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Viewing Member - Veyron_UK

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 8:39:45 PM- 'n' shit...
Ever thought what it would be like if the people fighting in the second world war spoke like the youth of today...no....well, bollocks to you then!! tongue







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Sunday, February 17, 2008, 2:05:43 PM- Love is a losing game...
Well i'm ill again.

Yesterday, apart from a little stomach ache, i thought i was pretty much over it and the road to recovery. But this morning at about 3:00am nature very rudely called and i spent the next hour on the throne. My guts were making all sorts of noises and even when i managed to jump back into bed it kept me awake for the rest of the night.

It still hurts and i've got no choice but to not eat for about 24 hours to see if my guts can sort themselves out. This'll be the third day this week were i haven't eaten and unsurprisingly i don't like it. Not only does it make me feel more tired than usual but it makes me really weak, which in turn stops me from doing any weights, running, etc and i don't handle exercise withdrawal well. Makes me feel a bit saggy and shitty.

And Valentine's Day is over for fucks sake!!! Why oh why are there still adverts on telly suggesting "brilliant" for Valentine's day? And why the majority of the music channels on sky still running "The nation's favourite love songs" and shit like that? It's over, finished, End of! It's bad enough i have it rubbed in my face on Valentine's Day let alone the following days after.

I hate Valentine's Day. I hate Cupid. I hate loved up couples with their imbecilic grinning and vomiting conjuring soppy vile loved drenched gooey words! I hate how people don't know or appreciate how fucking lucky they are to have found somebody. I hate how most people wait until Valentine's Day to show their love for somebody who they love on one heavily commercialized day, when they should be doing that everyday. And finally and most annoyingly I hate love. I hate how being so deprived of it for so long can make you feel so hollow, so empty, so unwanted and so fucking miserable. I hate how now, after being so un-loved for so long, i feel like i'm not going to find anybody.

As a result there will be no Valentine's Day next year or for any other year...as i've killed that little flying, arrow wielding, life ruining, heart breaking bastard, cupid.

"Shoot my Cupid, out of the sky
Break off his wings, and gouge out his eyes
And thank him for nothing
'cause that's all he gave..."

Normally people add i hope his sole rest's in peace...but i'm not. Not for this little fucker! "Good riddance" will be the epitaph i carve into his headstone before dancing joyfully on his shabby shallow half-arsed dug grave.

There, i think that counts as my proper moan about Valentine's Day.

Hope you're all well, happy, and for those of you who have somebody, fucking appreciate it and don't waste, abuse or take that love for granted. There are plenty who would kill for what you have.

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"You need to eat, even if you don't feel like it. Weak bread or crackers... light but filling, to work things out. That is... do the *opposite* of what you're doing now.

I hope you will feel better.

As for the love thing... I blogged, so I'm moving on from that topic."
- mdguy

Saturday, February 16, 2008, 4:24:54 PM- The scars remind me that the past is real...
Hi all

Well i didn't manage to have a proper moan regarding Valentine's Day and i'm sure as hell not going to in this blog! I was a bit too ill to think straight and to sit at my PC. As far as i'm concerned Valentine's is at least another year away...also i'll more than likely be single for that one as well crying

At least i'm finally getting over this stomach bug thing. I know i've only had it since Tuesday and it only really started kicking my arse on Wednesday afternoon but i didn't like taking the time off work, not eating (as it just came straight out and left me with really bad stomach cramps) and being too weak to exercise. Although i did manage some sit up last night and this morning plus my 3 and bit miles run this morning despite it being bloody freezing. Got a bit of stomach ache but nothing i can't handle.

Also went on a bit of spending spree during the week on-line. Not much and nothing interesting just seven or eight CD's. Then it got me thinking, i haven' actually bought a CD for ages. Me and one of my mates use to buy them all the time while we were at uni and even when he quit uni i still kept on buying. I guess i really stopped buying when i left uni and came back home. The same goes for DVD's. But i hardly watch DVD's any more, don't have the time. I still listen to a lot of music, just not as much as i use to and i've got a load of films taped on Sky that i haven't got round to watching.

It's kinda sad. I love music and films but i hardly have time for them anymore, or as much time as i'd like anyway.

It's also weird that when i'm about to watch a film i always have an eye on a clock. As if i'm watching the time slip by, knowing that i'll never get it back again. Thing is if i wasn't watching the film i'd be wasting my time doing something else.

I hate time. If i have too much, i don't know what to do with it and end up wasting every second. Mainly doing nothing productive. If i have too little i'm running around like a mad-man trying to getting a thousand and one things done. That's when i tend to be very highly productive!!!

