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Viewing Member - Piss Slut Kat

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Saturday, August 13, 2005, 12:56:27 PM- Mornin from wet and cold Wyo
Sheesh...here it is August and damn its 38 degrees outside...good ol Wyoming weather..ya gotta be strong to live here!

In a previous blog I mentioned that I had run across a gal from Wyoming that had posted on NN and was sad that she had not answered my PM...well guess what....we are in touch and she is way nice....so looking forward lots to talking to her more and maybe striking up a friendship...see another benefit to NN....its just so nice to be able to share yourself and get to know folks that are not afraid to put themselves out to the world on the web...way nice!

Well being as its a rainy day and cold too boot we will be spending the afternoon in the house....sooooooo...its gotta be photo day...lol....crossin my fingers for that at least cuz it seems when we "plan" to do photos some damn thing comes up....but were determined to do some and who knows what the subject matter will be.....LOL...ya right....I think you all know....and ya it will be wet! I even got my guy to put extra batteries in the charger so that wont be a last min problem....if ya think about it there is often so much to do to set these photo sessions up....here its difficult as we have so little space up in our loft but we always manage somehow...so wish we could just use the entire house but privacy is always an issue so like lots of others we have to be somewhat discrete!

Went into chat a bit last nite but the damn program kept cutting me off...but hey I am at least trying...something I thought I wouldn't do again with all the crap I get about my name...I do think they could come up with a better chat program tho....Id like to be able to put a note next to my name for example advising that I don't do pvts. and such...I tried that once and you end up going in as a non member so that kinda sucks....

Will be around all afternoon after work so if ya want to message me please do....maybe you can catch us in the middle of takin picts...hehehe....


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"38??!! holy crap kat .. you just keep those temps up there hun for as long as possible!! lol ..it's a lovely 90 here , major humidity and I'm loving it including the humidity ..once you been an arizonan no matter where you move anything under 78 is cooooooold!!"
- bootz

Friday, August 12, 2005, 1:14:08 PM- Hiya.....from Wyoming and yaaaaaa...its Friday!
Good mornin...
Batteries still fully charged....hehehe....the power surge sis sent me is still runnin through my internal wiring and as yet hasn't blown a fuse...hehehe...

Spent the mornin reading some way kewl blogs.....Loved paulines....her kidnap fantasy and thoughts on this are way exciting! Then read Dough's.....wow the photos are awesome and his thoughts on life and money are so right on....just love reading such and besides reading these blogs keeps me from doing too much photo gallery perving....LOL...

Have to report that the gal from Wyo has never gotten back to me...figure by this time its a bust and that's sad...perhaps Im a bit much for her or perhaps she is one of those ppl who aren't who they appear to be...Oh well....it was exciting to see another gal from Wyo on her but I will just stay bein myself and not get stressed about it....besides there are real gals...*kiss at pauline...who understand me and care!

The JD tractor yesterday at work was a real challenge for sure...but she is running like a top now and I only wish you could have watched me play with the thing when we were finished....lol...has a huge grappler on the front to lift round bales and its like a pair of huge jaws....I felt like so powerful lifting it and makin it open and close.....* see Im just a goofy kid at heart!

Were both excited here as the weekend is aproaching and we have plans to do some new photos for NN....our photos have always been spontanious and this time we are plotting....lol...but ya know its kind of fun thinking of different poses....so watch out.....lol...do ya think the photos will be maybe wet ones....hehehe.......????

Gotta run.....but my thoughts and heart are with each of you on this fine day here ...

Love ya
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"I was tops at two things with our old JD....popping the clutch too fast and doing wheelies and tearing out bridge railings with the discer...lmao. Bet some of those bridges still don't have the top 2 foot of railing. I'm glad you like my pics...they're fun to do and alllow my twisted little mind an outlet. Now, for your pics....i'm expecting what you do best..wink. have fun."
- dough1214U

Thursday, August 11, 2005, 12:55:16 PM- Thursday...Batteries are fully charged!
Well this mornin Im just full of myself....wooooo...watch out NN....lol...put myself on full charge and Im electric today! ( is this a mood swing...who knows...)

Weird thing happened last pm....normally I don't use the puter much in the evenings as after work all I want to do is get through dinner and crash....but yesterday mornin I had noticed my screen was all funny lookin, and was worried as we had a lightning storm and lost power....have a batt backup and closed out but thought there was some damage so checked.....puter was fine and being a certified NN'er I just had to stop by an perv......( I love that term) So I look at the photo section and first pict I see is a gal peeing....now to be honest I normally don't look much at galleries and hardly ever look if there is no face showing...but hey....you know me and peeing....lol....so I look at the gals other photos..then went to her profile.....and there I about fell off my chair.....under location I see Wyoming USA.......Yowwwww......I mean I about fainted....a Gal in Wyoming into peeing and ...well I was shocked...excited and just amazed! Sooooo...I did something I don't often do...sent her a PM! After all its the first Wyoming person I have seen on here so I just had no choice! Of course this mornin I was so hoping for a response....alas didn't get one but maybe she is not an early riser lke me...or maybe she won't respond.......but I will wait in anticipation for the next few days and cross my fingers....*note....her profile did not metion any interest in gals so maybe that will squash the whole thing ...but it would be so great to just get friendly with a gal from these parts even if she has no bisexual interests...ya see I just need a GF......not as much for sex but just someone I can talk grl talk to in person.....just be goofy with....you gals know what I'm talking about....its about the only thing I really miss here....just having a GF to be goofy with...

