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Viewing Member - hapyjacq

Blog Viewed: 15,466 times.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 1:49:40 AM- :(
my babys heart is broke.... and it's killin me..... jacq
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":((*hugs for you both*"
- BM21

Monday, September 15, 2008, 4:42:13 AM- if
somebody was an ass and said shitty stuff about a person...and the person found out but it months later... but the person was hurt and posted it for all to see saying karma's a bitch... isn't that more vindictive rather that karma comin back atcha....

also for the ladies... please tell me you have all plucked in a parking lot in your car???? the light can get no better than that....

hope you all had a kick ass weekend... mwa jacq
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"That's not karma...that's just being a dickhead!"
- BM21

Saturday, September 13, 2008, 12:42:34 AM- yesterday
i wanted to blog soooooo bad but it just didn't seem right with the day and all... ya see we picked 9/11 as our day cause we knew we'd always remember it... kinda bitter sweet day for me now cause i'm always so excited when it comes and then i feel bad for being happy... but anyway... as of yesterday the hubby and i have NOT smoked for 3 years.... yay!!! never in a million gazillion years did i think i could say something like that....

on another note i also wanted to blog about al and dale (yesterday that is)....they came by my work yesterday and brought the whole office donuts.. to sweet of them... they had been getting along famously till last nite....al left his place at 4 am this morn and took the bus home...he's crushed which of course breaks my heart..i guess he had (way back when him and dale had first met) wrote some notes to a friend saying some really shitty stuff about dale on his my space...last nite dale read it... he's hurt..probably angry too...says he can't trust alan... al just keeps telling me he fucked up ...well alan keeps telling me loads of stuff...

the truly shitty thing about it all is... well for 1 i can't put in my 2 cents...not to them at least but i can here...my opinion is that at that time al was just letting or begining to let people know about him... he's always kept up a good defense... he wasn't fully comfortable with himself so well you know... but the thing that really kills me is alan his whole life you know has been a happy kid but... there was always this kind of anger vibe you could get off him... when he met dale...got out of school it was like poof that was gone.. he was really for the first time in his life (not counting when he was like 5 and under)truly happy ... you could see it ...in everything ... his face ... his demeanor...his talk.... just everything.. that i don't want to go away... scares me that it could but.... i've rattled enough... i just hope it all blows over...

happy friday everyone and have a great weekend.... mwa jacquie

ps the dale/alan part of the blog was supposed to be happy not the downer it turned sad
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"3 years yay you! well done, and heres hoping he just needs some time and it'll all work out ok. xx"
- kassie...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 12:48:38 AM- so...
at work today we have this patient who has lupus... we're all kinda wondering exactley what it was.. so of course i say i'll go google..i do it and go to the room were k and the doc are working on a patient (male and not the lupus one)...

i say... lupus is an auto-immune disorder that effects the organ systems, the joints, the skin, and the internal orgasms (internal organs)....it just came out i swear...so whatcha gonna do.... hahahaha...

on another note it's official cause it's been posted on my space... i'm a whore that is screwing my sons friend (who's a girl btw) there's more but well... this shit is truly not worth my energy... hope everyone had an awesome start to this week..

mwa... jacquie

*edit* i am in no way, shape, or form making fun of this disorder/disease...it can in no way be fun to live with...
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"Nice faux pas!
You gotta give your sons 'friend' some chin music!"
- cheekypaul

Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 4:07:12 AM- shitty friday
that's what last week was ... didn't blog it... wanted it to just go away... so this morn work was so totally cool and back to fun....the clock in the sterilization room kept falling on my co-workers head.... her head broke it so K decieded to frisbee it off the back porch... this is where it landed... i swear i almost pissed myself laughing... it didn't budge as the fed-ex driver drove off....

mwa... jacq
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"lmao hun!!! hope this is a better week for you xxxxxxxx"
- 1stClassAngel

Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 12:50:39 AM- um yeah
paul took the boys hunting this morn... i was so excited ... house to myself... no work... house to myself...so i get up in tank and thong... check out al's room he's not home ... come down stairs the couches are empty ... i'm truly home alone..

so i wanna masturbate... i'm at the computer ...yes somedays i do that at the computer... i get my glass dildo... so here i am legs up on the desk spread wide... panties on the floor... totally playing with my goods....i have the big O and omg what a good one it was smile....off to shower....

i do all my stuffs get done with dryin my hair and hear the garage door open... i'm thinkin perfect timing they're home... then the garage door closes... hmmmmm ... i run down stairs and open the garage and i see tikka's best friend and i say did you just open and close the garage?? he says yes... i asked him how'd you get in? he says i just left i've been upstairs sleeping.....ummmm yeah....

hope everyone had an awesome holiday.... mwa jacquie
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"I do not see anything wrong with a little r and r glad you had a good cummm"
- bigdick11in2007

Saturday, August 30, 2008, 7:32:15 AM- months
it has been since my son told us he was gay... i've read back and i can find no mention of his best friend (who is female if that matters which i don't think it does) at the time.. the one that had been his best friend for years.. the one that didn't support him when he came out.... the one that called him a faggot... the one that told him she hoped he got aids and died .. the one that threw his shit out the window of a driving car when he asked for it back....

the one that everyone told me she would eventually accept it... the one that really knows how to lay a low blow... she won't .... she can't..accept it... she keeps harrassing... phone.. my space.. whatever way she can... this time she played foul on me ... what a better way to upset a child (young man) then to fuck with his mom...

i don't hate .... that is a really strong word ... but i sure do feel sorry for the people that are that so wrong with themselves that they feel the need to attack others... i see them as truly poor....
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"I'll hate the little bitch for you!
What a cow, Al could do without "MATES" like that!
Give me the addy! she wont know who the fuck she is messing with! Just a thought...hugs to u and your lovley al..mwahxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
- ~wench~

Saturday, August 30, 2008, 1:22:19 AM- fever dreams...
blue clothes pins.... foul text messages... and something under the bed trying to pull off the covers....glad that whole mess is done with.....

happy friday everyone.... mwa jacq
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"geez mate! I would be too..especially the under the bed thing...eeeek! xxx"
- ~wench~

Saturday, August 23, 2008, 7:31:30 AM-
just don't feel that i need to.....

have a kick ass weekend everyone ......

mwa jacquie...

oh and ps... it's a girl.... i so have a big cheesy grin smile
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"I had an in-laws staying over kind of weekend........:("
- cheekypaul

Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 1:48:23 AM- smooth
that's how work went today... we were busy... we had good production... we stayed on time... we weren't confused or lost with the wtf are they here for...just smooth... and there was only one person missing....i did it and i'm not sorry... i threw the weakest link under the bus this nite....it's survival...

wow that sounds really fuckin cold... let me nutshell.. our office mng quit... schedule went to hell... production plummeted.. and one person is trying to step into shoes that just don't fit... shit runs downhill and now the doc is talking about leaving... which fucks me.. no doc no work sad(

so i did what i had to do.... you sexy people have a happy hump day tomorrow.... mwa jacq
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"hugs for the humping day !! xxx"
- nice bitch

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