Mature, married, and a long time ago I accepted that I love kinky dirty sex with similar fav tho is piss sex with guys or gals. We are both Bisexual and are always looking to meet ppl close to us here in Wyoming. I DONT answer PM's from folks who do not post photos or have a profile here, don't trade photos cuz all ours are on here...and only cam when we feel like it so don't ask...
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Sunday, April 23, 2006, 2:41:35 PM- An entry I never expected to make | ||||||
So where to begin......seems like forever since I made an entry here...more than a month for sure. As I have said many does have a way of getting in the way of living and that has been the case with us. We have had a full plate, actually spilling on the table overfull. We teach two classes a week, and in addition have been going to school three other evenings. In our business we are seeing the most modern diesel equipment on the planet and its scary how quickly you can fall behind; next week we travel to Illinois for a week school for CAT just to learn new equipment in the pipeline. I have looked in on NN a few times, and even a few ppl have taken the time to ask where we have been, but Very Very few.....and this leads me to the purpose of taking time this morning to write. Had a note from NN as our prem. membership will expire in a day or two, they offer a discount to renew....hard to believe its been a full year, more actually cuz before joining we posted a few photos and sorta tested the waters. I must say that we loved the warm and fuzzy feeling we got from NN in the beginning, it was so pleasant, so many special ppl, and to me I felt part of a that accepted us for who we are...and as we all know acceptance is right up there for ppl like us. I mean ya felt like ok, not everyone understands your lifestyle, not everyone agrees with ya but you were still part of a community....and it was nice.....and Verry special....I found a home. Yet as the year progressed cracks began to appear in the for example.....totally out of control....constant cam requests, asl, asl asl, non members appearing from who knows where...ya...there were the regulars you could talk to but it was like Dodge City without Marshal Dillon...So then I started this blog and wow, not only sharing my daily life was fun I could also read others, the special ppl here...the “community”. To this day I feel that the blogs are the best feature on NN. I also went to the forum, and it was fun too...there you could banter back and forth and your feelings and share experiences...again like part of a “community” was nice.....way nice....Then the small cracks in the wall became much an earthquake hit and destroyed all that had been built. Ya see I am a funny kinda gal....I have a belief system that demands I stand up for ppl who I consider when Charlie07 was bashed in a thread I jumped in full force and stood up for values demand I do this...its unconditional friend. And there I learned a I knew I suppose, yet the lesson smacked me in the face. The “community” melted away....few took a stand and those that did were weak and stood back and allowed One person to toss insults such as “fuck you and the whore who gave you birth”.... there were others as well and I won’t bother to repeat them. What shocked me worse, and yes Hurt me deeply was how quickly this “person” was forgiven by the “community” or even worse how ppl I admired actually pointed a finger at me as the the one who baited him, others actually made excuses for his behavior. Here we had a person with two ID’s, a person who gains pleasure from hurt and loves the attention he gets from it Accepted by the “community” I felt part of. I still ask myself why....How can ppl be like this...a community with integrity would toss this person out ....yet not here...even in his latest attention getting ploy most ppl step carefully around him rather than taking a stand. So as my husband has said many many times.....walk away....your “community” does not understand or appreciate unconditional friendship...its simply a group of people playing a game...each with their own act...they don’t know how to take a stand and NN simply does not care to make an example of those who have nothing but hurt and angst in their souls. So without drama and yes...with some sadness remaining I make this my last blog entry... ~~Be Well and Blessings~~ ~~~~~The very essence of communication is Intention~~~ ~~Kat~~~ | ||||||
Saturday, March 18, 2006, 1:31:00 PM- Gonna snow...... | ||||||
Hiya... Well Spring has Not found its way to starts sometime after July 4th I I went out to let the dogs "exercise" I could smell the snow its plowin time for sure....I have so much to do this afternoon after work to beat the weather...laundry...Yukkkk...and a trip to the landfill to unload manure.....and hopefully can manage all this Before we get that white stuff! But Bob has volunteered to haul the manure so between us we might get all this done....we also want to harrow the turn out as the ground is so hard and when the snow melts its all muddy should see us do the harrow get an old tire and put that on the harrow frame and I sit on it to add about a sex toy...woooooo....try harrowing ya hit a few rocks the bounce is amazing! But after all our fun activitied planned for today we will get to goof off and Hopefully get a few more picts....I loved all the volunteers for Get Here....just willing sex maniacs for your lens pleasures.....*and ours.....Oh don't we wish we could hook up with a willing photo taker....would make the event soooo exciting....maybe we could find a director Well keep us in mind folks..... Off to work and crossin fingers the snow holds off .....then again of it does not we can play bring it on! Love ya ~~Kat~~ | ||||||
Friday, March 17, 2006, 1:33:21 PM- Sheesh...the week has slipped by... | ||||||
