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Viewing Member - Digoree

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Saturday, May 23, 2009, 11:49:04 PM- Gr!
*Shoves this damn woman's head into her fucking dumbass cake and slams the topper on her head*

And if that other decorator doesn't stop bitching ALLL DAAAYYYY I will lose my mind!

*snuggles her Pazuzu doll and eats chocolate*
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"Customers or co-workers? I think both can apply.

Make sure to have plenty of chocolate at hand. :)"
- mdguy

Friday, May 22, 2009, 9:49:27 PM- Seriously?
So my boss threw a fit at me this morning when he saw I'd dropped my availability to 4 days a week instead of 5, so I could have some time to write, because I really want to finish my book this summer and I never have time it seems. So I took the extra day off because I figured it would help, just as a test run, and my asst. manager gave it to me. Now my manager's upset. He called me over and asked me to explain. Course I didn't tell him it was for 'writing,' cause that's too lame an excuse, but I told him how I was doing other things too. I'm planning to take ballroom dancing, get back into taekwondo, creative writing, etc.

Well... he got upset and told me he needs me 5 days a week, not 4. If he'd known I was going to do this, he wouldn't have hired me. He mentioned something about dropping me to 1 day a week.

I dunno. Seemed to overreact in my opinion, but it did kind of upset me. In either case, I'm going to give it a week or two at this 3 days a week thing still, see if he was just blowing off steam since this morning was pretty crazy anyway. I'm crossing my fingers he was just in a bad mood and happened to catch the wrong end of it. If not... I guess I'll just have to work 5 days a week. I have bills to pay, like it or not. =( I'm starting to wish I was one of those insanely spoiled girls that never had to work and did have mommy and daddy pay for everything. Must be damn easy.
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"My guess it probably there is some steam blowing going on. I would have told him it was for writing. It is not a lame excuse. Writing is just a good reason as anything. Most writers have to have a primary job so they can write. So unless you are reading someone like Stephen King or J.K. Rowling odds are the author is doing some other job to support their literary pursuit."
- buckaroozen

Thursday, May 21, 2009, 1:36:22 PM- L'Amour?
So I joined eHarmony (finally got accepted to the site more like it lol). It's pretty pretty cool so far, I haven't had a huge flood of people like I did on match.com, but figuring since eHarmony is supposed to be a really good site and really reliable I suppose it's better to get only a few people compared to just hundreds thrust upon you.

I've met one guy so far that seems like a possibility. We communicate very well together, he seems highly intelligent, and is Jewish, which has always been a religion I'm pretty fascinated in. I'm not about to jump the gun yet though. I don't know if I'm physically attracted to him yet, his pictures haven't done too much for me, but I'll be able to meet him in about 4 months when I go back to school, since he lives near me there. Right now it's just long emails and eventually phone calls. If he has an annoying voice like my ex did I'll just end it there. Can't do the nasally gamer voice. Can not.

It's been weird though. I want to find love, but I really haven't been looking like I used to. I mean, I'll sigh and pout every now and then, but it's not all consuming like it used to be. I'm more focused on work, and writing, definitely writing. I absolutely must finish my novel this summer. No excuses. If I do...I dunno, I'll do something special for myself, like a reward. Dunno what, but I will do it. I just gotta. I've never been much for finishing anything in my life, a trait my mother said I inherited from my grandfather. Thanks lol

Anywho, so about two days ago at work I was coming in. To get to our punch in clock we have to go through the deli's mop room, which is always cluttered. So I'm going in and I end up tripping on all these mops and brooms and shit and scrape my hand on the wall. I don't think it's a big deal until I look down at it and see it's REALLY bleeding. I take it over to a sink, run it beneath some hot water and it's not ONLY a scrape, whatever it was took a CHUNK out of my palm.

It hurt, it looks nasty, it was probably all germy from the mop room. It's doing better now though. Everyone was laughing at my clumsiness and how retarded I was for tripping on shit, and then complaining because I scraped my palm, until I actually showed it to them. That kind of shut the managers up. Thank goodness. I know I'm not the brightest woman in the world, but I'm not retarded either.

