Hello everyone, its perhaps time now to update this information for you, having been posting on this site for some time now. When I first started posting on here, that was following the advise of a very close friend, I was really unsure about posting, I am lacking in self confidence and quite insular in myself, but after going through some fairly major trauma's in my life, my friend suggested posting a few discreet photo's might help to re-build my shattered self confidence and although I was rather reluctant to begin with, I agreed to try it. Well nearly four years later, I am still astounded at the response to my pictures and how it has changed my life!! I do have my own PC now I have also become quite computer literate, and I now spend most my time on here, chatting away to all my many new 'internet' friends from all over the world and my self confidence has grown enormously (as you will be able to tell from the way my photo's have developed...)!!I still dont intend to ever go topless, sorry!! That isnt really my vibe and anyway, that would be, sort of, be the end of 'Bragirl' in a way. But I do hope to be posting for some time to come yet!!. I guess thats about it really, thanks to my friend for opening the door to this new world for me, but also many many many thanks to everyone who votes or posts such lovely comments on my photo's or takes the time to send me a pm or read my ramblings in my blogs and then still want to talk to me...You know who you all are! A big thank you to you all, for helping me to change my life around, BIG HUG and take care x:)x
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Sunday, August 13, 2023, 7:52:22 PM- Could be... | ||
Lonely, in my self-imposed isolation, still trying to work that out... Might waffle soon, still in a self analytical stage. Dnb oh no, are you for real, where is the techno? This is such a great track, trust me, I love it Vibe Chemistry ~ On my Mind ![]() | ||
Sunday, July 30, 2023, 7:59:50 PM- Boo.... | ||||||
Crikey been a few hey?? It's all good in my Universe I can assure you, could do with a good shag tbh, might have to make a call and seek one out soon. Also need to waffle at you all, but IRL is pretty full on with me at the mo. Some dnb, noo!! Please trust me, this is soulful you will like it.... Mystic State ~ Rest Assured ![]() | ||||||
Monday, June 19, 2023, 5:59:24 PM- Ridng waves, ten over... | ||
Tad down these past couple of days, we are SO close now to the Summer Solstice, only two days to go, and I tend to get gloomy towards the longest day, the seasons seem to change so rapidly now, and I really feel time has accelerated somewhat, I blame Cern! Really like this track, it's not mad, it's kinda housey, nice funky number, most certainly a tune for a summer's day. It is a pick me up, one of my feels good, sending nothing but strong, feel good vibes to the few that listen ![]() | ||
Sunday, June 18, 2023, 3:00:08 PM- Dnb... oh no!! | ||
Come on, it's been a few days now, and some out there actually like it, have to cater to everyone's needs who venture in looking for it... Love this guy Unknown Artist, this was originally a trance track? But I don't recall it Unknown Artist ~ Need to be loved, and don't we just ![]() | ||
Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 12:40:21 AM- Ahh sleep... | ||
Seems to allude me tonight, trying some music that will help me get to a more conducive mindset, to then let my sub conscious go play. Not as exactly chill out this track, a slower bpm, but it is certainly helping me reach my destination. ![]() | ||
Sunday, June 11, 2023, 12:22:03 PM- My afternoon delight... | ||
Even more progressive... With this, I get a good bass fix too... Just enjoying this deep track, in the heat of the day after some tremendous thunderstorms here, but not enough rain fell sadly. This track just reminds me of how dark, and ominous the skies looked last night, incredible. This is called 'The circle of life' and aint that so... ![]() | ||
Sunday, June 11, 2023, 12:02:10 AM- Time to ramble on my baby... | ||||||
Well, I did say this blog was kinda formulated within my crazy brain, but it's all gone now, so I guess I will just waffle on as per usual.... where to start, I guess when it all went very, very wrong from the years 2012 ~2015... This is so hard to admit, yet I have admitted it to so many close friends, and family now, but somehow you guys are different... from 2012 ~2015 my heroin usage was out of control utterly and hopelessly out of control, I fell deep in to the world, to the detriment of everything, and everyone around me. During these years I destroyed all of my long-standing friendships/relationships with my actions, and my denying constantly I was still smoking it, even though it became very obvious to those close to me there was a serious problem. But I would find ways to keep them out of my life, enabling me to continue. I sank to new depths with the need for the drug every day, and it pains me so to admit that, I was not a very nice person at all. ![]() That's it for this part, I don't want to write an essay It's late with me, I shall continue with the rest of the years I have been missing and why when the urge takes me... just know I have evolved into someone I rather like to be alone with now, and I am far removed from the addict within. Blog related tune? Didn't get that far, let me see what I can find in my files.... perfect track title for this blog ~ dark noises in dirty rooms enjoy this funky number.... | ||||||
Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 6:09:40 PM- chilled out... | ||
So, this track is absolutely a repost, I never proofread or revisit past posts, but I know this is definitely posted somewhere in the past, maybe as far back as 2013? It is a rather chilled out track, reminds me of the friends/family who entered my life, played their role, then moved on... Tripswitch ~ Deer Park | ||
Monday, June 5, 2023, 12:35:14 PM- Serious dub... | ||||||
Okay, so, certainly not still in this dub folder because of the outstanding set from Jah Wobble on Saturday night. He spent far too much time talking, it took a great deal of self-control not to heckle stfu and play that bass man!! Plus the sound system was not that good either, not many people dancing to vibe off, in fact it was a slight disappointment, but you live, and learn. Leftfield on Thursday ought to be a different story, they usually have a decent sound system, so you can feel the bass, and most definitely be dancing my ass off then. Post some more or repeat post some more for them during the week. Dub, be warned we have a bass alert with this track, but love it! Hope you like... ![]() | ||||||
Saturday, June 3, 2023, 5:33:14 AM- Chilled out again... | ||
Starting my day as I mean to carry on.... nice and chilled. This is an utterly chilled out track at a frequency that is good for the soul, headphones for the max, press play, then enjoy... | ||
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