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Viewing Member - Piss Slut Kat

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Saturday, August 6, 2005, 1:16:00 PM- Sat...ooops....had the schedule wrong...but then...
Wow did I goof up...had it in my mind the stock sale was last night and duhhhhh...its tonight so bend me over and spank my ass....LOL>>>LOL.....( you can if a want to...!)

Sooooo.....we invited the In laws to a BBQ and it went so well.....Im so pleased with myself cuz I impressed my Mother In Law.....( this has been an issue for me for ages....lol) My guy rushed home and mowed, even picked up dog poo in the yard...wooooo.......I touched up the house and set the table ...even added flowers....had some great steaks and veggies and spuds and a salad.....and found blu cheeze dressing for my Father in Law....so I done good....LOL......

After dinner we sat around talking and then my guy got out one of the atv's and took his mom for a ride....picture an 80 year old lady riding double on an atv...was a kick.....they rode right along the hwy and when they got back she was all laughing....so it was a fun night and as they are leaving in a few days was so nice to do something here at the house with them......a special evening !!!!

Tonight we go to the stock sale.......and I checked the schedule....lol....

Loved Dough's pict of his BBQ.....hehehe.....I looked and looked and never could see if he has an innie or outie.....thank god he explained that cuz I have been so curious....***kisses at ya hon.....saw how pauline offered to butter his corn too....hehehe...thinkin we ( she and I) need to have a corn buttering contest....!!!! Now Im thinkin that we should drip into the innie and let me lick it out.......See how my mind works.....segway from a family BBQ to licking an innie.....LOL.....well hey....lets face it...Im just a goofy gal with an overactive imagination! ( notice I didn't say what we would "drip" into the innie...you maybe thought it was butter...well maybe NOT...lol)...I better behave cuz Im headed for trouble her.....hehehe....

It's Sat.....keep thinking we should be headed to the mountain to camp...but all our stuff is in a heap in the garage and its gonna take hours to get it back in order.....a project for another time.....since pauline got the sign were next so holding next weekend for photos!

Love ya all....
Kisses....off to work and after we close were gonna do some stuff on the In laws motor home ...then TONIGHT hit the sale....

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"giggling..i knew exactly what you meant sis! And yes dough, you are headed for double trouble with us... god help the county we end up together in... hmmmm get the bail money ready cause we would probably be out nekked somewhere.... and doing all sorts of nasty things...

Hugs sis... we are waiting for the workers to get done under the house...have some really cool ideas for the sign... so hopefully you will get the sign by next weekend.. love you... miss you..."
- slutsrus

Friday, August 5, 2005, 1:02:21 PM- Friday ....Good Mornin
Well there was weird happenings here last pm...let me explain...

We took my Mom in Law up toWally Mart so she could get some reasonably priced Wyo T shirts and stuff as they are leaving Monday am....while there we picked up some stuff we needed and as I was killing some time I went to the book section to browse and I about fainted.....this gal walks by and I swear she was pauline's twin sister......I did like two double takes....lol...and then just stared....and stared.....sheesh made a real fool of myself...but damn this gal was her absolute twin....as she walked away I followed.......well for a few steps cuz I just had to take one more look.....wanted to say something to her cuz it became obvious I was looking but instead I just wandered away but DAMN......lol.....then....and this is embarassing.....lol.....this other gal is walking by with her GF's and I overhear her say....hey I Gotta pee......lol..well you know me.....just what I needed to hear....gets my mind all weirded out and thinkin all kinds of things......well I won't go there cuz it would just require a long explanation of my pee fetish but sheesh.....my goofy brain was on overload the rest of the night.......See what happens when a small town gal sneaks off to a city.....lol......my libido needs to stay here in my town Im thinkin cuz its just too much for me to be exposed to such happenings!

This visit from the In laws is really wearing us both out tho....we think its wonderful that an 80+ year old couple can just take off from Florida, drive 2200 miles and visit tho...they honor us and define what family is...but must say that we are looking forward to getting back to our regular and often boring schedule. Besides we will be getting the NN sign from Shaughn and pauline soon and we can have some fun with that...yaaaaaaa!

