sperm into her warm and wet pussy. I looked down rather proud of the homemade mess I had made as let my breathing slow a bit. I was enjoying watching the copious amounts of thick cum roll out of her gaped pussy as I leaned down to clean the overflow from mouth of her beautiful love cave. I then lick up a bit more before moving up to her lips and slipping my tongue into her mouth letting our tongues stir the creamy fluid I have brought to share with my love. My tongue retreats and I softly kiss her lips and whisper to her that I hope he enjoys the taste you have on your lips too. I then get up, help her up off the bed, and slap her pretty ass hard as she wiggles off to find what she will be wearing for her wild day ahead. I walked into her closet to find her sorting through her choices for the day… Just keep it S&S I tell her .. S&S? she asks with a quizzical look… Yeah, Sexy and Simple, … Face it, Its most likely not going to be on you that long anyway, and might even be damaged depending on how rough he likes to play. Polly paused on her search and looked at me with a lustful smile appearing on her face while sarcastically saying… Oh My, I guess I never thought of that, after which she winked…. Yes, Polly does love it a little rough sometimes. 😊 Before turning to leave I said I do think we need to take some time to address who has control over the events before he arrives. Although it had been discussed in the PM he would have the day to do as he wished with you, it had been my assumption I would be in override control or shall we say safety override in directing todays feature presentation. And of course as always it should be a given you have ultimate power to slow down, or stop anything that’s happening with the standard safe words of Yellow and Red. Also if we have time it would be a good time to discuss rules for any future adventures like this. I think its important we discuss and always agree on who you play with and when, and we always make sure we stay the ones that are in control. Don’t you agree?... Polly stopped again and this time sat on the chair by the dresser. Undi,…I do agree, with most of what you are saying that is,.. and I think you that and I do have very similar ideas on how we should structure our future playtime rulebook. I do however think we should postpone the fine tuning of those rules until sometime next week…. Polly then took a deep breath,.. but as far as today,.. I’m afraid you have already made an agreement with Jonah, and after he flew all the way out here believing the agreement was that he would get the whole day with me to do as he pleases with me, I do not feel there is anyway you can back out on that now. I will admit I’m very nervous, but he made it very very clear last night that not even I will have much say in how today goes. I will have only 1 safe word option to stop things, and that will be the use of the word RED once. If the word RED is said by me all activity will stop, and he will leave and our adventure will be over never to be repeated. Now, since I really want to finish getting ready, and since I was only able to get you permission to be here for part of the day today, I have an idea what you can do that will make day much more enjoyable for you…. Yes, and what would that be my love, I asked in a rather defeated tone. I am going to assume Jonah will not be satisfied in spending the entire day in the Love Lab, but I will assume he will want to stay in the basement rec room and living room area. If I were you, I would go get those wireless cams you have for surveillance at the farm and in the back yard and shed and set them up downstairs so you can record and watch on your computer what is happening to your helpless little wife downstairs. Polly looked up at me and winked, then she seductively licked her lips and then shooed me out the door saying… go on now git going you have a lot to get done and not much time to do it.. damn… she was right. To be continued….. | ||||||
Sunday, February 28, 2021, 2:58:08 AM- Part 4 of "A Touch of Fantasy" | ||||||
Continuation of earlier blogs... Part 4 of a continuing series, Polly was squirming on the table and getting restless and nervous. I did not say anything when I entered the room, just leaned down and kissed her very wet and vulnerable pussy. I dove my tongue deeply into her open wanting lips, then licking my way up to tickle here swollen clit before I start to nibble and tenderly chew on her meaty pussy lips while my hand works its way into her wet and hungry Pussy roughly plunging first 2 then 3 fingers deeply into her warm wet pussy. Her moans are getting louder as I tell her I have the machine all ready, and her a brand new Ultra Realistic dildo is attached and it has been nicely warmed and ready to give her then most amazing pounding of her life. Polly struggles to peek through the blindfold as she hears me moving the fuck machines stand into place and line it up on her waiting hungry pussy. I push it up closer towards her soaking wet vagina then flip the switch to the on position and the rhythmic sound of her machine breaks the sound of silence in the room, she jumps as the warm tip of the huge dildo starts to penetrate in her eager beaver. I glance back at the doorway and I can see our guest is certainly enjoying the show thus far. He has that huge smile on his