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Viewing Member - beachdreamz

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006, 5:01:30 AM- Sooo Sore
tonight I played tackle baseball...hahahahah sooooooooo much fun. My work challenged another place and we had a blast. #3 was there

Guys make me laugh yet annoy me so much at the same time. He knew I was going to be there as he called me a while ago and asked me. So tonight he gets there and hmm I can't say ignores me but at the same time never made an effort to say hello.
Anyways we all start drinking and name calling etc. There team kicked our ass but that was to be expected. Anyways 2 of his team mates start flirting with me. The next thing I know I am playing 3rd base and hes on base and runs and tackles me. It was the oddest, gracefullest (is that a word?) tackle ever. hahha We both ended up on the ground covered in dirt..but really not much changed so I flirted some more with his team. My turn at bat comes and I get on base (hes on first) when I get there I get a huge hug, high 5 etc.
So I flirt some more with his team...hahah even tackling one guy and the next thing I know I get a huge hug and a kiss from #3....Too funny that thats the only way I can get his attention. Oh well we had a blast and for once I played awesome, made some plays (no pun intended) and met some awesome people.
Too bad the party we were going to was cancelled sad
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Monday, August 14, 2006, 3:59:22 AM-
OMG the cutest thing ever tonight!

I went to see The Road Hammers (who by the way are effin awesome!!!!!!) Anyways the opening band before them was on (and they were good too) and they saw a little boy in the crowd probably 3-4 yrs old with a guitar. So they asked him to come on stage and he walks right up like he owns the place...complete in a sweatshirt and pyjamas!! He struted his stuff and banged his little leg in time to the music. It was beyondddddddddddd cute

LOL Hey VB..can we ask him to be the entertainment at the wedding? As long as we fit him in before his bedtime that is
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"I dunno beachy...he sounds cuter than me....plus.....he's in a band!..How can I compete with that? ;)"
- valleybud

Saturday, August 12, 2006, 3:42:07 AM- VB WIll You Marry Me?
Ok I already knew you were the bestest there is but after yesterdays comment I am now in love for sure. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to have my hair played with, brushed, styled anything. I could sit for hours and let someone do that. LOL I've gotten some nasty haircuts because as soon as I sit in the hairdressers chair my eyes close and I block everything out.

Anyways hows Tuesday sound? err wait I work..lets go for Thursday as I am off. I'll even make you a trade. If you will play with my hair or give me a massage everynight you can have sex/bj every morning. Sound good?

Lets see Raj is definitly best man (ps do I get to sample the best man before the wedding?) now we just need the rest of the people
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"i wanna be the drunk dancer that doesnt want to leave at the end of the night :P"
- juicy

Friday, August 11, 2006, 5:04:37 AM-
Today was my day off and I had to run down town to buy a money order to send to Via Rail for my train ticket to Toronto (wooohooo) while I was down there I decided it would be a goos time to get a haircut, brows waxed etc

Sooo....$50 for cosmetics, $40 for hair and brows, $89 for a straightener and oh about $40 in other random stuff plus the $110 money order later I headed home. Sigh I am supposed to be saving money but I am soooooo good at spending. And let me just say I look great (in my eyes anyways ) and I feel great so maybe it was all worth it in the end. Especially when I will be be going to a bunch of big events next week.

For any girls out there who like straight hair--invent in a CERAMIX straightner. OMG wow do they ever work. Take it from a chick with hair so think it takes 45 minutes to dry it.
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"Have fun in TO! :D I hope you will be able to meet with a certain redheaded wonder while you're there."
- mdguy

Saturday, August 5, 2006, 5:55:25 AM- Where did you go
Ok I am dedicating this blog to all the people I've become friends with from the time I joined until now but that seemed to have disappeared? Where did you go?

Sooo many people I used to talk to daily yet I barely ever see any more...

Newbie where are you? And the Kitties? soooo sooooo many more. So if you are out there give me a sign you are alive. Even if I talk to you often leave me a note just so I know you didn't forget about me

I think we need an NN reunion! Everyone has kept in touch in someway with people from this forum. I think we need a night or a weekend set to bring back all those who have wandered away
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"just running through and saw this... miss you and hope to catch you on here at the same time one of these days! PG xoxoxox=)"
- PerkyGirl

Friday, August 4, 2006, 4:11:34 AM-
are you tired of hearing me whine about the heat yet? LOL cause I am tired of complaining about it. I was hoping to get a huge storm to clear the air but no such luck.