Tomorrow night we will all go to the stock sale at the fair....always fun to watch the kida and their project animals and help along the bidding....after buying the new car I don't think we will be purchasing a pig this year but maybe we can jump in and buy a chicken.....oh ya...they sell them too and its always fun to watch ppl bid up a chicken to several hundred bucks...these kids work way hard raising the animals they sell and the profits go to their education so its something we always support. Also on Sat we will have our annual County Fair parade in town.....lots of fun for those who go...we will miss it but get glimpses of some as it passes our shop.....part of the parade is a Trike parade and its way fun to watch how creative some people are with their machines....saw one yesterday that has the rear section of a corvette.......of course we also get to watch lots of the bikers heading to Sturgis these days and wow its great....we so miss our bike....lots of things going on here and wish we could share it with our NN friends....I have this fantasy of a group of NNer's camping in the meadow we so love ...all have lights on in their tents so you can see shadow shows of everyone screwing and such...LOL....

I better quit writing as I need time to do more Doughtummytickling.....hehehe...tho for some reason I now have this thing about wanting to lick his navel....pondering if its an innie or outie.......Oh well.....I think I need to review his gallery to see if that anatomical fact can be figured out.....hehehe...

Im dressing for work and back to my other life...

Love ya all

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"gawd, i bet your heart must have pounded when you thought that was me... i swear they must have not thrown out the mold when they made me..i seem to be a popular model! lol..."
- slutsrus

Thursday, August 4, 2005, 1:10:47 PM- Thurs~sheep dog trials and other stuff..
Well yesterday was a bit slow at work till just b4 closing and then of course we got busy with some repairs and ran late~this is common for us if we have plans for the evening...Oh well we managed to get out, run home and shower and then collect the In Laws and head to the trials...the consession stand is a savior during these times....lol....

The trials were as always just wonderful....ours are run in the rodeo arena so no picts as we cant get that close( sorry pauline...kiss...) but watching the dogs was just great...the focus these dogs have is just amazing and to us its always exciting to see the generations of breeding that these animals represent.....they literally Live for this work...a simple whistle and communication is made between the handler and dog...the poor sheep don't stand a chance.....lol.....but sharing this with the In laws was way nice as they are city ppl and never see such things. After the trials we walked through the exhibit hall as we always love that...the handcrafts, photographs, hand made clothing, bird houses......loved the flower arrangments and the simple things that show country life......pauline you would love to see the canned goods.....just a wonderful evening in rural Wyo.....( some would say that All of Wyo is rural.....lol...and it IS)

So this morning I got this PM.....gotta wonder about some ppl.....the guy writes he travels through Wyo lots and wants our phone #....he sends like a paragraph...no intro ...just send me your phone......LOL....ya right....actually we cut the phone wire some time ago as we never used it and instead got the pay as you go cell phones but sheeeesh......this guy must think I'm a slut......LOL.....woooooo.....( well he is right...maybe I was born at night but it wasn't last night for heavens sake!!!) Actually its a shame cuz if the guy would have taken the time to introduce himself .....well maybe he might have been able to connect......some ppl are just way nutz!

Went out to see the sunrise and it is a beautiful day here....I watched the light reflect off the leaves of the cottonwood trees ...the creek is running fast from the rains up on the mountain and the sound was so refreshing....I just love the mornings and as I often do I whisphered paulines name to the sunrise....this is my way of touching her and letting her know of my feelings.....

Off I go......just like a prom dress......lol....

Kisses all.....and a special tickle on Doughs tummy....hehehe.....*maybe that will give him the encouragment to visit Wyo.....
Love ya
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"country gals are great! giggles... one day i will know for sure...hmmmm yummy sweet country girl Kat... going to be such a kick!

Our county fair next week.. so i should be able to get some pics.. i have to look up the schedule of events to see when they are holding things...
Anyway...glad you had a nice time last night...
Miss you baby... and i think of you each morning when the mist rises from the water's surface..
- slutsrus

Wednesday, August 3, 2005, 1:12:09 PM- Good Mornin from Wyo....
First off I want to say thanx to Dough, Juicy and of course sis for their kind and encouraging comments on my blog entry yesterday....kinda sorry I brought that up but figure the blog is a good place for shaing your feelings and its a feature on NN I feel sets the site apart from many others! Maybe when things settle down here and I have some spare time I will try chat again...my thoughts on that had been to keep trying and get known in there so ppl could figure me out but got into a "thing" with someone on there and as I'm not into confrontation I just dropped out and figured Id stay off.... Enough said about the screen name thing....but again thanx lots to you special ppl for the encouragment!