face again, and I see there is a quite large bulge starting to push out from his crotch and snake down his pant leg. While we were upstairs earlier, I had instructed that I would give him a signal when I was ready for him to take over in Polly’s penetration duties, and I had no doubt he would be on full alert waiting for the signal. I continued to gradually work the dildo machine stand in closer and closer as the huge dildo worked its way into her hungry vagina, with each stroke the dildo was getting a thicker coating of her delicious white cream. Polly’s spasms were getting stronger and her moans louder the further her vagina was stretched by the invading dildo. She was moaning how much she loved it and how much more lifelike it seemed beings I warmed the lube and dildo the way I did. (I wanted it to be as close to body temp so she might not notice the switch to a real cock right away.) Once I had the dildo positioned at the maximum depth I thought she could fairly easily handle it at a high tempo I locked the stands wheel locks in place and I moved up to her face kissing her deeply. I reached out and took her jiggling breasts and squeezed them both playing with them roughly until she was indicating she was near her limit, then I focused my attention to her rock hard nipples and I squeezed and twisted them until she was threatening retaliation when released. (then squeezed a couple more times anyway) At the same time that I was tormenting her nipples I could not help but notice her orgasms had progressed into a full-fledged breath stopping squirting eruption that flooded out onto the dildo, machine and floor. There was no doubt in my mind she was ready for her Valentines Surprise. I kissed Polly and told her I was going to let her catch her breath and wind down a bit while I switched dildos on the machine and dried her sticky deliciousness off the machine. (one can never be too careful with moisture around electric appliances.) As I released the wheel locks on the stand and rolled it back out of the way I noticed our guest was quietly unzipping and pulling his pants lower in preparation for his surprise invasion. OMG, it was at that moment I began to wonder if I was making a huge, (and I mean huge) mistake. I know that everything you read says those 10”and longer cocks are just fantasy…. Well, I guess I’m safe writing his size because that is what I’m writing…Lol. He was slowly stroking his semi hard cock as he quietly crept over to position himself between Polly’s widespread legs. His eyes were fixated on her drenched pussy that was partially gaped open, as if begging for a huge penis to fill its moist void. I was busy letting Polly know how much she was going to love this new dildo I’d found. I was trying to make noises as if I was pulling one dildo off the machine and re- attaching a new one, then meanwhile her Surprise Stud has positioned his now rock-hard cock at the parted pussy lips. Feeling comfortable all was lined up and ready I flipped the switch to the on position. She could hear the familiar rhythmic beat that she had grown to associate with upcoming orgasms. I observe that our new guest will have no need for any lube as he is already experiencing a steady stream of pre-cum flowing from the large slit in the head of his huge cock. I had him back up a bit as I pushed 4 fingers into Polly’s well warmed up pussy while telling her that she will need to relax because this new toy will be testing her girth limits, not only is the shaft of it massive in width, but she will have to be really relaxed to take the very pronounced head at initial penetration. I was not kidding about the size of the head of his cock, It was going to take a little pushing to get that huge cock in, but boy was she going to have a treat once it is in there. I will admit I was envious. Her new friend was a real specimen of massive proportion. I’m only guessing but if I would have to estimate I would say his cock head was at least 2.4” in diameter and if she ever was able to take all 11” of his length she was going to be opened up to about 3” diameter. The looming question was would her pussy ever recover from that? The time for deployment had finally arrived, yes Operation Penetrate Polly was about to commence… As I looked at his huge black cock poised and ready to begin its Invasion I chuckled, maybe since this was for Valentine’s Day, I should rename the operation to “Chocolate Invasion” and if tonight’s invasion is a success we could name tomorrows phase of the operation “Dark Romance Occupation” Polly was squirming so I tell her to just relax, and explain I am having trouble getting the machines tilt to lock in place due to the heavy weight of the large dildo… Ok, here we go I announce, and I give our guest the nod. To say I did not cum a bit in my pants as I saw him push his huge cock against her pussy would be the biggest lie I’ve ever told. He pushed the pointed tip of the long black torpedo against her parted lips, but his huge its crown wouldn’t push through the opening. I reached in and pulled her meaty lips open a bit wider, and he pushed into her harder. He was matching his thrusts to the machines sound, and as I turned the machines tempo up he increased his intensity as well. I was damn near ejaculating in my pants as I saw the huge head push through and then slowly