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Viewing Member - Digoree

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Sunday, June 21, 2009, 1:38:05 AM- Today
Today...was a day. I started it off fairly well, when the Constantly Bitching Decorator (CBD) told me that I had to make some Strawberry Peach Sensation Torte Cakes. Not a big deal. They're not difficult, but they are exceptionally tedious. In fact, I had to make about six. Oh well. One in particular was for an order, so I was making sure it looked super nice.


To describe how tedious, I had to make up the center filling (whip topping, custard, peaches and starwberry), put down a layer, put in the filling between each layer, ice it, cut up TONS of strawberries just so, set them on the cake, put peaches between each, cut up a bunch of kiwis after peeling, put them on, then more strawberries, then grapes. Put almonds around the top half of the cake, then strawberries around the base, then an apricot glaze. Repeat, six times. The end result looks about like this:


So I do up all of this, and then the special one I did a full HUGE line of strawberries around, because we're supposed to keep them spaced. But it looked AWESOME. I was SO proud of how good it looked. Until CBD comes over and starts nagging about how many strawberries there are. I ignore her and commence to rip two of the square boxes we have so it'll fit just right without messing up all the strawberries or the cake itself. I put it in the box with plenty of room so not to be messed up. Plenty of room.

CBD comes over and grabs the box and starts bitching about 'who did this?! Why did you do it like this?!?! *nag nag nag*' and literally grabs the box and (I FUCKING SHIT YOU NOT!!) starts rattling it and shaking it to get the tape I've done off so she can redo it. And she KEEPS shaking the whole thing! I was just horrified!! I've worked so hard on it and she's SHAKING IT!!!!!
ARGH!! At one point I lost it and snapped at her "If you mess that cake up I am NOT redoing it!" And my manager looked over at raised his brows. I thought he was mad at my tone of voice, but later he mentioned how he was upset at how she was handling my cake.

Only to discover as she hands me the order for that special cake that the woman doesn't want a Strawberry Peach Sensation... she wants a Charlotte Ruse cake, which looks like this:


Wow...those are two COMPLETELY different cakes. Only thing similar is the whip topping and the strawberries. Wow... I was livid.

well...that was out of the way... *takes deep breath*

I go to lunch with mom and dad and mom mentions that I haven't been to church since I got back, and she'd really like me to go with them. I tell them it's saturday, there's no WAY I'm getting out in time for church. She gets upset because legally they can't deny me the right to go to church. well... okay. =3 I get back and tell the nicer decorator and CBD that I'm leaving at 4 so I can make it to church tonight. Well CBD flips and starts snapping "why?!" and how I gotta give them MORE advanced notice blah blah blah. I tell her that it's for church and I'm GOING.

Then she gives me an elaborate cake to do that I've never done before, nor am I sure how to do it really except the picture of it. I try, it looks like shit (after I told her it would), then I catch flock because it looks like shit.

Afterwards we have a future bride come in that wants to discus cakes. She has a picture of the cake she wants, but it's got fondant on it. CBD tells the bride it'll be expensive due to the fondant, and the bride is TOTALLY cool with that, she just wants THIS cake. CBD looks at the picture and the design and she just signs and says in this voice that clearly states 'this just ain't happening' that "It's just, this design is REALLY time consuming."


EXCUSE me?! It's a four tier wedding cake with fondant! That's running about 1000 dollars! You're doing to deny us this money because you don't want to spend extra time on an elaborate looking cake?!?!?


I had this one chick come in yesterday that was there for a cake tasting with her mother. What we usually do is just make up their cakes and let them leave with it. well...they were expecting like..a real meeting where we discus cakes. The mother mentioned that the person they had talked on the phone with had been VERY dismissive and rather unpleasant. I'm thinking 'oh, must be CBD'. Well. I run to the deli and grab them some spoon, take the cake out of the box, pull out a stand and let them try it there. Then I pull out a price sheet and go over prices and everything with them. As one point CBD comes back from lunch and the bride wanted to know what tier a carrot cake should go on. I ask CBD 'does the tier than a carrot cake go on make a difference?' with a tone of 'please explain.' She just turns and snaps 'yes, it does!' and then turns around again.

