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Viewing Member - beachdreamz

Blog Viewed: 100,740 times.

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Sunday, December 17, 2006, 3:25:47 AM- Just a Thought
With everyone wanting all the web crap gone from the site why not make it mandatory that any pic in the top 1000 has to be from a verified poster?

Now I know that 75% of real NN'ers don't care about ratings but at least this way it would help keep the site amatuer...

like I said....just a thought
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"that would be great but they aren't going to go through all those pics and delete them..."
- slutsrus

Thursday, December 14, 2006, 1:19:56 AM- I am
...depressed. And I don't even know why. Things are going pretty well and all --i have a job (soon), I have a place to live, Im surviving and proving I can do it. But something is just bringing me down and I don't know what. I assume Christmas may be apart of it. I sure hope this passes soon because I don't want to feel like that.
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"I hope you feel better sweetie. Kisses and lotsa hugs."
- Raj

Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 3:11:50 PM-
So all the work they did on my apt needs to be redone so again today my apartment is filled with people...which means I am leaving. Being a lady of leisure is not always what its cracked up to be. If I was home in PEI I would go spend the day with my grandmother or out cruising around with my cousin or friends. Hmm Toronto is a huge city...Looks like lunch out and maybe if I get lucky I can find an adult/lingerie store and find something new.

Have a great day
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"ok, did you find that store? Pics?? heehee. Kisses."
- Raj

Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 1:51:56 AM- I Am Obsessed
.......I absolutely love the show Deal or No Deal! I've really only just started watching it a few weeks ago but OMG its intense. So simple of a concept but wow do I ever get caught up in it....so far tonight I have already cried along with the lady. HHAH I can't wait until they air the Canadian contestants. My brothers fiance applied and she didn't get on but thats good because I don't think my heart could have taken it!
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"hmmm... now I have to see what its all about."
- Raj

Monday, December 11, 2006, 6:02:37 AM-
Did you know I am a tease? LOL I so love being a tease (not in a bad way...I just like to build temptation)

My ideal date with someone I am dating is too test the limits and see just how far we can get away with. Now it has to be somewhat discret depending on where we are..but thats the fun of it.

I've always wanted to do it but never really had the chance to do so. You have to do it right or you come off slutty (thats why you have to know the person) and you have to be daring enough to make your intentions known. I would look for a class on teasing but I think its unique to each person.tongue
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"teaseing just adds to the game. makes it more enjoyable."
- dr 1

Saturday, December 9, 2006, 5:45:07 AM-
Hmm reading Juicys blog the other day I got to thinking about all the things I have recieved from people somehow associated from NN. They include

a tripod, chocolates, a singing stuffed Valentine, thigh-highs, 2 hugeeeeeeeeee ass boxes filled to the brim of stuff from Victoria Secret (that came with a hand written card I will cherish forever!), soap, an USB eggie (every lady needssss one of these!!), an MP3 player, a life time membership to NN (to this day that still blows my mind), underwear and probably other things as well I am sure. The most sentimental thing I recieved was supper lol. Thats right supper. I was basically head over heels for someone from NN and we were talking one night as we always did and I somehow mentioned I was craving something from a local restaurant. (there was a lot of distance between us) Anyways he found out what it was I wanted..then called the place and charged it to his credit card and had it delivered. It was one of the sweetest things someone has ever done for me..mainly because it was done for no other reason than to make me smile.

All these people out there who are trying to sell thier websites and get 'rewarded" for their nudity will never experiece the true wealth I have found from being a NN member. I wouldn't trade any of my "stuff" for anything including money even when right now I could use it the most.
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"Just sat here and said Awwwwww kisses hon!"
- PerkyGirl

Friday, December 8, 2006, 2:31:11 AM-
HAHAH I bought a new top today! I was very restrained! I was at a huge mall and there were nice clothes everywhere. It was on a major sale and its white and fluffy and soooooooo soft....just one smalllllll little issue....hehhe I really should have tried it on. There is no way in hell I can wear it in public...it shows more cleavage than Pamela Anderson has! LOL I can take a pic fully clothed and it will still be ok for NN...lol too funny!
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"Wear it in public and brighten the day!"
- Leonard69

Thursday, December 7, 2006, 5:07:12 AM-

I got the job! tongue Yay for me. It doesn't start until January though so its going to be a long month. I have an interview for a temp job until Christmas tomorrow and if I get it I can breathe and I should be ok. If I don't --well I am screwed. HAHA it sucks I won't be able to afford to go to work. Somehow I just pray it works out.

Keeping the faith
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"Keep up the workinmg front. Well done girl chuffed to bits for you. (that is english for I am very happy) ??????"
- riddick1

Tuesday, December 5, 2006, 4:25:04 PM-
I finally broke down and went to the dentist today. $56 later I have a prescription and lottttttttts of tylenol 3, and still have a sore mouth. I am either going to need to tooth pulled or a root canal. I vote root canal but its going to be over $800 sad
Then to top it off my EI screwed me...instead of $800-900 it was not even $400. BLAHHH Piss on em all. I refuse to be beaten down. If I can't pay my rent for Jan well I will just have to find something I guess. Something will come along I am sure.
The job interview went awesome yesterday - if I don't get the job its certainly not because of anything I did wrong. They interviewed me for over an hour and half..plus almost an hour the first time. Sadly though the job doesn't start until January if I get it.
I will just keep focusing on the positive...I have amazing friends in my life (by the way its not this weekend I am going away lol), I have a home (for now lol), being alone here for Christmas means I have no Christmas presents to buy (which kinds sucks on the recieving end lol), my brother is getting married which means he is happy so that makes me happy, and basically when things just keep getting taken away from me I learn to appreciate the things I do have that much more.

Last night in chat as people were entering and having their names yelled out and such ( a la Cheers) someone asked if we all knew each other or something. Coming to NN is awesome because of that reason. I love it. It feels like coming home. Someone there always knows you and even if you are new you are taken in. NN'ers have given me so much in the three plus years I have been a member both materially and even more so with their unconditional support. Even though I come and go as I try and find my way in this life I always know I have a place to come back to. I love you all and I thank you for all you have given and taught me.
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"that's so true...it really is like a family ... or better because we don't have the family hangups.
As for your tooth, hang in there, Wolf just went too and it's the same .. root canal. Even with dental insurance that's $400. What a bitter pill to swallow but what can you do?"
- kittenmmm

Monday, December 4, 2006, 6:21:24 PM-

My tooth has stopped hurting for what ever reason (lol and no I don't think it was the onion) Wow nothing in the world hurts like a toothache. I really have to have something done with it and it will ASAP.
For now I just wanna concentrate on the interview. Ever since coming to TO I have lost weight and I really didn't have that many dressy clothes with me anyways. Since I am getting a little bit of money tomorrow I think I am going shopping -no lectures...I won't go crazy. Actually I will probably end up at some thrift stores as I find good clothes there sometimes.
I also got an awesome surprise last night...remember my friends I met up with September.....they know how bad its been for me lately and how I can't go home for Christmas - So they are taking me away for the weekend! As for my typo last night WOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOO!!
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"get that tooth fixed! i hate toothaches and it always happens when i am away or a holiday... it never fails... but have fun on your time away!"
- slutsrus

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