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst" ~ Willaim Penn

Anyway i was talking to a friend on-line and we something we touched on was kids. I'm on the side that doesn't want kids and she does. I've never wanted kids. Even through college and uni, when it would come up in conversations, i would say i don't want and have no plans to have kids.

I don't really know why i want them but i guess the three main reasons are that i absolutely rubbish with kids. I have always been. Secondly i don't think i'd be a good dad. I know it's being a bit presumptuous but i guess it stems from not being good with kids. And lastly, the state of the world. I don't want to bring up a life, especially one that's so fragile and would be so precious to me, in such a shit and horrible world.

All i have to do is flick on the news and see how people are killing other people over trivial things; race, religion, politics, status, money, etc. Or go out and pick up a paper. Talks about crime, violence, economic problems, environmental problems, global issues. All these things have one thing in common. It's all negative and there doesn't seem to be a shortage of it. Why, just for one whole day, can't there be nothing bad to report? Why can't the papers and the News broadcast positive, up-lifting and bloody good stories for a change?

Well, went a bit off-subject there!

Something my friend did say that if i meet the right person i'd change my mind, which is probably true. I haven't ruled out kids completely but it's all a mute point anyway. To have kids i've got to find somebody to have kids with, and that just doesn't look it's going to happen. Especially meeting the "right" person if anybody at all.

Nothing much else to say so i'll be off.

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"You survived another one... I can only hope for you for next year.

I doubt I will ever have children, and I'm in the ironic position of wanting them. It is for me a chance to guide someone who might correct the mistakes of the past and leave a legacy. Maybe simplistic of me. Just keep your eyes open, because you never know..."
- mdguy

Thursday, February 14, 2008, 10:57:24 PM- A teardrop is insignificant in a pool of water, but it can touch the soul as it runs down someone’s face...

What's worse, is that i don't even have a teddy crying
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"Pillows work well. Anything to get you through, m8. xxx"
- mdguy

Thursday, February 14, 2008, 10:37:25 AM- What becomes of the broken hearted...
Hi all

Well not only is it bloody Valentine's day but i'm really ill as well. I've been feeling a bit off since Tuesday afternoon and i had it pretty bad yesterday. Although i still managed to drag myself to work but it's a lot worse this morning. I doubt i'll be back tomorrow so hopefully i'll be 100% for Monday.

Not going into too much detail i've got stomach cramps and something goes along with stomach cramps...i don't really want to spell it out but needless to say everything i eat comes straight back the other end....only in a very liquidized form.....i hope you weren't eating when you read that.

Not like i'm missing anything at work. I did all my work yesterday and like nearly every other day had fuck all to do expect be very bored and watch the clock tick the seconds past.

Anyway i'm off to have a lie day. I'll more than likely be back later to moan about how crap Valentine's Day is and how being single sucks!!! You have been warned!

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"Today, I think I am closer to you than ever... this will be one of those days that, with Christmas, highlight how alone people truly are.

Feel better, M. And drink water... when the 'deluge' happens, you'll need to stay hydrated."
- mdguy

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 10:36:49 PM- "I wish..."
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- mdguy

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 9:58:28 PM- Your Call ~ Secondhand Serenade


Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry
call I'm desperate for your voice
I'm listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Because every breath that you will take
while you are sitting next to me
will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy?

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)
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- mdguy

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 7:32:18 AM- I think the hardest time is waking up in the morning...those moments before I remember who I am, and think instead about who I was...
Hi all

Not much going on at the moment. It’s back to same old routine but at least now I’m starting to apply for other jobs. Hopefully I’ll get one sooner rather than later. I’m at the stage with work were I’m really, really tempted just to hand in my notice so I can spend more time job hunting but as I’m constantly told “it’s easier to get another job while you’re employed elsewhere”. Plus it’s a source of income and it gets me out the house.

Apart from that nothing much has changed and I’ve still got the most bloody awful day coming up soon...Valentine’s Day.

I wasn’t a big fan of it when I was with somebody; I mean if you really love somebody and really care for them then why wait for one day out of 365 (or 366) to really make an effort? I’d rather do something like that when she isn’t expecting it, so it’s more of a surprise and less predictable.

But I’m single and have been for ages so every Valentine’s Day is just a reminder of something I had a very long time ago, which I no longer have, and haven’t had for a very long time. And it’s depressing! I’ve been hearing of happy couple’s plans for the last few days and a person telling their friends what their significant other has planned or has bought for them.

