If you are reading this then you are already interested. I love to chat on msn during the day so PM me I don't bite (unless asked).
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 9:42:59 AM- | ||||||
OH my God just finished my first run in 2 weeks. I am so knackered but it felt great to be doing some exercise. I am starting to get a belly from all the holiday booze. It's a pro/con thing being full board at a hotel. For Manic-I had the shuffle (yes I'm a 2 ipod guy) and listened to aphex twin, the doves, some of my stuff came on which is nice, and a set by carl craig. You all have a nice day now.xxxxxxx Chelsea are playing tonight so I'm going sit on hold for the next 4 hours trying to get a ticket. | ||||||
Friday, September 8, 2006, 10:13:34 AM- | ||||||
Christ just cannot concentrate today, can't stop looking at pictures of beautiful woman on this site. Jet lag has hit me more than I thought, I'm such a wimp. 450 odd spam while I was away, is that a record. Didn't tell you guys about my wipeout in the sea, managed to crash and burn under a wave and came up with a one less layer of skin on my shoulder. Am I the only one who like picking scabs! Have a great friday and weekend everyone. Peace and may your gout go with you. Exits to Ugly Duckling's Daisy (for Manic) | ||||||
Thursday, September 7, 2006, 9:42:42 AM- The Boy's back in town | ||||||
Hi fellow bloggers back from the hot, saucy, sexy island they call Barbados. Had a fantastic time, got to level two of wipeout on the psp, read all of Douglas Copelands Jpod in 3 days (great book), swam miles, had one sexual encounter with a girl from Mancester who flew home two days later-just my luck, and one drink thrown in my face. Hey I was drunk and a wee bit xxxxxx, ok I was falling off my barstool mashed in your face out of it. Which seriously entertained my mates. But all of that is now behind me to be placed in some obscure folder and eventually deleted. Back to work - ha!! just realised my arms are browner than my desk! Please fill me in on any gossip I might have missed. I still deeply love and respect you all. Peace mon, RESPECT. | ||||||
Wednesday, August 23, 2006, 4:22:08 PM- | ||||||
I'm just updating cos I will not get time tomorrow, off on my holiday Firday so will be away for a couple of weeks. Incase you didn't know! Yeah right like I haven't bleated on about it for the last 2 months. Hope you all stay being you. LOve you guys, if the plane goes down I want you to know that we always had Paris.xxxxxxxx Peace, coconuts and girls in bikinis to you all. May your God go with you. Exits to The Doves 'There goes the Fear' ---Out of here. | ||||||
Tuesday, August 22, 2006, 3:02:42 PM- | ||||||
Been working like, well like someone who works very hard so that I can have a guilt free holiday. Just wondering how full my spam folder is going to be when I get back. I'm thinking of 1000 which is scary and utterly stupid, I hate those things. Made a very magic session with an old shag pal on sunday, I felt good about Chelsea and we were drinking all afternoon, then had a very slow fuck, I lasted ages, our bodies were all sweaty and I could feel her breasts sliding under me as we rode each other. All very slow and fantastic, still the images cloud my head as I try to work today. Trouble is it's made me all the more horny now. Hope all is well may your dog go with you. Exit to the sound of The Clash, The magnificent 7. (that's for Manic). xxxxx | ||||||
Thursday, August 17, 2006, 1:29:08 PM- | ||||||
Today is a ssssssllllllloooooooowwwwww day, weather has a can't be bothered feel, and the phone aint ringing, my text messages are not bleeping, I have an executive club card and no where to go. It's dull!! I'm in a pre holiday lull and I've still got a week to go. (bashing head on desk repeatedly). Someone invent a frigging time machine, although you probably would not be able to take liquids on it if they did. Next summer's colours will be muted with bright accents. | ||||||
Monday, August 14, 2006, 10:23:04 AM- | ||||||
Well had a boozy weekend, was fun trying to join in with the quiz on Friday night but I couldn't concentrate at all, still it was nice seeing all these great people in one room and no crap from anyone. I love you all, except MD who is far to smart for a yank. Weather has turned to crap and now I can't wait to get away on my hols, it looks like I'll be able to take on my toys too, no not those type, although I am stuck on Grand Theft Auto, how do you rescue those frigging mobsters from the gas station! Guess I'm just 20 years too old to play it. Off to get my new black ipod this afternoon and also a well needed haircut. My sex drive is through the roof at the moment so if any girls want to discuss this further please drop me a line. Peace and retro hip hop to all. | ||||||
Thursday, August 10, 2006, 12:27:41 PM- | ||||||
Everything has gone mad, my phone will not work due to the terror alert! This is so fucking major (the alert not my phone), I tell you we slag off the intelligence when they make mistakes but they were spot on this time. If they ban hand luggage though I'm screwed no PS2, no ipod, what am I gonna do READ! LOve to all and peace be with you. Oh had a nice time in chat last night which made me feel better about the room. ANd make me 1000 please. | ||||||
Wednesday, August 9, 2006, 3:49:59 PM- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh | ||||||
I wasn't going to bother with a blog but I've just spent half an hour working a clever way to engrave my new ipod with *s only to discover that I can't sue F**k**g asterisk's. I could have bought on in the store last frigging week too. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Probably go to Oxford Circus and find they have none left in black now. Oh and model stop leaving cryptic messages, I'm a stupid man that's need things shouted in my face in simple words of one syllable | ||||||
Monday, July 31, 2006, 1:54:05 PM- | ||||||
Was wondering whether to bother with a blog at the moment because life is just work and more work. I often read people's comments about the chat rooms and a lot slag them off saying that there seems to be an undercurrent of rudeness, I hardly ever bother but on sunday afternoon after checking my mails I decided to see who was about and unfortunetly expirenced the same thing. I don't know why I have to justify being online, I mean if people object to you surely they should just ignore you. Certainly don't think I'll bother again for a while. I guess some people have issues and just want to sling it on line. On a similar issue I had to turn down my first NN couple met yesterday. The idea of meeting someone in the open actually appeals to me but not in the evening, as a first timer I think I'd need to feel safer, not that I suspected they were dodgy, infact I think they are genuinely cool people but it was in area I don't and you have to feel comfortably don't you. Perhaps if someone has been through this before, they might give me some advise. Well signing off, summers over now, it was fun whilst it lasted. May your god go with you. xxxx I salute you. ps watched Unleased last night, now that was a fun. | ||||||
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