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Viewing Member - hapyjacq

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Friday, June 20, 2008, 12:56:14 AM- just plain weird
that's how today was....one patient i had was so self medicated he couldn't get up... he tried and he tried .... i thought he was gonna fall over...yikes...remember the commercials .... help i've fallen and i can't get up...

another patient a young lady in a wheelchair with the mentality of a 3 year old... she had the best ever RN caregiver...very well cared for .... and that wasn't a weird part of today.. that was just refreshing to see...

i saw a tit at work today .... i had to do a double take... i left her in the chair i swear for less then 5 min...i come back and she's breastfeeding her babe... don't get me wrong i'm all for it... hell i did it...but i don't know... it was like she was trying to shock you... during the exam the baby came off her teat and she just laid there ... i think i would have at least pulled my shirt over my boob... but it was certainly worth the look on k's face when she came in my room .. hahaha..

the ups man told me he accepts tongue...yup tongue... and this ups man just happened to NOT be my hubby.... weird..

i had to totally bitch out one of my girls at work today... i hate that... i like to be the nice one .... but fuck she walks around all day like she's xxxxxx or something...and i'm sure to get a call and get bitched at about my supply order...she uses the rest of shit and then doesn't tell me or make a note of it..... i caught her today doing it again.... i said wtf??.....she said she was gonna write it down later...i'm like you can't even walk out of a room and go to the front without forgetting your patients name....okay i better not start...lol...

and omg long story short... i pack pauls lunch for him... for about the last month i consistently have not packed chips...he sends me little texts... no chips.... chips??? like that....on the 17th he sends me....why ya don't want me to have chip?.....today he sends me ..... chip hater.... i lmfao...don't know if thats a you have to be there for it to be funny or not but.... that was fuckin funny.....

okay happy friday eve.... mwa jacq
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"All that and a bag of chips: yup, that's Pauly. :p

Enjoy the flash... as long as there's not milk or baby dribble on it. :)

And I think depot shouldn't have chips before bed anymore."
- mdguy

Thursday, June 19, 2008, 12:49:02 AM-
i was talkin to tikka tonite and i said this to him... he looked at me cross-eyed and said "what, who?"

this is the shit i find hilarious....

hope you all had a happy hump day..... mwa jacq


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"heres one for you .......remember Uncle Joe @ Petticoat Junction"
- KnobCreekKy...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 5:05:49 AM- so omg...
this has so much to do with the devil dog .... but then again not really....haha

i've said before my neighbors are not fans of my family (with the exception of my next door neighbors)... my boys have long hair ... the oldest smokes on the porch....we are myself, paul, my kids and my neighbors in the opinion of the people at the end of the street white trash.... period ....

so the devil dog has proved to be just to much... he was dumped btw the peeps up the street saw it...he keeps getting out of the back yard....people are bringing him back ... blah blah blah...

long story short .... some little boy went to my next door neighbors and asked if it was their dog ... she said no take it next door... he said can you??? i'm not allowed over there....wtf.... i have no clue who this kid is.. i certainly don't know his parents and they definitely don't know anything about me.....

i've always said ignorance is bliss... but if i ever get my judgement swayed by others opinions... well i just don't think i'm like that but then again ya never know but... it's childish... ignorant.. and who knows i may have been one of the coolest people they ever met....

/me puts the lid back on the neighbors box down the street and goes to chat.......

happy monday all you sexy people .... mwa jacquie
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"All your *neighbours* here love you..."
- sir fukalot

Sunday, June 15, 2008, 10:49:55 PM- last nite
no clue... i hate it when that happens... i was perfectly fine then wham... i was a drunk skunk.... i need a rock to crawl under ....i couldn't even drive home...but the one good thing is that i knew i couldn't.... so i didn't ... ha.. pbc had to drive my car home... i had fun though from what i remember sad

happy dads day all you sexy men.... mwa jacq
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"Drinking? What's that? :p"
- mdguy

Saturday, June 14, 2008, 8:28:06 AM- not
not a hickey .... checked it out up close and personal ... it was a burn from his flat iron....

hope everyone had an awesome friday ... mwa jacq
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"friday was bloody awesome...but you knew that allready now its sunday....bugger back to normal"
- Wodja

Thursday, June 12, 2008, 11:30:42 PM- omg
my son has a hickey!!

