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Viewing Member - beachdreamz

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Saturday, September 16, 2006, 10:14:41 PM-
OHHH this time next week I will be at the Blue Jays game...I will have already met #1 and they new guy and the rest of my friends. HAHAH already I am having trouble sleeping..and I know I will be getting no sleep while I am away - I will need a vacation to recover from this lol.
Part of me is sad (only slightly) I've been planning this forever and I as much as I want it too happen the waiting is almost as fun. I know as soon as this trip is over I have some major decisons to make as to where I am going to be living in November so I do have more things planned. My bday is monday but Thursday is the day I am waiting for. I always swore I would never meet anyone from the internet and here I am meeting 6 ....Oh how the world has changed!
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"Hope your birthday is the best! These blogs have been so much fun, your enthusiasm is contagious."
- third4tx

Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 5:36:15 AM-
Woot like 9 more sleeps until my trip to Toronto!! I am getting so very excited and whats making me excited the most is my friends. The fact that they are counting down the days just like me makes me feel good. I hope its a ton of fun because its been a long time since I let go and just had a blast. Speaking of letting go..... As it stands now I am going to go ahead and meet the guy I mentioned. Maybe he will see me and run..maybe we will become even better friends or maybe just maybe something will come from it. I put a lot of thought into it and well I need to take the chance for 2 reasons. First if the net is going to be the way I meet people then I want to make sure that people see me as who I am --the same online or in person. I don't lie or pretend to be something I am not and I want to make sure that people can tell that. Also its time to take some chances in my life...nothing can change if I don't change the way I do things. A lot of people know last year at this time I was in the same situation and was supposed to meet someone I thought was honest and real and he ended up being a complete stranger to what I thought he was and we never even met. He broke my heart (if that can really happen based solely online) and I pray the most of the other NN guys have the balls to be honest. I have no idea why he spent so much time and effort into getting to know me only to brush me off....but it doesn't matter anymore, The lesson was learned and I won't repeat it. Whether I meet this new guy or not is not going to ruin my trip. My friends will be there for me *including #1 lol* I intend on having a blast and for those who cut me from thier life its loss not mine. In 6 days *err 5 now* I will be 28 and I just keep getting more awesome every year!
Cheers to me!
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"I can't imagine him running from you, only to you. And you are right, you do just keep getting more and more awesome."
- Myles Long

Saturday, September 9, 2006, 4:58:36 AM- Update
Well I thought about some stuff said to me on here and some stuff Pm'd and I guess maybe I jumped the gun. So I have changed my mind and I am not going to persue this.
I really liked what I knew of him but I see to many similaries from past experiences and I am not caring for it. I really liked him and what I thought he was is what I am looking so at least I know there are people out there like I am wanting.

The thing I don't understand with you guys out there (not all of you I know) why bother to take the time to get to know someone and lie when all you want is some online fun? I mean there is no lack of people wanting to fool around out there. Why bother with someone who you know wants more? I guess because its the same theory as a guy wanting an experienced virgin etc.

I don't know thats for sure what he was about but I don't want to take the chance. Maybe he is a great guy and I am losing out but unless I somehow figure out why hes acting the way he is I am considering him off limits.

At least I still get to be with #1 while I am in Toronto. While I know thats going no where I can still flirt and flirt I shall tongue
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006, 3:50:05 AM-
Help me..I'm falling and falling fast *in like not love-I do know the difference* I am almost sure I will walk away hurt but sometimes you have to take the chance. My heart has been broken so many times now once more isn't going to kill me.
We are going to meet...and YES I will be careful. We are going out for drinks or maybe supper and my friend is coming with us.

hahah does like/love/lust whatever always want to make you puke while still smiling?
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"Keep an OPEN MIND... and let yourself go!!!! Enjoy every minute and remember to BE YOURSELF... No sense tricking him now...lol"
- lar