Anywho, time to get out of bed and get something productive done today! Shower, breakfast, writing! =)
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"I was so use to your regular blogging, I was beginning to worry that something happened. Which I guess it did. :s Oh wells, as for the love thing, I wish things came easier but it doesn't seem to, at least for me. Shalom, Baby."
- buckaroozen

Sunday, May 17, 2009, 12:08:26 AM- Guess what?
I worked my first 11 hour day. Ouchie. In better news: I made the Dean's List! =D
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"Way Cool Congrads. :)"
- buckaroozen

Saturday, May 16, 2009, 12:26:26 AM- Tear Jerker
Here's another thing that didn't go easy for me, just so bigtitty knows in advance =)

So today at work actually went VERY well most of the day, even though a decorator called in so it was just me and another. We busted out so much and a big-wig manager came in and I even hear my boss's boss making good comments about me, so was feeling good, until about 5 pm when it was time for me to go and the other decorator left. It was fine for a bit but suddenly we got this FLOOD of people who wanted to make cake orders, and then this one guy comes up wanting his cake and we can't find it ANYWHERE.

We look all of the bakery, the freezers, everywhere, and the guy has NO idea what it's supposed to look like, he just says it's supposed to be cupcakes. Well we got nothing, so we're calling other stores looking for it. Nothing. One of the girls in the bakery I'm gettin a small crush on calls up for a manager, who just looks through all the order forms, but I've already checked and it's not there god damnit. So finally I just tell the customer I need 15 to 20 minutes to do a new one, I'm still new so a little slow. I'll be at a reduced cost and I just gotta have some time to get it done.

He says he wants white icing and just have it say 'Happy Birthday *His Daughter's Name*' and 'Big 18!' Well, I do it up when we finally get time away from all these orders and it looks pretty good, until I"m boxing it and the box hits it and messes it up. So I try to fix it, and it just looks ever WORSE and I don't know what to do, because I've never tried to fix a cake before, and no one's there that knows how. So I'm feel HORRIBLE and the girl in the bakery I dig comes over with a friend from the Deli and is watching me try to fix it and she mentions that it looks fine, don't worry so much, they'll eat it. And I look up at her and suddenly just burst into tears because I just don't know WHAT to do. So she's trying to make me feel better and she holding me and petting me and I'm crying harder because I'm crying, so I feel stupid for crying.

THEN the customer comes up wanting his cake, and the girl explains that I'm crying because I'm upset that he'll hate it and he doesn't care that I'm crying, he just wants his cake. So I'm trying to fix it up and all of a sudden he's holding his cell phone and says: "Wait, my wife might want something specific on it."

Really? After I'm practically finished except trying to fix the oops? He says it's supposed to be in the shape of an 18. OH! I did that cake YESTERDAY! Come to find out, the guy who took the order wrote down the wrong name. The man mentions that it's supposed to say beneath it "Happy Birthday *His Daughter's Name*" and it just says "Happy Birthday." Well ffs... that paperwork says only 'Happy Birthday' but fine. So I wipe it off and he's telling his wife what it looks like and all of a sudden it's all wrong. All of it.

He hands me his cell phone and I'm explaining to the wife this was how I was told to do it yesterday and this is what we thought she wanted, she did this over the phone so what can we do? Well I'm in the middle of asking her she would like me to redo it, I don't mind, when she hands up.

...okay. I hand the cellphone back to her husband and she calls him back within a few seconds and he looks at me and tells me she'll call us at the store 'later.'

Uhm, I was due off about forty five minutes ago... I'm not waiting around until the store closes for his wife to call me. So I wait another ten to fifteen minutes, and then I go to tell the manager in charge what's going on and she says: "well, if I were you I wouldn't wait around much past six...thirty..." I don't want to sit around until 6:30. There is literally NOTHING I can do since I don't know WHAT to do except make key lime pies and cupcakes. Everything else I'm pretty much forbidden from doing unless I've got someone with actual experience near me.

*Sighs* So I wait another fifteen minutes and then finally call it quits and leave. I left out the cake we had originally done for her and agreed that we'd give her a discount. I don't care. I just hurt and I'm tired and I just want to cry and I'm thoroughly missing customer service. It was a hell of a lot easier just giving customers back their money. Trying to make everything look good is stressing me out. =(
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"WOW for 2 reasons, 1. i cant believe how much shit like this happens to you (i'm such a big help arent i!), and 2 you actually mentioned me in your blog! I feel like Steve Martin in the Jerk when he sees his name in the phone book for the first time: "I'm Somebody Now!!"
anyway we ALL have bad days at work that's for sure . . . try working at a pizza place on a friday night at around 5pm when half the staff has called out, so much fun woo hoo! buck up little tropper they cant ALL be like this can they? no really, i am asking CAN THEY???? O-o"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 9:50:24 PM- My god!!
Oi, today was such a fucking crazy day. I woke up and mom and I decided today was going to be a shopping day, because we haven't had one yet. So we (mom, dad and I) stopped at a hole-in-the-wall place for a breakfast and then drove to Joan's Fabric Store for fabrics for something mom was doing, and I found some patterns I liked, so I picked up the patterns and then I picked up some fabrics and bought all of those.

