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Viewing Member - hapyjacq

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Sunday, December 28, 2008, 9:14:47 AM- x-mas party
last nite was our work christmas party... i knew this year it would be different with all the changes but man it was down right lame... the after party... now that was kick ass... went to a few clubs... got a room so that we all didn't get intoxicated and in trouble... well not to much trouble that is...

so tonite has been pretty mellow.. peanut butter cup came over...we cooked... we ate.... we watched a show about prostitutes... that was intersting...and now i should be taking my sleep booty to bed....

mwa jacq
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"GN party girl... :p xxx"
- mdguy

Friday, December 26, 2008, 4:57:51 AM- christmas
it was good.. it was quiet... it was mellow...it was all in all a very good day...

after going round and round with my mother as to "warn" my brother or not about alan...she thought i should... i thought why?? who does that?? i chose to not... i mean how do you bring on that convo?

turns out at the end of the evening paul was chatting with my bro and said btw... dale is alan's b/f if you were wondering... bro said i kinda figured bob was telling me something like... "blah blah blah and dale alans b/f blah blah blah"... my brother didn't miss a beat didn't blink an eye... doesn't seem to bother him in the least... i wouldn't have been upset if it did but it's just so much nicer that it doesn't....i knew all my fam would be accepting with the exception of possibly him... so that's my x-mas gift...

now the inlaws... hahaha that's another story....ain't nobody on that side that's gonna even acknowledge it...

hope you all had a super wonderfully happy fat holiday....

loves jacquie
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"glad things went well with your brother sis...sounds like a great xmas too :))) mwahhhhhhhhhh"
- imalilhothead

Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 2:26:54 AM- well....
i'm totally ready... i didn't work again today... i've missed so much due to the weather... not because of me ... because of the doc...

so totally ready is what i was saying ... for the holidays that is.. yesterday after work i went and got my nails done ... and this evening i was supposed to get my wax but they called and wanted me to come in early... fantastic i said.... so i go.. i check in and wait and wait and wait....i ask wasn't i supposed to be here at 12:30? they say no one told the chick and now she's behind can so and so do it...i know i don't have alot of modesty but... when they're that up close and personal it's kinda... weird....i said i would reschedule (of course the chick that does it was going on vaca for the rest of the year)

the one they said could do it came up and said you're here come on lets just get it done..reluctantly i went...i just wanted it done before the holidays... she waxed on waxed off.. did my eyebrows... then they called me to the office..said they knew i didn't want to go back with her... i said no it was alright... they profusely apoligized...i said it was okay they said no it's not...the owner came in and introduced herself and apoligized again.. told me the services today were complimentary... gave me a gift bag and told me merry christmas...

so anyway... merry christmas to you all ... have a safe and happy holiday....loves .... jacquie
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"Merry Christmas to you and yours hapy!! xxxxxxxxxxxx"
- 1stClassAngel

Sunday, December 21, 2008, 8:50:21 AM- done....
christmas shopping that is... worked out awesome.....we split up the shopping... paul did the str8 boys... i did the gay boys...it was great it was fun and it was ohhhh so snowy....

i just have lots of feeling of love tonite.....

mwa wtoc... jacquie
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"That's cool you split it up...gets done faster and you both share in the buying...enjoy wrapping sis...luvs ya!! xxxxxxxxx"
- imalilhothead

Saturday, December 20, 2008, 4:25:59 AM- snow
it's here and this area is not used to it...

my street is somewhere under all that white....

hope you all had a happy friday....

mwa... jacquie
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"Awwww i want to dig to find yr road!!.. stunning !! dont think i could live with it but i sure would love to play in it !! xx"
- nice bitch

Friday, December 19, 2008, 2:52:59 AM-
did you all know that you can text google the name, city and state of where you wanna go or call and it will text you back the address and phone number? i thought it pretty cool... googles number is..466-45.... that's google without the e...try it you'll like it...