We were gonna BBQ last nite but had a storm and some welcome rain so decided to drive up the mountain to a spot we know for dinner...National Forests have these little places that are all rustic and cozy and thought it would be nice.....well forgot they were closed on Tues.....duhhhh...but had a nice ride up and back and wooooo....Love the new Suburban.....feel like a Queen sittin in there.....lol.....its almost too nice....played with the seat buttons.....lol....popped in a CD.....just way nice.....anyway ended up at a place in town and had a nice evening with ice cream after.....the ice cream store is on a property that also has a ferris wheel and an old carousel that you can ride.....old organ music plays and you can ride the horses and we all got on and what a kick...felt like I was 5 years old....loved it!

Tonight were going to watch the sheep dog trials at the fair....its so awesome to see how these dogs can move a small group of sheep just where the handler wants them to and you can tell these dogs just live to do this...lots of sheep are raised here and we know several ppl who use these dogs daily and couldn't operate without them....but if ya ever get a chance to watch a sheep dog trial do so....you will be totally amazed!

Really looking forward to getting the NN sign....will be fun to do some picts and post....havent had any new picts to post for ages....but all of a sudden we realized hey who will we pass the sign on to.....about the time we got on NN we started doing lots of Spring projects around here then started going camping and to be honest we havent really gotten close to many ppl due to our schedule......sooooooo....gotta work on that as the sign Must be sent on....Our Summers are so busy and even through Fall we are doing so much away from the house....but in Winter we hang out here lots and tha's the time we have to be here more often....Got to lookin at Dough's sign photos and loved them...if ya haven't seen his please check them out....he is way kewl........and his NN sign photos are way clever!!!

Gotta get dressed and head to work...

Kisses to ya all.....* a little push on Doughs tummy too....hehehe......
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"we are the same way here being busy in the summer and fall..summer with the house and fall with the garden, canning..
Sheep dog trials are a blast to see and they are my fav at the fairs.. i am always amazed how those dogs work and love it while they are doing it.. we had untrained dogs for our goats and they just did it naturally... a few commands from us that we taught them and they were doing okay. have fun..hope you are taking some pics for me!"
- slutsrus

Tuesday, August 2, 2005, 1:21:50 PM- Tuesday am....good mornin world...
Well last night after work we took off to the camp site to remove the tent and screen rooms....this was no easy task after a long and very busy day at work....but it was a "had to do" thing. Took about 45 min to pack up and while my guy was loading I wandered off to the meadow to look for a lost ball our dog somehow couldn't find. Got to the middle of the meadow and looked back at the vacant camp site and just started crying.....sheesh we had been there well beyond our 14 day limit.....like almost a month...(oops) ..but seeing everything gone just got to me and all I could do is sob......so many things had happened there......good dinners in my dutch oven.....wonderful rides on the atv's.....some way hot sex....hehehe.....soaking my feet in crazy woman creek.....all of it just swirled around in my goofy head and the tears flowed.....not that we won't go back....but it just was overwhelming.....but now our camp is in the garage....lol.....wha a mess to clean up re-pack and get ready to go sometime before the end of the month.

Im disappointed.......Hey got only one suggestion about the sign......my love sis.....slutsrus....who has always been with me in my heart is the only one who offered a thought on the sign......for sure I wont pee on it....LOL......maybe piss with me holding it tho......after all I assume people would expect that given my screen name.....I still wish I hadn't chosen that name tho......feel like its a tag that bothers many people and it sure keeps me out of chat...which I think is sad in many ways cuz I know ppl have fun there and its a great place to meet new faces......Im way clear tho from several experiences that ppl just can't deal with a "piss slut".....Oh well we all make mistakes and live with them and I live with mine....must say I always will be thankful for friends like slutsrus who know I'm more than a screen name....

Spent lots of my "NN" time this mornin reading several blogs.....loved the picts on slutsrus's blog....the eggie ones...hehehe......and llwa....wow what a gal....she does such beautiful photos...and her writing is awesome and so deep and insightful.....so Impressive.

Ok...gotta run to my other world.....BBQ tonight with the In Laws.....they are way special folks and we are so pleased they are here.....

Kisses all...and Remember......sign suggestions are welcome....let me know.....