the rest of his huge black torpedo began to disappear into her wet warm love tunnel. My main fear about this surprise attempt had been she would notice immediately this was real live human cock and not a dildo the second he was fully inside her, but I believe that due to her extensive oral workouts I’d given her earlier today and the fact that she was so well stretched by the heating pad warmed dildos we may have literally slipped one past her. It was indescribable watching him slowly work his huge cock into her magic pussy that until today had only been penetrated by me. The noises she was making, the way her body was moving was out of this world. I moved up and kissed her deeply. Our lips stayed locked and our tongues danced as she had one orgasm after another. I pulled my lips from hers and leaned down to suckle on her breasts. As I was suck and playing with her tit’s she struggled to get the words out asking where I got this dildo, she said she wanted more like this one and she really would not even fight me on what they cost like she has on many of the others I’ve bought for her recently…. Oh My God… She’s loving this so much, and thanks to how quiet and well timed our guest has been I do not think she has even a clue yet. I know that no matter what, I am going to have to let her know what the real story is and it just as well be sooner then later. I was pretty sure she was going to need time to simmer down after the reveal if tomorrows activities were going to be even a remote possibility… So here goes nothing…. I stepped to the side while telling her that this surprise took a lot of advance planning , and we would have to place an order early if she wanted another like this again. I then motioned for him to place his huge hands on her breasts while he was sliding his cock in and out of her. His hands engulfed her breasts and he was able to grab them tight and make them disappear within his grasp. I flipped the switch to the machine off and moved up to her face and kissed her deeply while placing my hands on her cheeks. The second my hands touched her face she knew something was amiss. She tried to turned and twist her head as I kept my mouth planted to hers my tongue dancing with hers. It was the moment she switched the game from tongue dancing to trying to sever my tongue with her teeth that I knew it was time to retreat and start damage control. What… Who… She was continuing to try and ask questions between her orgasms. Her young stud was now in a steady and forceful rhythm as his rod slid in and out of her ravaged pussy. He had by now managed to work about 9” of that huge cock into her lathering pussy. I truly had never seen even the biggest of her dildos stretch her like she was being stretched at this moment. It was also at this time that he released one of her tits and brought his hand down to her clit and started rubbing it firmly while he pounded away. I decided I would fill you in between her orgasmic spasms, asking her if she remembered the email she received from that young admirer? She gasped out a barely audible yes… I proceeded to tell her that I had arranged this surprised meeting for her because I discovered I was not going to be able to be up to fulfilling my Valentine duties this year because of my medical procedure. No.. No, I can’t I’ve never cheated on you, she strongly whispered out… Hon, this isn’t cheating, because I lined it up for you. Just lie back and relax, besides this is just a warmup for tomorrow. What!! What are you talking about, let me free this moment. I hesitated for a moment, then kissed her cheek. Sorry hon can’t do that yet, but I will take off your blindfold if you promise to calm down a little. Polly truly could not calm down much due to her almost continual orgasming she was experiencing. As I removed her blindfold, I saw he had worked at least another inch of his huge cock into her hungry pussy. His cock was by now no longer appearing chocolate in color due to the thick coating of cream that Polly’s pussy has been generously applying to his penetrating rod. Polly blinked and tried to focus as the light hit her eyes. Not only was she having trouble focusing from light adjustment, but she was also fighting the fact her eyes were wanting to roll back in her head as her orgasms got stronger… She looked down at the handsome hulk of a man that now was gently holding her chained ankles with his gigantic hands while now his face expressed kind of an almost evil smirk while his sweat covered body was ramming his cock in and out of her ravished pussy. I could not help but notice there was little if no struggle against the chains by the ecstatically moaning and gasping Polly. It was at this time I could see our guest beginning to take charge.. I saw his smile definitely had transformed to an almost sinister and determined look. His deep voice bellows out Good Evening Miss Polly, lean back and relax because you are about to get your BBC virgin cunt properly initiated.. I cringed, I knew how much Polly hated that C-word, and I was right, it quickly caught her attention. It was her response however that shocked me the most though. Instead of screaming at him or acting appalled she lustfully gazed at him moaning out “My cunt wants to be taken”…WTF was this really my Polly???? It was right after that he really started to slam his