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Viewing Member - Digoree

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Sunday, April 26, 2009, 12:57:19 AM- Phew
FINALLY got WoW loaded. A fucking two day process lmao but it's DONE hurrah! Now I gotta figure out the realm I wanna play in, make some characters and run around and kill shit.

My room is mostly cleaned and sorted out by now and feels so much more open, despite the fact it's full of a bed and a dresser. I dread the day I move out with it. But right now it looks very awesome and adult. I just gotta get a few things off the wall that I don't really want to look at anymore, and figure out where the hell to put my dvd's. See, I started my movie collection off at like, five dvd's. Now it's up to forty or something. I dunno, but I know it's taking up way too much space and looks awful. So I guess eventually I'll go out and get a nice dvd stand holder thing with some brighter linens.

Tired now xD but very happy!
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"let me tell ya when the DVD's get up to about 800 that's when the storage probs REALLY start ;-)"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Friday, April 24, 2009, 6:06:40 PM- Home
I made it home safely, which is great, but this cold really is killing me. I got home and we had our 'hello's and some chattin', then I really wanted to go *out* to eat and reheated gumbo just didn't sound good to me, so I told them I'd pay and we went to Ruby Tuesdays, but by the time I got there I was feelin even WORSE, so I only ate like a fourth of my meal and then just sat there miserable cause my head hurt and I couldn't breath.

So we went back and we made up my new bed (it looks great btw, my whole room does now and I will post pics eventually) and I went to bed, no kiddin', around 9ish, compared to my usual beddy-by time of 12 or 1. Oi.

Filo's driving me crazy and Noel's still upset. Sometimes Noel even out right ignores me which really almost had me cryin at one point because she's my baby girl and now we got this new puppy in she's kinda mad at all of us. =( And it's really hard to cuddle with Noel without Filo getting jealous and wanting to play. So when Filo comes over and tries getting in my lap Noel starts growling and snarling because she's not about to share me, which just leaves the two fighting. *sigh*

Anyway. I gotta start unpacking, and somehow do this around Filo biting my ankles, literally. But somewhere in all that packing is World of Warcraft, which yes.. I do occasionally play >.> I stopped for a while, but it's something to do that totally puts me in the mood for writing, which I wanna do as well, so I'm so not snubbing it. *yawn*

Still feel like crap, but picked up some Dayquil Niquil, so hopefully that'll help.

And I DIDN'T get my tattoo touched up, cause they didn't open until 12 yesterday and I was ready to go by 11, so not happening. But I found the dude's myspace via the tattoo site (he had it up there) so I asked him to be my friend *teehee* and then I'll let him know about me wanting to add more.
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"Rest up. Now that you're home and done for the semester, catch up on the sleep you were denied!

Have a great weekend! xxx"
- mdguy

Thursday, April 23, 2009, 12:58:41 AM- Ack
Damnit, of all times to know for a fact I have a cold >.< So yeah, whatever it was, it's a cold now. Not a BAD one but yes, an annoying one.

Anyway. I'm all moved out except linens, toiletries and my computer and a few cds or whatever. I'm surprised how little it actually ended up being. Nicole helped me move out, real sweet of her, so it only took three trips from the estimated six or more. We really pushed that stuff out there, it was a great. I also sold back most of my books and got about 140 back, not bad, but not great. Most of it went into buying two news books (Jurassic Park and The Lost World, so far, not as good as the movie and I RARELY say that, which is sad for the books =( ) and a ten dollar lunch and a seventy dollar massage.

Yeah, the massage. I've never gotten a massage before. So I walked in and they're starting to know me there, it's a salon that I like doing my hair at. So I meet with the masseuse and she asks me what out of three scents do I want to use and I say Peppermint, and we go back. She asks me if there's any spots I want her to avoid and I explain I've never done this before, I don't even know what she's going to be touching on me. Then she tells me to dress down to my comfort level. Well...how far is that SUPPOSED to be? Cause I don't wanna get naked then have her come in and be like 'uhm...you're only supposed to go to under garments at the MOST'. So she explains naked is fine if I want, which I don't, because I'm being a girl right now, as my sis would say, so it's just underwear and a bra.

So I do that and grab the robe and tye it and I'm like 'hurrah' and sitting on the table, when she comes in and blinks at me and says 'uhm... I'm sorry, I should have explained better' and laughs a bit. Well, I'm not supposed to put on the robe. I'm supposed to get under the blanket.