Kisses.......to ya all
Viewers Comments (3):
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"sis... don't feel that way... heck i get it with my nick too.. people just don't understand what a slut is all about..hmmm sounds like a blog entry for me soon..giggles..
You know sis.. i wouldn't worry about what other people think... just do what you want to do and share what you love to share.. if others can't handle it, that is their problem... not yours...
Love you always.. and can't wait to see you when you vacation with us! Gawd the pics... going to be awesome! You, me, and Truely! Gawd, we are going to melt the net! lol..."
- slutsrus

Monday, August 1, 2005, 1:16:20 PM- Sunday sunburn~Monday Smiles
Well today Im just all smiles....feeling so good inside and way happy~~We spent most of the day at the fair yesterday and it was truly wonderful..we had been working with a group of kids since March and yesterday was their day to show their stuff....We had a wonderful judge and she did an excellent job and "our" kids all did a wonderful job...was so rewarding to watch and tho we got sunburn it was worth it...after the show the kids gave us a poster they made and we just about cried....just a wonderful and happy day!

After the fair judging was over we rushed off to camp to take down our stuff and when we got there we were welcomed with a rainstorm and lightning that was so close you could feel it....scary.....so we managed to get the personal stuff out, one tent and then soaking wet and worried about the lightning we gave up and headed home.....tonight we will remove the rest and sadly will pack it up for a few weeks till the In laws leave.

One great thing tho is we will be getting the NN sign from slutsrus and that will be fun....been too long since we have done any picts so this will be the motivation we need......tho now I'm wondering what type of pict we should take.....lol......everyone might expect a peeing one but I dunno....so many ppl find piss photos "extreme" so we might have to be more conventional....asking the ??? here.....what's your opinion....piss or conventional.....LOL...well Im serious tho so would love your thoughts on this.

Gotta run.....overslept today so must dress and head off for another week of work...

Kisses all....Love ya
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"piss is good"
- rorymotion

Sunday, July 31, 2005, 1:45:01 PM- Sunday AM....random thoughts
Yesterday was a long and tough day...both at work and also with our other activities...finally gave up at 7 pm and just came home and decided to take down our camp this afternoon after we do our thing at the fair....was so tired yesterday I just started crying for no apparent reason...Im a strong gal but sometimes we just need to cry.

Was rading several blogs this mornin and was so upset to read how slutsrus's canoe was stolen....you cannot possibly know how it feels to have your space invaded like that.....to me its not the loss of "stuff" but rather the invasion of your privacy. Years ago when we loved in Florida we had a home break in while we were in the house....happened about 2am and we didn't know it was going on till after the guy left....our daughter knocked on our bedroom door and we opened it and she stood there crying and laughing at the same time...just totally losing it...when we finally got her calmed down she explained that a large man had opened her bedroom door and when she sat up he ran off...never touched her but just scared her to death......it took a bit for all this to sink in but when it did we just freaked and of course called the cops. Later that morning we were telling a neighbor about it ...she was an older lady who lived alone...well she explains that she chased the same guy out of her house with a gun and the SOB comes next door to our place! Later when we explained this to the cops the investigator went explained that "these guys who do this kind of work aren't too intelligent"....we had to smile about how he put that...the guys "work".....but it will be with us forever...the invasion of your space....Very Very disturbing event.....Yes we had a hand gun in the house and yet we often wonder what we would have done had this guy opened our room door....its way easy to say shoot the bastard but then you think about some asshole in your house bleeding all over and dying in front of your eyes.....in your "guts" you say to yourself he deserves that but you have to wonder about the aftermath......knowing someone was shot in your home and I doubt you could ever get over that.....I at least don't think I could....would always remember that and seems to me it would totally destroy your living there. Its one of the special things about living here in a small town in Wyoming...sure we have crime but its minimal compared to most places ..we don't lock anything....keys are left in the car....we laugh to ourselves when we have people come to the shop and when they leave they lock their cars and set up their security alarms.......but know that in most places this is common and I always feel sad about such things.....and feel Very sad about what happened to Pauline....way sad...you can always buy a new canoe but never can buy the peace your home and property represent.

Well today is first day of Fair.....we have been working with a group of kids since March and today is their day.....we always look forward to this day but when its over we are always let down ....happy of course for the kids and love the smiles when they get ribbons......memories they will always have....but then in a short moment in time its just Over....till next year anyway.....mid week we will go to the livestock sale, then one night we will watch the sheep dog trials which are always so fun....then look through the exhibit hall at all the things people submit for judging....and one great thing is we get to share all this with my In Laws....they are "city people" and never get to see things like this so its always great to share these moments.

This is the first Sunday in weeks we have been at home rather than at camp.....in a way its kinda nice to be here and if we werent pressed to go to the fair and set things up we would probably be screwing our goofy brains out.....lol....we figure that since we have to take camp down this afternoon we will hold off putting it back up for a few weeks.....so on our agenda is some new photos...will be a week or so I imagine but that pervy thought is running wround in our minds lots!