huge cock into her, harder and harder, she was mumbling things I could not even make out, but it was quite obvious she was in sexual bliss. I was beginning to think he was never going to cum when he muttered I’m getting close, it was at that moment, while Polly’s pussy was stretched wider than I could ever imagine it could be that she let loose with the mother of all orgasms and gushing out a flood of an eruption spraying out around his withdrawing cock shooting her warm fluids all over his cock, groin and the floor. He let her simmer down from her spasms slowing the thrusting speed of his plunging cock within her throbbing cunt while still pushing it into her balls deep for another few minutes. I saw him start to stiffen his body then he seemed to tense every muscle in his gigantic body as he thrust deep, holding himself as far into her battered cunt as could be humanly possible. He seemed to keep pumping into her forever, and when he pulled out of her she drained out so much cum that I would guess he had not cum for at least a month, Never in all the porn I’ve watched (and I have watched a lot of porn) have I seen a bigger load pumped into a hungry pussy. As he was standing there catching his breath and she was to was gasping in air and breathing deep, he turned his head towards me and said he wanted a few moments alone with her before he leaves. I was caught off guard but responded that was fine, and I glanced at the heavily panting Polly as I left the room.. I have to say I was perplexed on the look she gave me. I really do not know by that look if I am in a shit load of trouble, or if I am a hero for giving her the best Valentine’s day gift ever. I climbed the stairs and waited alone for at least 15 minutes. What the hell were they doing or talking about? I kept listening for sounds, anything to indicate of what may be going on. Then I heard the door shut to the love lab, and I heard heavy footsteps coming up the steps. He had that big smile back on his face, and once again he reached his hand out to shake mine. Thank you very much for such a wonderful evening. I truly enjoyed my time with your wife he said. I responded nervously, “that it was our pleasure”. He said he had a FaNNtastic time and was very much looking forward to tomorrow, and after his conversation with Polly he was certain she was very anxious for tomorrows adventure to begin as well. He said that as I should remember he will require the full day with Polly to do as he pleases, and he will let me know what portions I will be able to be there to watch the action, but that I should have a couple cameras ready because for some of the day he will be requiring me to leave them alone. I was kind of shocked at this unplanned development. I asked him if Polly was aware of this, and he said she was. It was then he said thank you again, and turned and left as smugly shouting “See you tomorrow, for a little while that is” When I went downstairs, I was kind confused why he shut the lab door. I opened it to find Polly laying there still in her restraints, although she seemed unbelievable calm and comfortable. To say she had that just fucked look wouldn’t come close to how she looked… more like just Sexually Mauled.. I went to release her arms and I dropped them down to her sides and kissed swollen lips, then I reached up to release her spread legs from the restraints and she grabbed me and said I couldn’t yet. I looked at her with a perplexed look and she said that she was instructed she could not have her legs released until I had cleaned up the mess that was left in her stretched cunt… I flinched at her saying Cunt again, and the realization that I was no longer the one in control here. Polly’s pussy was literally pulsating. I had never thought I’d see her gaped open like this. She was oozing a steady stream of thick white cum that was seeping from the bottom of the mouth of her love cave. Polly looked so beautiful laying there, her eyes were closed and it was almost like she was in another world. Now I’m not a prude, and I have been known to provide her oral pleasure when she had my creampie in her just bred pussy, but usually it would be something that would happen only I had partially cum, because inevitably my interest in playing in our creamy left overs dissipates very quickly after I ejaculate. Now the things that bothered me the most about this unreasonable demand is the following. A) it’s not my fucking mess. B) I do not take well to being commanded to do something, never have, never will. However as I looked at the amazing site before my eyes, I could hear her softly moaning and cooing. I could see one of her free hands was squeezing her right nipple and pulling it out stretching her breast away from her body. Her left hand had found its way to her pussy and she was gently rubbing her clit while slipping a finger into her open pussy. I went and kissed her softly and she whispered, please make me cum again… I need to have you lick me until I squirt. Please do that so you can release me she begged. I leaned over and moved her hand and flicked my tongue across her swollen clit. I slowly and gently ran my tongue around and over her super sensitive nub. She would jump and twitch with the slightest touch to her battered little man in the boat. I worked my fingers into her well used pussy while I