...OOOOHHHhhh.... *feels like a dumbass*

*Meekly takes off robe and gets under blanket*

*Waits for nice lady...*

*SIGH* >.<

So she comes in and I get my massage, which wasn't bad. It hurt at a few points, but all around it was nice. It was at its best when we started getting to the scalp. OMG I melt when people play with my hair. *Flail!* ^^

It ended way too soon. I spent the first part worried that since I had a cold and a runny nose my nose would start dripping on the floor. But it didn't, thank goodness. It was all good until I stood up, then got stuffy again. I went back to the dorm and curled up with my books and some water. Then we went to Taco Bell for dinner, meh. I got some weird fuzzy stuff on the side of my shirt so on the drive back I took my top off and turned it inside out. It was actually very liberating. I'm thinking about driving home topless tomorrow.

Anywho. Tomorrow's plan is wake up, take my last final, which wont be much of a final, just a waste of time really, put the last of the stuff in my car, check out at 11, stop by the tattoo place and get it touched up, flirt with the artist and contemplate asking for his number/email, get gas, go home.

I should have to stop once on the way back and depending on how tired once more for a random bathroom break, because that surprisingly helped a lot last time. Hrmmmm.

Anyway. I'm going to crash in bed, read my book, and rant internally in my head about how unlikable most the characters are and how much the movie was better. Grah!
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"Just gonna smile, because even with the cold it sounds like a good day. :))"
- mdguy

Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 1:10:32 AM- Syntyche
Just some artwork I did that I'm uber proud of.

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"Most most most cool drawing"
- buckaroozen

Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 1:17:25 AM- *Falls Over*
Okay, so maybe it's just the stress, but in either case, I finished all my poetry stuff today, which was great. I woke up around 11, took a shower, and worked on revising poetry until 2, when I finished. I knew I could either study for experimental psyche, or nap. I chose to nap. I snuggled in bed, listened to the thunder outside and passed the fuck out until 4, when I woke up and sat on my comp for a bit and worked on my poetry essay. Nicole woke up and we talked for a bit, then she, Heather and I went to IHOP for dinner. I got chocolate chip pancakes (yummmm) and we had a really good time. then we stopped at walgreens because we needed a screw driver for something and I wanted chocolate because I'm crampy crampy right now, and Nicole wanted some ice cream.

Well, we're doing our thing and I dunno what happened but suddenly I started feeling VERY warm and my face and lips began to tingle and I knew, just KNEW, whatever had hit me in that church a few months back was hitting me again, so I told Nicole I felt like I was about to faint and she sat me down. We waited for it to subside, paid for our things and drove back.

I felt a little better and began to finish packing everything, until I felt shitty again and sat down to actually study for experimental psyche, like I've procrastinated doing this entire day (and even then it wasn't really a study. I skimmed the book, organized my notes for the open book part and called it finished).

I did finally get EVERYTHING packed and organized. Literally, everything. All I have left are some things on my desk, my linens and toiletries. I'll sell my books back Wednesday after my social psyche final. I also had to take down my posters, which sucked, I already miss looking at Kat Von D =(

I'll have to take all my things out to my car later on. I dunno how I wanna do this. The location of my room is a precarious one, because we have no easy way to get to the parkinglot. We HAVE to go via steps, there is no freight elevator that allows us to put our things on a trolley and just push them about. There's no way to get around the steps, which sucks. So no matter what my shit's going out one at a time. What I have to decide on is if I want to:

A. park my car across the street at the bank and cross the two lanes of traffic. Albeit, it's not a very busy street and people are good about letting pedestrians cross, but then everyone gets to see my shit and laugh at me.


B. Park my car in the parking lot behind the school and carry my things the extra distance (and steps) and not have to deal with the traffic, but instead all the tourists and students seeing my shit and laughing at me.

I can't win.

Anywho, I did get all my poetry done at least, which is great =3 I also finally managed to the imitation poem, which I've been dreading. And because I am so damn proud of it:

Homage to My Legs
(Imitation poem from Lucille Clifton's "Homage to My Hips"wink

these legs are a woman’s legs,
they need space
to stretch out, bend and flex.
they don’t belong in
designer brand, hundred dollar
for these legs, are not snobbish legs.
these legs are a woman’s legs,
a country girl’s legs,
a traveler’s legs,
a writer’s legs,
these legs
have taken me places, i do not belong
these legs fit snugly around a sports bike,
and other’s hips.
these legs are shapely, long legs,
and must be kept safe, hidden, only let out
to feast and be feasted on,
when the time is right.
for i have known these legs
to cast a spell on men, and women,
and drive them to eager knees.

You should check out Lucille's original. It's on youtube and the way she reads it is fantastic!
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"Love the poem! It flows and feels natural.