it's been snowin here like there is no tomorrow... just dumping i think we've gotten about 6-8 inches in as many hours...the drive in the morning ought to be interesting to say the least...

oh and i don't know if i've said this or not but... i got a promotion of sorts...no raise but i got some power.... hehehehe..

hope you all had a happy thursday... and have an awesome friday too.... mwa jacquie
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"ooooooo power!!! :P :P xxxxxxxxxxx"
- imalilhothead

Thursday, December 18, 2008, 3:57:26 AM- snow day
for everyone .... except the ups man...day was going along great... alan and dale came over with some really yummy coffee... i don't do coffee but this day i did... omg did you all know i don't do caffine either?? i don't...i was amped up like crazy... so dale and al leave to go back home and take tikka with them...

me bob and his friend are left here...doorbell rings its another kid.... phone rings it's some business i have to take care of... doorbell rings again followed by some loud ruccous and cussing... i run to the door and it seems when bob opened the door some girls launched the equivalent of about half a snowman into my house (2 big rolled balls)...it's everywhere... walls... entry... carpet.. under the tree...on my bench... like it fuckin exploded...

yes.... i took care of my phone business.... hopped in the bronco and went to her house... banged on the door like there was no tomorrow.... no answer... but i found those girls and gave them a what for...told them i'd be back when their parents got home....and really like i'm gonna do that... roads are frozen now... that and i'm calm and can laugh about it... the little imps...

hope you all had a happy hump day .... mwa jacq
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"lol least you're giggling bout it now :) xxx"
- kassie...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 3:06:57 AM-
why oh why when a kid tastes something gross... gags around a bit... swears and spits....do all the other kids have to taste it? i'll never get it...

hope everyone had a happy tuesday.. i got a promotion of sorts... i think smile) mwa jacq
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"Umm, don't adults do this too?"
- Sallinque

Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 2:12:41 AM- so
my neck of the woods is in a "deep freeze"... gotta love it when those news people blow it all up... but the road... or at least the only 2 that i can see and go out to the main drag are solid ice... lovely for the boys who have been sledding all day... but not something i want to risk driving the stang on... so....no problem i'll just drive the bronco to work...

till i look for my keys and no keys.... where the fuck are my bronco keys??? the boys tell me al has them... now why the hell does al have my bronco keys? that's what i want to know....paul has the 2nd set and is long gone....of course i start blowin up his phone... and of course he's still sleeping and not responding....

nothing to do but stay home... it was the most laziest lovely days i've had for some time...i did nothing... not a damn thing... it was bliss.... so i hope you all had a happy monday too.... mwa jacquie
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"ya but we still don't know why Al had the keys???"
- depotguy

Friday, December 12, 2008, 9:22:09 AM-
i've been a mom for years... but i have never had to deal with what i had to tonite...

a teacher passed away at the school of my youngest... he broke down he cried and oh hell i cried too..he want's to know why now... with the holidays... says you are supposed to spend it with family....he's upset with the other kids reactions.. or lack of... he says they (the other kids) don't get that this a person they will now never get to know.....

he's scared that we .... his mom and dad are going to die.... i want him to talk to a grief counsler tomorrow.. he says he doesn't need to...he said talking to me helped...he's not a baby he's 12... but i don't know ... what the fuck do i do??

i told him everthing happens for a reason.. i told him maybe his family wanted his pain/suffering to stop and it couldn't unless he went to sleep forever...i told him i didn't plan on going any where soon....i told him that there were some things that i just can't answer...

and i asked him if he needed/wanted to talk to anyone else... he said no.... i need opinions here....i'm asking for help....

crying.... jacq
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"When I talked to my grandkids(don't have kids of my own) about their great grandpa dieing. I wanted them to understand, even at 2 and 4 years old, that death is all part of life. I told them that we all will die some day, that nobody knows how long we will be on this earth, but we all should try to make the best of the time we are here. That was 15 years ago, and I think they turned out ok. You try to understand him and be there when he needs you, and everything will be just fine."
- pawtinker1

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