Well you can see the bride and mother are miffed at her attitude. *Sighs* So I try and perk them up again and come the end the bride's asking for MY name specifically for the future and she's all smiling and thanking me =^^= Well.. my bride (because she's so *my bride* now) isn't needing her cake until October. I wont be there then. So I'm TERRIFIED now at the idea of CBD totally fucking up this girl's cake and experience. *Sighs*

I mean... how can we let this woman continue to work for us? All she does is complain, she literally makes everyone miserable, all she does is bitch, that's all we know her for. I mean... UGH! She causes more damage than good!!
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"*sigh* another one of 'those' days huh Digeedoo?
the squeaky wheel makes the most noise for sure . . . and usually does the least work too. i am quite sure if i saw her handling my cake like that i woulda told her she either stops that right NOW or she's gonna be wearing it home!

anyway mdguy gave good advice, as usual ;)"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Saturday, June 20, 2009, 2:00:47 AM- Yey!
Mommy and daddy came home today! I was so happy! Except for the fact i wasn't expecting them home, so didn't clean up, and I kinda had a porno sitting out by the tv. *sighs* yeeeah.. but mom promised not to look at my dvd's. Very nice!

They had a LOT of fun and I've never seen them so happy, so I'm actually quite happy I didn't go along, they really seemed to enjoy their time alone. =) They got me a little umbrella with my name on it, and a BEAUTIFUL wood carving of Bell (my favorite disney princess). they also got Ash a really nice mug with Ariel (her favorite disney princess). So it's very neat. =3

Right now I'm very tired, so I think I shall contemplate sleep. Sleep sounds very nice right now.
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"awwww that's sweet! sometimes people need a bit of time apart to appreciate each other again, family especially! i sure wish mine would go somewhere for a few years, err i mean weeks ;)"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Friday, June 19, 2009, 11:36:02 AM- *Scratches nose*
I hope mom and dad come soon. This house gets creepier and creepier the longer you're alone in it. That could have something to do with the horror movies I watched though.

Filo and I are getting along better though. I dunno, I play with her more. She's just so obnoxiously cute. Drives me crazy with how she eats EVERYTHING so most of the time I have to run and catch her mouth and get whatever it is out. She likes licking the bottom of my shoes though, with all the buttercream that gets on the bottom of my shoes. I was sitting at one point with my feet on their sides and Filo was licking one. I put my foot down to make hers top (cause it feels so weird...) and I realized she wasnt' moved away. I sat up and looked and saw that I'd ended up stepping on her tongue.

Yeah. And she was perfectly happy to sit there. Dork.

Gotta go to work. Maybe I'll decorate today?
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"Well, at the very least you have a guard dog! Remember though, they look just like us :)"
- Sallinque

Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 11:55:02 PM- Query Letter
So I did up my query letter finally. Here it is. Anyone got any good advice that can help me out?

Dear [Agent's Name]

After running away from home to marry her high school sweetheart on a wild impulse, Cassia Lanum is suddenly thrown into a strange new realm and into the middle of a war, only to discover she is their some hundredth-time reincarnated empress, prophesized to destroy the realm’s greatest evil, the Puppet Master.

In Age of the Shadows, a fantasy novel with a 151,121 word count, Cassia is a young high school student thrust into a frightening new realm, Rorlan, where she’s informed that for thousands of years she has been born and killed again and again by agents of the Puppet Master, a megalomaniac Shadow Dancer currently conquering every inch of Rorlan as his. Her comrades believe it is her destiny to kill this monster, but such a task seems impossible with her people’s lack of faith in her ability to lead them, let alone survive long enough to do anything worthwhile. As she struggles with her own identity and low self-esteem, Cassia is trained to be a hardened warrior, but only too soon will she be xxxxxx to face the greater evils of this realm, not simply by the Puppet Master’s hands, but by those closest to her as well.

My name is [Digoree]. I’m nineteen years old girl from Niceville, Florida, and a senior at Flagler College with a major in Psychology, and a minor in Creative Writing. I began writing when I was younger, inspired by my fifth grade English teacher, Mrs. Smith. I greatly enjoy writing fantasy, centering on dark and forbidden romances. As a young woman who greatly struggled with low self-esteem, I hope through my writing I can help other girls learn to appreciate themselves and see that even the plainest of girls can be the greatest of heroes.