I hope you feel better! Glad you got most things done. :)"
- mdguy

Monday, April 20, 2009, 3:48:49 PM- So...
My throat still really hurts, but it's just my throat. I'm not really all that achey or anything, small headache but that's nothing too unusual. So my mom wants me to go to the walk-in clinic, but I still have way too much too do. I have to finish revising all my poetry and getting them together, and actually studying for the experimental psyche final, and reading all the chapters for my social psyche final. No real time to get in the car and wait who knows how long for a doctor to see me and tell me it's probably (hopefully) just a sore throat.

Of course, I'm terrified it's other things too. Strep throat, tonsils need to be pulled, what have you... ugh.

I probably will go, AFTER the poetry stuff at least is finished.
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"if you need your throat coated, let me know ;-) (i cant help it, i'm a bad boy!)"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Sunday, April 19, 2009, 9:16:20 PM- Now is NOT the time
I think I'm getting sick. I can feel it. I went to bed last night with a VERY sore throat and woke up this morning with it still there, so I took Jessica back to UF early because I really didn't feel like being out late and the sore throat was making me grumpy.

So now I'm just sitting here with a bottle of water curled up in a blanket and feeling achey. I got a small head ache, it's hard to swallow. This REALLY sucks because the last thing I need is to get sick before finals and before I go home. I just can't believe it would happen now, I get sick at the *worst* times possible.

Over the next week I gotta finalize all the stuff I have due for my finals, like my poetry which all needs to be revised, then put together. I have to pick a time to move out (hopefully soon as possible, I can't possibly just wait around, I would snap. I just wanna go home. I need ot also get the last of everything packed up, my desk cleaned up, my printer put away, food stuffs. I also have to put away all my posters and pictures *sighs*.

So today I was out with Jessica before I took her home to get some quick ice cream and we saw some dogs on leashes. I'm usually *really* good with dogs, 'cept this one time as a little girl but that's another story. So this one bigger black one runs up to me and I bend down and smile and coo 'hey there baby!' and he's panting and bouncing and I reach out to pet and suddenly the dog starts snapping at me and biting at me and jumping onto my hip biting for me. Holy shit! The owners freak because their dog's jumping on me and trying to bite me and I freak cause that's never happened before.

So I end up just quickly walking away this Jessica so the owners don't have to apologize or even worse tell me I was actually at fault, I should know better than to do blah blah blah. Nah, I just didn't wanna put up with it.

Anyway, I feel really cruddy right now. I just want to be home. =( I am *insanely* homesick. In fact, I'll just finish the pitiful image I'm making right now: I want my mommy and daddy.

There, I said it.
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"awww buck up little camper. you'll feel better soon and be home and then soon after that you'll be wanting to get the hell out of there too ;-)"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Saturday, April 18, 2009, 8:44:53 PM- My weekend
Began horribly. I got all my errands done and I was on my way to my car to go check the store problem and then go pick up Jessica. So I'm listening to Poets of the Fall (my present favorite band) and dancing and having fun and I get in my car, pop in the ipod in its holder and turn the key, and get rapid fire clicking, flashing lights, and nothing. Uh-oh...

I try again. Nothing. Nothing. Just rapid clicking. I stay calm and call dad and he says it sounds like the battery. So I call roadside, give her what info I can and she says she'll call me back when they find someone to help me. Then I text Heather and tell her what's going on. Well she comes down with Nicole to jumpstart my car. We open up the hoods and can't find the negative thing on MY car and so she calls up Ricky and Heather starts thinking maybe it's my starter, which is bad because then I'm out of a vehicle for two or more days which means the weekend with Jessica is ruined. I keep in contact with dad off and on to keep him updated and pull out my owners manual for the FIRST time and I'm so glad I did. I found (by myself!) the negative thing!

We hook up my car and jumpstart it and it works. Hurrah! well I don't know the area so Heather leads me to a local Advanced Auto Parts and keeps an eye on my car while I leave it on to go to the guy and ask for some help. He's real friendly, comes out with me and Heather drives back to school for class (bless her), and the guy runs tests on my car. By the end of it, he says everything's fine. What he thinks happened is I might have left a light or a door cracked and it drained my battery over night, and all it needed was to run again to refill. Makes sense, I haven't been in it sine LAST weekend, so yeah...

Oi. But GOOD learning experience and I didn't start crying once! =D So I get to my store and clean up the whole mess, then pick up Jessica, after eating at Moes with her (yum!) That night we stopped at Target to get me some swimming bottoms because I don't have any, and some chocolate. We went back to the room, hit a balloon back and forward between her, Nicole and I for a while, then watched Alien and Aliens =3 Fun!

