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Viewing Member - Digoree

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 4:30:57 AM-
Well the guy that stood me up yesterday emailed me apologizing and explaining his situation, and because I dig him so much I, of course, let him off for it and picked another day we can hang out, though I told him to pick the place and time this time around. Maybe he'll pick a nice restaurant and I can get a romantic dinner out of this (I doubt it but still...).

Dad and I went looking at beds today and I found one I REALLY like. It's a little elegantly masculine, you can look at it and think of it more as a man's bed, but it's still awesome, nice, big sturdy dark wood. I also really like the dresser I'm planning to get with it. The saleslady also told me that since that particular bed was going to be replaced off the floor with a king sized version the one we're looking at is even cheaper. Mom and dad and I talked about the prices and who's paying and we decided I am going to get it, but we'll finance it and they don't mind co-signing if I need one, which is fine. It'll be another bill, but I'm feeling more and more like an adult and this makes me feel like the bed really is *mine* because it's coming from *my* pocket. I think dad and I might look into buying it this week, which means sometime I'll have to take a day out, clean up my room and look into moving stuff around (out). I'm very excited though. There's going be less space in my room with a queen size bed, compared to the twin I've had for years, but it's still going to be very cool.

I also baked cookies today. Wus nice =3 I made chocolate chip cookies but I switched up the recipe and made them entirely with Splenda so dad could have some too. They turned out really good.

Now I'm just waiting for summer so I can get to work somewhere new. =)
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"Don't get crumbs in your new bed. :p"
- mdguy

Monday, March 16, 2009, 12:23:18 AM- Ouchie
I went to my favorite Chinese Joint to meet up with an old friend for dinner. I kinda sat and waited and thirty minutes after the scheduled meeting time he still hadn't shown up (surprise, surprise, that seems to be a charming occurrence in muh little life), so I finally got up to leave. As I'm walking outside my shoe slips on something on the road and my knee gets jammed on the ground. Now's it's all fudged up feeling.

I'm not goanna let it all ruin my night, I just wanna pout. The story at least is coming along well. My parents are also looking into getting me a new bed. The one I have now is more than ten years old and is beginning to fall apart. It's a metal work daybed that's white and used to have floral pattern knobs. Well one knob fell off years ago and another one is loose about to fall off. The headboard decorate metalwork as snapped off from more than ten years of me piling my pillows up and leaning back against it. So dad and I are going to start looking at good, sturdy beds that can last me even longer, especially since eventually I'll get an apartment and will need a bed that's not a twin size (how lame to invite a guy over and I'll I got is some bum twin size bed? lmao).

I was going to buy my own but it looks like mom and dad are going to go ahead and do it. Nice, but I feel like a brat again. On the other hand, it lets me have more money to save up for a new vehicle that I want, and a new tattoo. I'm really looking forward to a new tattoo. =3
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"A queen should sleep on an appropriate bed. :)

And sorry about your knee, and hope it's not fudged now."
- mdguy

Sunday, March 15, 2009, 7:58:07 PM- Suck it up
I sat down last night and tried to work on a newer short story idea, get it busted out, but just couldn't. My friend Jessica then recommend maybe I should trying the 'buried alive' story just to get it out of my system. I started it staying up until about 2 or 3, and I'm working on it again today. I need 15 pages and I'm at 12. It's not great, but I like it better so far and I'm enjoying writing it. I've decided to say to hell with worrying that maybe I'm copying someone, I'm even going so far as to look into Dolan's Cadillac and the story that was based off of 'The Cask of Amontillado.' I want to see if I can make an artistic insertion, but I dunno yet.

I'll post the story when it's all done and clean.
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"after you said "artistic insertion" i completely lost my train of thought . . ."
- bigtittyloverforlife

Thursday, March 12, 2009, 3:35:37 PM- Creative Slumps
Gotta happen when I need the creative juice the most. I can't get the Australian Outback story out, it just wont work for me, and I can't think of a climax anyway. Everything else I'm thinking of sounds boring. There is one story I want to do terribly, about a girl that buries someone alive, but it's so infuriating close to Stephen King's "Dolan's Cadillac," which is an awesome story but Stephen King's done EVERYTHING that I feel like I got nothing left to say after all that.

I can seriously think of nothing to write about and I'm losing my mind is what I'm doing. I gotta have the roughdraft of this story written by next Tuesday and I haven't even gotten a page out. I pride myself on my writing abilities but nothing is happening here and it's starting to piss me off. Nothing sounds good to me and even if I try to suck it up and just write it to get it done, I wont like it so I'll just stop and delete the fucker.

I just feel like I'm losing my mind. I might try to write the bury alive story anyway, just because it's the only thing really making me feel up for it. I don't know >.<
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"Yep, all the stories have been told it is the changing of the descriptors that make them interesting. I am not sure how true that really is, but I know when I write there are times that I think to myself this is very MacBeth, Tolkien, Dante, etc not in that the style is the same but that the plot or storyline has been influenced by them. So I say go with the girl burying people alive and if you feel it is too Kingish, read someone else, watch a movie, or play a video game for inspiration in style or plot twist or something."
- buckaroozen

Sunday, March 8, 2009, 8:00:02 PM- Bleh
So I woke up this morning around 5 am from a nightmare (seems my sister's transferring them to me, ty a lot sissy =P). I don't remember entirely what it was about, except it creeped me the fucked out. I was sitting in some dark livingroom and when I stood up to go to the door this little hunchbacked boy on a trike rode by me really slowly and I knew the little guy was dead. Then suddenly I couldn't balance as well and things were closing in on me and I got incredibly queasy and all I knew was that I had to get the hell out of there and I couldn't.