Thank you very much for your time in reading this. If you would like to contact me, you can do so at [my email], or at my home phone of [my home phone number].

I look forward to hearing from you,

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"i am not really qualified to say weather this is 'right' or not but it seems fine to me. i will send positive waves down your way ;)"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 10:57:15 PM- My thumb hurts
My dog bit me *sighs* She was out back barking, and recently if I pick her up she'll just let me take her inside. Not so much today. I picked her up and was carrying her back and suddenly she was straight for my free hand.

I suddenly find I want nothing to do with either dog now =/
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"see? and people wonder why i dont like dogs! grrrrrrrrrrrrr! anyway if you need someone to kiss yer booboo let me know! actually even if you dont, let me know anyway ;)"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Monday, June 15, 2009, 6:21:21 PM- Did anyone ever wonder
Why Dr. Grant from Jurassic Park knew so much about the behaviors of these dinosaurs. Like in the third movie near the end when the female raptor walks up he just spouts 'Everyone get down. She's challenging us!'

How would he know? After all, he's only ever dealt with the bones. Bones can tell a lot sure, but now how to know if a female's challenging or just walking up. I dunno. Just something that stuck out in my head.

In the mean time, Ash and I are working together on a side-story of our main comic. It's a musical =D give us loving and views. I did the art, and Ash did the coloring, because she's oodles better than me.

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"you pose an interesting question, but the Jurassic park films are probably not the best place to search for logic in the stories. i've only seen the first one but hey i got an idea let's use the miracle of science to bring formlerly extinct vicious killer reptiles back to life and then stick 'em in an amusement park and then let the grandkids be the first to try it out!! ;)"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Sunday, June 14, 2009, 11:40:44 PM- Oooooh x.x
So it only got worse lol. I got back to work and grabbed one of the good spots, with a well cushioned mat, for decorating, only to be told by one decorator when she gets back she's taking that spot back, so I may as well move. Okay... So I move to the cluttered bull shit spot. I mean, this is a lousy location. You're hidden behind all sorts of displays and pots and things, and one of the funner parts of decorating is having people watch and 'ooh' and 'ahh' to make you feel good. But...oh well.

I grab a mat from one of the other good spots (there's only two) and drag it to my cheap little work area, only to have another older decorator snap at me 'she doesn't *think* so' and takes it back. So I take the mat from the spot I HAD been working at because my feet are KILLING me, I can NOT go another 4 hours without something cushioned beneath my feet, only to have the first decorator come back and take it back when I was grabbing something. *Sighs*

So I'm moody now and the first decorator asks me why I don't just grab the mat from beneath such-and-such counter. Well it's a different mat. There's our big cushy ones and then there's the cheap-ass cashier one, the one they want me to use. No. I've been on those mats for 4 years, they don't work, believe me, I know. They're FAR too thin to do any good.

So I go about my business for about half an hour, until it gets to the point I can't focus anymore and I give in and grab the mat. Still no good. Well the first decorator's feeling bad (not bad enough to give up HER mat, but bad...) so she goes and asks our boss to please buy another mat or two, since it's just not enough and he says sure, it'll be in by next weekend. Wooh? It's the thought that counts I guess.

It's not that I don't like the first decorator. We get along fairly well and I do enjoy working with her, especially with the older one that bitches all the time isn't there. Well the bitching one finally leaves and I get to add bubbles to a wedding cake. SO!

I'm in a good 'ooh' and 'ahh,' location, I'm working on a WEDDING CAKE (*feels so spiffy*) and I'm on a good mat. To top it off, I grabbed one of the step ladder and sat on it so I was at a perfect angle to do the bubbles, rather than bending down and getting a slanted aerial view, I'm head on. It was so nice. So the first decorator and I were just talking and chilling.

Rest of the night was okay. Bitching one came back, my feet went back to awful hurt so I spent most of the night sitting on the step ladder and working on my cakes. My boss came around at some point, spotted me and I was like 'oh shit! I'm in trouble!!' but he just grinned and asked if my feet hurt, I told him yes, and he laughed and said I'd probably get used to it around the time I had to leave.

He asked me if I was goanna come back, which surprised the fuck out of me, considering I mad him so mad at the beginning. I told him I don't know, and I don't. He says I'd have to work 5 days a week, but this 4 days is so nice. Everything's broken up perfectly. I might ask around to other stores first. I know I'll certainly have to work for Publix a bit longer after I graduate. After all, I'll need money for California if that's still a plan. But I just don't know.