BTW...pauline you obviously got me lots of energy....ya ya did hon cuz Im feeling wayyy frisky today....lol....and Dough...when I get up to see her I can assure you I won't need any batteries......she will Energize me ....LOTS!!! hehehe

**just checked and still no message from the Wyoming gal.....please don't tell me she is a fake.....lol.......she just can't be.......*crossin fingers.....

Well time to dress and head to work.....need to take the dogs to the vet this mornin for vaccinations.....then a busy day ahead ... have a huge JD tractor to work on and that will be a real challenge as we have no manuals and so we will have to get "Western" and make do with scrounging parts and stuff....

Love ya all
Kat...the "maybe not only kinky pee gal in Wyo"....LOL

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"there are manuals online for those... giggling....yeah..i sent you a power surge! giggles...glad you got it! Maybe i sent just a bit too much? Don't want you to go into overload with too much...giggles....

Anyway... have a great day and hopefully you will be in contact with that other gal..although i will be a bit jealous...lol"
- slutsrus

Wednesday, August 10, 2005, 1:14:21 PM- Mornin...
Feelin sort f low this mornin.....can't figure out why but just sort of empty ....guess the time with the In laws and all the catch up has set in and I am just tired emotionally....looking forward to the weekend and just hanging out here....maybe we can take some new picts as wqe haven't posted anything for ages....

Kisses everyone....huggz to Barefoot Girl.....everyone needs to send her lots cuz she needs them.....

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"suggest to kat to always take spare batteries if you're goint to slutangels..lol. You're just changing gears..it'll take a little bit to fall back into your normal routine...not too long, though..i'm on high charge right now, so I'll send you all the extra I can..wink"
- dough1214U

Wednesday, August 10, 2005, 1:16:12 AM- Two entries in one day...wooooo
Well Im home and its not dark soooooo....had a slow day today and feel good which is unusual cuz most often when I get back from work I am dog tired...so thought I would add a few more Wuo picts....Im so pleased you guys like them and appreciate your comments lots!

The first one is of the Teton range, took this 2 years ago when we were on a camp trip out that way. There is a way special place just outside the park called crystal creek and you can set up right near the water and its so nice...and unlike the park not crowded as its sort of out of the way ...I remember my guy fly fishing there and will always remember the trout we had on that trip...soooooo good....The Tetons are so beautiful , well maybe I should say Magnificent....cuz they are!

The second pict was taken last Winter as we came home from atv riding near a little town called Tensleep...we stopped up near Meadowlark lake and I managed this shot just as the sun set on a beautiful meadow.

Ooops.....somebody is Hungry.....my guy is a disaster in the kitchen......can't even cook canned soup....lol.....so guess I better feed the man ...but hey he will do the dishes so guess I can't complain!

Love ya all....

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"beautiful photos but i especially loooooove that top photo!! how it moves through the transitions of texture ..very nice kat!!"
- bootz

Tuesday, August 9, 2005, 1:22:50 PM- Mornin...
Well something was goofy on th eputer this mornin and damn I juts was bale to get in here and so this will be a "shortie" again.....Hopefully I can do my thing tomorrow and get back on schedule with this bog....I have become a blogger for sure.....lol...but its wonderful to express yourself this way and keep in touch with you folks!

So Dough I need to get back to my nasty self....LOL...OK.....and ya know I agree....lol....been way conventional of late and ya that's part of me but only 20%....lol....the other 80% is just downright nasty.....tho I wish I could swing my everyday life off the 20% and live the 80% ....wooooooo.....what fun that would be....hehehe.......

Been watching tons of bikers riding through town headed for bike week....wow I get so jelous of these folks headed to the huge party there....in my perverted mind I had this thought...lol....just wondered how much fucking is really really gonna be goin on...hehehe...I mean mix hot bikes....hot people and an atmosphere of party party and woooooo.....wish I could fit myself into one of those drones the military uses and just swoop down on Sturgis and watch......then again Id crash and end up all bruised....lol...Oh well I get to at least watch the bikes ride by and dream of the fun they are having!

Gotta run.....maybe if I have time after work I will try to add to this tonight.....will have to do some sexy thinkin so I can get back into the groove...anyone want to get into MY groove....hehehe.......*slidin an egg roll between my legs and offering an open invite to anyon who is even a bit hungry!!!

