We offer an extremely high quantity of features to users for free, and rely on premium memberships to pay the bills. It's a fine balance between managing our costs and keeping features free for users. We firmly believe that without the vast quantity of users that enjoy the site for free the site would not be as enjoyable for us all.
Up until recently, premium memberships have been adequate to support the site, enabling us to grow features as best we can with our very small (3 people presently) team. Unfortunately, since the GFC, and specifically the weakened USD has really kicked in we are now in a position where we may have to introduce payment for more what are now free features to make ends meet.
So, we have decided to introduce the NN Proud Supporter Program. (PSP)
The PSP allows those of you that can afford it, a way to effectively donate to the site over and above becoming a premium member. We know that this is most likely out of reach for most of you, but we are certain there is a small percentage of users that really appreciate the site and are willing and able to make a contribution over and above their premium membership.
The way you join the NNPSP is to buy an NNPSP Badge, which cost's around $195, depending on your location and home currency.
When you join the NN PSP, you will have the NNPSP badge appear everywhere your name appears on site. This shows everyone that you are an important supporter of the NN community and have made a financial commitment to helping the site.