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Viewing Member - drtarr

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Sunday, May 22, 2005, 3:58:25 AM- oops
he walked slowly around the bed to climb up behind his lady and dropped his hands gentl over her shoulders to cup her heavy breasts in his hands. A new and different tone of moan escaped from between his wifes lips as she slowly bent forward and presented him with with warm wet opening he knew so well, he leaned forward and gently placed his hardness slightly into her. as he was slowly entering her he hesitated slihtly and was momentarily startled by a new feeling, a tounge running down the length of his shaft and then back up. The small beauty had maintained her place between his wife's thighs and know was slowly gently licking bot him and his wife. A shudder of delight coursed through his body as the moans increased from his lady. His kept his paced slow for as long as possible enjoying the feeling, as the lady reached climax once again the spasms within in her drove him over the edge. He was know plunging into her as if this was the last time he would ever be able to make love, the force of his thrust causing there skin to slap togather. All things know lost except the feeling of deliciousness wraped around him. With his back archng trying with every fiber of his being to enter into her a deeply as possible his release comes wth a load moan escaping from deep down his throat. As he explodes deep within her and colapsing back, they gather on either side of him to rest and renew all knowing ths would just be the beginning of an interesting weekend.
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Sunday, May 22, 2005, 3:34:37 AM- here we go with more
The hands on his head gently changed from pull to a slight push so he took when last long lick from front to back and raised his head from between the soft thighs. He was greeted by the sight of his lovely wife astride her friends face in the extacsy of orgasm. he drank in the sight and felt his stiffness throb with desire
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Thursday, May 5, 2005, 2:58:42 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
As he reenteed the room het took in the site before him. The ladies looked as they had when roomates with very little change, his wife a rubenesque beauty with all the lush curves that the name implies. Her friend the total opposite a small pixie like lady, short in stature and small porpotioned overall. As he poured his wine and took in the site before him and felt himself start to stiffen, his wonderment at what was happening almost beyond belief, instead of reality it like a dream become tactile and three demensional. As he stood there lost in limbo almost he was brought back to the present by the feel of hands and fingers. On pair had reached around and was stripping his shirt while another was slightly fumbling with his belt buckle and removing his pants. Time had become disjointed and in what felt like mere seconds he was suddenly as nude as they. His stifness standing proudly and twitchinf=g in anticipation, mouth starting to water as if he were a starving man being feed a first meal after long abstinance. His glass set aside he was led to the bed and pushed backward to lie face up looking at all the beauty arrayed before him. The sprite was the first to break the silience and inject reality back into the dream, "I have heard so much bragging of the talent of your tongue I feel the need to put you to the test." she said with an almost wicked grin she straddled his face and lowered an already moist pussy onto it. His tongue darted outward sluicing all of the sweet moistness it could gather into his awaiting mouth. The taste was as marvelous as he had imagined sweet and spicey all at the same time, he worked in ernest tounge dancing lightly over her with long storkes combined with fast and feathery darts over the surface before he finally plunged it deep into her. While this was happening he felt familiar hands stroking his hardness and then the lovely feeling as it was engulfed into a warm, wet and oh so talented mouth. He sent the subtle signs of his next move to his wife, the kind which is understood by long asscosiated lovers. She moved back as his hands gently grasped the tiny lovliness and his face and gently placed her onto her back and rotated himself into a lying position so he could also bring his fingers into the play of the delicate flower under his tongue, flutering with all the speed he could muster over her engorged clit he entered her with a finger and once in he curved it forward seeking the spot within her that would drive her over the edge. Finding it she screamed with the pleasure she was feeling as warm delicious liquid began to flow freely from her he sucked and lick with even more enthusiasm trying to avoid at this point the tiniest of wet spots on the sheets. Her fingers curled in his hair as it felt as if she was trying to pull his head into beside his finger he knew that he had at the very least met some of the expectation that must have come from hearing his wife speak of his talent. Smiling inwardly to himself he allowed his tongue to drop downward to find her other hole and ran it over her tight rosedbud back entrance and begin to probe there as his finger moved gently back and forth within her coaxing yet another spasm from the subject of his art.

ok i'll pick this up again later i need a smoke....wink
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"Can't wait for more :)"
- NoSecrets