I bought some stress/relaxation salt for a bath tonight, so I'm going to heat myself up one and watch the spongebob squarepants movie on my ipod. That'll be really nice *sigh*
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"i'll tell ya what works for me as far as foot misery and that is soaking them in hot water with a package of johson foot soap added . . .ohhhhhhh it really does soak away foot misery!! give it a try, really! it's cheap and worst case scenario, you'll have REALLY soft skin on yer feet ;)"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Sunday, June 14, 2009, 5:39:31 PM- Almoooossst
I'm on break. I've got about ten to fifteen minutes left. And then I'll go back for a few more hours. Hopefully my feet stop hurting. They were aching for a while, so I broke and bought some Dr. Scholes, but that actually just made it a lot worse and hurt faster, to the point I was having trouble seeing because my feet hurt so damn bad. So I dunno. I'm just resting right now, maybe it'll get better.

After today, I'll have three days off =) I was goanna work monday, but my asst. manager told me not to worry about it, which is fine by me. It'll give me time tomorrow to play with Filo a bit as I know she REALLY wants to.

But oooh how I ache now x.x
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"Hot tub of water, lavender oil, a few hours, and a refill about halfway through to keep the water hot.

Then a nap with feet elevated. xxx"
- mdguy

Saturday, June 13, 2009, 11:24:23 PM- ouchie...
I'm glad that Filo's happy to see me when I get home. But after about an 11 hour day, the last thing I feel like doing is running around and playing, or having to bring Noel inside from barking. All I want is to eat my dinner and watch mindless tv and go to sleep. I guess this is only a small view of the future, if I actually get pets or whatnot. Ugh, I am just so damn tired.
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"i hate dogs. wait, i dont hate 'em, i just like it better when they're not around. same with kids O_o hope you got some well-earned sleep Digeedoo"
- bigtittyloverforlife

Friday, June 12, 2009, 3:25:58 PM- Wellies
I'm home alone for a week, the rents just left. They almost took Noel, my dog, with them, because she always goes on RV trips and the fact they were getting ready without her was REALLY bugging her, you could just tell. But mom decided she really wanted to be alone with dad, so *sighs* Ah well. I figured it might've been better for Noel to go along, that'd leave me alone with Filo, who I'm getting a little closer to. A little. I taught her how to fetch and she loves playing in the yard with me, so I figured I could start taking her along on my walks to tire her out some in the evening, but I don't want to take Filo for a walk and leave Noel alone, but I don't know if Noel's got it in her to walk quickly/jog. She's getting so gosh darn old...

Anyway. I have no plans for the week, except going to work. I was goanna have my usual 3 days off, but my boss needs me for one of those days and I figure it's extra money, so I can come in. Food-wise, I dunno. Unless I got someone to feed (like when I was staying with Ash) or I have dad cooking meals and making sure I eat, I'm pretty content to only eat when hungry, so I dunno what'll go on. =)

Today we went to breakfast =D and then we stopped at kMart and mom bought me a new chain for my St. John pendant, because my other one was getting really rough, since I never take the necklace off. I also got some new socks!! Hurray~

Also, recently Ash and I have been discussing living together, since she's pretty much broken up with John and we got along very well when living together. We only had a spat or two and they ended fairly quickly, and considering the living space was VERY tiny, I think we did great. So we've been talking about living together, and since in a year or two she's planning to go to California for her career, I figured I might go with, since I don't have a career plan yet. She's really excited about the idea too, because she's terrified of going so far alone.

So we're planning to go to California together. We're goanna take a roadtrip there after our last year of college and check out the area near where she's hoping to work, and I can look around for possible jobs and maybe put in a few applications (if her's has already been accepted to where she wants to work). I know better than to tell my parents outright, but I mentioned lightly the roadtrip during breakfast and how we're going for Ash and HER job, and then instantly went into a huge list of reasons why I don't want to live in california.

*Sighs* They wont be happy if it really goes through. But it's still just in planing phases right now.
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"hmmmm, only eat when hungry . . .what if one is constantly hungry??? oh and congrats on the new socks ;)"
- bigtittyloverforlife

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