/me leaves blogs wondering where the hell that came from....

mwa jacq
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"ask him!! and then tell us :P"
- juicy

Thursday, June 12, 2008, 1:06:52 AM-
my neighbor and i used to be b/f for years.... we no longer talk...it has lots to do with kids and more to do with something else that i'm not even sure of... bottom line her hubby doesn't want her talking to me... he went to iraq last fall... her and i talked after awhile it started again to be every nite... we just stirred clear of kids and discipline...he came home and the day he did i called her (without knowing he was back).. i said call me in a few days or whatever ... i won't bother you because i don't know how much time you need with hubby....she called ... about a month later and i was just waiting for her to say her hubby wasn't home (which she did).... i told her i would call her back and never did and i've not heard from her since.... that was october... i think i deserve better than to be a closet friend...

when we started talking again while hubby was away.... i would mention this and that and she would say oh yeah i know....hmmmm how??? i totally remember her telling me she read my blogs to see what i was up to or whatever... at the time i was like that's pretty cool.... but now we don't talk again.... there are what i think are some really (for lack of a better word) cool things going on in my life... that i would love to share with you good people.... i love hearing what you all have to say... i love that fact that with the exception of a few twits... everyone cares ...i cherish the support and input that i get from 3 of my favorite NN boys (although my greatest efforts have failed to make them bi-curious lol) even if they, you, whoever doesn't always understand my psycho self.....

but.... do i want all my neighbors to know.... we live on a small street of 10 houses and everyone knows everyone's shit.... except mine... on that most of my neighbors just assume.... if i'm to blog certain stuff ...and my certain stuff isn't bad it's just personal but worth sharing too .... it's just who i want to share it with.... i get to pick and i pick the NN community and my mum and dad and pbc and well of course paul....oh and even my co-workers... but i don't pick my neighbors....i guess it's kinda like i don't feel that they deserve to know anything intimate about me or my family... and the fact that they do or could gets to me..... does any of this make the slightest sense???

well this turned windy...... but my last blog wasn't about an NN member or not a known one... so i still have the blog in my head and want to put it to type but grrrrr .... i just don't know right now....

happy hump day lovers .... mwa jacquie
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- Wodja

Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 6:45:50 AM-
i have soooo much i want to say... but not a damn thing i want to share with everyone...and thats sad.... why do you look at my blog if you just want to stir gossip???

this is not against any NN member ... or at least a known one.. it's peeps that should get over my life and live their own...

mwa jacq

p.s. i'm soooo fooking excited

*edit* i've always heard that there was support here.... just wondering where it is???

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"your always gonna get ppl trying to stir up shit on here...im sorry :("
- kassie...

Monday, June 9, 2008, 3:41:01 AM-
it's like my feelings are almost overwhelming... and i don't know how to handle them ... but i'm just so damn proud....i never thought i would see it...not because he's not smart... because that he is...just because of the shit that flies at HS.... i don't think i could have handled it ... to be ridiculed on a daily basis for who you are is fucked ... but he did it ....he more than did it .... 14 mos ago i was told he wouldn't....that he couldn't... but he did... and fuck no i didn't pay for summer school... it was all him .... well maybe a bit of me (i did tell him i was done with him in april.. he turned 1eek....

all this and i think he may have a admirer... after all what 20 year old gets another dude a dozen balloons for graduation???

hope you all had a great weekend... mwa jacq

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- NoSecrets

Sunday, June 8, 2008, 1:53:33 AM- well
i knew i wouldn't make it through without crying... alan had already asked me if i was gonna and i said probably ... but.... i would had made it a lot longer if i didn't look over at pauly who WAS....

/me leaves blogs the proud parent of a high school grad smile)

loves to everybody.... jacquie
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"Awesome! Congrats to Alan and to you too! I'm so going to cry my eyes out when it's my son's turn in a few weeks. lol"
- NoSecrets

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