Wednesday, April 6, 2005, 6:23:13 PM- sorry I haven't written in so long...Hot Coffee and Hardons
He returned early from the trip. He had managed to get finished sooner than expected and decided to suprise the lady with an early return. As he quietly entered the house and approached the bedroom with a quiet smile on his face thinking of the moments ahead. With the red rose ready to be presented and the chilled bottle of reisling uncorked and ready. As he reached for the nob a sound caught his ear and he hesitated, cleary the sound of his ladies vibrator purring away were emanating from within as he waited he heard her mummuring ," Oh god it's been so long, it feels so good don't stop I've missed this so much". His ego immeadiatly soared she was pleasuring herself and fantasizing of him, he thought to himself, this is a better timed suprise than I had figured. Slowly and quietly he turned the nob and eased the door open, ready to reap his well imagined lusty rewards. As he stepped into the room the suprise hit but more for him than her. She lay on the bed nude and spread, above her was her lifelong friend and former roomate also nude, working the vibrator lustily into his lady while her tongue danced over her friends clit. Stunned he just stood staring in rapt fascination and lust, as with most men he had of course always had this very fantasy but he never imagined it coming true. Something must of alerted the ladies to his prescence because suddenly he was snapped out of his revere with the sound of his ladies voice, " oh my looks like we have been caught quite literally with her pants down, your home early dear, you remember my old roomate don't you?". " Most certainly I do , but I must admit it took me a while to recognize her as I didn't immeadiatly see her face." he said with a chuckle. They were both very fine looking ladies and his eyes were feasting on them with all the lust he felt growing by the second " I seem to be a rose and a glass short". He presented the rose to his lady poured two glasses of wine and presented it to them then quite literally sprinted to the kitchen and back for a third glass and second bottle, this he thought could be a very interesting night...............
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Monday, February 14, 2005, 3:19:55 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
Made ya look hehehehehe.......

Happy VD to all ... always wondered why the day to celebrate love and togatherness had those intials, must be that puritan roots thing...

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- bi woman

Wednesday, February 9, 2005, 3:54:53 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
So after a few days off here we go again..
This is more memoir than story today ..
The Ritual
He had waited till the rest of the family was in bed. A mostly solitary, shy teenager, his only sexual release was indeed the ritual he was about to perform. He went through it almost nightly, almost methodically he knew his door was shut and quietly as possible he slipped from bed and withdrew the needed elemants from the footlocker at the bottom of his bed. The stack of centerfolds removed and the roll of tape ept specifically for this purpose. Standing on the bed he strated taping to the ceiling the precious pictures he had aquired over the last few months. Starting at the center directly above where he would lay they went up one by one, no specific pattern but enjoying each one as he taped it up. As he proceeded the familiar feeling started between his legs, the stiffness grew inside his tighty whitey and what he imagined passed for a bulge appeared. With the taping done at last he lay down on his bed to admire his handy work. Satisfaction on the job of papering hit as his eyes shifted over the now covered ceiling of playmates some of the centerfolds almost as old as he was himself, pictures aquired from friends from their older brothers hidden stashes they had uncovered as many were from the stash of his brothers he himself had found. Here and there amoungst them newer ones from those illicity bought magazines and smuggled into the house. Looking into the eyes of the women that now looked down upon him and almost seeing the anticipation there that he himself was feeling. His eyes danced over each one taking in the sea of breasts above him, his hands grasping the waidtband of his underwear and removing them quickly tossing them to the floor. Hardness sprang forth and his hand moved to grasp it between his fingers and start the stroke, his other hand now since his start of this free to move and cup to gently manipulate his balls, every so often growing bold enough to caress and somtime even insert itself into his own tight little hole. The grip his fingers was tight over his stiffness and increased speed as his eyes darted over the ceiling from one to the other finally locking onto a single one, dancing over the form of her body as reaveled in the picture, looking into wait he imagined the eyes that were locked in fascination with what he was doing. The feeling came to him as the buildup reached its peak and the throbbing started and the orgasm built and released his cum onto his belly. the hands dropped to his side and he lie for minute recovering from the explosion. Standing he reverses the routine this time removing each of the centefolds removing the tape and folding it back to drop on the stack again one at a time. Done with this he agains opens the footlocker and replaces the pictures and the tape, aquick look to ensure the tissue used to clean the "mess" and all the tape made it into the trash, he agains lies down into bed and replaces his underwear. Turning out the light he falls into contented slumber the ritual will return again.
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Friday, February 4, 2005, 3:58:34 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
Seems like a good place to talk about this. We are on a site where personal exposure is the rule. Anyone willing to post pictures of themselves have a level of courage that sllows themselves open to those less than gallant to demean and deride the person doing so. Most of the ones who do demean are ones who don't feel very good about themselves let alone anyone else. They also are the ones who have not learned that beauty is not always represented by the esthetics of the surface. The ones who expose more then the flesh but also open up the soul are the unique and special ones. The catharsis that can come from this is often worth the risk but can also open you up again to the small minds who cannot or will not understand. Those that don't never will those that do are special.
I try to remember one thing always when observing anything, There is beauty in all things if one takes the time and makes the effort to see. Once seen the payoff is always worth it.
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Thursday, February 3, 2005, 6:16:01 PM- Hot Cofffee and Hardons
On Again....