Hiya... Wow here it is Friday..( I ya..its Friday cuz I just damn the week has just zoomed much goin on.... We had our first class start Tues night and it looks like a good one and our get together and intro was good.....its just amazes me that we have students that travel as far as 60 miles ( one way) for our class. Next week will be a real press cuz we do two classes a week, one for the beginners and the second for we have a leader training meeting so already its a full week.....and oh ya there is work.....hehehehe....that minor aspect of our lives that fills the rest of our time.... Speaking of work....yesterday we are sitting around on a rare break and I felt cold so Bob goes to turn the heat up....nothing.......*grrrrrrrr.....we heat our building with used motor oil and the heater is ...well less that its like 4:30 and the fun starts....repairing that heater is a real challenge to say the least....over the years we have learned what to look for when it breaks but its always a challenge as the damn thing has a zillion safety features and if one isnt just right nothing works.....well Bob figured it out and it was a simple thing....there is a photo cell in the machine and sometimes it gets dirty and if it does not "see"....the heater wont run....well it was filthy and that meant a cleaning of not only the photo cell but also the entire heater.....a FILTHY job and one that is scary cuz of where the heater is at 5:30 I left Bob to clean as I had a hair appt and we finally met back at the house at 8pm....poor guy was all sored up from hanging all over that damn heater...but hopefully we will have heat when we go in to work this mornin. ( btw Im happy with my hair...hehehe) We always laugh when we see ads for these moror oil burning heaters cuz they say "Free Heat".....Free my keep pver $500.00 on spare parts to be sure the bloody thing can be repaired! I really am looking forward to the weekend tho...Hopefully we can have some "kink" haven't posted a new photo in ages and after looking at paulines new ones....*sigh....well we gotta get motivated and do some new ones....its always fun to do them and leads to some Interesting playtime.....something we Really only if we had a volunteer photographer around! Gotta do feedin and goat chasin so off I go.... Kisses ~~Kat~~ | ||||||
Saturday, March 11, 2006, 2:02:19 PM- Here it is Sat and...... | ||||||
Hiya.... Wow...this week just flew by and I have been so busy I just realized its been almost a week since I made an entry here.... March is Always a busy month in our lives.....we start our dog training classes next Tuesday and this year we are doing two a week so its gonna be a real press but its always so rewarding. We have been struggling with our old and Very Heavy agility equipment now for two years and let me tell ya setting that stuff up is a killer....we have an "A" frame obstacle that weighs a ton and its so hard to move, then the dog walk...36 feet of heavy wood to the other day we were working on a Power Company line truck and I asked the head guy here if the company would consider funding some new equipment ....and WOOOO...he said all we need to do is write up a request and he would be sure to get it to the right people...AND...he said not to be too conservative....Soooooo....we have been looking and all kinds of new agility equipment and Monday will have a list ready for our program associate so she can write up a grant request.......Were way excited as the professionally built equipment it portable and lighter and much safer for us to set were gonna be crossin our fingers and hoping the company will help us out....A complete agility course is like $3000.00 +++ and we have purchased out of pocket half of ours so sure hope the grant is approved! So that's been a lot of what we have been doing all addition I have been working up my lesson plans and confirming our schedule....we get to use our community center for classes till the nice weather gets here and there are always weddings and meetings to schedule around... But here the weekend has half day today and after work our first project is to grade the turn out area and use a harrow to loosen the soil for better drainage ... BTW......if you had not seen the photos Dragon took of him "Troll Fishing"....well ya gotta look at them.....We about split a gut laughing at those....leave it to him to come up with a way to lighten things up....just love him and Pixie!!! puppy is growing and full of had her first vet appointment yesterday and we felt so bad cuz she was there all alone for hours cuz we were so busy and couldn't go pick her up.....Oh ya...she now climbs the stairs.......soooooo funny to watch her ... Ok...gotta hitch up a trailer to get the atv hauled back here so better my goat herd is head butting and causing a ruckus ...Feather my adult Border Collie finds this behavior totally unacceptable...and is running around like a tazmanian devil..... My life is just plain GOOFY...... Love ya all ~~~Kat~~~ | ||||||
Sunday, March 5, 2006, 3:30:51 PM- I so Wish....... | ||||||
Hiya... Im in a deep mood this some ways sad, emotional, like us gals get at times..... and I wish.... I wish to go to a secret place.....its a meadow....snow covered now....but there would be a clearing and us womyn would sit there in a circle.....all holding hands....our eyes closed.....and we would feel one another in a way only womyn can.....we would drop all open to one anothers spirits....and Feel.....and Know.....we would not feel the cold ground....would not speak for there would be no need for sounds.....only one another....... and the sun would warm our faces....and everything would be ok..... I wish this today...... Join Know who you are.... ~~~~blessings~~~~ ~K~ | ||||||
Friday, March 3, 2006, 1:53:11 PM- blogs n coffee... | ||||||