continued my tongue teasing. Probing 1 then 2 fingers into her warm gooey hole. Then I took my hands and grasped her two meaty pussy lips and spread them even wider as I moved lower and took my tongue and licked from where the white cream was pooled at the base of her open hole and slowly and widely licked my way back up to her clit. I repeated this over and over alternating between licking around the edges of her pulsating pussy and plunging my tongue in and probing and pulling their mixed juices to my mouth. It was amazing how I could feel her pussy throbbing on my tongue as I worked her towards her final eruption of the evening. I could tell by her increased rapid breathing and her tensing body that her release was coming soon. I pulled my tongue from her pussy and I pushed 3 then 4 fingers into her hungry hole rapidly moving them in and out, then tucking my thumb into my fist I twisted and pushed my fist hard against the entrance her well used vagina. It took quite a bit of extra pushing, but eventually with a little twisting and a slight scream from Polly my fist popped into her stretched hole. I have only been able to get my fist in there one other time in the past 42 years, and we have never been able to figured out why it worked it’s way in that night. Well tonight I knew why I was able to, it was thanks to her pussy being so massively stretched by our visitors huge cock. (Hmmm???) I have to say there is no feeling that quite compares to have your entire fist in warm wet vagina. It is indescribably surreal, the way you can open your fingers and how doing that gentle internal massage totally takes your lover over the edge and into orgasm oblivion. Knowing that the instructions seemed so specific that she could not be released until I had caused her to squirt by licking her, I thought I should be careful not to bring the flood yet or it would be some sort of penalty for her tomorrow. but I figured it would be safe to bring her right to the brink and then finishing her off with my tongue. I continued with my fist and at her peak pulling my hand out with a slight umph and a plop. My mouth quickly resumed its place at her luscious love lips and my tongue went into overdrive. Polly bucked and screamed and lifted her hips pulling the chains with her legs. She was totally tense and shaking when she groaned loudly and released a tidal wave of warm sticky fluid all over my face and chest, and it was dripping down soaking the floor in front of me. Her body had collapsed back like a balloon that had just popped, her legs were dangling suspended by the chains and cuffs. I gently released one leg and then the other and let them down then reaching for her hands to help pull her up off the table. She was woozy and light headed from the extreme workout she had just been though. I brushed her tousled hair from her eyes and kissed her forehead before pulling up and holding her tight. You ready for bed Sexy lady? I asked as I lean back to look into her eyes. She looks back with a glossy, dreamy gaze and nods her head yes, and we slowly make our way up the stairs. I follow her up and my night long hard on has gone well beyond the discomfort stage and has arrived at painful, and this following her well fucked red swollen pussy up the steps was definitely not making it any better. We walked past the bathroom on the way to our bedroom, she had said she really did not care about cleaning up anymore she just wanted to cuddle and get some rest. She clicks the TV on with the remote control and then asked if I knew what time she had to be up and ready in the morning? and I said that he never said, so I’m not quite sure. I watched as she crawled up to the alarm clock on the headboard and sets the alarm for 5:00AM and asks, if I think 5:00 is early enough to give her time to get ready before he arrives? I answer that I am sure that way early enough… and before I even have time to take off my clothes, she has pulled the covers up over her shoulders and shut off the headboard light. As I am snuggling up behind her to cuddle, she reaches her hand around handing me the remote telling me to turn the tv off before I fall asleep. Wow….. So much about wondering if she was going through with it tomorrow…. I wrap my arms around her click the TV off and fall to sleep dreaming what tomorrow might bring. To be continued…… | ||||||
Friday, February 26, 2021, 6:26:38 PM- Part 3 of the original fantasy story "Touch of Fantasy" | ||||||
Judging by the response my story has received I think I better hope for bumper crops and high prices, because it's obvious a writing career is not in my future. Here is Part 3. Please let me know if you would like to see more? Polly’s young admirers background check was so problem free I decided that it was fine to have the surprise take place here where we live. (I know in the real world not the smartest or advisable way to meet a stranger, but hey you all need to remember this is fantasy situation I am writing here. 