Oh well..in another few months it will be time to talk about the cold. At least in Canada you always have a topic for conversation tongue

My biggest issue with the heat is the total lack of energy. I swear I could almost sleep 24/7. I can't wait for September when the days are nice and the nights cool down.Plus I am going to Toronto to do what I do best - shop, flirt and party. I am already counting down the days (48 days)
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"woooooooohooooooooo, can i come shop with you?"
- sexy mom of 4

Wednesday, August 2, 2006, 5:58:09 AM-
well thanks for the comments that I look ok now but this is something I need to do for me. I need to feel sexy so that I can be sexy. I am tired of being self concious and doubting my self worth. Anyways I am working on that and hopefully I will get there.

On another note...this one mainly to God....do you think its possilbe to turn the heat down just a wee bit? PLEASEEEEEEEE

At this rate I have felt how hot Hell is and I am in the process of seeing what I have to do to become an angel because if something is this hot it should be at least fun...and this heat wave is far from fun
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"Beachie, you are a sexy, hot, beautiful, young woman. You hae nothing to feel self-conscious or doubt yourself over. You are the complete package - Nothing is missing. Go get 'em, Angel!"
- Myles Long

Tuesday, August 1, 2006, 4:52:30 AM-
Mother of God its hot.

The nasty yucky heat that kills all your energy not to mention your hairdo. Its 1247 and its still 34 out and tomorrow its going to be 43. For anyone who doesn't understand those terms it means its UNFUCKING REAL HOT

LOL I havent cooked a meal in forver. Its too hot to do anything. at least being so hot means no appetite. I am in the final six weeks I have given myself to get in shape for September. So far I am down between 10-15 depending on the day so I have a ways to go...lol maybe I can melt them off!
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"Why would someone as hot as you want to lose anything. You are perfect!"
- chargingram

Monday, July 31, 2006, 6:19:17 AM-
Hmm I guess I misled with my blog last night

I'm not going to be going to Toronto to see one person..Im meeting up with 5 of the bestest people Ive ever met. Although I crazy over one of the guys going. There is going to be 3 girls and 3 guys ...already there are 2 couples sad I was hoping this was going to make it 3 but the guy I want is interested in someone else sad As much as I like him I dont want him cause hes drunk..especailly cause I dont want to ruin the friendship.

Out of curosity....guys out there..any advice? I know he likes me as a friend for sure although I was sure more...How do I play it out so that I know for sure what his intent is? I really think hes honest and wouldnt just lie for a night..esp since there is going to be 6 of us in the room (dont ask) so nothing major is going to happen. Chances are we will sleep in the same bed ...uggghh this sucks
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"The only thing I can say is be patient. and if you're sleeping in the same bed, lol then make sure you're not all the way over to the edge. When I was in the same boat as yourself, the gal who I was sharing the same bed with was sleeping almost in the middle and she eventually moved up against me and put herself in the 'prone' spoon position, making sure the her warm ass was up against me... This really and I mean REALLY put me over the edge and the rest is history...but if you wanna go default mode, sounds like you might go with VAL's, Higgins and Rolly's plan as well...
Let me know how the whole thing goes when you return.. good luck and whatever you do... DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT OR BE NERVOUS"
- karloff45

Sunday, July 30, 2006, 6:31:26 AM-
LOL I am in another one of my weird music moods tonight. All classsics in their own rights and all good (at least to me) Last night we were talking and remembering "old" songs lol and it was so much fun. I can't wait until September until we meet up. For sure it will be better than last year! I just know my face will be sore for a week from laughing so much.

Anyways some of my tunes tonight
Frank Sinatra - I did it my way
Blue Rodeo - Try
The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
Matchbox 20 (acoustic piano version) 3 am
Bart Simpson - Do the Bartman
and soo much more

Plus my new fave Billy Talent

I love music and I can see our weekend being one big karoke night!
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- mdguy

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