Well thats all on my blonde mind at the moment.....tho heard about the NN sign being sent around and now that we may be having some "home" time we are thinkin we might want to participate in that.....

Kisses all....we love ya....LOTS

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"you will get the sign from us and by the time you get it, you will be ready...giggles...."
- slutsrus

Saturday, July 30, 2005, 1:05:11 PM- another short entry
Seems time is escaping us here......run run run....Last nite afte work we took the In Laws up the mtn to dinner at another lodge....was nice and enjoyed the food, company and the atmosphere....love these little places that are along the road and so rustic.....then went on to our camp as its been storming up there and we expected to find a mess and did....sheesh....the Ol Wyo. winds really did a number on our screen rooms and one was pretty much destroyed....also found two red tags.....Dammit.....so today after work we have a class to give then back up there to tear everything down...

We are loving the visit with our family but damn its put us so so far behind in our usual routines......

Oh well....family times are important and were blessed to be able to spend time with them

Have to do a tax report so must run....end of the month shit always gets me annoyed but ya gotta do it.....one of the pleasures of being self employed....lol

Love ya all.....
Viewers Comments (1):
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"gawd, seems like a pain to always be taking down and setting up that camp... that is just way too much work for me.. especially since it's supposed to be a place for relaxing.. not working..."
- slutsrus

Friday, July 29, 2005, 1:29:39 PM- Friday.......slept late soooooo
Sheesh...had to run to Wally Mart last pm and get some stuff and got home way to late and slept late this mornn so this entry will be like a "quickie"....hehehe.....( those can be fun at times)

Ron is so right....lol....havent had much time to do any new picts....seems that by the end of the day its just not omething we feel like doing tho we have talked about some we want to try.....usually our photos are done on a spontanious basis which we find just adds to the fun of it.....maybe in a week or so we can manage some but hey I sure appreciate ya askin!

Love th enew to us car...wow rides so nice and feels way new even tho its got some miles....makes ya feel kinda nice to drive something that's not "old".....even got some seat covers for it last pm so we can carry the dogs with us at times....

Sorry this is way short and wish I had more time....been saying that to myself for weeks......time just slips right through my fingers these days....

Love ya all
Kisses.....nice wet ones....hehehe
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"i was thinking the same thing... have a nice time... and don't forget the fair pics"
- slutsrus

Thursday, July 28, 2005, 1:04:36 PM- Thurs....Good Mornin from Wyoming!
Well we had one nice and very special day yesterday...actually had a few hours of down time at work which is Very unusual...soooooo......hehehe.....I used that time to get ourselves into debt.....lol....been looking at a really nice 2001 Suburban for two weeks at a friends car lot and ran over and got it and we went through it pretty carefully and .... well I called the bank and its ours! Kinda made this a birthday present for my guy but its a shared one....cuz I am gonna drive it lots......been driving an 87 one for several years and wow what a difference....the newer one is way nice and even has a CD player....wooooo......lol.....So then after work we collected the In Laws and we all drove up the mountain to a nice spot we know of to have a birthday dinner and it was way nice....a little secluded place in the pines and the food was great. So yesterday was filled with good stuff and was a real nice day....and ya this mornin I peeked out in the driveway and the Suburban is there.....just had to peek to be sure yesterday wasn't just a dream.....lol

Its been pretty nice to be with my In Laws ....they are great ppl....being with them brings back many memories.....all good ones ... and we are so proud of them to have decided to come all this way at their age.....they plan on being here a few weeks then will drive to Maine to see a relative then back to Florida.....pretty brave I'm thinkin!

Were also getting excited about the Fair which starts this weekend...so much to see and do....we love the sheep dog trials, the 4H sale, the craft exhibits and just watching the ppl ...kids leading a steer....loose sheep running all over.....lol....( seems to always happen) and of course our project which is the kids dog show...been teaching these kids now since March and its been a real press at times as we do it after work and were always tired.....but then we look at the results and always feel great.....

Well time to dress for work....Summer heat is returning and we have a semi to service this mornin so need to get in early to get the parts and stuff we need....

Kisses all....happy ones this am...
PS....to slutsrus.....sheesh hon sorry about the abandoned car thing and tool theft....Love ya hon and will take some Fair picts for sure and post them here....
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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAT, from Ron in Miami. How CUM no new postings? Too busy to tinkle? he he he again HAPPY BIRTHDAY and have a great day"

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