The totality of the two becoming more intense, with the greed of a starving human her lips gliding over his stiffness. His hunger equally intense lips devouring, chin sliding ove blood engorged lips as his tongue seeks out new grounds to taste and sample. Sliding around then into the pink rosebud of her backend. Passion disolving away until all that is left is the pureness of lust, a driving need for satisfaction taking ahold of them both. With a soft whisper that comes out as a demand "on your knees" he states as he begins to shift into a new location his knees parting her legs he finds and fills with a single hard driving thrust into her. He shouts wordlessly his lust taking over as he drives his stiffness deep into her. Moans escape her lips as with equal force she drives herself back onto him. His hands grabiing, tugging, pinching onto her nipples as he leans forward and continues to drive into her. The nectar of her soaking over him into the hair around him almost dripping from him. The sounds of their flesh coming togather filling the room with an intensity almost of gunshots his back straightens and with a final deep penetrating thrust he explodes within her almost simultaneously colapsing over her. Withdrawing himself he reaches out and pulls her to him as he rolls to his back clasping her tightly to him trying in vain to maintain the deep contact that so recently was, sweat soaked bodies forming a single spent lump on the floor they both drift into a contented snooze that only comes to the satiated......

fini for now
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"Wow Now I need a cigarette and a cold ahower ;) Great story, can't wait for the next one!"
- NoSecrets

Wednesday, February 2, 2005, 4:08:51 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
next part....

Retruning to the kiss as his fingers gently caressed her skin with light almost non-existant pressure. His lips trailed from hers and started to trace a path downward over her. Kissing along her jawline, across over her throat, over the shoulders his lips and tongues starting to provide a rythm to the counterpoint of the harmony of sighs and moans. He allowed his tongue to tickle lightly over her hardened nipples dancing over her skin to the music they were creating. Over her belly with more rapid shifts of location as his hunger for her grew. Finally reaching the only thing that would quell his growing hunger his tongue danced lightly over the flower of her, tasting the growing moisture from within her teasingly darting around but never quite touching. Finally with a deep moving thrust his tongue delves deep into her almost acting as a scoop as he hungrily mined her for nectar. Manouvering around he positioned himself firmly above her, knees on either side of her head to allow her once again to take his throbbing hardness within her mouth. Passion building as they both hungrily devoured the other trying beyond all hope to satisfy their need for the other. Smells of that special scent of desire and need filling the room the feeding interupted by moans and sighs, yelps of peaks and valleys as they almost became one deformed mutated monster of totality......

hmmmmm i need to think and consider this a little more i'll be back tommorow..
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"/me is really liking hot coffe and hardons"
- juicy

Tuesday, February 1, 2005, 3:29:51 PM- Hot Coffee and Hardons
Ok gang here we go again....

He always had had the fantasy but had never thought it would come true. It had occured to him since his teenage years and always had variations on the main theme but the core had remained the same. Of course he had become resigned to some things just not coming to fruition but that didn't stop him from enjoying the fantasy. As he sat his thoughts again drifted to this one fantasy and he started to stiffen, and since it involved masturbation his hand difted to his stifness. He released his hardness from its confines and started to stroke it. Lost in his own world he didn't here the door open and the entry of his partner, she walked in quietly and stood watching him. His hand slowly stroking his hardness eyes closed as the fantasy played itself out in his head. She smiled to herself and realized she could help him achieve one of his fantasies and slowly stepped toward him. He heard something deep within his own world that caused him to open his eyes, he saw her and sat up abruptly stopping what he was doing, although they had been togather for a while he was still momentarily embarassed being caught. she stepped toward him and started to remove her own clothes, "Don't you dare stop", she told him, "seeing that is such a turn on." Getting over his momentary shyness he again laid back and started to stroke himself while watching her expose her lovliness to him. She sank to her knees in front of him and positioned herself between his legs and slowly bumped his hand out of the way to be replaced by hers. Holding him she lowered her head as the tongue snaked outward lightly licking the precum from the tip of his stiffness. A moan of pleasure escaped his lips and squirmed in his seat, his hands reaching out to find her. Slowly stroking her soft skin as her lips parted and engulfed his entire harness into her mouth. Sliding up and down his shaft sucking him as her tongue swirled around and over him simultaneously. Her hand gently cupping his balls as a finfer ssnaked backward to tease his rosebud opening causing his back to arch and fingers to grip her shoulders tightly. He felt his excitement build but he didn't want it to end so quickly, gently taking her head in his hand he pulled her upward as he sank from his seat to the floor beside her. Kissing her deeply he smiled again and with gentle ressure he pushed her onto to her back and looking done on her said simply "My turn"..........

continue tommorow... I'm such a tease...hehehehe
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"Great writing! Lovin' this :)"
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