😉 ![]() I sent him another PM providing further travel instructions advising he should fly into DSM on Saturday Morning the 13th and rent a car and then call the cell phone number that I was providing. I would them text him driving instructions and I would have a hotel room reserved for him for Saturday Night, but chances were good that if introductions went well during Saturday Night, he would not need one for Sunday night. I also asked him to PM me back and let me know if I was going to need to figure out how to get her to have a STD test without her thinking I have been fucking around, or something is in the strange is going on. I explained our 42-year monogamous relationship and asked if he would pm me back asap on what he was comfortable with incase I need to workup a plan to get her tested. I was well aware that this surprise meeting was going to need to be pulled off perfectly or there was considerable risk it could backfire, and it would become ugly fast. My game plan was that I would find a way to keep her calm (or restrained) long enough for her not to realize that her surprise visitor had slipped in and replaced one of her favorite lifelike dildos while I was switching them on her electric fuck machine. I was hoping she would be having too much fuNN to want to stop by the time she discovered the cock fucking her was real. Hopefully, Operation Penetrate Polly would be able to reach and surpass the Pinnacle of Pleasure Phase. Our out-of-town visitor finally had arrived, he had called earlier, and directions had been received and he was all checked into the hotel and he has been fully instructed on tonight’s introduction plans. I had spent the entire afternoon probing and teasing Polly’s beautiful pussy and she has really been enjoying all my attention, and kind of sadistically enjoying the fact that I could not partake in the fun the way I normally would have been when we are having this kind of fun. However now that supper was over it was time for us to enjoy a few drinks before we take this naughtiness down stairs to our “Love Lab” and step it up a couple notches. I never seem to have a problem convincing Polly to go downstairs to play in the lab. She loves a little light bondage, and that is just type of activities I have converted this private little room to be used for. Polly’s willingness to come down and play with the cuffs is going to play right into my hands quite nicely tonight. I had the height of our adjustable bench already set, and I earlier had laid the waterproof blanket and pillow out in preparation for Polly’s arrival. The leather cuffs and chains laid out and ready as well. For tonight I had decided to slightly alter the way I normally attached her leg chains, so tonight they will be holding her legs up back towards her shoulders yet angling them out slightly away thus spreading her pussy open wide for easy access. There should be no problem for the fucking machine getting in there good and deep. (and I am not just talking about the plugin one that she will be starting out with) As I guided Polly gently back in preparation to help her up onto the sturdy bench. I gazed into Polly’s Beautiful Brown Eyes, she was even more beautiful than she was that day I first met her and I discovered love at first site was not only in fairytales. My eyes drifted lower down her body and I noticed she had on a beautiful orange and black African print shirt/dress that I had found online and ordered for her some time back. It made me smile that it looked just as beautiful on her as I imagined it would that moment I pressed the purchase button. I pulled her closer to me and slowly unbuttoned the top three buttons of her sexy shirt pulling it open then reached in touching her soft warm succulent breasts. I placed my hands under them, cupped them, gently pulling them out from their confinement in her sexy shirt. My hands squeezed and grasped her soft breasts and then I worked my fingers out to her huge extended nipples. I squeezed them tightly between my thumb and index finger and pulled them both hard till she winced and tried to pull them away. I then released them and placed my lips on the right one first and then the left nipple and sucked them each hard like I was a starving animal. After I released those engorged nipples from my lips, I asked her to lie back on the table and relax. I then took her right hand and wrapped a leather handcuff around it and adjusted the strap to where it was just tight enough to hold her secure but not cause her pain. I attached the chain attached to the cuff to the hook on the wall up behind her to her right. I did the same to her left wrist up on the wall behind her on her left. Then I cuffed her legs and pulled and spread them by attaching them to the wall behind her as well. She looked so damn delicious spread out in such a vulnerable way. I could not resist taking just a taste of her delicious juices that were beginning to seep from her soaking wet pussy. The combination of today’s teasing play and the current handcuffing procedure had gotten her pussy juices flowing like a river. I spread her meaty pussy lips with my fingers and dove my tongue deep into her delectable pussy. I savored the deliciousness of her juices while I listened to her moans. I flicked my tongue across her clit and she spasmed each time my tongue touched it. I then began to savagely suck on her sensitive nub before I would switch to lightly biting it before letting loose. As I stood up my eyes locked on her beautiful pussy that until tonight had only enjoyed the company of my penis (and a few dozen different dildos). My thoughts drifted as I wondered how it would appear by tomorrow night. She was