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Hello everyone, its perhaps time now to update this information for you, having been posting on this site for some time now. When I first started posting on here, that was following the advise of a very close friend, I was really unsure about posting, I am lacking in self confidence and quite insular in myself, but after going through some fairly major trauma's in my life, my friend suggested posting a few discreet photo's might help to re-build my shattered self confidence and although I was rather reluctant to begin with, I agreed to try it. Well nearly four years later, I am still astounded at the response to my pictures and how it has changed my life!! I do have my own PC now I have also become quite computer literate, and I now spend most my time on here, chatting away to all my many new 'internet' friends from all over the world and my self confidence has grown enormously (as you will be able to tell from the way my photo's have developed...)!!I still dont intend to ever go topless, sorry!! That isnt really my vibe and anyway, that would be, sort of, be the end of 'Bragirl' in a way. But I do hope to be posting for some time to come yet!!. I guess thats about it really, thanks to my friend for opening the door to this new world for me, but also many many many thanks to everyone who votes or posts such lovely comments on my photo's or takes the time to send me a pm or read my ramblings in my blogs and then still want to talk to me...You know who you all are! A big thank you to you all, for helping me to change my life around, BIG HUG and take care x:)x

  • This member has been with us 15 years or more! (Joined 19 years ago)
  • 60 years old
  • Female
  • Joined 19 years ago

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