And then there are the git co-workers who ask what you have planned or what you’re going to do or on the day how many cards you got from “secret admirers”. Makes me feel like a right sad bastard saying, got nothing planned, not going anywhere, and zero! Although I haven’t had a Valentines for many, many, many years so I’m use to that sad

Plus it’s too heavily commercialized!! But what isn’t now-a-days?

So I’m already wishing for the weekend to be here and I’ve still got to get threw that bloody awful day. I think I will par-take in my Valentine’s Day tradition of getting home as soon as possible hiding under the covers, having a good cry and then watching Schilder’s List!

Hope yours goes better than mine...

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"Most of the holidays that emphasize caring or empathy have been drawn to death (i.e., Christmas, Valentine's Day)... it's a day to get through if you're alone, and a day to bear if you're not. You will get through it. (You got through Christmas.)"
- mdguy

Saturday, January 26, 2008, 9:04:25 PM- Crash and Burn - Savage Garden

When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart
I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you
Its hard to find relief and people can be so cold
When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you cant take any more

Let me be the one you call
If you jump Ill break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

When you feel all alone
And a loyal friend is hard to find
You're caught in a one way street
With the monsters in your head
When hopes and dreams are far away and
You feel like you cant face the day

Let me be the one you call
If you jump Ill break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

And there has always been heartache and pain
And when its over you'll breathe again
You'll breath again

When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please
To tame your wild wild heart

Let me be the one you call
If you jump Ill break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn

You're not alone
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"I love Savage Garden...one of theirs is my voice greeting! I realy like this one. xxxx"
- Anya32

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 8:59:40 PM- What i would do...
Hi all

An unfinished little thing i wrote. Hope you like...


We'd be together. Naked and in each others arms. Our bodies pressed against each others. We'd kiss each other softly and slowly your arms around my shoulder and my arms around your hips and lower back. My hands would slowly caress your hips and back, occasionally running slightly up the grove in your lower back then back down again.

With the bed behind you i'd slowly push you backwards, still softly kissing your lips until you get to the bed.

You'd sit down on the bed and lie down, kissing each other all the way down until your head rests of the bed covers. I'd be on top of you kissing your lips. I'd then kiss the side of your neck just under your jaw line. I'd start to slowly kiss my way down the side of your neck and down your chest.

I'd kiss your nipple a few suck times then lightly lick them with the tip of my tongue. I'd then softly suck on it while one of my hands slides down your body to your other. I'd then kiss my way down the middle of your stomach, across your belly button and down the freshly shaved area...my mouth would inch closer until i finally reach your pussy.

I'd softy kiss it a few times wrapping my arms underneath your round and back round so they hold you thighs. After a few kisses i'd spread my tongue and lick your slowly but firmly from bottom to top, my whole tongue pressing against you. I'd keep doing this, licking your over and over again, looking up into your eyes as i taste you.

I'd lick you a few more times before pressing my tongue against you and sliding it into you. I'd work my tongue deeper inside you, working it around inside of you, one of my hands reaching so i can stroke the top of your pussy. I'd keep swirling, stroking and working my tongue around the inside of you my eyes looking up into yours.

I'd do this for a while, listening to you (hopefully!) moaning with pleasure and feeling your body writhe.

I'd pull my tongue out and my hand would uncurl from one of your legs and i'd gently run my fingers over your pussy, before resting my hand on the base of the your stomach and using my thumb to rub it. I'd look up at you as my hand slide off your stomach and i rest a finger against your pussy, then, slowly, i'd slide it in. I'd keep sliding it in until it's all the way in. I'd hold it there for a few seconds while i give your pussy a few licks with my tongue before slowly sliding my finger out and then back in again.

I'd do this a few times and then i'd add another finger to i have two sliding in and out of you. While my fingers are busy sliding in and out of you i'd move my mouth back to your pussy and i'd start to lick and suck on it my fingers sliding at a nice pace in and out of you.

again i'd hopefully hear your moans of pleasure and feel your body twitch and write.

I'd slow down and eventually stop, sliding my fingers out of you and i'd slowly start to kiss my way back up your body, eventually reaching your soft lips and giving them a few kisses.

While i'm kissing i'd position myself so my now very hard cock is just millimetres away from your (hopefully) wet pussy. I'd move closer to you and with a spare hand i'd take a hold of my cock and rub the swollen helmet against your pussy. Sliding it up and down your pussy, all the time kissing you.

I'd stop kissing you and look down as i press my helmet against you and start to press it with ever increasing pressure against your pussy.....


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"Why is this unfinished?"
- mdguy

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