Monday, September 4, 2006, 2:06:40 AM-
question for everyone

i met someone and hes great..i just wonder about one thing. We jumped pretty quick to fooling around on cam and yahoo etc...is that all he's looking for? Mind you its been annoying because my connection is at best poor so we get kicked from yahoo a lot. We do talk about other stuff and he has called me. Just wondering what % is the chance that all hes looking for a peep show?
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"awwww beachy, don't make your mind up too quickly. My selfish reason is that I wouldn't want any hurt to come to you babe. =)"
- dawnt25

Saturday, September 2, 2006, 4:00:29 AM-
mmm so I met someone new...he's almost if not everything I am looking for. Almost a too good to be true situation so I am taking it slow. But its awesome to have a new crush.. Makes life so much fun..hahha and gets me in so much trouble
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"Does this mean it's over between us? >sigh< I'm always the last to know... Congrats, Sweetie! And, good luck!"
- Myles Long

Wednesday, August 23, 2006, 3:44:45 AM- Sigh
Ever *gasp* get bored of the net? I need a new site. No not to perv..I just go through phases where I get addicted to sites. When I have none then I get restless...haha maybe I am the same in a relationship and thats why Im single lol tongue
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"Main Entry: epiph·a·ny
Pronunciation: i-'pi-f&-nE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -nies
Etymology: Middle English epiphanie, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin epiphania, from Late Greek, plural, probably alteration of Greek epiphaneia appearance, manifestation, from epiphainein to manifest, from epi- + phainein to show -- more at FANCY
1 capitalized : January 6 observed as a church festival in commemoration of the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles or in the Eastern Church in commemoration of the baptism of Christ
2 : an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being
3 a (1) : a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking (3) : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure b : a revealing scene or moment

try www.pogo.com its a game site but its fun and free... better if you sign up... then its $30/yr. And get a damn boyfriend already...lol!!!"
- lar

Tuesday, August 22, 2006, 6:39:14 AM-
Ever feel fat...frumpy...blah?? Thats how I feel lately and I don't know where its coming from...well ok I sorta do. Ive been at a few events lately where pics have been taken (not nude thank god) and when I see the pics of me I want to cry. The only part that looks half decent is my legs. The rest looks bad. I knew I had a belly but I didn't think I look the way I did.

I am not writing this looking for compliments, so please don't bother. Its just really bugging me. My friends tell me I am not that big and I know in my head I can't be that huge..most of my pants are sized 7-13 (sick isnt it how much difference there is)I was finally starting to gain some confidence and now I feel like I am back at sqaure one.

I feel like 2 different people..the one whos pics I take that look ok I guess (after I take 100) and then the ones I see that are taken by others. I can't help feel those are the real ones.

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":)..../me happens to like "both" ppl girl....the one you see...plus...the one I know...and both are beautiful...:) Do NOT consider this a compliment!....I happen to be a very good judge of ppl... consider yourself..."judged"..

mwah beautiful!... "hell yeah"...I'll marry ya! :)"
- valleybud

Saturday, August 19, 2006, 5:12:01 AM- 5 years
I am sure it has been posted but in 3 weeks it will be the 5th anniversary of the 9/11 bombings

I cant believe time passes so quickly and yet our world has changed so much.
Its one part of history I am sad to say I was alive for
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"So true beachy, and I remeber it as well, I remeber watching the tv sghowing where the first one was on fire and I saw the second one hit live on tv. I went to schools and checked out all my kids. God Bless those families."
- sexy mom of 4

Friday, August 18, 2006, 4:13:31 AM-
Woot tonight I went and seen George Canyon...for anyone who likes country music and knows who he is lets just say wowwwwwwwwwwwwe! Man is he hot. He can sing, dress, has a sense of humor, has an unbelievable smile and he wears a cowboy hat. I know hes married and thats ok..I not into celebrity crushes or anything but if I was walking down the street and he smiled at me I think I would melt

/me trying to turn down the heat
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"/me thinks he should get his old guitar out and start practicing."
- Myles Long

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