certainly in for a big day of new experiences commencing very soon. It was then it dawned on me, of all the things I had found out and asked regarding her young admirer, one big thing had slipped my mind. I realized I had forgotten to inquire about how well hung he was. Can you believe that … I moved my attention up to Polly’s breasts, and squeezed those super hard nipples again, then I kissed her open lips gently while I slipped my tongue in to gently play with hers, then pulling back and kissing her lips before whispering into her ear that I Loved her more than she could ever know and I could not wait to give her a very special Valentine’s Day Gift. I then reached over and raised her head off the pillow and slid the strap of the blindfold onto her. I checked the fit making sure that she could not see anything, and then I turned on some reggae music (island music always gets her into a super horny mood) I’ll be right back, I whisper in her ear, I’ve got to go get some of your favorite dildos for the Machine, then I turn and rush out the door and up the steps. Of course, you all know that is not the only reason I rushed off. Yes, I’m also going to open the door and let our visitor in. I am kind of nervous it is going to have to be such a short introduction, but due to keeping it a surprise there is no other option. I go to the window and I see there are car headlights in the driveway, so I go to the garage door and motion him in being careful to be quiet with the doors and my footsteps. I greet him in the garage with a handshake and a smile, and I have to say his smile sets my mind at ease immensely as well. While his friendly smile has set me at ease, I have to say his immense size makes me feel a tad intimidated. I am not kidding when I day this guy looks like he could play linebacker for any pro football team. My hand was dwarfed by his when we shook hands. My mind starts to worry a bit if Polly will be able to handle the fucking that is heading her way. His voice is deep and friendly as we discuss the plan and that we need to be quiet because she has no knowledge of what is to cum yet. He smiles a mischievous smile and gives me a high five Wow, as our hands smacked together, I once again think of what he is about to do to Polly’s pussy, and we quietly head downstairs. | ||||||
Saturday, February 20, 2021, 1:57:42 PM- Fantasy continuation of earlier blog, "Touch of Fantasy" | ||||||
First off I hope my NNewbie friends will cut me some slack on my lack of writing skills. This story has been my first attempt at writing, and I am sure there will be more that a few errors that I have missed. I have quite a bit more of this story already written, but I thought I would see how this portion goes before deciding if I will continue with posting it here. Enjoy!!! (I hope ![]() I let the possibilities simmer on low in my imagination for next few days. Just how was I going convince Polly (My lovely wife’s storybook name… Think of UnderDog’s Girlfriend 😉 ) to expand her comfort zone and boundaries and possibly take her young NN admirer up on his elicit invitation. I was quite aware it was going to take a hell of a lot of work on my part to have a snow ball in hells chance of selling her on the idea of having sex with a complete stranger, and it would no doubt also involve massive amounts of alcohol. I decided that for the time being I would take the subtle approach. So from then on each time we would have our sexual adventures I would make sure we had one of her huge black dildos that she always enjoyed, and I would focus on it being the vessel that would carry her to her orgasmic Heights. (or should I say depths. lol) As our play sessions progressed, I was astounded at how much further her pussy was stretching and how deeply she was taking that huge dildo into that beautiful pussy of hers. I was in total Awe, and it was making me so fucking horny I would almost cum just by watching her have her powerful orgasms as I know it was touching depths I only could dream of. As of late while she is experiencing these earthshattering orgasm’s I’ve been seductively whispering to her that it was ok to admit she was imagining it was a real live cock slamming hard into her making her body shake and tremble like it is. I’d ask her if she could even imagine how amazing it must feel to have young stud with huge hard cock pumping their hot cum into her as deep as this dildo was right now.… letting her know it’s really alright to let go and admit that’s really what she secretly was imagining at this very moment…. sometimes she would cave and lustfully moan out the words Yes! Yes! Yes!, that’s she wants to feel him erupt deep just like that, and yet sometimes she fights the urges and will try to resist admitting what she truly wants. I think secretly not wanting to hurt me by letting me know she finds these deeper thick penetrations are giving her stronger orgasms than I have ever been able to provide her during the last 42 years. I honestly have no problem accepting this reality, however I will not concede I’m a slouch and I am far from a cuck. I am proud of the fact that I have been no slouch in the Love Making department and her sex life had been more than enjoyable all these years. God knows that I was blessed with one hell of a strong libido and sexual appetite and she has never lacked for