Kisses...Im just bein too goofy...gotta dress for work and play in some grease today!

Love ya all
Viewers Comments (4):
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"@ pauline.....Dress me up.....hehehe.....I can imagine....well hon Id love you to dress and undress and dress and undress me...over and over....hehehe.....Kisses Kat"
- Piss Slut Kat

Monday, August 8, 2005, 1:30:46 PM- Monday...runnin late....
So many wonderful comments on the Wyo picts....hey thanx I'm so pleased you guys liked them and I really appreciate your saying so...TYTYTY...
Have to leave a bit early this am cuz the In Laws are leaving this mornin and headed to Maine....wonderful people....here they are at age 80+ and seeing the country....so so pleased for them...will miss the evenings we have shared with them and the ice cream cones we did most every nite...but in a way it will be nice to get back to our regular routine too...

Will try to find more Wyo picts soon and share them...

Love ya all...
Viewers Comments (2):
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"Too much of a good thing?...lol. We've enjoyed you adventures with the inlaws and seeing Wyoming from your vantage point has been a delightful eye opener. Now, get back to being naughty..can't stand it anymore...wink"
- dough1214U

Sunday, August 7, 2005, 3:47:34 PM- last one for today
me again...just found this shot we took....its just a pile of rocks right...but what it represents is another view of brave people searching for freedom and self determination...back in the 1800's people came here and marked their land with these piles of stones....imagine a settler toiling to erect this and many others and how they must have felt standing there looking into the future....the dreams and hopes land represented....the freedom they so desired and found...

yes I was born in the wrong times cuz that search is in my soul....

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"No Kat..you were born at the right time with the soul of yesteryear. What an awsome responsibility to help us see what our ancestors say for the first time. I am humbled by your descriptions and images. Thank you"
- dough1214U

Sunday, August 7, 2005, 3:40:32 PM- another Wyo pict
Hi again...
Just one more view of here in good ol Wyo....same area as the last photo just a different view....its so open here the feelings you get passing through this kind of country make you mind open to the vast areas people traveled in the 1800's when brave souls came here to find freedom...often I think I was born in the wrong times cuz I would have been one of them.....

Love ya all
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"oh where you live is so beautiful - i am weriting this from north london, which i don't think you'd much like. and you have goats too! hny you lucky lovely people - eddie aka harryj"
- harryj

Sunday, August 7, 2005, 3:32:51 PM- Home on a Sunday mornin....this is new....lol
Well the youth stock sale was way fun and yes we purchased a pig....I could have killed my guy for spending $900.00 on a pig after we just got a new car.....Grrrrrrr....but we will have bacon and lots of ham all Winter so guess it will be ok......by Winter we will be totally broke and need the ham....LOL....But did enjoy the sale and watching the kids show off all the work they did on their animals! These kids just do such a great job and each was so proud of their work and all the time spent getting the animals to the right weight.

After the sale we watched the womyn's barrel racing and of course thought of pauline and also many thoughts of my own youth and the time I ran for Rodeo Queen....and my mare Toppy who carried me to many wins.....sheesh I could almost cry thinking of those times when I was so innocent....***yes there was a time when I was.....LOL.....but then I reached puberty and wow did stuff change....LOL.....Yesterday morning my In laws got to see our Fair parade too and they loved it...for them being from a big city these times are way nice and they really had fun...its so nice for them at their age to be here and touching part of rural life....something every person who lives in a City should do once in a while....living a rural life may not fit for many ppl but its still good to taste what small town America offers.

Hey...this mornin I was up early and I actually went into chat..woooooo...guess I was feelin brave as its never been too pleasant to go there.....but ya know this mornin was way nice....and want to say Thank You to a special gal who spoke to me and was kind...Barefoot Babe.....grrl your so awesome!!! ( btw hon I LOVE your new tat...wow....awesome!!!) So she asked me to post a pict of Wyo as I had done before and I found one I think will fit...its a view of an area we drove through last Fall.....different from many I have put on here but still a part of Wyo that you all might like to see. In the background you can see the Bighorn Mtns...this area is interesting as it has many dinosaur digs and we actually saw dino footprints in one place....just another side of our home and one I hope ya like.

Well we need to wash the car and maybe if motivated will try to work on getting the camp gear organized.....In Laws will drop by sometime too and we may go for a drive to Tensleep Canyon....let them see another part of the area many miss...

Kisses all.....and btw Dough....I had this kinky flash of me and pauline eating one of your egg rolls ....ya it was placed in a very interesting location.....>>fill in blank ....(__________) hehehe.....I dare ya....LOL

Love ya all.....Life is good....
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"I'm picturing the hot peanut oil and thinking...just stay away from the chinese mustard..lol. It's so nice living this through your eyes. Thank you."
- dough1214U

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