This morning was good too. We woke up and went to IHOP for breakfast, then to the mall, where I bought clothes! Nice clothes! And a skirt. It was 3 bucks and VERY short so it wont be worn in public, but I got it just for this site =3 It's really cute, I'm so excited about wearing it and taking pictures. I also got some nice shirts, and a pair of glasses. More money than I planned to spend but, ah well...

Now we're waiting for Nicole, her mom's taking us all out to eat (free food!). Nicole's dressing up nice, a really nice sparky dress, so I decided to try to do so as well, but I didn't have anything to go with my sundress, so I tried brown slacks and a dark shirt and my sexy stilettos, but I didn't like it. So I tried dark slacks and the dark shirt and stilettos. Still didn't like. Tried the dark slacks and a brown sweater and the same shoes. Nope. Now I'm just in a dark strappy shirt, skinny jeans and my stilettos and an overly fancy necklace, but I haven't been able to wear it since prom so...

I think this'll work fine. Lol

Tomorrow Jess and maybe Nicole and I will *try* to go to the beach if the weather is all right. It was a bit too coolish this morning, but hopefully it'll warm up by tomorrow. If not, then we're hitting the local museum. Either or is good.
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"I think I can speak for BigTitty and myself when I say I can't wait to see pics of the too short skirt."
- buckaroozen

Friday, April 17, 2009, 1:03:45 AM- Oi, about damn time!
Finally, I am FINISHED with my classes. I had my last ones today, and they didn't go all that bad. Very cool.

We had our hall meeting where we discussed all the cleaning dorm room stuff and whatnot. The entire time I had to sit next to Mary who was fucking mumbling and groaning and bitching about how she wanted to go and she needed to go. Blah blah. Finally we're finished, we get in the room and she runs to the bathroom to finish doing her hair because she has some big dinner. Well I walk in the room and it smells like something's burning. Come to find out for the full twenty to thirty minutes we were in the hall meeting this dumb broad left her straightening iron on. Ffs...

So she's yelling up a storm with her friend about how her hair wont get straight (like the rest of us give a damn) and I'm thinking about how I gotta take down all my posters soon and I'm looking at a poster I have of Kat Von D. It's really hot, she's standing there with her arms behind her head and a man's arms coming around behind her and grabbing her boobs. So I'm standing there looking at it and I start trying to mimic, but I only have two hands, so not much I can do. So I yell for Heather to come in and I ask if her if she wouldn't mind holding my boobs for a second.

Well Mary, lonely annoying broad she is tries to get in on the conversation and asks what's going on, what about boobs, and I yell at her to straighten her damn hair. So she shuts up for a bit and then Heather says: "yeah on moment" then runs in. So Nicole's laughing her ass of because we're doing all this in front of her bed and I pull my shirt up and Heather brings her hands around, then flails and whines that she can't do it lmao.

Anyway, I'm glad it's finally almost done. Tomorrow I'll get up with the girls, eat breakfast, then run errands, like print up my finalized short story and turn that in to the teacher's office, and then I need to pay for a fridge for next semester, and then I have to run to my store and fucking deal with the whole issue of me being on the damn schedule. Luckily, I have a copy of the form I turned in, because I *knew* they were going to get it all wrong.

Annnnd I just got off the phone with the rents (omg how I miss them right now) and Mom promised me tomorrow she's going to call the store manager of my new store and my future department manager and inform them about the idiots I'm dealing with and to PLEASE get me transferred soon. I don't care what my mother says, having her in high places as she is, is wonderful. She KNOWS the other managers, I know most the other managers. I know her hours are miserable and she's not entirely happy, but having her as a resource is AMAZING.

So tomorrow after all my errands I'll go hang with Jessica, get Moes (mmmmmm) and then we'll hang out in the comfy dorm. Then Saturday we're all getting up and getting IHOP for breakfast and then possibly going to the beach afterward depending on how nice it is. Then hopefully Jessica and I will have some time to get quick shopping done (I gotta buy Nicole a b-day present). That night we're all getting dinner (Nicole's mom's treat, w00t! free food! hell yeah!) and then that night when we're all done is Aliens =3 I'm so excited!!

Next week will be finals, but after my last tough one on Wednesday I'm so getting a massage. I've wanted one for years but never really gone out and gotten one, but the local spa had some okay prices, so I figure I'll go in for an hour long Swedish massage. =3

This is going to be a damn stressful week but so nice when it's all finished.
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"LoL BigTitty"
- buckaroozen

Thursday, April 16, 2009, 2:07:44 AM- I got *really* bored
And here's evidence! We were actually just watching Aliens (my now FAVORITE college movie) and I happened to see Nicole's spider doll, Fred.


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"ackkkk.....i'm now suffering from cuteness OD....lol"
- kricket187

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