Then we went to the mall and mom and I stopped at Charlotte Russe to look for pants for me (because I haven't have two pairs left that aren't *entirely* torn up and they look pretty crappy), and dad went to a bookstore, but I couldn't find any jeans that fit. So we hit Sears. Nothing fit, and looked good at the same time at least. So bummer. So I by then I was a little upset, but okay, fine. We tried Old Navy and they fit, but I didn't like how they looked on me, because I wanted to find something that showed more of my tattoo, but my body just isn't in shape enough for that to look good. =/ We stopped at panera's for lunch, and dad gave me a little advice on what guy's are generally looking for in girls, or at least looking *at* on girls and he says many guys want to see a girl in some form-fitting pants, that hug the legs and butt, so I should look for that. *Sighs* oki... I'm used to just baggy jeans because they're so comfy, but I do wish more guys would look at me.

Well...we stop at Bealls and by that time I was so depressed because nothing was fitting right and I didn't like how my body was looking, so while in the dressing room after MORE things that still don't fit, I just sat down in one dressing room and just started crying x.x It really sucked.

Mom went ahead and stopped Ross and by that point I xxxxxx myself to cheer up, because I know I'm not fun when depressed and it's mom's only day off, so I don't wanna ruin it. So I cheered up and we started looking at TONS of clothes and luckily I found oodles, as did mom, and I even found two pairs of jeans that looked really good on me. So I got two jeans, a dress, two tops, a pair of shoes and a purse. =)

Well! As we're checking out, the girl checking us out suddenly stops and looks at one of my jeans and voids it, then scans it again, and she says how they're ringing up as shoes. Uhm... okay? So she's gotta have the 'just right' label or whatever and so this Loss Prevention woman comes along and takes me back to find another pair of pants, though I already told her there isn't another pair. So she searches and searches and is asking for me to point out which ones look similar and I'm like 'I don't know! They're just a pair of jeans! Jeans are jeans! I will gladly pay the 15.99!!' well she grabs a pair of 13.99. Fine..okay...

She brings them over the cashier and the cashier scans the 13.99 jeans. Well I'm looking at the charge still and I see there's still an extra 15.99 on my bill. And 15.99 can be quite a bit of money when you don't have too much, like me =3. I mention it to the casheir and she says 'no, I took it off.' Well...oki... She rings it all up, I pay, and while mom is getting her stuff rung up dad's looking at my receipt and he says: "No. It's still on there." The cashier snaps that she took it off. Thing is, is that dad's not as scared of confrontation as I am. He doesn't mind making an ass of himself if he feels he ought too.

So he's looking over the receipt and saying 'no, no, it's still there.' Well then the loss prevention lady comes back over and is looking at the receipt and she says "No, she took it off. It LOOKS like she didn't, but she did. Here, I'll show you." So she takes my stuff and one by one with a pen marks it off the receipt, only to be cornered with the fact, yes...there is an extra 15.99 on that receipt. So she admits it and tells me to get back in line and I'll get my money back.

Logical course of action: the cashier gives me my lost 15.99, we laugh it off, my family and I go on our way.

That would have be too easy, I suppose.

The cashier is looking at my receipt and saying no no no, she took it off. But it's still right there. What, did I not want the jeans, then?
"No, I want the jeans. Both jeans."
"Well it's right there."
"Yes, I know..."
So dad's explaining to her for me because I'm too shy and awkward the whole situation but she's adamant she did it right. So she rescans the WHOLE order adding in two 13.99's and two 15.99's again PLUS a 7.99 out of nowhere. The total is more than the original and she's like 'see? if I had done an extra 15.99 it would be more.' and dad's saying, no you're not getting it. There's only supposed to be TWO 13.99's and NO 15.99's. So after all sorts of yelling and raised voices (I kid you not) and all sorts of customers getting mad at US, the cashier gives me back my 16 dollars and even has the gal to say: "Okay. Fine. Here's your 16 dollars for the pants you DID NOT buy."

Uhm, excuse me? You call that bullshit customer service? I could fucking complain to a manager for that attitude. But at least I have my damn 16 dollars and dad calms down and we're getting ready to go when she grabs my pants and says 'so I will take these back.' No... no you're not getting it!!!!