the ability to experience pleasure or reach amazing orgasms, however as I watch her now there is no denying the look on her face or the ways her toes are curling to make me certain that there is a special type of orgasm that only Deep Thick penetration can provide. (and sadly, not all of us men were born with equipment like John Holmes) It was not until about a couple weeks after she received this PM that a thought occurred to me, and it only came to light because of a medical procedure that was going to be occurring and totally disrupt a very special weekend for us. It was due to this unwanted disruption that I came up with a plan that would undoubtedly make the Weekend much more entertaining for Polly and possibly make her young admirers feel like he had won the lottery as well. The situation that had arose was that I found I was scheduled for a medical procedure that required me to abstain from sex for a few days after its done to let some stitches hold and heal a wound. The timing of the procedure was the bad news as is it was scheduled for the Friday before Valentines Day and that would mean that it would be the first Valentines day in 45 years that Polly and I had not been able to make love. (Whoops I guess I let it out of the bag that maybe Mrs. and I maybe had been partaking in some sexual intercourse prior to marriage. Lol) The brainstorm I had could create the opportunity for Polly have a fun Valentine’s Day Weekend after all, and maybe she would not have to miss out on having some of those Valentine’s Day Orgasms like I had feared. Time was of the essence and I had to get going on this plan though if I was going to make it work. First thing I needed to do was see if that her young admirer was still actually interested in having that erotic day with to do what he wished with her that he had PM’d about, and if he was willing to follow my stipulations to get to have such a treat. I was going to need to get some information and certification regarding his health. I was mostly worried about two things. Naturally the first on my mind is the standard STD concerns. I wanted to make sure he would get tested since the only way any of this was going to be happening, was if he was going to be doing her bare, we don’t even enjoy watching porn if there are condoms involved. As far as his concern about her being DF, she would get tested if he so wished, but beings as we have been monogamous for 42 plus year’s I really don’t think there is any risk involved for him. The second issue that 2019 has introduced into the mix is Covid19. And since we basically have been isolating since March due to risk of exposure for family member’s we were going to need to make sure he tests negative. I was kinda nervous when I sent the PM off explaining who I was. (MrsU’s husband, we have separate accounts) and that she had read me the PM he had sent her earlier and that I was trying to arrange a surprise visit from him for her. I explained that I would require some proof of health and he would have to quarantine/isolate and take a covid19 test the day before we meet. I offered I would pay for the testing,. I also explained that I was yet unconvinced she could go through with such an tryst, but I was working diligently on getting her ready, and she would be up to it by the time he was here. I waited a couple days and still no response PM.. I checked and it had not been opened yet. I woke the next morning and logged into NN. Low and behold there was a new message 😊 To say her young admirer was interested was a major understatement. He was chomping at the bit. I was also ecstatic to read what he wrote next. He expressed that he was happy to inform me that he worked as a paramedic and due to being in the medical field he has already received both doses of his vaccination and will be willing to provide all documentation proving such. He also said he is more than willing to take any STD tests and provide results for the opportunity to spend the day filling Polly’s pussy with his young potent semen. His message said all he needed was the destination details, as he had already requested February 11th thru the 17th off of work in anticipation of my accepting his health documentation (I had forgotten I had mentioned the time I was thinking was Valentine’s Day Weekend in my earlier PM to him) Wow… This was much better than I had ever dreamed, so I went ahead and sent a PM telling him it was a go if he could provide all the test documentation. I did have a haunting thought and the old saying “ If its seems to good to be true it probably is” kept playing in the back of my mind so I thought it best for safety sake to do some investigating on him if possible. I had requested his email in my earlier so I could contact him. Thanks to a very impressive internet program I subscribe to I was able to back trace his email to a name and address. Once having this information this service does a nice job of doing some background searches and reputation ratings. After reviewing the report that the program generated I was pleased to find everything seemed to check out with Polly’s young playmate. I logged off my reputation search program and leaned back in my office chair and smiled, Yes it certainly looks like operation “Pleasure Polly” is a Go. 😊 | ||||||
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