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Photo Verification Rules

  1. Post an NN stamped pic that is obviously you and is representative of your other pics. The NN must not be added to the photo afterwards.
  2. The pics must also contain your NN username and, again, it must not be added afterwards. This is to help stop your pics from being reused by others for verifcation.
  3. We require at least 2 shots of the same NN and username (as it appears on your account - no abbreviations) from different angles.
  4. Note: There has been some confusion in the past about this requirement. To put it in other words, we need to see two photos, from different angles, of the SAME username sign. The actual same sign. EG. if you write "SexyUser NN" on your belly, we need to see that photographed from say the left and then the right. It does not mean make two signs with the same text content.
  5. Make sure you upload it into the category called "verification submissions". This category is used to find the pics requiring verification.
  6. If you post pics in your gallery of your partner(s) you must also include them in your verification submission pics. IN OTHER WORDS - if you have ANYONE ELSE in your gallery of pics - such as a sexual partner or your partner - THEY ALSO need to be in the verification pics!!
  7. It is preferable to see the NN handwritten and not printed on a piece of paper. Otherwise it becomes difficult for us to tell whether the NN is real.
  8. Members must have at least 5 pics in their gallery (in addition to the verification request pics) in order to qualify for verification.
  9. After the main poster(s) is/are verified they may include the OCCASSIONAL photo that includes the verified poster(s) plus another person - so long as the other person is not identifiable. If verified poster is not in the photo, you will be subject to having verification removed.

If there is any doubt as to the authenticity of the NN stamp and whether it is the same person as the other pics we will not verify.

We feel that a high standard should be maintained in this area so if you see a verified poster who is posting pics that aren't their own we would like to hear about it via the site support system and we will remove gold shields as we have done in the past!