Dad gets up in a row again because the woman thinks for some reason I don't want them and I'm saying, no I do want them, BOTH pairs, but you charged me an extra 15.99 when there SHOULDN'T have been. Finally she just thrusts the pants at us and says 'fine! Thank you! Have a nice day!' and dad tells her to have one too and we quickly exit.

God... ffs >.< Makes me want to not go back there ever again, except that I really like Ross. But this is the result of poor customer service. I'm telling friends! So now EVERYONE here knows about the awful customer service and the Ross, and it may influence if someone buys from there or not. There! *flail*

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"Yeah, there use to be something in this country called customer service. Doesn't mean the customer is always right but you do treat them like a person. I am starting to think it was outsourced to somewhere lost and forgotten."
- buckaroozen

Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 12:57:53 AM- eHarmony
I got onto eHarmony, figured it was worth a wild shot and is supposed to be super reliable. So I got on, am communicating with a few people, and with this one guy we're at the stage where I physically write answers to his questions, rather than multiple choice stuff.

Well his questions are:
1. Describe and interest you have that you would hope your partner could share with you.

2. During a typical week, what sort of physical activity do you do?

3. What sort of simple pleasures do you have?

Okay. Here's where it's scary. 1. I don't have any interests that I can technically share. I enjoy reading and writing, I suppose we could share those? 2. I don't really *do* physical activities. I go to work or school generally and by the time I'm done with them I have no desire to go to the gym or exercise. Back in school it's mostly walking around town a bit when I just need to get away. Ack.

It's not like this is the only guy in the world, I shouldn't stress, but ack.
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"Just answer truthfully. If he likes you, then the answers will confirm the previous steps. :)"
- mdguy

Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 1:53:38 PM- Bugger
I got to sleep in today, but I only made it to 7:30 before I really didn't feel like sleeping anymore.

So this past week working has been good, but exhausting. Everyday I come home my feet are *absolutely* killing me and I'm completely tuckered out. I think the worse part was just going so many days in a row. I know my mother and sister do it more, but they signed up for it, being managers. Mom's just gotta make me feel bad because she doesn't really bitch about it.

Anyway, I was really excited because I have these next two days off, then I was supposed to work Thursday through Saturday, have Sunday off for a church thing mom and dad want me to go to, work Monday and Tuesday, then have Wednesday and Thursday. So it was going to be a really easy load, but then I was told I couldn't have Sunday off or one of the decorator's would be alone, and sadly this department is too damn small to be say 'oh well, I'm taking it off'. So I told them it's fine if I work, not realizing by doing so I set myself up for another 6 days in a row of 9 hour shifts. T-T damn

I figure when I get back I'll change my availability, just to spread out my schedule a bit more and give me time to recoup. I'm not used to long hours like this, not even back when I worked Customer Service. My body is absolutely killing me! x.x

I also informed my asst. manager that I'd be putting in a request for some time off near 4th of July, because Ash is coming into town and I just want at least two days to hang out with her and have a very small sleep-over, because I haven't seen her in a long while and I wont see her again for another three or four months since her summer break is only a week long. My asst. manager said that it's not a guarantee I'll get it off, and I told him straight up that if I'm still on the schedule, I'll probably call in. Because Ash CAN still come over if I'm working, but it just means I'll come home, be exhausted and probably be able to stay up until 9, so it gives us perhaps six hours to hang out, compared to two full days.


I still do enjoy working there, minus working with just one of the decorator's who hovers and wont let me do anything on my own. She has to show me, and ends up doing everything for me anything. Then, since SHE'S still new as well, she does it wrong, because she makes up a short cut and it's wrong, so I get in trouble and the 'lecture' for what she's doing/showing me. But I like the work, I like how it's not easy, I like how it's more challenging than I thought. It's fun, though I'm still not sure if I preferred decorating over the bakery. I really did enjoy the bakery too... hrm...
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"reality check Digeedoo: you shouldnt be telling the asst manager of your new job that you'll just call out if you dont get your way . . . that's some of that "spoiled princess" stuff you always say you hate ;-)"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Monday, May 11, 2009, 1:25:44 AM- u.u
*is tired and wants someone to cuddle with*
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"Same here."
- buckaroozen

Friday, May 8, 2009, 10:23:37 PM- *Sighs*
She's not interested. *Sighs* I didn't even suggest, she just kinda plopped it randomly in the last letter to me, she doesn't wanna 'worry what we already have,' which is fine but...

*shrugs and frowns* whatever
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"So sorry to hear that right now it's not going to happen Babe. But you can never say never. Keep smilin' Babe."
- johnnyc2k

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