Then I xxxxxx myself to wake up, but I was still half asleep, so you because of that I was still terrified of whatever it was getting me. Eventually 6 am rolled around and I knew I couldn't call into work cause no one would answer. Security was at least nice enough to drive me to the garage since it was still dark out.

I got to work and I'm still queasy as all get out, my stomach is in literal cramps and my burns are killing me even after I put some aloe on. I get there and tough it out the first hour and a half listening to every fucking customer (omg! you have a sunburn! hahaha! =D Gee, *someone* was out in the sun! ffs, I KNOW.) I finally went up to customer service since we were DEAD all morning and asked if I could please go home instead of going on my break, my stomach's killing me. They said: "No."


"Cause one cashier hasn't come in. So it's going to be a shitty day for you." Literally, that's what the woman said. Wow. So I go back to my register and go through the rest of the day feeling awful. I'm beginning to think I had sun poisoning because the back of my knees were getting really puffy and I was nauseous, which are the basic symptoms. But I dunno. Doesn't matter now.

Then my Deaf friend comes in and we're signing a little bit at the register and the store manager comes along and tells Travis to go get carts and that I need to be at the front of my register. Well... okay, yes sir. So I do that.

Then I'm blocking shelves on one aisle with a bagger and the bagger got his hand stuck. I ONLY said: "Careful, you'll get your hand caught in there!" And the manager is SUDDENLY right there saying we need to have two eyes and two hands in front of us, no talking. Wtf, is no communication allowed at this store?

Anyway, day's all over now. I had more guys talk to me than I'm used to, probably because they found it funny I was too stupid to put on sunscreen but still, it's male interaction. Too bad I only have about three working weeks left, not that I'm counting down when I can start decorating in the bakery. =3
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"I understand the need to be an efficient organisation, but he seems to be on a power trip. :(

Hope you will be feeling better from the sunburn soon. :-S Your nightmare wasn't in your head, but at your workplace."
- mdguy

Sunday, March 8, 2009, 3:03:22 AM- OUCH!
Sunburn has REALLY set in on my shoulders arms and on the back of my legs, behind my knees, which makes it bloody painful to stand and try to walk with. So I'm bloody uncomfortable, I can barely walk to and fro around the room so I call up work and tell them straight up I may not be coming in because of these burns on the back of my knees, and the managers says:

"Well uhm, call in again tomorrow and let us know, because not coming in to work because of a sunburn really isn't a good excuse."

Fine. If I can go to work, I will. I don't have a problem with that, but if I can't and they still expect me to come in they're going to be putting up with a grumpy young woman. And I know for a fact right now they're all rolling their eyes about the young yuppie. Can't wait to get away from this store.
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"Yeah, Aloe does wonders. As for that manager, what a jerk. Having lived in Hawaii, I know of many a time that tourist had to go to the hospital because of sunburns. They ended up becoming 2nd degree burns - blisters and all. So I would think a sunburn is a perfectly valid reason not to go to work. Of course SPF 80 works good in not getting those in the first place. :) Besides I am sure you can always get a cute guy at the beach to put some on you anytime you want. ;)"
- buckaroozen

Saturday, March 7, 2009, 9:55:13 PM- Beach
Ack, I gots a burn D:

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"Absolutely Beautiful! :)"
- redjohn2003

Saturday, March 7, 2009, 5:20:35 PM- *Roll eyes!*
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"The story idea sounds really cool!! Hope the research will go well.

As for Little Girl: remember that the semester is half over, and if Heather gets along with her, then you can too. :)

And now that I've seen the freckles, I'll say you probably looked good. :-D"
- mdguy

Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 6:40:28 PM- I feel
like a dumbass. I don't want to talk to my parents anymore. I want to be left alone, by myself. I wish they hadn't come to visit and I wish they hadn't told me they were going to visit. I wish this week was over.
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"Bummers to hear that this week turned out so bad for you. Rest up, enjoy the coming weekend, you will feel better."
- buckaroozen

Saturday, February 28, 2009, 1:19:18 AM- Stupid job
I ask for a week off, must have the week off, so put in my request asking for the week off, because my parents are coming into town to visit me. But the request was a day or two too late, and even though the schedule hadn't yet been made, because it was too late they wont put it in the computer. Okay, that's fine I guess... they don't really work me anyway. I've had Mondays and Wednesdays off this entire semester so far.

So I come in today and find what? Oh, well, I'm working every day I'm available, for the FIRST time this semester. So my parents come in on Monday and leave Thursday. Well guess what! Monday I have class from 9-10 and then I work 11-5, and then I have spirit club from 8-10 and then I have to prepare for my test on tuesday, which I have class all day until 5. And then I have work on Wednesday from 11-4.

So I barely get to see my parents. I'm so mad. I only have about 5 weeks left at work, so I dropped my hours because I'm sick of working there and I've been doing damn fine with low funds. I barely buy things and I'm not going shopping out of boredom because I'm not bored anymore. I'm just so aggravated. I'm calling into work on Wednesday. I want to spend at least ONE full day with my parents.

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"shit like that pisses me off sooooooo much!!!! you KNOW they did it on purpose, those fuckers!"
- bigtittyloverforlife

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