Hiya... Ya juicy is right on with the blogs n coffee comment...Im sittin here sippin my espresso and readin ...and lookin at blog picts like those of he is so talented...and many of his photos bring me back to another part of my life...when we lived in Fla....I spent lots of time at the beaches there...I used to teach SCUBA and we did lots of beach dives ...some at night and always loved those...everybody thinks ya need big lights for night diving but what I always loved was to get out to the second reef with a full moon and just turn the light off and sorta float neutrally bouyant relaxing and special....often my gf and I would go out together and do that...we always said it was kinda like making love without touching....after a dive like that we would always go to a bar called oceans 11....and I wonder if its still there.....Our girlz nite out was always a kick and we would tease one another about the ppl we would see in the bar....sometimes the teasing would lead to letting ourselves get picked up by called it our pubic look back at those times and smile....memories of a time that seems like yesterday yet here I am out West and she is still there.....sometimes it makes me sad that we can't go out like we did....yet I feel a happiness and peace here I have never felt before.....sure there is the stress of work and money and life stuff...but each morning I look over my shoulder at the snow covered mtns and think that soon our weekends will be spent up ya its way different....but peace is in me here like no other place.....and I am happy..... ~~~blessings~~~ ~~Kat~~ | ||||||
Thursday, March 2, 2006, 2:15:25 PM- I just love NN | ||||||
Hiya.. No dog stuff instead some thoughts on the site and ppl here... I was reading som eof my fav. blogs and got to thinking how special it is that we all communicate in various ways...I mean those of us on the site who have met through what I call magnetic ink ( ok I stole that from the Moody Blues....hehehe) But seriously its just fantastic....we have all opened our circle of friends in such a world wide way its wonderful! I mean people touch us from all parts of the world and we see little slices of their daily lives, photos from far away or here in the states...colors of Thailand for example...or as in paulines blog today....lessons of devotion.....the travels Dawn has made....the tastes she has experienced....Alpina's allowing us a glimpse of her life and thoughts.....Kitts life...BB, Kim's, Suddenlee....on and on......I mean how could we ever share these times we live in any other way....I could get really profound here ( if a blonde can ever be but seriously.....I sit here and in a short time before work taste the lives of so many special to all of you I say thank you.....and send you my Love... ~~~Huggz~~~ ~Kat~ | ||||||
Wednesday, March 1, 2006, 1:56:25 PM- Goings on here... | ||||||
Hiya... Well its been so warm here I can't believe it....we call it Fake Spring cuz we Know that sooner than later ol ms Winter will sneak up and bit our ass.....But its kinda nice as it makes ya think of things ya love....camping, being outdoors and house projects we will do in Real Spring! So after work yesterday we were all out cleanin in the turn out area ...its nice to have more daylight after we had all the dogs loose and Ms Skye follows us into the turn out and just starts runnin...the goats looked at her like what the hell is just let her play and then she realized where she was and couldn't find her way out.....LOL....the expression was priceless......her little ears sorta lifted and she has this eye expression like Ooops.....finally we picked her up and put her back out with her buds.....what a happy girl she was then....So then I decided OK.....Im going to bring Feather in to the turn out....Feather is the older border Collie...she is two now....and all her life she has been kept out of the goats area as she has no real herding training, just serious that she is mature I figure its time we direct that I brought her in and put her in a down and told her Stay....well....the goats Know her well....she runs the fence line and pretends to herd them from out there and now she is IN there...Yikes the goats say ...... ITS in Our they herd up...Punk the leader is in the front while the others stand behind him....and Feather is in her down.....just watching.....and I went about cleaning.....once in a while reminding her to stay....and my girl did.....she was Awesome......just watched and Never broke for 20 minutes....the goats would move a bit and she just would follow with her head but kept her stay just perfect.....I was soooooo proud of her! This is the beginning of her herding step at a we will put her on a long lead.....and use that to control her urges....and start introducing control commands.......So I now have a new really need another Well suns up and Im headed to my daily chores......Love ya all..... ~~Huggz~~~ ~~Kat~~ | ||||||
Monday, February 27, 2006, 1:36:44 PM- Had a nice weekend...just need | ||||||
Hiya.. So glad ya liked the photo of Skye...she is a wild through that "exploring" stage and is into Everything...eyes that see things never seen before...innocence....puppy dreams....*sigh So yesterday we went to Wal Mart and as usual spent wayyy too much money...always happen...I make a list and we get that stuff then oh ya we need that and wouldn't That be up two dvd's ...the old Pink Panther funny to watch.....We took all the dogs, Skye had to stay in a crate cuz you know pups and their propensity to chew stuff ...but she was pretty good in the crate and were pleased as we now know we can take her along on a trip without worry. So this mornin I was reading a few blogs...I feel that this feature is so great btw...keeping up with your lives is just way special.....and then....well I was reading one of a gal who I admire lots....and as I went to comment I looked and saw a comment left by a man who had been so rude, so terribly nasty to me and many others.....and it made me I didn't leave a comment.....couldn't, wouldnt leave my name near his....damn....I had so hoped he moved on and here he is....playing his "nice" game again....but under it is hate and Im sad..... Oh well....the sun is up and a new day begins...will be nice to go into work with clean my fingers that we won't have mud to deal with today....just grease and skinned Gotta run....forcing a smile and trying to forget the upset I felt.. ~~Kisses~~ ~~Me~~ | ||||||
Sunday, February 26, 2006, 3:23:45 PM- A Skye pict | ||||||
Hi again.. We were playing with Skye on the bed and here is a photo.....aint she a cutie! She is just 8 weeks old... ![]() ~~Love ya~~ ~~Kat~~ | ||||||
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